CBSE Class 8 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes Chapter 4

Class 8 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes Chapter 4

CBSE Class 8 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 4 Notes – Understanding Laws 

Class 8 Political Science Chapter 4 Notes (Civics) are carefully curated by the subject-matter experts following the updated CBSE syllabus. These Understanding Laws Class 8 Notes are easy to understand, concise, and reliable to refer to before the exams. Students can access these Class 8 Chapter 4 Political Science Notes easily from Extramarks by logging in on the website and getting started with their exam preparation.

Understanding Laws Class 8 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 

Access Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 – Understanding Laws


A law is nothing more than a set of regulations created by the government or by a society to maintain social harmony. They help in the efficient operation of society. In a democracy,  Parliament is required to create this set of laws. They have the authority to control the actions of the people and impose punishments when violations occur. These laws forbid discrimination against several groups of people.

Do Laws Apply to All?

All citizens residing within a nation are subject to the same laws. A person’s gender, caste, or religion cannot be used as grounds for discrimination.

According to the rules, no one is above the law and everyone is equal in front of the law. Along with the citizens of the nation, government employees and other representatives are likewise governed by this law. Every crime or legal violation carries a penalty and a procedure for proving the offender’s guilt.

The British colonialists are regarded as having established the

rule of law in India. Numerous historians have claimed that colonial laws were arbitrary. Indians denounced these British laws and protested against them.

This nationalism also demanded greater equality and a shift from laws with strict compliance requirements to laws with ideals of justice.

The 19th century saw the beginning of the rise of Indian lawmakers, who pleaded for respect in colonial courts. As a result, the Indians were crucial to the development of India’s legal system.

How Did the New Laws Come About?

The Parliament was a key player in creating legislation. Class 8 Political Science Notes Chapter 4 also explain how the new laws came about.

The role of the Parliament is to evaluate the issues that the people face.

Domestic violence laws were put in place to safeguard the safety of women so that they would not be abused or hurt by their spouses or any other family members.

Domestic abuse was brought up in Parliament, where it was turned into a statute and implemented in 2005.

The citizens contributed significantly to the maintenance of the legislation that the Parliament passed.

Newspapers, editorials, television news, biography stories, meetings, and other public forums helped citizens express their opinions. This also helped the Parliament create new, transparent laws that addressed every issue that the people faced.

Unpopular and Controversial Laws 

In a democratic India, citizens have the right to voice their ideas and indicate whether they agree with the laws approved by the parliament.

Constitutional legislation may be legally sound, yet there are times when the people do not favour it because they think it was enacted for unfair or detrimental reasons.

Previously, people used to hold public meetings, report on television news for newspapers, and other methods to oppose the law.

When several people believe that a law passed by the parliament is incorrect or unsatisfactory, they pressure the legislature to amend the law.

All communities and groups must abide by the law. Supporting one community while disrespecting the other will result in disagreement and strife.

If legislation or law is not in compliance with the constitution, the court may declare it null and void or modify it.

The role of citizens in India includes:

  • Citizens in India are responsible for electing their own representatives.
  • To use the media and newspapers properly.
  • Keep an eye on the work that the elected ministers are doing.
  • Identify fault if necessary based on their action.


A nation’s parliament is essential to the formation of laws. Before the law, everyone in the nation was treated equally.

It is the responsibility of the nation’s citizens to participate in and recognise the many laws passed by  Parliament. This enables  Parliament to perform its representative duties effectively.

Citizens have the right to appeal against laws that they believe are unfair in court. The court has the authority to change them or void them if they do not follow the constitution.

Laws cannot discriminate against people on the basis of any factor, and nobody is above the law. If legislation proves to be unpopular and the people find it objectionable, they can ask parliament to change it or repeal it.

Important Questions and Answers

Q1. Discuss the Sedition Act.

Ans: Under the Sedition Act, anyone believed to be questioning or criticising British authorities might be held or arrested without a trial. People were detained in jails and imprisoned without receiving a reason for their detention.

Q2. Discuss the phrase “Equal relationships are violence-free”.

Ans: The expression “equal relationships are violence-free” suggests that men and women are on an equal footing in terms of their rights and benefits, according to the 2005 Domestic Violence Act. For example, if a boy goes to school to learn, a girl has an equal right to do so, enjoy freedom, and learn. Similarly to this, the conflict will arise if one person in a relationship benefits more and torments the other to prove themselves superior. There will be no violence in a relationship if both parties are treated equally.

Q3. When was the Domestic Violence Act established?  

Ans: The Domestic Violence Act of 2005 was passed by the Indian parliament for the protection of women against domestic abuse. The law came into force on October 26, 2006.

Q4. List out any five British laws that are still applicable in India. 

Ans: The following British laws are still applicable in India:

  • The uniform of the government officials and the special police force is still khaki.
  • The British passed the Indian Police Act in 1851 to set up a police force to suppress any revolt against the Indian Government.
  • According to the Indian Evidence Act of 1872, the evidence discovered at the crime scene must be provided to the court in advance.
  • A person is deemed to be a foreigner under the Foreigners Act of 1946 if they are from a nation other than India. Additionally, they must serve jail time if they remain illegally in India for an extended period of time.
  • The Indian Penal Code of 1860 outlines the definitions of crimes and associated punishments in India.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Discuss law according to Chapter 4 of Class 8 Civics.

The law is a system of rules established by the government or society to preserve social peace. Laws contribute to the smooth functioning of society. A democracy requires that  Parliament create this set of laws. They have the power to regulate how members behave and impose penalties when violations occur. These regulations cannot favour or disfavour any particular group of people. Violations of these statutes result in serious penalties.

2. Define the Rule of Law.

The Rule of Law states that no one is above the law. This emphasises that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and limits the power of the state. It is a rule or a norm for behaviour that is based on a recognised idea. Rules are necessary for the government to work properly and productively. One could argue that democracy and the rule of law are mutually beneficial. The Constitution sets forth the rules for how the various organs of government interact with one another.

3. Does the law apply to all in India?

Every citizen of a country is governed by the same laws. There can be no prejudice based on someone’s gender, caste, or religion. No one is exempt from the law, and everyone is treated equally in front of the law. Along with the citizens of the nation, the government’s employees and other representatives are likewise bound by this rule. Every crime or violation of the law has a punishment and a process for establishing the offender’s guilt.

4. Why was the Dowry Prohibition Act needed?

In older times, the bride’s family would give the groom dowry at the wedding in the form of cash or presents. Following the wedding, dowry requests were made often. The bride was made to suffer physically and mentally if she failed to live up to the expectations, which progressed to death in the worst cases. The Dowry Prohibition Act was consequently put into action in 1961. This Act made it illegal to accept or give dowries. Anyone found to have given or accepted dowry was punished with both jail time and a fine.