36 Classroom Rules for Students for Effective Learning

Setting some ground rules might sound contrary to the positive, approachable, supportive environment you want to nurture in your classroom, but when done well, classroom rules for students can be a useful tool for striking the right balance between productivity and fun.
For teachers, every new academic year means much ground needs to be covered in the teaching-learning process. Setting classroom instructions for students helps them not waste this precious time maintaining classroom discipline and management. By setting rules to be followed in the classroom, teachers can convey early in the year what is expected of the students. On the other hand, the students learn how to organise themselves better. Establishing clear do’s and don’ts in the classroom for students is crucial in this process, as it provides specific guidelines on acceptable behavior and helps students understand how to conduct themselves to create a conducive learning environment.
Instead of seeing classroom rules as an authoritarian sermon, students quickly learn that these instructions are the foundation of good relationships and effective communication. They are instrumental in imparting essential values and soft skills.
What are Classroom Rules for Students?
Classroom rules help students understand what is expected of them. These rules fall into three categories: how to treat their fellow students and their teachers, how to convey their thoughts, questions, and problems effectively, and the value of being organised and prepared. By following classroom instructions, students learn how to conduct themselves.
Why are Classroom Rules Important?
Reduce Classroom Disruptions
Knowing what is expected of them and how to communicate their requirements and questions helps students self-regulate their needs. Classroom rules are also a great way to deal with some students’ behavioural issues, thus helping reduce lesson disruptions.
Teaches Responsibility and Self-Discipline
Students learn to manage their behaviour and take responsibility for their actions. They also learn to take responsibility for their work, make the right choices and internalise key aspects of self-discipline.
Increase Productivity
Having standard rules for students keeps them all on the same page. They learn to conduct themselves effectively, increasing the productivity of a learning session.
Shows Expectations & Consequences
An important aspect of classroom rules for students is having open communication about the consequences of overlooking the set boundaries. Students understand the consequences of breaking those norms and learn to make informed decisions.
How to Create Effective Classroom Rules?
Having seen how classroom rules and regulations are important, one needs to understand that they do not come in one size fits all. Every teacher has their own way of conducting a lesson and connecting with their students. On the other hand, every new batch of students comes with a different energy and specific challenges. Hence, the classroom norms for the students need to work for both the teacher and the specific batch of students in that academic year.
In addition, the rules need be:
- Sensible– Applicable and easily understood by students
- Consistent – Remain fair and constant in different situations
- Positive– Highlight what to do v/s what not to do
- Specific – Convey actions clearly and directly
- Adaptable – Reviewed regularly and adapted as per evolving scenario
36 Classroom Rules for Students:
Below is a long list of class rules for students. You can pick the ones that you feel are appropriate for your classroom. Add, edit, or club them together as needed.
- Cooperate with your classmates. Help and share them when they need it.
- Don’t degrade others or be rude. Be Kind to everyone. (No name-calling, insults, or put-downs)
- Don’t let anyone influence you to do wrong.
- Disagree with others respectfully.
- Be a good friend.
- Apologise if you did wrong or hurt someone unintentionally.
- Be respectful towards your teacher.
- Raise your Hand if You want to speak.
- Ask questions when you don’t understand.
- Ask for help if you need it.
- Actively Participating in classroom activities.
- Be well dressed in your complete uniform.
- Maintain class discipline and decorum.
- Come to class prepared with your work and materials.
- Do your own projects and assignments.
- Take homework seriously.
- Do not distract the class during lessons.
- Take Notes in class.
- Contribute to the class discussions – share your thoughts.
- Keep your desk tidy.
- No toilet visits during the lesson – without permission.
- Do not use mobile devices, music players, headphones, etc. – unless specifically permitted.
- Tell the truth always.
- Be honest. Never cheat.
- Respect your body. Do not allow anyone to touch you without your consent.
- Comply with all school policies and student safety measures as per the handbook.
- Do not give up on your goals.
- Always do your best.
- It is ok to make mistakes.
- Be on time.
- Use your off period constructively.
- Maintain order when the bell rings.
- Wait for your turn in queues. Do not push.
- Walk, don’t run in the hallways.
- Keep the classroom clean. Don’t misuse or destroy school property.
- Use the main language of instruction in the class instead of your preferred language or mother tongue.
How to Display and Teach Basic Classroom Rules to Students?
Engage students in the classroom rules you want to be followed instead of just listing them or passing them down. Technology is a versatile tool of help here. Students use it as an aid to learning, while a lot of submissions and projects are done using devices. You can use smart digital applications to create multiple touch-points and take advantage of this. Additionally, teaching classroom etiquette for students is essential to ensure a respectful and productive learning environment. Integrating technology can also help in reinforcing these etiquettes by setting clear guidelines and using digital tools to monitor and encourage positive behavior.
Create an Interactive Rules Poster
Instead of a plain list, an interactive poster that pops open an explanation of any rule clicked upon is a great way for students to get more information. It can even have videos or animation embedded in it.
Create a Video
Short video clips that help explain the rules, give examples of situations and the right responses help students learn to apply the rules in real-life situations.
Make Use of Emojis and Symbols
Using emoticons to indicate the right responses, positive actions, and rewards helps younger students grasp the rules more quickly and effectively.
Create Digital Quiz/Games
Creating a game or quiz for students to solve and win reward points is a great way to familiarise them with classroom norms. Use digital smart edtech resources like Extramarks Smart Class Plus to tap into a fun game-based learning activity.
Integrate Literary Techniques and Figurative Language
Turn the topic around and ask your students to create an interactive or novel method, such as a short performance or a poem, to express the classroom rules and regulations to their peers.
Ways to Keep Your Classroom Rules Relevant
Keep Things Positive
A timely word of appreciation motivates students to stay on track and continue their good behaviour. When you compliment good behaviour, students know they have your attention. Nurturing a safe and comfortable environment for students from the beginning discourages them from acting out.
Reviewing the Rules at Intervals
Revisit the rules with your students at set intervals. Review and rephrase them in line with students’ feedback. This makes students collaborators in classroom management and addresses their concerns as well.
Be Consistent with Consequences and Rewards
As much as the students need to know the rules of the classroom, they also need to understand the consequences of not following them. Explain what they need to address and use appropriate consequences when required. Similarly, the rewards for following rules should be appropriate and timely.
Don’t Use the Same Set of Rules in Every Classroom
Every batch of every academic year is a unique mix of personalities. Their concerns and challenges will be different as will be their influences. It is important to relook at the list of rules and pick what is most relevant to the current set of your students. Don’t hesitate to add or subtract rules from the list as you review them with your students.
Classroom rules are just guidelines that can help you create a positive, safe, and inclusive environment for your students. There is no wrong or right set of class discipline rules. With the help of the list above, create one that works for you and your students. Spend some time going over them with your students so they see what you value in your classroom. Internalised early on, these values serve them throughout their lives. Getting an undisrupted classroom is just an additional bonus that makes the teaching-learning experience much richer.
Last Updated on November 11, 2024
Reviewed by

Priya Kapoor | AVP - Academics
Priya Kapoor is an accomplished education professional with over 18 years of experience across diverse fields, including eLearning, digital and print publishing, instructional design, and content strategy. As the AVP – Academics at Extramarks, she leads academic teams in creating tailored educational solutions, ensuring alignment with varied curricula across national and international platforms...read more.