CBSE Class 8 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes Chapter 1

Class 8 Political Science Chapter 1 Notes

CBSE Class 8 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 1 Notes – The Indian Constitution

A country’s constitution is an essential part of its legal system. Every citizen of a country should be familiar with their country’s constitution. Students, as future citizens of the country, must participate in its social activities and perform certain social duties.As a result, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has included a chapter on the constitution in the Class 8 Political Science syllabus. By reading this chapter, students will gain a basic understanding of the country’s constitution.

Some of the important topics of Class 8 Political Science Chapter 1 include:

  • Importance and significance of the constitution
  • Key features of the Indian Constitution
  • Federalism
  • Parliamentary form of government
  • Separation of powers: the three organs of government – legislature, executive, and judiciary
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Secularism

All fundamental concepts have been thoroughly explained in Class 8 Political Science Chapter 1 Notes using simple and understandable language. Students should carefully examine the Extramarks Class 8 Civics Chapter 1 Revision Notes to understand this chapter. These notes are written in a concise style, with short paragraphs and bulleted lists. Students can use Extramarks Revision Notes as a guide while revising for exams for faster revisions and improved retention of key concepts and topics.

The Indian Constitution Class 8 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 1

Access Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 The Indian Constitution Notes

Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 1 The Indian Constitution Notes

Every country has a set of laws that govern how the country operates. The Indian Constitution is a set of rules and principles that aid in the governance of the Indian nation. The Constitution of India was drafted by the Constituent Assembly, which was formed in December 1946. In two years, eleven months, and eighteen days, the Constituent Assembly finished drafting the constitution. The Indian Constitution was adopted on November 26, 1949. The law became effective on January 26, 1950.

The chapter goes on to explain the main features of the Indian Constitution, such as Federalism, parliamentary government, separation of powers, fundamental rights, an independent judiciary, and secularism. Students will also learn about the six fundamental rights guaranteed to all Indian citizens by the Indian Constitution. Students can access the Extramarks website for the Class 8 Revision Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 1 to learn these concepts in-depth.

Necessity of Constitution in a Country

The Indian National Congress (INC) first called for the formation of a Constituent Assembly in 1934. The demand gained momentum during World War II, leading to the assembly’s formation in December 1946. From 1946 to 1949, this assembly drafted the Indian Constitution, which was finally enacted on January 26, 1950.

A constitution is a set of rules and regulations that all citizens of a country must agree to in order for them to govern themselves.

No domestic law can alter the fundamental structure of the Constitution. Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (Father of the Constitution) were also members of the Constituent Assembly.

Every democratic nation has a written constitution. But not all nations with constitutions need to be democratic. The foundational characteristics of a civilisation are shaped by its constitution. The Constitution makes sure that the nation is organised and governed in a particular way. All citizens are capable of making constitutionally natural decisions. The three most important reasons for having a constitution are as follows:

  • The Constitution prohibits dominant groups from abusing their power against less powerful people.
  • The Constitution ensures that political leaders do not abuse their power and harm citizens.
  • The Constitution of a country protects its citizens from effective adverse decisions on major principles of the country.

Characteristics of The Indian Constitution

Chapter 1 of Class 8 Social Science Civics provides an overview of the country’s constitution. Every society has its own set of rules that set it apart from others. Some specific rules are required in a large community or society, such as a country. The rules maintain the discipline of the country. These constitutive rules are in written form in modern countries’ constitutions.

The Indian Constitution has certain notable key features that must be followed. These key features are discussed here.

Federalism: Federalism refers to a government that has more than one level in a country. In our country, there are various levels of government, such as state-level government, Panchayati level government, central-level government, and so on. The Constitution specifies the law-making authority of each tier through a list of subjects for each tier.

The Constitution details the source of funding for each level of government. The states are given instructions and power by the Constitution. The collective legal system of different governmental levels is included in federalism. The Constitution sets forth the functions of each level of government. All Indian nationals are governed by this federalist philosophy.

Parliamentary Government Form: This refers to the country’s having a legislature that passes laws and elects the prime minister to serve as the head of state. India has a parliamentary form of government and is a republic. Every individual in India is entitled to cast a ballot for and take part in the election of their favourite representative. If they meet specific requirements, citizens can also seek office as representatives.

Power Separation: Power is divided into three different organs in the Indian government. There are three government organs:

  • The legislature is the person elected by the citizens to represent them.
  • The executive branch of government is in charge of enforcing the laws passed by the legislature.
  • The judiciary in India consists of the court system. The judiciary is in charge of making sure that laws are applied fairly and correctly. The highest court in India, the Supreme Court, is regarded as the last arbiter of how the Constitution’s clauses should be interpreted.

Fundamental Rights: Indian citizens have certain individual rights known as fundamental rights. The fundamental rights of Indian citizens are-

  • Right to Freedom
  • Right to Equality
  • Right to Freedom of Religion
  • Right to Constitutional Redress
  • Rights against Exploitation
  • Cultural and Educational Rights

The goals of fundamental rights are as follows:

  • The rights must be with the in-charge authority that makes the law.
  • Citizens must be able to assert their fundamental rights.

Secularism: States in secular countries do not have the authority to promote any particular religion. A secular country’s citizens can practise any religion. Because the Indian constitution includes secularism, India is a secular country.

How Can Students Clear Their Concepts?

Class 8 students have the opportunity to study the Indian Constitution as part of their curriculum. They will learn about the constitution and the importance of laws. The chapter discusses the previous understanding of the constitution, its formation, and the key features of the Indian Constitution. Students can refer to the revision notes provided by Extramarks to understand and remember the concepts.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why is it important to study Chapter 1 of Social Science for Class 8?

Chapter 1 of Class 8 Social Science covers the Indian Constitution. Students should fulfil their social obligations as accountable citizens of the nation. To fulfil their social obligations, they must comprehend social life and societal norms. The constitution of a nation serves as its ultimate social code. As a result, students need to be familiar with the Indian Constitution. They should carefully read Chapter 1 of Class 8 Social Science. After reading this chapter, they will have a fundamental understanding of the constitution. Additionally, they will study the background of the Indian Constitution, how it was created, its main tenets, and other related topics.

2. What is a Constitution?

The constitution is a critical component of a country’s legal system. The constitution of a country should be known to all of its citizens. Students should uphold certain social duties as responsible citizens of a nation. For a democratic country like India, having such a legal document of rules and regulations is critical for the smooth operation of the government and its citizens.

3. What is the necessity of the Constitution in a country?

Every democratic country has a written constitution. Any country with a constitution, however, is not required to be democratic. The Constitution shapes the fundamental essence of a country’s society. The Constitution ensures that the country is governed in an orderly and consistent manner. All citizens can reach a natural constitutional decision. Without a constitution, nothing will be unlawful nor subject to laws and regulations.

4. How was the Indian Constitution created?

A constitution is necessary for any democratic nation. The Indian constitution was written in 1946. A constituent assembly of 300 individuals was first established. These individuals worked together to write the Indian constitution. Many parameters had to be considered while writing the constitution. They concentrated on India’s various religions and languages to include secularism in the constitution. Essential rules were included to prevent dominant groups and leaders from abusing their power. Citizens’ individual rights and freedom were considered when drafting the Indian constitution, which included fundamental rights and publicity. As a result, the Indian constitution was written with social life in mind.

5. What is Federalism?

Federalism refers to a country’s form of government that has multiple levels. Federalism is one of the rules of the Indian constitution. There are various levels of government in our country, such as state-level government, Panchayati level government, federal-level government, and so on. Federalism refers to the collective law system that exists at multiple levels of government. The constitution governs the activities of each level of government. This federalist doctrine governs all Indian nationals.

6. Why is India a secular country?

India is made up of states that follow various religions and speak various languages. Secularism refers to the presence of people of various religions on the same land. Therefore, such countries are not permitted to advance any particular religion. A secular nation’s citizens are free to practise any faith. As a result of its constitution and its people, India is a secular nation. Indians have the freedom to practise any religion they choose. Everyone has equal rights, and no one can oppress another because of religious differences. People of different faiths can work with and even marry each other.