Top 7 Hardest Topics in JEE Main Physics

Jee Main Physics

Many JEE candidates consider Physics as one of their favorite subjects because it allows them to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In highly competitive exams such as JEE Main, Physics is also one of the major subjects. The questions asked in the Physics section are generally on the conceptual knowledge of the subject. For a good rank, you must have a strong foundation and practice of concepts.

There are around seven topics that students find hard in JEE Physics and must be focused on while preparing for it. We hope this blog will help you get a better understanding of these topics and you can prepare for your entrance exam with ease!

1. Heat and Thermodynamics

It is probably the most difficult yet one of the important topics for JEE Main Physics. Students who do not understand the application part of the topic often find it difficult to solve questions related to the topic. There are two main areas within heat and thermodynamics: conduction and convection (heat transfer). These can be difficult concepts, even though they might seem like something that would come naturally when thinking about hot objects touching cold surfaces or heated air rising. 

Convection is a thermodynamics concept based on fluid dynamics and is vital for understanding the weather. In this case, you will be looking at how hot air rises from the ground due to lower pressure in certain areas, compared with high pressure beneath cold objects. While studying these processes further, students should learn about entropy and its role when things heat up or cool down. That is where they need to start applying what they know about energy conservation and their knowledge of thermodynamic processes, such as evaporation vs. condensation. 

Clear all your doubts with Extramarks because if you don’t understand them well, these concepts can lead to great confusion. 

2. Mechanics

JEE Main Physics is not all about theory and equations. There is a big emphasis on understanding the concepts you are learning, and that is why this topic is so important to study before your exam date comes around. Mechanics require students to understand how forces interact with one another and cause reactions in different objects under various circumstances – suppose an object is falling off a table or hitting something else hard enough for it to move. 

JEE mechanics is about fundamental laws like oscillations, Newton’s law of motion, collisions, torque/rotational motion, and work and energy. All these laws form a structure in physics, and thus it is essential to fully understand the basics of mechanics before moving on to more complicated topics.

3. Electrostatics and Magnetism

These two topics are related because they both deal with the forces of attraction and repulsion between objects. Electrostatics is a super important topic for almost any engineering course. This topic in the syllabus involves a lot of concepts that need to be understood by students. But the questions are asked pretty much directly without any twists. So, it is possible to score well in this area if you can grasp the conceptual aspects.

4. Current Electricity

It is one of the JEE Main Physics topics that is part of many different engineering disciplines, so it is important to be well-versed in this subject. Current electricity is all about how electric currents flow through objects and produce a voltage in a circuit as per different laws. It also includes circuits, resistance, and circuits with capacitors or inductors.

5. Optics

Optics is the study of light. It is one of the most difficult topics to understand because it requires students to know about waves, especially how they interact with objects and what causes them. Other parts you will cover include reflection, refraction, and interference patterns produced by waves, lenses, and mirrors.

6. Modern Physics

For modern physics, students will be looking at more complicated topics of quantum mechanics (wave-particle duality), relativity (e.g., length contraction), nuclei/subatomic particles like protons and neutrons that create an atom’s nucleus with electrons orbiting around them to determine the atom’s chemical properties, etc.

7. Electromagnetic Induction

Electromagnetic induction might be a little complicated. But it is also one of the most crucial topics in the Physics JEE syllabus. Students find it difficult to solve questions from this chapter when they lack conceptual understanding. Students need to have a clear idea about induced emf and the direction of the electromagnetic field.   

Also Read: Top 7 Hardest Topics In JEE Main Chemistry


JEE Main Physics is not just about learning concepts and memorizing equations. Speed up and maximize your chances of scoring a good rank in JEE Main with JEE Test Prep by Extramarks. It is also important to understand how they work in real life so that their applications are easier to comprehend upon studying these topics further.

Also, an understanding of JEE Main syllabus is essential as different subjects and topics carry various weightage. And it will help you to create a more accurate and fruitful study plan. Here we are providing you with comprehensive information on JEE Main 2023 syllabus along with weightage.

Last Updated on January 29, 2024

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