CBSE Class 10 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes Chapter 7

Class 10 Political Science Chapter 7 Notes

CBSE Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 7 Notes – Outcomes of Democracy

Class 10 Political Science Chapter 7 Notes by Extramarks provides an understanding of various concepts like Political, Social and Economic aspects of a democratic setup. The need for setting up an accountable, transparent and legitimate government, and exploring concepts of inequality within society can help students comprehend the various outcomes that are expected from a democracy. It also explores the differences between types of governments. An easy-to-access option allows students to quickly revise before their exams and is an excellent way to boost their confidence. 


Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 7 

Access Class 10 Social Science (Civics) Chapter 7: Outcomes of Democracy

Why is Democracy Considered a Better Form of Government?

Principles of Democracy provide citizens with a better form of government due to the following reasons :

  • It promotes equality among the citizens
  • Citizens experience a sense of priority and trust in the government
  • Quality decisions are made
  • Conflicts are resolved in a methodical manner
  • There is room for the correction of mistakes

Some responsibility also lies upon the citizens to properly utilise the advantages of being in a democracy to achieve national goals. 


Accountable, Responsive and Legitimate Government

  • Citizens should be able to participate anytime there is the prospect of inclusion. This enhances decision-making.
  • The Government is accountable to its people in a democracy.
  • Having a “majority in favour” can sometimes hamper the government’s efficiency. Non-democratic administrations often operate more efficiently because they do not take this factor into account.
  • Decision-making may sometimes be delayed since public opinion is taken into consideration.
  • Democracy has the unique quality of transparency, or the ability to review every decision made by the government at any time.
  • Thus, a democracy should be accountable to its people. Any decision taken by the government may be questioned by the people. 
  • Democracies must include regular, free and fair elections, public debates about policies and legislation, right to information about the government and its functioning. 
  • A democratic government can provide positive results if these factors are considered. 


Economic Growth and Development

  • A general observation regarding different types of governments and their patterns of economic growth suggests that non-democratic governments, like dictatorships, have a higher rate of economic growth. 
  • A democratic administration does not always provide for rapid economic progress.
  • Factors affecting the economic development of a country are: 
    • Population 
    • Aid from other Nations, and 
    • Strategies for growth in economic development taken by respective governments. 


Economic Outcomes of Democracy

Fewer Democratic populations, like those in Brazil and South Africa, are seen to use economic resources more efficiently. A trend observed for economic growth suggests higher growth in non-democratic governments. 


Reduction of Inequality and Poverty

The major focus of the government must be on reducing the economic disparity between various classes of society. Democratic governments showcase a delay in decision-making, which leads to mismanagement and a further fall in inequality and poverty. The Government of Bangladesh is one such example. 


Accommodation of Social Diversity

  • Accepting and embracing the differences between groups can lead to better conflict resolution and harmony within societies. 
  • Democracies must focus on hand-in-hand work between the majority and minority of the country. A collective public opinion is crucial. A third party, installed as people’s representatives, must not be puppets of the majority population. 
  • A majority does not refer to a fixed type of people, or amount of people, or people from the same backgrounds. Different people must form majorities during different decision-making procedures. 
  • Democracies should involve everyone irrespective of their social or economic background and accommodate the entire country. 


Outcomes of Democracy Notes: Definition

Different types of governments have different characteristics. 

In a democracy, elected officials work together to make decisions that are in the best interests of the people. The decisions made for the people by the government involve the citizens in some way.

However, in dictatorships, the power to make decisions is vested in a single authority, and citizens are prohibited from exercising that power. This type of government shows no involvement by the people in any case, despite any and all disagreements within the country. 

Thus, democracy is more inclusive where the people as a whole elect the leaders who serve as their representatives.


Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 – Three Major Aspects

The two questions that need to be answered in a democracy are :

  1. What are the outcomes of democracy?
  2. How do we examine the outcomes of democracy?

Democracy stands for five basic principles and a set of responsibilities toward the citizens of the country. These are as follows:

  1. To inculcate practising and promoting equality among the people
  2. Empowering citizens by issuing the power of electing their representatives
  3. A collective majority decides on any major political decisions, which allows more room for discussion and debates to reach the best possible decision. 
  4. A well-defined procedure for reaching solutions after internal and external conflicts arise
  5. There is always room for the correction of mistakes. 


Political Outcomes of Democracy

  • The empowerment of the general population, in choosing their representative through the process of election, defines inclusion in this form of government
  • An electoral college and a consensus among the citizens of the country allow better decision-making for the benefit of the population.
  • A democratic government is accountable and responsive to the needs of its population. 


Economic Outcomes of Democracy

  • Because the country’s general populace does not participate equitably in economic decisions, a greater share of these benefits accrues to the privileged. An economic perspective of democracy showcases disparity in the distribution of wealth and access to resources for the impoverished. 
  • Because the country’s general populace does not participate equitably in economic decisions, a greater share of these benefits goes to the privileged.  
  • There are fewer conflicts of opinion in non-democratic governments such as dictatorships as fewer people are involved in decision-making, which shows good economic growth. 


Did You Know?

  • All social classes work together to create a strong democracy. 
  • A rule by the majority is seen as a characteristic of both democratic governments and the common people of a country. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How do democracies accommodate social diversity?

 The following are some of the ways how democracies accommodate social diversity:

  • Complete resolution of conflicts is not possible in a country. Differences between various classes will exist inherently.
  • Democracy provides a means for the majority and minority to work together to accommodate the entire population. 
  • Decisions on ethnicity, linguistic groupings, religion, etc. are not made by the majority. Different types of people form the majority at different times.
  • To bring the viewpoints of socially disadvantaged classes into the mainstream, there are policies for their inclusion.

2. How can one achieve the outcomes of democracy as listed in Class 10 Political Science Chapter 7 Notes?

  • Democracy is a form of government which can be successful only if the people who are behind the workings are accountable and legitimate to the common citizens. 
  • Just being in a position of power and exploiting the general population can lead to a fall in democratic principles.
  • A set of goals and achievements should be listed by the representatives and expressed to the country in terms of achieving a long-term development goal as a collective nation.
  • Economic development, social and cultural inclusion and equality are the major outcomes of democracy.