Interactive Learning: Powering the Future of Education

interactive learning

With technology evolving at such a high pace, the world around us has seen a big shift. Technology today has become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Smartphones and the internet have enhanced and increased our multimedia consumption. Even though technology has been an overall boon, it has also brought to the forefront a few challenges. Shrinking attention spans is one of them.

The modern education system has evolved to keep pace with the changing times. Now, instead of being an outcome of traditional teaching, the application of concepts has become an integrated aspect of curriculum design. At the same time, educators are increasingly aware of the importance of student engagement for better learning outcomes. They are looking for ways to address student attention and lesson engagement. This is where Interactive learning comes in.

What is Interactive Learning?

Simply put, interactive learning is education that takes place as a result of the students’ interaction with their peers, teachers, or even the course material on a given topic. Initially, interactive learning for kids included field trips, practical experiments, and hands-on projects, but with the help of technology, interactive learning for students is becoming more and more mainstream, accessible, and a regular aspect of their learning experience.

Interactive learning now includes learning through online platforms, interactive displays, interactive quizzes, games, group activities, etc., which are facilitated by virtual reality, augmented reality, and various multimedia resources.

Key Elements of Interactive Learning:

  • Quizzes And Assessments
    A low-stress, high-engagement method that helps revise learned concepts and at the same time gauge student understanding and retention of topics covered. Interactive quizzes can take the form of MCQs, trivia questions, mind maps, flashcards, pairing exercises, etc. All of these serve as markers of assessment in the education and learning of students without the stress of formal reviews or examinations.
  • Simulations
    Promoting learning through doing, simulations are immersive scenarios usually aided by technology, for life-like recreation of the situation, where the student learns through seemingly real situations. Students see the outcome of their knowledge application immediately in a risk-free manner for real-life situations. This gives them a chance to evaluate their choices at the same time work through multiple alternate approaches to solve the same problem.
  • Gamification: Turning Learning into Play
    One of the most effective learning tools, gamification helps convert learning into a fun activity for kids. With gamification in education, students learn key concepts without the pressure of lesson memorisation. Through inherent elements such as levels, rewards, risks, obstacles, and challenges, games engage and motivate students to internalise information and strive for better performances, taking away the fear of failure.
  • Video/Multimedia Interactive Lessons
    Audio-visual learning aids have been proven to be more effective than traditional lecture-style learning. Visuals engage learners in an immersive experience helping students internalise the information faster. Interactive audio-visual or multimedia learning makes a lesson even more engaging for the students. It allows them to understand all the permutations available and furthers their in-depth learning of the topic.
  • Scenarios
    Similar to simulations, scenarios present learners with real-life situations with specific outcomes in response to the choices made by them. It teaches a student to work with the result of the choices at each step in order to reach their ultimate goal. It is a great tool to help them understand the complexities, merits and demerits of the path they choose since each path could lead to the goal however with different timelines and desired outcomes.

benefits of interative learning

Benefits of Interactive Learning:

  • More Collaboration – Interactive learning also works as a group activity, requiring students to work in teams. This ensures collaboration among students for problem-solving and to find the most efficient way to reach their desired target or goal.
  • Saving Time and Cost – Due to its digital nature, interactive learning is an optimised tool that increases student engagement and focus, while providing them extensive access to learning without the hassle of extra cost or additional time.
  • Critical Thinking – Enhanced focus and a deeper understanding of the topic provides students with in-depth knowledge while fostering the ability of better decision-making and critical thinking.
  • Increased Participation – A key outcome of using interactive learning methods is the increased engagement and participation of students. Interactive education methods make it essential for each student to participate in the lesson to move forward.
  • Provides Flexible Learning – With highly engaging learning content available at your fingertips, students benefit from round-the-clock access. Digital interactive learning gives students the flexibility to learn in a place and time of their choosing. It also helps students of all capabilities to learn in manners best suited to their learning style.
  • Adaptable Lesson Plans – Students can spend more time on parts that they find challenging without the hassle of time constraints or having to keep pace with the rest of the class. On the other hand, they can also move faster through sections they find easier to grasp.

Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning

  • Peer Instruction – Peer instruction is an interactive teaching strategy that encourages students to address each other’s doubts. Educators can encourage students to voice their queries and ask other students if they can address them for the benefit of the entire class. This helps students engage in critical thinking and help each other out using their own language.
  • Team-Based Learning – Students learn better when they are actively involved in their learning process. Team-based learning divides students into working groups to enable peer-to-peer interaction, discussions, and collaboration. This helps students to learn from each other, develop essential life skills, and problem-solve.
  • Enhanced Lecture – A key strategy to foster healthy interaction in the classroom, educators can use various interactive learning tools to deepen the subject understanding amongst the students. They can also promote more interaction through frequent informal questions on the topic covered and promote open-ended discussion to aid critical thinking.
  • Flipped Classroom – An unconventional learning method made possible through digital learning, flipped classrooms provide students with the learning material to peruse on their own, at their speed, and as many times as they need to establish an understanding of the topic. The time in the classroom is then used for discussions, clarifying doubts, and topic application.

Impact of Technology on Interactive Learning:

Interactive learning helps educators enhance student understanding of the concepts through better engagement thus delivering increased knowledge and grasp of the subject being taught. It does this by actively engaging students in their learning process, as opposed to passive learning that takes place through traditional lecture-style teaching based on observation and theoretical understanding.

Learning supported by technology also helps students keep pace with the changing trends, preparing them for the world beyond school. Students today can browse, absorb and process digital content much faster than traditional printed material. Given the digital exposure and expertise of students from an early age, using interactive learning is like connecting with them at their own level. Additionally, it gives an equal opportunity and playing field to students of all capabilities and learning styles.

How Extramarks Support Interactive Learning?

Extramarks with its engaging and interactive features such as animated lesson videos, activities and quizzes designed around each topic and chapter, and live sessions with teachers to address any doubts, make learning a fun, low-stress activity. Its game-based learning feature, in-video quizzes, pop questions, etc. create a stimulating learning environment for students. With its Smart Class Plus Solutions, Extramarks helps students retain information better with enhanced interactivity of illustrated content, brain-teasers, and active student participation.

Conclusion: Education today is moving away from theoretically dominant, passive learning and moving more towards practical, usable, active knowledge. Modern education concerns itself with equipping students to apply their classroom learning in real-life situations, helping them adapt to constantly changing scenarios with the aid of smart Edtech solutions such as interactive learning. Using interactive and digital technology for enhanced learning outcomes is the need of the hour. Not only does it help educators engage students better but also keeps students actively participating in their learning process.

Last Updated on June 7, 2024

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