CBSE Class 7 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes Chapter 6

CBSE Class 7 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 6 Notes – Understanding Media

Class 7 Political Science Chapter 6 Notes on Understanding Media prepared by subject matter experts help students gain in-depth knowledge of the media, its relationship with technology, money, and democracy, and its influence on civic life. Students can quickly revise the chapter’s important concepts by referring to these revision notes. 

Understanding Media Class 7 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 6 Notes 

Access Class 7 Social Science – Civics Chapter 6 – Understanding Media Notes


  • Media refers to a mode of communication. It is the plural of the word “medium.” Therefore, the term “media” generally refers to the numerous platforms that society uses for communication. All forms of “media,” including televisions and cell phones, fall under this category.
  • There are primarily two types of media. Newspapers and magazines are examples of print media, whereas cell phones, televisions, and the internet fall under the category of electronic media.
  • Among them, news disseminated by newspapers, TV and radio reaches millions of people or masses throughout the country and across the globe at once. Hence, they are called the “mass media”.

Media And Technology

    • Without the media, it is difficult to imagine life. However, television and the broad usage of the internet were not ordinary twenty years ago. Technology has evolved, and so has the media, which has changed its techniques to reach more people.
  • Apart from serving the latest news and entertainment stories, media also influences society’s thought process.
  • For example, one cannot imagine daily life without television as it has brought the world closer. It has made images of distant countries easily accessible, making people belong to the larger global community.
  • Fair and impartial reporting is what the media must do.
  • However, the media lacks true independence. This is due to the government’s censorship of the media and the fact that powerful corporations own and operate the media.
  • The news and reporting released by independent media outlets shouldn’t be subject to manipulation or control by anyone.

Media And Money

  • The media uses technology to reach a wider audience. These modern technologies are expensive.
  • Technology alone is not enough for the media. In a news studio, not only the newsreaders but also other staff members are to be paid.
  • Media companies need funding to acquire the latest technology and run the studios properly.
  • Therefore, most newspapers and television channels depend on big business houses for money.
  • Media also advertises different products to generate revenue.

Media and Democracy

  • Media plays a crucial role in informing people about domestic and international affairs, and their impact on lives. Societies make their decisions based on the discussions on the issue highlighted by the media.
  • People also depend on the media to develop an understanding of the government machinery and the policies it implements.
  • The media can help organise public protests and launch signature campaigns to protect interests.
  • Thus, the media plays a crucial role in decision-making and voicing opinions if the government fails to meet the standard of democracy.

Setting Agenda

  • The media shapes thoughts and actions by focusing on certain issues. People choose and decide which stories are to be focused on and which are not. That is why it is commonly said that the media “sets the agenda” for common people.
  • The recent report published by the media on the alarming levels of pesticides in cold drinks made people aware of their harmful effects on health. The report stirred society and led to the establishment of safety standards for soft drinks.
  • The media is responsible for providing a true and balanced report. So, it must be given the freedom to publish authentic and objective reports.
  • Nowadays, the media is far away from objective and balanced reporting. There are two main reasons behind it. Firstly, it is censorship by the government. Secondly, the focus of the big business houses, as they focus more on profit-making than the objectivity of the news.
  • So, before making any decision, readers must understand from whose point of view the report is written, what the other aspects of the news are, and why they are left out. If the reader fails to consider these points, he/she might be prejudiced.
  • A balanced news report is one that presents all the aspects of the news and allows the readers to make decisions independently.
  • But it is often observed that the media presents only one side of the story. To put it simply, the media is often biased.
  • Writing an objective and balanced report depends on how much freedom the media enjoys.
  • The government often restricts the media’s ability to circulate certain news or criticise certain policies. During the state of Emergency (1975-1977), the government strictly controlled the media.  Therefore, the media often presents distorted news to avoid censorship.
  • Business houses often manipulate the stories to make them interesting to the public so that they can make a profit. The media cannot go against these business houses because it depends on them for money.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What exactly is the media?

The media refers to all communication channels we are familiar with. TV, radio, cell phones, and the internet, all come under the umbrella term “media”.

2. What are the different types of media?

There are two different types of media, namely print media and electronic media. Print media includes the printed form of media such as newspapers and magazines. Television, telephones, the internet, etc., are termed electronic media.

3. What is the significance of the media?

The media helps in understanding the significance of national and international events. People make their decisions based on the news provided by the media. The media can also be used to organise public protests and launch campaigns to protect our interests.

4. What is censorship?

Censorship is a system in which the government curbs the freedom of the press or individuals to spread any news, prevents any book, or bans any movie or slogan that has the potential to disturb the general stability of the government. India witnessed extreme censorship during the state of emergency from 1975 to 1977.

5. Why does the media often present biased news?

The media is often compelled to present coloured news, mainly for two reasons. First, the government presses the media not to publish certain news that could question its decisions and challenge its authority. Secondly, the big business houses, on which the media depends on profits to earn money, prefer interesting news rather than authentic news.

6. What should the media be like in an ideal democracy?

Democracy upholds the interests of the common people, and the media influences them. So, the media must provide news that covers all the possible aspects without favouring any particular point of view. A balanced and objective report is necessary for the public to reach any decision. Media must be given the freedom to publish what is authentic.