CBSE Class 6 Social Science Geography Revision Notes Chapter 8

Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Notes

CBSE Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Notes – India – Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife

Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Notes on India’s climate, vegetation, and wildlife are clear, thorough, and useful resources to use before  exams. Extramarks offers Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Notes that are created by subject matter experts. These notes adhere to the updated CBSE Syllabus and guidelines. Students can access these Chapter 8 Geography Class 6 Notes on the website at their convenience.

India – Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife Class 6 Geography Chapter 8 Notes

Access Class 6 Social Science Chapter 8 – India- Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife Notes

Four Major Seasons in India

  1. Cold Weather Season (commonly known as Winter)- From December to February
  2. Hot Weather Season (commonly known as Summer)- From March to May
  3. Southwest Monsoon Season (Known as Rainy)- From June to September
  4. Season of Retreating Monsoon (known as Autumn)- From October to  November

Cold Weather Season or Winter

The sun’s rays do not strike the region directly in cold weather. As a result, the temperature in the northern part of India remains quite low.

Hot Weather Season or Summer

The sun’s rays, more or less, directly fall in this area during the hot weather season. The temperature rises as a result. During the day, the winds are hot and dry. These blowing winds are known as loo.

South-West Monsoon Season or Rainy Season

The arrival and progress of the monsoon mark the start of this season. The winds from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal blow in a landward direction. These winds also carry moisture. Rain falls when these winds hit the mountain barriers.

Season of Retreating Monsoon or Autumn

The return of winds from the land to the Bay of Bengal marks the beginning of this season. The monsoons are said to be retreating during this time. Rain falls primarily in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and in other parts of the southern parts of India during this time of the year.

The average weather over a region over a long period of time is called the climate. India’s weather is categorised as monsoon-type.

Since India is located in a tropical area, monsoon winds that travel here bring in most of the rain. Agriculture in India is dependent  on rain. Rainfall during good monsoons is sufficient for crops. Any location’s climate is influenced by a number of variables, including its location, altitude, and distance from the sea. Consequently, regional variations can be felt in the  Indian climate.

Natural Vegetation

Natural vegetation is defined as shrubs, grasses, and trees that grow on their own without artificial assistance. There are many different types of plants that can be seen around the country, including small plants known as bushes, some shrubs, such as cactus and flowering plants, some tall trees, and some with numerous branches and leaves, such as neem, mango, etc. The climate and the amount of rainfall in an area have an impact on the natural vegetation and their growth. India has a wide variety of natural vegetation because of its diverse climatic conditions.

Why are Forests Necessary?

Forests serve many purposes, including releasing oxygen for breathing and absorbing carbon dioxide. The soil is bound together by plant roots, preventing soil erosion. Forests provide wood for furniture, fuel, fodder, medicinal plants and herbs, lac, honey, and gum.

Forests are the natural habitat of wildlife. The cutting of trees for human purposes has greatly contributed to the destruction of natural vegetation..


Numerous animal species live in forests, including many different kinds of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and worms. India’s national animal is the tiger. They  are found  in several parts of the nation. It is said that Gujarat’s Gir Forest is where Asiatic lions can be found. In Assam’s forests, one-horned rhinoceroses and elephants can be seen. Elephants can also be seen in Kerala and Karnataka. The Rann of Kutch and the Great Indian Desert have camels and wild asses.

India’s national bird is the peacock. Ducks, geese, bulbuls, mynah, parrots, and pigeons are a few other common birds. The purpose of the bird sanctuaries is to give these birds a natural habitat.

In India, the number of  species are declining more quickly as a result of extensive hunting and forest clearing (known as deforestation). A few of the species are extinct. National parks, sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves have been established to protect these species.  The government too, also started many projects like Project Tiger and Project Elephant to save these animals.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is the climate and vegetation of India?

Due to its diverse climatic conditions, India has a wide variety of natural plants. India has five different types of vegetation, namely, mangrove forests, thorny bushes, tropical evergreen and deciduous forests, and mountain vegetation. It is difficult to generalise these features due to the differences in topography and wide range of meteorological conditions that characterise the climate of the Indian subcontinent, which spans across a sizable geographic area. The weather in South India is typically hotter and more humid than that in North India.

2. What type of climate is there in India?

It is impossible to make generalisations about India’s climate due to the size of the country and its varied topography. When compared to the climate in North India, South India’s climate is typically warmer and more humid. Most of India is subtropical, which means it experiences hot summers, muggy afternoons, rainy seasons, and mild winters. In hilly areas, summers are pleasant and winters are chilly. The majority of India is affected by the monsoons between June and August.

3. What is natural vegetation? Give some examples of vegetation from Chapter 8 of Class 6 Geography.

Plants that thrive in their natural settings without artificial assistance are referred to as “natural vegetation”. Moisture and temperature affect how plants grow. Additionally, factors like slope and soil thickness affect natural vegetation. The Vegetation that grows naturally includes plants like grasses, bushes, and trees that grow on their own accord without any external help. Other species with significant economic value include mulberry, bamboo, sal, shisham, sandalwood, khair, and medicinal plants . In mountainous areas, the natural vegetation changes as altitude increases and temperature drops.