Study Smarter, Not Harder: How To Get 90 Percentile in JEE Main 2023

If you’ve landed on this blog post, chances are that you are planning to appear for the JEE exam in the near future. Most JEE aspirants center their preparation around solidifying important concepts, covering the syllabus and solving practice papers. While this is the ideal way to go about your preparation, it is also important to understand the scoring system and learn how to evaluate your marks, percentile and ranking for JEE. This will give you an idea about the scores required to make it to the JEE cut-off list and determine the list of colleges you are eligible to apply to.
Today, we take a look at the essential components of the JEE scoring system and how many marks are required to score 90 percentile in JEE Main 2023.
How to Get 90 Percentile in JEE Main?
Achieving 90 percentile in JEE Main is not an unattainable target and should be fairly easy for those who are thorough with their preparations. Students will need to correctly answer about seven to eight questions out of 25 in every section to make it to the JEE Main cut-off list. They should also be aware of the negative marking scheme and attempt questions from each section accordingly.
To score 90 percentile, preparing with the right learning strategy is key. Use NCERT books and practice previous years questions papers to solidify your preparation. While the JEE cut-off changes every year, generally, a percentile score of 85 to 95 is ideal for admissions to NITs or IITs. Now, let’s take a look at a brief guide on the JEE Main scoring system.
JEE Main Marks vs Percentile
The National Testing Agency (NTA) announces the JEE Main results in percentile form which are normalized grades and not actual scores. The percentile score is essentially calculated based on the relative performance of candidates who have appeared for JEE Main. It is important to note that analyzing JEE Main marks vs percentile is only going to help you calculate your probable ranking and may not be entirely accurate.
Given below is a tabular form of JEE marks vs percentile calculated by analyzing scores from previous years. This ratio may vary based on the number of students who have appeared for the examination, difficulty level of the exam, etc. It will also give you an idea about the range of marks you will need to score 90 percentile in JEE Main.
Score Range | Percentile Range |
295 – 300 | 99.998 – 100 |
290 – 295 | 99.995 – 100 |
285 – 290 | 99.994 – 99.999 |
280 – 285 | 99.992 – 99.997 |
275 – 280 | 99.99 – 99.995 |
270 – 275 | 99.987 – 99.993 |
265 – 270 | 99.981 – 99.991 |
260 – 265 | 99.974 – 99.986 |
255 – 260 | 99.964 – 99.981 |
250 – 255 | 99.954 – 99.976 |
245 – 250 | 99.935 – 99.971 |
240 – 245 | 99.915 – 99.957 |
235 – 240 | 99.902 – 99.942 |
230 – 235 | 99.889 – 99.921 |
225 – 230 | 99.834 – 99.899 |
220 – 225 | 99.779 – 99.86 |
215 – 220 | 99.747 – 99.82 |
210 – 215 | 99.715 – 99.795 |
205 – 210 | 99.64 – 99.77 |
200 – 205 | 99.565 – 99.727 |
195 – 200 | 99.486 – 99.684 |
190 – 195 | 99.407 – 99.612 |
185 – 190 | 99.277 – 99.54 |
180 – 185 | 99.146 – 99.451 |
175 – 180 | 99.002 – 99.362 |
170 – 175 | 98.858 – 99.251 |
165 – 170 | 98.688 – 99.139 |
160 – 165 | 98.518 – 98.984 |
155 – 160 | 98.315 – 98.829 |
150 – 155 | 98.111 – 98.656 |
145 – 150 | 97.803 – 98.482 |
140 – 145 | 97.494 – 98.272 |
135 – 140 | 97.182 – 98.062 |
130 – 135 | 96.869 – 97.574 |
125 – 130 | 96.464 – 97.086 |
120 – 125 | 96.059 – 96.994 |
115 – 120 | 95.55 – 96.901 |
110 – 115 | 95.041 – 96.481 |
105 – 110 | 94.406 – 96.06 |
100 – 105 | 93.771 – 95.585 |
95 – 100 | 92.993 – 95.109 |
90 – 95 | 92.214 – 94.184 |
85 – 90 | 90.864 – 93.259 |
80 – 85 | 89.514 – 91.653 |
75 – 80 | 88.024 – 90.046 |
70 – 75 | 86.534 – 88.798 |
65 – 70 | 84.802 – 87.549 |
60 – 65 | 83.069 – 86.894 |
55 – 60 | 79.509 – 86.239 |
50 – 55 | 75.949 – 83.315 |
45 – 50 | 72.483 – 80.391 |
40 – 45 | 69.017 – 75.399 |
35 – 40 | 61.882 – 70.406 |
30 – 35 | 54.747 – 65.562 |
25 – 30 | 46.292 – 60.717 |
20 – 25 | 37.837 – 56.567 |
15 – 20 | 19.369 – 52.417 |
10 – 15 | 0.9 – 48.267 |
5 – 10 | 0.895 – 44.117 |
0 – 5 | 0.89 – 39.967 |
Normalization in JEE Main
One of the most integral aspects of preparing for JEE is to understand the scoring process thoroughly and learn how to evaluate your marks, ranking and percentile. If you’re wondering why there are questions around scoring the required marks to specifically get 90 percentile in JEE Main, NTA’s normalization process is the answer. As you may already know, the JEE exam is conducted in two sessions. Both these sessions could slightly vary in terms of difficulty levels. This could give students an unfair advantage or disadvantage depending on the session they appear for. In order to equalize opportunities for students and overcome any unfair biases across both the sessions, the normalization process is used.
Using the normalization process, the NTA calculates the percentile score, which is the percentage of students who have scored equal to or less than the highest scores. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 100. This comparative score is calculated up to seven decimals and takes three subjects into account – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The NTA utilizes the percentile score to create the JEE merit list.
Subject-wise Strategy to Achieve Good Percentile in JEE Main 2023

Being one of the most challenging national level engineering exams in the country, a well-rounded preparation strategy is key for achieving good percentile and ranking in the JEE exam. The syllabus for JEE Main is mostly based on the topics covered in Class 11 and 12 for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Whether your target is to score 90 percentile in JEE Main or improve your preparation for the exam, here are some essential subject-wise tips to help you crack the exam with flying colors.
Tips for JEE Main Chemistry
1. The Chemistry syllabus for JEE Main is vast but considered to be the most scoring among all the subjects. So, it is important to make a note of all the topics that need to be covered and create a study plan beforehand to avoid missing out on anything
2. Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Physics Chemistry are the three sections of this subject. It is recommended to cover all chapters from these sections. The periodic table and p-block elements, coordination compounds and transition elements carry more marks and are frequently asked in the JEE exam
3. Organic Chemistry by O.P Tandon, Physical Chemistry by Atkins and Inorganic Chemistry by J.D Lee along with NCERT books are some great learning resources
Tips for JEE Main Physics
1. Creating short notes for important formulas will make it easier to revise topics
2. Electrostatics, magnetics, current electricity, electromagnetic induction and Huygens principles are some important topics that you must study thoroughly
3. Solve numericals and analyze your progress by appearing for mock tests or solving questions papers from previous years
4. Concept of Physics by H.C Verma, Problems in General Physics by I.E Irodov and Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker are some of the best books to prepare for JEE Main Physics
Tips for JEE Main Mathematics
1. The syllabus for Mathematics differs across JEE Main, JEE Advanced and board exams. This is why many students find it challenging to keep up with the exhaustive syllabus and number of topics. To overcome this, it is important to begin your preparation early and focus on scoring topics
2. Algebra, calculus, coordinate geometry and trigonometry are crucial areas of the Mathematics section
3. It is important to practice high-scoring topics and solve test papers to enhance your preparation
4. Spend the first five to ten minutes identifying the easy questions in the paper and solve those first. Generally, out of the 25 questions, nearly 40 percent questions are easy, 20 to 30 percent are moderate and 10 to 20 percent are challenging
5. IIT Mathematics by M/L Khanna, Differential Calculus by Das Gupta and Class 11 and Class 12 Mathematics by R.D Sharma are the best book for JEE Main Mathematics
The first and the most important step to ace your JEE exam with good scores is to have the right preparation strategy. If you’re just starting out with your preparation or are looking to amp up your learning, check out JEE learning and practice modules at Extramarks. Build a strong conceptual foundation, get access to unlimited practice and learning resources and receive guidance from JEE expert faculty – all in one place. So what are you waiting for? Crack JEE Main 2023 by joining India’s best learning application today!
Last Updated on November 30, 2023