CBSE Class 8 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes Chapter 2

Class 8 Political Science Chapter 2 Notes

CBSE Class 8 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 2 Notes – Understanding Secularism

History has recorded the horrifying persecution, exclusion, torture, and discrimination committed against individuals based on their chosen religion. Such circumstances can be firmly avoided in today’s civilised world to safeguard both community rights and individual rights. In the preamble of the Indian constitution, the word “secularism” is used as a result.

Chapter 2 of Class 8 Political Science covers the various facets and goals of secularism. The 42nd Amendment Act adds the term “Secularism” to the Indian Constitution. Extramarks’ Class 8 Political Science Chapter 2 Notes give a thorough overview of the chapter.

These Class 8 Political Science Chapter 2 Notes are easily accessible from the Extramarks’ website. By carefully going over the Chapter 2 Political Science Class 8 Notes, students will gain knowledge that will help them understand the importance of religions.

Understanding Secularism Class 8 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 2

Access CBSE Class 8 Political Science Civics Chapter 2 – Understanding Secularism

Important Questions and Answers

Q.What is meant by coercion?

Ans: In English, coercion often refers to forcing someone to do something. It refers to the political power wielded by various governmental bodies and states.

Q.What is Freedom of Interpretation?

Ans: It pertains to the freedom granted to everyone to understand things in their own way. It discusses the freedom of each individual to formulate their understanding and meaning of the religion they choose to practice.

Q.What is State Intervention?

Ans: The state normally has the power to intervene when a situation is compliant with the Constitution. It makes reference to attempts by the government to influence situations, such as those involving religion.

Q.Define secularism.

Ans: A fundamental principle of secularism is that no one should be subjected to discrimination because of their choice of religion. Everyone is treated equally under the country’s laws and regulations, regardless of their choice of religious affiliation.

Q.Why should the government and religion be kept apart?

Ans: Everyone should be free to adhere to any religion they so desire, or to renounce their previous faith and choose a new one. Additionally, it should be acceptable for people to interpret religious teachings as they please.

Q.What does the Constitution’s Article 17 mandate?

Ans: Article 17 of the Constitution contains the Right to Equality. It is directly related to the “Abolition of Untouchability” as well.

It states that:

“Untouchability” is abolished, and its practice in any form is absolutely forbidden. The enforcement of any disability arising out of “Untouchability” shall be an offence punishable by law.”

Q.Define Religion?

Ans: It refers to people’s perspectives and convictions regarding the reality, adoration, and divinity of nature. Typically, religion consists of a set of individual religious practices and beliefs.

Q.What Does the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution prohibit?

Ans: A law “respecting the establishment of religion” or one that “prohibits the free exercise of religion” is prohibited by the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. This means that the legislature cannot declare any specific religion nor the preferences of any religious community as the official religion.

Q.Why Does a Country Require Laws?

Ans: A country’s laws are required for the following reasons:

  • To protect people from cultural and social injustices
  • To promote intergroup equality disrupted by discrimination against those from lower castes and other disadvantaged groups.

What do you understand by secularism?

Most nations are home to people who practise many religions. For the nation to uphold its democratic principles, the separation of religion and state is absolutely necessary. People should be allowed to practise and preach the religion of their choice.

India developed a plan to separate the power of the state from the power of religion. In general, secularism refers to the separation of a state and religion. It is the policy that directs a state to remain independent of and unaffected by religious institutions. In other words, it states that Indians are free to practise and live according to their religious convictions.

Why is it Important to Separate Religion From State?

The Class 8 Political Science Chapter 2 Notes provide an in-depth explanation of why it is crucial to keep religion and state separate. The following reasons suggest why religion and the state should be differentiated:

It enables the country to function democratically.

The domination of the majority may hurt members of minority communities, thereby violating their fundamental rights.

People can renounce their existing faith and adopt a new one through secularism. They can give different interpretations of religious teachings in conformity with the law.

What is Indian Secularism Class 8?

The Indian Constitution mandates that all of its states be secular. Only a secular state can guarantee the following goals of secularism. The answers to the following questions help to clarify what the goals of Indian secularism are:

A situation in which one religious community prevails over another cannot exist.

It is not conceivable for one religious community’s members to govern over another.

No one’s freedom to practise their religion should be curtailed, and the state cannot impose any one faith.

Steps Taken to Protect Secularism in India:

The Indian government has taken the following measures to safeguard secularism in India:

Many different tactics are used to evade religion. There is no mention of religion or any sort of promotion of it in government-run public facilities, including courts, police stations, and schools.

The government has adopted a non-interference strategy. The above-mentioned fact states that all religions and religious communities are respected equally. In this instance, there are a few exceptions.

Additionally, an intervention strategy is used. The laws pertaining to equivalent legacy rights are upheld, and the state may step in to enforce communities’ “personal laws” based on their respective religions.

Support may also be provided by the state as part of its intervention. For example, the Indian government may fund certain establishments of schools and colleges by religious communities. Additionally, non-preferential financial aid is provided to certain communities.

In What Way is Indian Secularism Different From That of Other Democratic Countries?

By reading Chapter 2 Secularism of Class 8 Political Science, students will understand how the secularism practised in India is different from that of those in other democratic countries. For example, in the case of American secularism, religion and state are completely segregated. However, in the case of Indian secularism, the state may intervene in religious matters.

Did You Know?

  • Government schools are not allowed to advocate for any religion.
  • Untouchability is illegal in India because it contributes to caste prejudice and religious isolation.
  • India has been a secular country since the implementation of the Indian Constitution.
  • The 42nd Amendment Act formally adds the term “secularism” to the Indian Constitution.
  • The separation of religion from the authority of the state is the most important feature of secularism

CBSE Class 8 Political Science Chapter 2 Notes will help students grasp fundamental concepts listed in the chapter Understanding Secularism. These succinct and thorough notes are ideal for exam preparations and revisions. Extramarks’ Class 8 Chapter 2 Political Science Notes are easily accessible at any time or location for study.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why is secularism necessary in India?

India is a democratic country with a wide variety of religious beliefs. Therefore, secularism has become a crucial element for both the nation and its people. There should be no restrictions on how people in the country practise their religion, nor should there be any discrimination based on religion. In such a country, poor secular practices can lead to a range of interpersonal difficulties and religious disputes.

2. What are the problems with Indian Secularism?

Indian secularism is not without its issues or problems. The government is making a lot of effort to solve these issues. The following are the difficulties that India’s secularism is facing:

  • It is not always possible to completely separate  religion from the states because India is a country with many different religions.
  • In some cases, government intervention is required. This paves the way for secularism to face criticism.
  • Pseudo-secularism is a word that is widely used in political contexts today. In India today, the term “secularism” is widely misapplied.
  • Giving minorities an unfair edge for political propaganda in the guise of secularism is now a frequent practice.