CBSE Class 6 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes Chapter 4

Class 6 Political Science Chapter 4 Notes

CBSE Class 6 Social and Political Life (Civics) Chapter 4 Notes – Key Elements of a Democratic Government

Class 6 Chapter 4 Social and Political Life Notes explains the important factors that affect how a democratic government functions, such as public participation, conflict resolution, equality, and justice.

The Class 6 Social and Political Life Notes Chapter 4 Chapter 4-Key Elements of a Democratic Government will help you to understand the concepts and prepare for the exam. At Extramarks, the subject matter experts who prepare these notes include all of the chapter’s significant highlights while providing a thorough explanation of the major topics and ideas covered. Strengthen their understanding of the concepts from the chapter with the aid of Class 6 Social and Political Life  Chapter 4 Notes.

Key Elements of A Democratic Government Class 6 Notes Social and Political Life (Civics) Chapter 4

Access Class 6 Social and Political Life – Civics Chapter 4 – Key Elements of a Democratic Government Notes

Democracy is believed to be the best form of government. The components of a democratic nation are discussed in this chapter. You will learn why democracy is the most practical substitute for other forms of government. Additionally, you will discover how democracy still has a long way to go.

The Story of South Africa

To illustrate what it means to not live in a democracy, the chapter opens with the storyline of South Africa. The British were forced to decolonise South Africa after their colonies in other parts of the world fell apart.

The native Africans’ quality of life did not change, even after the British left. White immigrants from other parts of Europe came together and began attempting to seize political power in South Africa.

The National Party, or NP, was the main political organisation run by white supremacists, or people who believe that white people are superior to other races. The Population Registration Act, which was passed in 1950, made it mandatory for whites and blacks to live apart.

The whites enjoyed all the benefits of white supremacy’s rule, including access to properties in desirable locations, jobs in busy cities, and facilities that made their lives comfortable. In their own nation, black people were marginalised and reduced to second-class status. Apartheid was the name given to this racial segregation.

One of the ways black people were mistreated during apartheid was by making them study Afrikaans rather than their own language, Zulu. Many students voiced their opposition to this. Hector Pieter, a student from Soweto Township, was one such pupil. Hector was physically assaulted by the South African Police while protesting with his classmates against the imposition of the Afrikaans language. Hector was killed by one of the police bullets when they started shooting because he demanded that everyone treat his language with the same respect.

Ultimately, in 1994, the African National Congress overthrew the apartheid system under the inspirational leadership of Nelson Mandela. South Africa established itself as a country where all races are now treated equally.


What can you now infer from the story above? Many individuals think that democracy is solely the ability to vote. But equality is the fundamental component of democracy. Even the ability to vote—equal voting rights—is intended to advance equality. Democracy strives for equality. Let’s now examine how this equality is attained in a democracy.

Participation in the Government and Governance

In a democratic country, the people choose the leaders who will represent them, as you learned in the previous chapter. It is assumed that these representatives will serve the interests of the voters who chose them. The most fundamental way that the populace participates in governmental affairs is by electing their representatives.

Specific Tenure

The government is a democratic one that is only elected to office for a limited time. The Indian government has a five-year term limit after an election. The leaders would have to assume leadership once more following the election. Thus, in order to be reelected, the government is compelled to act in the interests of the populace.

Other Features of Democracy

Elections are held in India every five years. Therefore, even if the government behaves badly during this time, should the populace keep quiet? No, there are numerous other ways for the public to participate in politics besides voting.

A robust democracy needs criticism. Democracy cannot exist in a nation where the ruling party cannot tolerate criticism. Citizens must criticise the government’s destructive actions in order to keep it from becoming overly powerful.

Another effective way to limit governmental power is through protests. It is the progression from criticism. The chapter also describes how the government raised the cost of electricity in 2005. The government was forced to change its position as a result of the criticism and protests from the populace.

According to some, the media represents the fourth pillar of democracy. The media exists to inform the public of any negative actions taken by the government.

Democracy also depends on the judiciary. The Supreme Court in India has the authority to overturn harmful laws that political parties enact to further their own agendas. Many people try to paint rallies, protests, and criticisms with bad paint. Additionally, things that are unfair and unjust are presented. Government related issues and responsibilities are discussed on TV, periodicals and newspapers. However, democracy would suffer if these were absent.

Inequality in Democracy

People have the power to hold the government responsible in a democratic system. However, not everyone is able to make use of the power that democracy offers. Because they are daily wage workers and cannot miss even one day of work, members of the economically weaker sections are unable to participate in the protest. The Dalits and other minorities are occasionally underrepresented in the parliament. The proportion of female leaders to male leaders is still unbalanced. Therefore, these male leaders do not adequately address the needs of the female citizens.

Good Conflict Vs Bad Conflict

People from all castes, religions, regions and political ideologies have equal power in a democracy. This can occasionally become an issue. There is a chance of hostility developing between two different communities when they present opposing viewpoints. There is never a positive outcome from this kind of conflict. This kind of conflict is destructive. To seize the rights of the common people, however, society’s members occasionally clash with the state. Conflict between the government and Anna Hazare, who demanded that the government pass the Lokpal bill, is one instance. Conflict of this kind is essential to fight against discrimination and resolve differences. It strengthens the role of the government in a   democracy. Citizens have a responsibility to assess which conflicts are constructive to bring about a positive change in society.

Equality & Justice

A democratic government’s commitment to equality and justice is one of its defining principles. Equality and justice are inseparable.

All people do not receive the same treatment or access to equality and justice under other forms of government than democracy. Black people were not treated fairly, as was the case in South Africa during the apartheid era. In many Indian families even today, girls are still seen as less important than boys. The Dalits used to be considered untouchables. They continue to face discrimination today. Democratic governments make special provisions for these groups in an effort to assist them.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are the key elements of a democratic government according to Chapter 4 of Class 6 Social and Political Life Notes?

Democracy is currently the most well-liked form of government because it possesses a number of significant qualities. These elements include concern for equity and justice, accountability, and participation. Citizens engage in the democratic process within their country, where there are various levels of participation available, including conflict resolution, justice, and equality. They are essential to any democratic government’s effective operation.

2. What is participation in democracy?

Participation is a key component of any democracy and is necessary for it to function properly. People participate by expressing interest in how the government works and, when necessary, offering criticism. Participation allows people to express their ideas, and the public opinion that results from that is essential to a democracy. These are the various ways that people can and ought to participate in a democratic government in order for it to be answerable to its people and, when necessary, make amends. Visit the Extramarks website for Class 6 Social and Political Life Chapter 4 Notes.

3. What do you mean by a democratic government?

The term “democracy” refers to any form of popularly elected government. The phrase describes a number of governance structures where members of the public can influence decisions that affect how their community is run. Leaders are chosen by the people. The laws are decided by these authorities. You will learn about the various key components that are essential for any democratic nation to function effectively in Chapter 4 of Class 6 Social and Political Life.

4. How can the government settle disputes between different entities in a democracy?

The government serves as a mediator to assist the contending parties in coming to an agreement. For instance, the central government made a significant contribution to the resolution of the disagreements between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka over the sharing of the Cauvery River’s water. The government can occasionally enact legislation and find solutions. On the other hand, the government is in charge of police forces that settle disputes between entities.

5. What steps is the government taking to ensure equality for all citizens?

Laws can be passed by the government to promote equality and prohibit practices like using nonacademic titles. To help underdeveloped communities out of their economic and intellectual crisis, the government  occasionally makes special provisions. Earlier certain groups of people were denied justice especially Dalits and Dr BR Ambedkar fought against injustice. In this context, the government took steps to promote justice to ensure that people were treated equally. Additionally, it also guarantees that the citizens can choose the administration they prefer.