CBSE Class 6 Social Science History Revision Notes Chapter 11

Class 6 History Chapter 11 Notes

CBSE Class 6 History Chapter 11 Notes – Buildings, Paintings and Books

Buildings, paintings, and books are the main features of Indian history. CBSE Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 11 Notes cover all three segments of Indian history. This chapter is important from the exam point of view. Subject matter experts have compiled the Chapter 11 History Class 6 Notes on  Buildings, Paintings and Books for students. These notes are concise and well-structured.

Students can refer to Class 6 History Chapter 11 Notes for an in-depth understanding of the concepts and score better in the examination. Extramarks provides these revision notes, whichare easily accessible from the website. These notes are written by subject matter experts and comply with the revised NCERT guidelines and syllabus.

Building, Paintings and Books Class 6 History Chapter 11 Notes

Class 6 History Chapter 11 – Building, Paintings, and Books Notes

NCERT Revision Notes for Class 6 History Chapter 11 helps students study the significance of paintings, buildings, and books in learning history. The notes are concise and aid in quickly revising the topics so that they can do well in examinations. It covers important topics and ensures that students can gain a conceptual understanding of this chapter.

Chapter 11 Social Science History Class 6 Notes

Class 11 History Chapter 6 Notes cover all the details to depict why buildings, books, and paintings are considered while learning about Indian history.

The Iron Pillar on Pillar

The notes include a detailed description of the iron pillars situated at Mehrauli in Delhi. It is considered to be a special piece of craft. Some important details of the pillar, like its weight, construction, and age, have been mentioned. Details such as during which dynasty this pillar was built and its prominent features have been covered in these notes.

Buildings in Brick and Stone

The stupas described in this section include the meaning, structure, shape, and uniform features of the stupas. Stupas were considered important for devotion as they were places of worship. The methods used by devotees to offer prayers have been elaborated on in this section.

This section also covers the facts about other Hindu temples dating back to this period. Deities like Durga, Vishnu, and Shiva were worshipped in these temples. Garbhagriha, Bhitargaon, and Mandap are some of the basic features that have been discussed in this section.

How were Stupas and Temples Built?

This section describes the methods by which  stupas and temples were constructed in that era. Only kings or queens could think about building such expensive structures during those ancient times. The method of quarrying the stones for activities like constructing the pillars, moulding the curves, and creating the floors, ceilings, and walls is also covered in these notes. The notes also include information about the source of funds for establishing these structures and how all the parts had to be placed in an exact spot to create the final structure.


The paintings of Ajanta are one of the most well-known paintings when considering the depiction of Indian history. This section mainly focuses on the distinct paintings that were drawn on the walls of the Ajanta caves. There was a place where many caves were carved out in the hills for centuries. Monasteries for Buddhist monks were a large portion of it, and a few of them were beautified with paintings. These paintings have had a huge impact on Indian culture.

The World of Books

Books have passed down Indian history through generations.India is well-known for its epics, which consist of grand compositions related to the heroics of men and women. The stories about gods and goddesses were part of these epics. This section contains examples of Tamil epics such as Silappadikaram and Manimekalai.Details such as the writer of the story, the time period it was recorded, and an overview of the story are  discussed.

Recording and Preserving Old Stories

The Hindu scripts and stories that were related to religion were  part of Indian history. The history of India is portrayed through many stories and epics like the Puranas, Ramayana, and Mahabharata. These notes will make students aware of the stories mentioned in these books, the time period in which they were written , the language they were written in, and how the stories depict the existing society.

Stories Told by Ordinary People

Besides the epics, stories passed on by ordinary people were  part of the literature. The Jatakas and the Panchatantras are also covered in these stories. These stories primarily dealt with the accounts of ordinary men and women. The Ajanta cave paintings portray the stories of Jataka. This section describes the various stories of ordinary people carried over through generations.

Writing Books on Science

Indian history contained books on science as well as fantastical stories and religious scripts. A  renowned astronomer and mathematician called Aryabhata noted down his theories in his book named Aryabhatiyam. This section covers all the various mathematical and astronomical concepts.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Explain the process of constructing the stupas and the temples

Many stages were involved in constructing a stupa or a temple. As it was expensive to build such monuments, only kings or queens could plan to build them. The procedure involved finding a pure quality stone, quarrying it, and transporting it to the location that was mindfully chosen for constructing the new building. Then, these irregular blocks of stone were moulded, carved, and transformed into pillars, and panels for floors, walls, and ceilings. All of this had to be assembled accurately and  in the proper positions. It is assumed that the treasury in the possession of kings and queens was spent to pay the craftspeople who created these beautiful structures. Apart from this, whenever the devotees visited the temple or the stupa, they frequently brought gifts to decorate the buildings. For instance, at Sanchi, a corporation of ivory workers paid for one of the attractive gateways. The names of merchants, garland makers, farmers,  smiths, perfumers, and many other people who paid for the decorations were carved on railings, pillars, and walls. It was apparently visible that many people probably worked to build and decorate the stupas and the temples.

2. What is Aryabhatiyam? What does it state?

Aryabhata, a mathematician as well as an astronomer, composed a book in Sanskrit called the Aryabhatiyam. He declared that day and night are caused by the rotation of the Earth on its axis, whereas it was previously assumed that day and night were caused by the rising and setting of the sun.He came up with a scientific explanation for eclipses and also discovered a method for accurately calculating the circumference of a circle that is still used today.

3. What is Garbhagriha?

A few of the ancient Indian Hindu temples were constructed about 2000 years ago. There were shrines built for worshipping deities like Shiva, Vishnu, and Durga. The most essential portion of the temple was the room wherein the chief deity’s image was positioned, and that sanctum was known as the Garbhagriha. The priests carried out certain religious rituals, and the deity was worshipped by the devotees over there.