CBSE Class 8 Science Revision Notes Chapter 7

Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Notes

CBSE Class 8 Science Revision Notes Chapter 7 – Conservation of Plants and Animals

CBSE Class 8 students can access the Conservation of Plants and Animals Chapter 7 Science Notes from Extramarks website. These notes will serve as revision material with full-fledged information on the Science Chapter – Conservation of Plants and Animals.

Revision Notes for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 7

Access Class 8 Science Chapter – 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals Notes

Revision Notes Class 8 Science Notes Chapter 7

Extramarks provides Revision Notes for Class 8 Science Chapter 7, which helps students in numerous and distinct ways. Making notes becomes easier with Conservation of Plants and Animals revision notes. Students can use these concise notes to learn and remember complex concepts without taking too much of their time.

Having accurate and reliable notes following the latest CBSE exam pattern, will give students added confidence and an edge when they study for exams. Extramarks’ notes will help them stay ahead of their buddies.. These notes are written by subject matter experts using the NCERT books and updated CBSE curriculum. As a result, studying from these notes will prepare them well for the Science exam.

Regular revisions will ensure that crucial concepts are covered and memorised well. Students can refer to these notes as each concept is explained briefly.  Chapter 7 Revision Notes will also assist students in revising lengthy chapters and vast syllabi in a  limited time.

Extramarks notes will be a student’s last-minute revision guide providing all the necessary information in a nutshell, to revise the entire syllabus quickly and easily.

Here are some of the key concepts  mentioned in the chapter:

Understanding Extinction and Deforestation

Beginning with extinction, NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Notes defines extinction as the phenomenon in which an entire species vanishes from the face of the planet. This indicates that a species is considered extinct when the last member of the species disappears suddenly.

Deforestation can be defined as the destruction of forests caused by the cutting of trees. It causes the loss of habitat for many animals all over the world. There are numerous other reasons for deforestation. Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Notes will teach students about these causes. The other reasons for deforestation are as follows.

  • Acquiring land for farming
  • Building factories and residences
  • Natural causes, such as a forest fire or a prolonged drought
  • Using wood for fuel or to make furniture

The following is a list of some of the effects of deforestation.

  • It causes the level of groundwater to drop considerably.
  • It causes global pollution levels and temperature to rise as a result.
  • The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rises as a result of deforestation.

Drought, Desertification and Global Warming

Drought: Drought is another environmental issue that people have faced in recent years. It is defined as a lack of water in any location. The absence of rain in that area is one of the main causes.

Desertification: Desertification is the process by which a desert forms. Erosion caused by plants and severe weather conditions can contribute to this. Several human actions, like inappropriate irrigation and deforestation, also contribute to the desertification of terrain.

Global Warming: Another major issue that the planet is facing today is global warming. It is the change in climate that occurs on a global scale. In most cases, it refers to an increase in the planet’s average temperature. Numerous adverse effects have been caused by this slight temperature increase on the planet. The ice caps at the poles, for instance, have melted as a result of the increased temperature. Furthermore, there are numerous causes of global warmings, such as deforestation and pollution.

Understanding the Global Temperature

The various problems that the planet is facing have been discussed in the Conservation of Plants and Animals Class 8 Notes. However, it is difficult to truly comprehend the scope of climate change without first going through the data discovered by scientists over the last few decades.

Reports reflect the yearly average temperature experienced by the entire world. It demonstrates how hot the planet is getting due to the rise in temperature.  No wonder, one can easily foresee the negative impacts of global warming.

What are species and how can we save the environment?

Studying species is a crucial aspect of the chapter Conservation Of Plants And Animals Class 8 notes. In the most basic sense, a species is a group of individuals. This group of people should be able to reproduce and have fertile offspring.

The following section looks into the various measures taken to protect the environment. Each of these measures is discussed in detail below.

Wildlife Sanctuary

A wildlife sanctuary is a natural sanctuary, such as an island. This location protects a variety of species from threats such as competition, predation, poaching, and hunting.

National Park

It is necessary to first define flora and fauna before discussing national parks. Simply put, flora and fauna refer to the plants and animals that can be found in a given area. Returning to the subject, a national park is a park that exists to conserve biodiversity. These parks are primarily developed and maintained by union governments located all over the world.


Simply put, an ecosystem is made up of all the living things such as animals, plants, and microorganisms, as well as non-living things like a river, soil, deltas, and climate in a given area.

Biosphere Reserves

The biosphere is the area of the planet where all living organisms live or where life forms can exist. The number of organisms that live on Earth is referred to as biodiversity or biological diversity. It includes the interactions between those creatures, as well as the interactions between living creatures and their surroundings. A biosphere reverse is simply a land area that is free of all human intervention. These areas exist to protect and conserve the lives of endangered species.

Endangered Animals

Endangered animals are those whose numbers are steadily declining to the point where they may become extinct in the near future.

Endemic Species

Endemic species are animals and plants that can only be found in a specific area.

Red Data Book

The red data book is a sourcebook known for keeping a record of all the world’s endangered plant and animal species.

Project Tiger

Project Tiger was launched by the Indian government. The goal of this project is to protect and conserve India’s shrinking tiger population. Many natural parks have been designated for the Project Tiger initiative. Governments in other countries have launched similar initiatives.


Migration is defined as the periodic movement of many animals from one location to another. It is commonly used for breeding or to escape harsh climatic conditions. Many species of birds and fish migrate.

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Fun Facts about Climate Engineering

Climate engineering is also known as geoengineering. It can be defined as the deliberate modification of the climate on a large scale. Many scientists from around the world see climate engineering as a potential future method for combating climate change.

Climate engineering includes a broad range of techniques. Carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management are two of these techniques. Many scientists believe that climate engineering is physically possible. These techniques, however, are still in their early stages of development.

This means that there are numerous risks and uncertainties associated with climate engineering techniques. Furthermore, there are numerous ethical and legal issues to consider.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How can deforestation result in reduced rainfall?

Deforestation is the clearing of plants and trees from a specific area for reasons, including the construction of industries, agriculture, or any other reason. Photosynthesis in plants involves the absorption of CO2 from the earth’s atmosphere and the release of oxygen.

However, the environment’s carbon dioxide levels continue to soar when plants and trees are cleared for development. . Heat is therefore trapped in large quantities. It makes the planet warmer. All of this causes the temperature to rise, which affects how the water cycle works. Changes in the water cycle will affect the rain falls and the frequency of droughts.

2. Why is it necessary to save paper? What are the ways to save paper?

It is critical to saving paper because saving paper saves trees from being cut down. According to statistics, cutting down seventeen fully grown trees yields one tonne of clean water paper. This disrupts the balance in the environment, which affects all living creatures. This is why everyone should make an effort to recycle paper. Paper can be recycled by using the methods given below:

  • Collection of used paper and recycling it.
  • Writing on both sides of a piece of paper
  • Using papers correctly, wisely and efficiently.
  • Raising awareness about the importance of paper conservation and recycling.

3. How can one contribute to the maintenance of the green wealth of their locality? Formulate a list of actions to achieve this.

Individuals can protect their community by encouraging others to plant more trees. It is also critical to care for trees that are already in the environment to grow the community’s green wealth. People must raise awareness programmes to understand the negative impacts of their actions on the environment, especially among children and youth.

4. Why is there a need for conserving plants and animals?

Conserving plants and animals has become critical for the protection of endangered flora and fauna as well as their natural habitat. Only by conserving living resources can an ecosystem be kept in balance. It is safe for the vast majority of our planet’s species to use conservation methods.

5. Explain how deforestation leads to reduced rainfall.

Clouds form when water vapour condenses in the atmosphere. Water evaporation is primarily caused by trees. Deforestation causes less water to be absorbed from the soil. As a result, cloud formation disrupts the water cycle and causes difficulty, resulting in less rainfall.