What is Micro Teaching & Why It Is Important?

What is Micro Teaching

Teaching is a tough job. Teachers need special skills to teach kids and keep them interested during class. In recent years, teaching courses have changed a lot, especially with online classes becoming common due to COVID-19.

Teaching courses include a test called micro-teaching. Aspiring teachers must pass this test to become teachers. During micro-teaching, they’re judged by examiners, students, other teachers, and people from outside the school. Micro-teaching skills are super important for teaching courses. They decide if someone can become a teacher or not. There are different types of micro-teaching skills that future teachers need to learn to be good at their jobs.

In this article, we’ll talk about why micro-teaching skills are so important for teachers and what they involve.

What is Micro Teaching?

Micro Teaching is a scaled-down teaching encounter in class size and time”- D. W. Allen.

Micro Teaching is like a small-scale training for teachers to learn and improve their teaching skills. It’s a hands-on approach where teachers practice in a real setting, allowing them to understand their subject better.

During Micro Teaching, teachers watch recordings of their lessons and get feedback from peers or students. This helps them see what they did well and where they can make things even better. It’s like looking at a mini-version of teaching to become better at it.

In simple words, Micro Teaching is about practicing teaching with a smaller group of students and fewer tasks. This method helps teachers try out different teaching techniques, making learning better for students and improving the way teachers evaluate their teaching. Let’s dive deeper and take a look at its objectives.

Objectives of Micro Teaching

Why Micro Teaching is a Game Changer

As mentioned earlier, micro-teaching is a great way for teachers to improve their teaching skills, and it can help students too. Here’s why it’s helpful:

  1. It focuses on specific teaching behaviours and lets teachers practice in a controlled setting.
  2. Teachers and students learn together, making the teaching process more effective.
  3. It prepares teachers to teach confidently in real classrooms.
  4. It helps teachers develop their knowledge and skills.
  5. Teachers get instant feedback on how they’re doing, so they can get better.
  6. It’s a safe way for teachers to test their skills without risking students’ learning.

Importance of Micro Teaching

Microteaching, when used, always makes a good impact on both teachers and students. Here’s why:

  • Cost-Effective LearningMicro teaching is done on a small scale, so it doesn’t cost much. It’s a smart way to train teachers without spending too much money.
  • Better Lesson PlansTeachers learn to make organized lesson plans for students through micro teaching.
  • Boosts ConfidenceTeachers feel more confident dealing with real students and classroom situations. This positive experience helps them aim for better results.
  • Focused Learning EnvironmentMicro teaching focuses on a small group of students, usually 4 to 5. This helps create a better learning atmosphere.
  • Personality DevelopmentIt’s not just about teaching skills; micro teaching also helps teachers develop their personalities.
  • Individualized TrainingEach teacher can learn at their own pace, improving their teaching skills gradually.
  • Developing Specific SkillsTeachers learn specific teaching skills, like asking questions and giving feedback, through micro-teaching experiences.
  • Building ConfidenceMicro teaching helps teachers feel more comfortable trying out new things in the classroom. It’s like practice before the big game, which reduces stress and builds confidence.

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Micro Teaching Cycle

As discussed earlier, micro teaching is a way for teachers to practice and improve their teaching skills. It’s like a circle because it goes through different stages over and over again. During micro teaching, teachers teach short lessons to their peers or supervisors and get immediate feedback.

Let’s break down the steps of the micro teaching cycle:

  1. Planning

    First, the teacher trainee learns about the micro teaching cycle. They discuss the process, the skill they’ll practice, and the strategies to use. They also talk about the purpose and parts of the skill, using examples. Together, they decide on a skill to focus on, like writing on the blackboard. The trainee then plans a short lesson (a micro lesson) that shows off the skill. For example, if it’s blackboard writing, they might choose a topic like the cycle of photosynthesis or the five senses, making sure it fits the students’ age and understanding.

  2. Teaching

    After completing the initial step of micro-teaching, the teacher proceeds to deliver the lesson and demonstrate the skill. For instance, if the skill involves using the blackboard, the teacher might illustrate a concept while explaining it to the class. During this phase, the classmates typically act as students. This teaching segment of micro-teaching generally lasts around 5-7 minutes. Each trainee teacher typically has 1-2 supervisors assigned to assess their performance. Additionally, the demonstration can be recorded for the trainee teacher’s later review, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and note which aspects the class responded to positively.

  3. Feedback

    Feedback plays a big role in how well the micro teaching cycle goes. After a teacher-in-training gives a lesson and shows their skills, they get feedback from peers and supervisors. This feedback points out what the trainee teacher did well and where they can improve. For example, in a lesson about photosynthesis, feedback might mention that the handwriting wasn’t clear. On the positive side, it could also highlight good things like maintaining eye contact and using different tones of voice to keep students interested. Recording the micro teaching session can be helpful too. It allows the trainee teacher to see what worked best in their lesson and where they need to get better at demonstrating their skills.

  4. Re-Plan

    After getting helpful feedback from classmates, the trainee can go back to their lesson plan and make the needed changes. During this revising step, they might edit or add things to the existing plan or even come up with a whole new one.

  5. Re-Teach

    Once the lesson plan is updated, the trainee gets a new group of classmates. The teacher shows the same skill or lesson to this new group, giving the trainee another chance to teach it.

  6. Re-Feedback

    After the lesson, the trainee gets more feedback. The supervisor makes sure it’s detailed and helpful. If there are things to improve, they start the teaching process again from the beginning.

    This cycle of teaching and feedback happens many times until the trainee becomes really good at the skill they’re learning. Practicing the skill over time helps the trainee become an expert at it. Once they’ve mastered that skill, they can move on to learning something else.

Types of Micro Teaching Skills

  1. Skill of Introduction

    Starting a lesson is an important skill in teaching – it’s called the introduction skill. Teachers need to be good at introducing a lesson in a way that grabs students’ attention. It’s like setting the stage for what’s coming up. This skill helps students know what to expect and gives them a framework to understand the lesson. Teachers use interesting words to get students interested right from the start. Without a good introduction, students might not pay attention.

    The introduction skill in micro-teaching includes using what students already know and choosing the right tools to start a lesson. Teachers should avoid saying things that don’t relate to the lesson or cause confusion.

    The key parts of the introduction skill in micro-teaching are:

    • Using what students already know.
    • Choosing the right tools.
    • Keeping the flow of the lesson.
    • Saying things that matter.
  2. Skill of Explaining

    Moving on to another crucial teaching skill in microteaching – the skill of explanation. This skill involves the ability to communicate ideas, phenomena, and concepts effectively to students. Teachers play an important role in ensuring that students grasp a topic well. One way to do this is by providing clear examples that highlight the relationships among different events and ideas.

    A skilled teacher should connect facts with other sets of facts to enhance understanding. Learning microteaching skills, especially the skill of explaining, is essential for teachers. It helps them ensure that students comprehend concepts and ideas thoroughly. A teacher proficient in explanation can make a topic or lesson more impactful.

  3. Skill of Questioning

    Asking questions is a vital skill for teachers to have when they’re teaching. It means they can ask students questions that are clear, specific, and really get to the heart of what they’re learning. By asking questions, teachers can check if students understand the lesson and know their stuff. It’s a way for teachers to see if they need to explain something better or try a different teaching approach if students seem confused. If students don’t get it after the questions, teachers can try explaining things in simpler ways to help them understand better.

  4. Skill of Demonstration

    When teachers demonstrate, they make learning easier by showing real-life examples. They connect lessons to things students can see and understand. Teachers use demonstrations to explain ideas and concepts by showing experiments, objects, or examples. It makes the classroom more exciting and helps students grasp ideas better.

  5. Skill of Reinforcement

    Another important part of teaching is reinforcement. Teachers use this skill to encourage students to participate. They might nod, smile, or praise students to show they’re doing well. It’s all about giving positive feedback to students to keep them engaged and motivated, instead of using negative feedback. Reinforcement helps boost student involvement and keeps the learning atmosphere positive.

  6. Skill of Illustration

    The illustration skill, also known as interpretation, comes into play when explaining doesn’t quite do the trick. If a teacher finds it challenging to make students understand something with words alone, they turn to illustration. Using examples and visuals, teachers can inspire students and help them grasp the ideas being taught. Personalizing examples can make a topic more relatable and easier to understand.

  7. Skill of Closure

    Just like starting a lesson, ending it well is important too. Closing a topic systematically and clearly is key. Teachers should make sure to wrap up a lesson effectively, providing enough assignments for students to remember without overwhelming them. A good closure ensures that students leave with a solid understanding of the topic.

  8. The skill of Stimulus Variation

    In microteaching, a crucial skill for teachers is using something called “stimulus variation.” It’s a technique to keep students interested by changing how the teacher teaches. Stimulus variation means using different ways to grab students’ attention for the best response.

    Doctors explain that a stimulus is something that makes learners react. Knowing what to change, when to change it, and how to change it requires skill from the teacher to keep students focused and interested. This skill is called the skill of stimulus variation.

    The important parts of stimulus variation skills include:

    • Moving around in the classroom
    • Using gestures to communicate
    • Changing speech patterns
    • Making sure students stay focused
    • Switching how the teacher interacts
    • Mixing oral and visual elements
    • Taking short breaks while teaching
    • Encouraging students to participate actively
  9. Skill of Blackboard Writing

    The skill of writing on the blackboard is important in micro-teaching. It helps teachers redirect focus, capture interest, and emphasize important ideas. With blackboard writing, teachers can highlight key terms and concepts, making them clearer for students to understand. It’s a useful technique for bringing clarity to lessons and adding diversity to teaching methods.

Tips for Micro Teaching

  1. Planning Your Lesson:

    • Understanding Your Students: Take some time to think about who your students are – their age, their knowledge level, and what they enjoy learning about. Tailor your lesson to fit their interests and abilities.
    • Setting Clear Objectives: Before you start teaching, decide what you want your students to learn by the end of the lesson. Make sure your goals are specific and measurable so you can track their progress.
    • Keeping it Simple: Break down your lesson into smaller, easy-to-learn pieces. Don’t overload your students with too much information at once. Make sure each part of your lesson builds on what they already know.
  2. Getting Prepared:

    • Practice Makes Perfect: Before teaching, rehearse your lesson delivery to smooth out any rough edges. Pay attention to your pace, articulation, and engagement strategies to foster effective communication.
    • Visual Aids: Use visuals like pictures, diagrams, or videos to enhance your lesson and make it more engaging. Visuals can help break up text and make complex ideas easier to understand.
    • Interactive Elements: Incorporate activities, discussions, or questions into your lesson to keep your students actively involved in their learning. Interaction helps them stay engaged and reinforces what they’re learning.

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  3. Leading the Session:

    • Welcoming Atmosphere: Start your lesson with a warm welcome to create a positive environment. Introduce yourself and let your students know what they’ll be learning.
    • Engaging Delivery: Mix up your teaching methods to keep your students interested. Use storytelling, humour, or real-life examples to make your lesson more relatable and memorable.
    • Encouraging Participation: Encourage your students to ask questions, share their thoughts, and provide feedback throughout the lesson. Create a safe space where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves.
  4. Wrapping Up:

    • Reviewing Key Points: At the end of your lesson, summarize the most important things your students learned. This helps reinforce their understanding and ensures everyone is on the same page.
    • Feedback Matters: Seek constructive feedback from peers or observers. Use this valuable input to identify areas for improvement and refine your micro-teaching sessions in the future.

Bonus Tips

  1. Incorporate Technology

    Explore using tech tools like interactive whiteboards or online platforms to make learning more interesting and suit different ways students learn. Tools like Extramarks Smart Class Plus can change regular classroom into an exciting place for learning. It brings in modern technology like smart whiteboards and provides quality digital content and useful academic tools. With these smart class solutions, teachers can show engaging learning materials to support their teaching in class.

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  2. Other Bonus Tips

    Here are some simple tips for teachers:

    • Pay attention to your body language and look at your students when you talk.
    • Speak clearly and not too fast.
    • Change your lesson if you need to, depending on how students react.
    • Applaud when students do well and cheer them on when they try hard.
    • Enjoy teaching and show your love for the subject!

Closing Thoughts

Micro-teaching isn’t just a test; it’s a transformative journey for teachers, shaping them into effective educators. As they navigate the micro-teaching cycle, teachers develop the skills needed to create dynamic and engaging learning environments. It’s not just about passing a test; it’s about becoming a teacher who can inspire, engage, and make a lasting impact on students’ lives. Cheers to the magic of micro-teaching, where every lesson is a step toward greatness in the world of education.

Last Updated on October 10, 2024

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