CBSE Class 6 Social Science History Revision Notes

CBSE Class 6 History Notes

Class 6 History includes topics that kindle a student’s interest in history. They will learn everything from how humans in the stone age were able to hunt for food and cook it to how small villages began booming into towns. 

Each chapter is distinctive and will present various viewpoints on history and human civilisation. Revision notes can help students remember essential topics from each topic. Extramarks provides concise Class 6 History Notes that effectively summarise each chapter. These notes are easily available on the Extramarks website.

Notes for CBSE Class 6 History

Extramarks revision notes allow students to study at their own pace and gradually build up on their concepts. These notes are well-structured and written in an easy-to-understand language to maintain a continuous flow of concepts. They serve as a reliable guide which revises all the important concepts according to the latest NCERT CBSE books. Subject matter experts were consulted to prepare the Extramarks Revision notes. 

CBSE Class 6 History Notes

Class 6 History Revision Notes

Class 6 History Notes

These notes are reviewed by subject matter experts thoroughly. Hence they are error-free and comply with the revised CBSE syllabus. Students will understand these notes well since they present history as a narrative, making learning more enjoyable and simple to remember. 

Chapter 1 – What, Where, How and When?

The first chapter of Class 6 History is “What, Where, How and When?”. In this chapter, students will learn how to study various topics and significant historical conflicts in this chapter. They will be able to use a variety of strategies to remember additional times, locations and names of well-known people. This chapter also discusses how people lived in ancient times.

Chapter 2 – From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food

Class 6 Chapter 2 traces the evolution of humans from hunter-gatherers who hunted wild animals, fish and birds, and gathered fruits, nuts, seeds, etc., for food, to looking for homes and settling in colonies. The chapter also talks about the concepts of rock and cave paintings and the various methods of farming and herding that humans eventually used throughout history. 

Chapter 3 – In the Earliest Cities

This chapter opens with one of history’s most popular tales, the tale of Harappa. Students learn more about the houses, sewers and streets of Harappa along with its new crafts and raw materials in the present as well as the past.

Chapter 4 – What Books and Burials Tells Us

This chapter discusses the Vedas and their hymns. Students will also discover how people from various cultures and racial backgrounds learned and used the Rigveda. Megaliths and Inamgaon are also discussed in detail in this chapter.

Chapter 5 – Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Public

Chapter 5 of Class 6 History throws light on the administration and rule of various kings in the past. The Janapadas and Mahajanapadas, as well as other taxes and fees levied on agriculture, will be covered in class. Students will also learn about Magadha and how he came to be an important figure in Mahajanada.

Chapter 6 – New Questions and Ideas

This chapter in the Class 6 History Notes discusses the Buddha and his Upanishads. Additionally, students will have detailed knowledge of Jainism, the Sangha and monasteries.

Chapter 7 – Ashoka, the Emperor Who Gave up the War

Students will discover who Ashoka was and how he reigned his vast empire in this chapter. Additionally, the historical legal systems and modes of the government of various kingdoms are explained in this chapter.

Chapter 8 – Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

In this chapter, students understand the value of antique tools and how they were used in agriculture, as well as how farmers in the past increased crop production and lived in rural communities.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Who was “Ashoka the Great” and why is he remembered even in the 21st century?

 It’s impossible to take the name of Ashoka without adding “the great” to his name. He served as the third king of the Mauryan Empire.. He was renowned for being the king who renounced war. He also introduced the idea of “Dhamma”. He was able to rule the entirety of the Indian continent from what is now modern-day Iran when his kingdom was at its height. He created the political work that is known as Arthashastra. He was the one who chose Chanakya to be his prime minister, who previously worked for his father during his rule.

2. What is Chapter 4 of Class 6 History Notes about?

The four Vedas, namely, the Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda, are clarified and covered in great detail in the chapter “What Do Books And Burials Tell Us”. This chapter explains the values and customs of the time period. There are also notable differences between the Early Vedic Age and the Later Vedic Age. The intricate burial rituals of the people show that religion was important during this time.

3. Why is reading books essential for students?

A student’s ability to focus increases dramatically once they begin reading because it calls for it constantly. Additionally, it forces the reader to organise thoughts in their heads. Frequently, you may have heard of children discovering the mystery before the solution was revealed in the story. This is due to the fact that they have been reading crime-solving books and are able to recognise the pattern they have discovered. Reading can therefore help you become more analytical and critical-thinking. To retain the tales you have previously read in your mind, you must possess a strong memory. Reading therefore aids in memory improvement. Additionally, reading a book will allow you to experience the cultures of various countries that you have not visited.