CBSE Class 6 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes Chapter 1

Class 6 Political Science Chapter 1 Notes

CBSE Class 6 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 1 Notes – Understanding Diversity

The definition of diversity is to be different. There are various causes of diversity, such as geographic, cultural, and historical differences. Diversity is the sense of variety that exists in the traits, appearance, behaviour, culture, religion, language, abilities, resources, and opportunities presented to different people. Diversity teaches an individual the fundamental life values that are required to function well in society.

In a country like India, where people come from a wide range of cultures, understanding their culture and what it represents is crucial. As a result, it is one of the most important chapters in Class 6 Social and Political Life. This chapter delves deeply into why we need to understand diversity, its importance, and how it affects our daily lives.

Extramarks’ Class 6 Political Science Chapter 1 Notes provide all of the necessary information that covers the entire chapter and helps students understand the importance of diversity and its relevance. These notes will assist students in studying for the subject because they summarise the entire chapter and help to revise the chapters quickly.

Understanding Diversity Class 6 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 1

Access Class 6 Social Science (Political Science) Chapter 1 – Understanding Diversity

Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

People refer to India as a miniature version of the rest of the world. People of different tastes, likes and dislikes, cultures, and religions can be found all over the world, and the same is true in India. It’s a  perfect blend of similarities and differences.

India is a country where people differ in terms of their languages, religions, caste, creed, and ethnicity. Diversity begins with the geographical area in which an individual resides. It has an impact on eating habits, cooking methods, clothing, and a variety of other factors. As a result, a Himachal Pradesh resident’s lifestyle will be very different from that of a Kerala resident. This is how various cultures have evolved. This chapter also shares  the significance of unity in diversity.

What is Diversity?

People come from a wide range of cultural, religious, and regional backgrounds. All of this must be considered when attempting to comprehend how different people around us enrich our lives. In a country like India, where each state has its own language and culture, we have more diverse people and cultures, making our country more exciting and unique. Diversity enables us to comprehend how various cultures influence one another and what distinguishes one culture from another.

The Importance of Notes in Class 6

Class 6 is important for students because it sets the tone for subsequent classes. The concepts covered in Class 6 set the foundation for advanced concepts covered in upcoming classes. Therefore, it is critical for students to conceptually understand these topics. Extramarks Chapter 1 Political Science Class 6 Notes can help them understand Social and Political Life better. These notes will give them a basic outline as well as a comprehensive summary of the chapter in a very brief format. These notes can give students a head-start on Class 6 Social and Political Life Chapter 1 and provide them with a significant amount of information that will give them an edge over their peers.

Students can use these notes as revision material when preparing for exams, allowing them to quickly review all of the important topics and ace their exams.

Understanding Diversity Chapter Summary

Diversity begins with the geophysical area from which the people originate, and it reveals their way of life. People adapt differently depending on where they are from, such as the food they gather, how they prepare food, how they dress for the weather, and so on. A person born on the mainland will have a different life than one born near the sea. This is what distinguishes one person from another, and it is how people from different cultures interact.

In Class 6 Chapter 1 Political Science Notes, we compare Ladakh and Kerala and discuss how the two regions differ and how the people of these states live differently. The chapter discusses various agricultural practices, crops grown, food habits , lifestyle , and how they obtain them.

The chapter also discusses how each region was discovered and the important role it played in shaping the  culture of the state.

The chapter then proceeds by emphasising the significance of unity in diversity. There is strength in diversity, and that is what binds  the people  together. This same strength rallied the entire country to fight the British and secure the country’s independence. The British attempted to divide the country, but the freedom fighters  fought  for Independence; many freedom fighters were imprisoned, but all for the same cause. This freedom struggle demonstrates that no matter how diverse our cultures are, we can still come together for the same cause..

Diversity is important because it teaches people how to adapt and function well in a variety of situations. It also teaches respect and the ability to recognise differences between people and the groups to which they belong. This applies to language, religion, caste, and creed. In India, we see diversity everywhere, from geophysical areas to clothing, foods, and cultures. The Indian constitution advocates for maintaining unity in diversity, which means respecting diversity and contributing to its preservation while remaining united as citizens of a single country.

Benefits of Class 6 Chapter 1 Social and Political Life  Notes

The following are some of the advantages of using these notes:

  • These notes outline all of the chapter’s critical elements and make studying more manageable and less time consuming.
  • They provide a structural framework for students to study from. This format will allow students to study with concentration  because it covers all of the important topics and they need not prepare their own notes.
  • These notes are written by subject matter experts and are cross-checked by professionals  to ensure that they cover all of the important concepts, exercise questions, and definitions  of the chapter.
  • These notes are easily accessible on  Extramarks website.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What does Unity in Diversity mean?

People from various cultural and religious backgrounds came together to fight for our independence, which we won in 1947. When people from various backgrounds join forces to fight for the same humanitarian cause, they fight as one. Jawarhal Nehru coined the phrase “Unity in Diversity” and was able to bring the country’s citizens together. He stated that unity is not imposed from the outside but rather taught from within. People of various skin tones, religions, and cultural backgrounds coming together to fight for the same cause demonstrates unity.

2. What do students gain from studying about diversity?

Students learn about various cultures and how each person is unique in their own way. They learn about different ethnicities, giving them a unique perspective. This, in turn, will encourage them to not to judge others and gain a more valuable understanding of people’s cultures. Students will understand how the country came together to fight against the British and win the country back. They will also comprehend the sentimental significance of our Independence.

3. What is the difference between diversity and differences in terms of equality?

Differences among people in terms of culture, language, caste, religion, habits, and lifestyle are referred to as diversity. It is not dangerous. Differences in equality imply differences in access to resources. Some people have easy access to resources such as money or education, while others do not. As a result, the latter suffer. Some people live extravagant lives and  afford three square meals a day, while others struggle to get a decent meal and live hand to mouth existence.

4. Does diversity weaken a country?

No, diversity does not make a country weak . Diversity, on the other hand, strengthens the country. It is because of this diversity that foreign invaders  found it difficult to completely subdue the country  in ancient times. People of various cultures and talents now contribute to the country’s progress.

5. Write a note on the emergence of diversity in India?

India is a country with numerous languages, religions, and cultures. It is so diverse, both in terms of culture and geography, that it is known as the “epitome of the world.” We investigate the origins of this diversity by studying the histories of Ladakh and Kerala.

Ladakh is a beautiful desert in the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir. Despite the fact that the area is unsuitable for crop cultivation, people here have and continue to raise sheep and goats. The sheep are raised for their wool, while goats for milk and meat. Ladakh was also a gateway to Tibet. Traders came to Tibet via Ladakh, bringing spices and silk with them. Buddhism arrived in Tibet through Ladakh. Later, Islam made its way into Ladakh. These historical events shaped Ladakh into what it is today. Ladakh is now home to people from various cultures, including Buddhists, Muslims, traders, and others.

Kerala was well-known for its spices. As a result, Jewish and Arab traders arrived. Then came St Thomas, the Apostle of Christ, who brought Christianity to India. Many Arabs and Portuguese settled here. Because of these factors, Kerala has become a region brimming with diverse cultures and religions. This is how people from all over the world arrived in India and made it their home.

6. Write on India’s unity in diversity.

People from various cultures and religions have lived in India. If India had a unified culture and language, it might not have been able to defend itself against foreign attacks. A country with only one culture, language, or religion is simple to conquer. People from various cultures protested against  British rule in India.

People from all cultures now contribute to her advancement. The Sikhs defend the country and feed its people. The people of Bengal  maintain their own cultural activities. Gujaratis and Mumbaikars contribute significantly to India’s economic strength. South Indians are known for increasing the country’s literacy rate. The people of Odisha and the north-east preserve indigenous culture. The Kashmiris are well-known for their warm pashmina  shawls.