CBSE Important Questions Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 12

Important Questions Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 12 

Important Questions for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 12 – Consumer Protection 

Extramarks has provided Important Questions Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 12 to help you ace learning the chapter’s concepts and boost your exam preparation. 

Go through these Chapter 12 Class 12 Business Studies Important Questions and answers to boost your confidence to tackle any type of questions asked in the exam confidently and easily. 

CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter-12 Important Questions

Study Important Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 12 – Consumer Protection 

Given below are some of the important questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 12. 

Very Short Answer Questions 

1 or 2 Marks

Q1. Rita wants to buy a packet of juice. As an informed customer, how can she be sure about the quality of the juice she plans to buy?

Ans: Rita can inquire about FPO (Fruit Product Order 1955) certifications. She can look at the manufacturing and expiration dates, as well as the storage and display conditions.

Q2. Pragya paid Rs 1,500 for a reputable brand of iron, but it caused an electric shock when she was using it. Pragya desires to exercise her ‘Right.’ Determine the ‘Right’ to which she is entitled.

Ans: The Right to Safety is a right that Pragya can exercise.

Q3. Under three-tiered machinery, where can a legal heir or representative of a deceased consumer file a complaint where the compensation claim is Rs 25 lakhs?

Ans: If the compensation claim exceeds Rs 25 lakhs, the legal heir or representative of a deceased consumer may file a complaint with the state commission.

Q4. Sandeep purchased a diesel car from an automobile company for Rs. 7 lacs and discovered that its engine was defective. Despite many complaints, the defect was not rectified. Make a recommendation for an appropriate authority where he could file a complaint under the Consumer Protection Act.

Ans: District Forum is the appropriate authority with which he could file a complaint under the Consumer Protection Act.

Q5. A company is using sub-standard electric wiring in its coolers. Which consumer right is being violated?

Ans: The Right to Safety is violated here.

Q6. On the eve of Diwali, Ravi purchased two kilograms of sweets from Nandan Sweets. On consuming those sweets, his wife fell ill and was hospitalised. Ravi wanted to file a case in the consumer forum but could not do so because he did not have any proof of buying the sweets from Nandan sweets. Name the document Ravi could have obtained in order to file a complaint in the consumer forum.

Ans: Ravi could have the monetary memo for filing the complaint in the consumer forum.

Q7. Mention when, as a consumer, you are not in a position to resolve your grievance under the consumer protection act.

Ans: When we fail to fulfil our consumer responsibilities, we are unable to resolve our grievances as consumers.

Short Answer Questions 

3 or 4 Marks

Q1. Indicate any three directions that the consumer court may issue to the opposing party if it is satisfied that the complaint is genuine.

Ans: If the consumer court is satisfied that the complaint is genuine, it can issue the following three directions to the opposing party:

  1. Repair faulty goods or eliminate service deficiencies.
  2. Replace the faulty item with a new one.
  3. Refund the payment made by the consumer for the goods or services.

Q2. Explain four important aspects of consumer protection from a business standpoint.

Ans: The four most important aspects of consumer protection from the standpoint of business are as follows:


  1. Long-term Interest: For any business, customer satisfaction is critical, especially in today’s world of increasing competition. As the organisation looks after the interests of its customers, it gains market trust and reputation. As a result, the company’s sales and profits increase. Thus, protecting consumers’ interests benefits businesses in the long run.
  2. Resource Utilisation: To survive, every business relies on society. It employs societal resources in its various manufacturing activities. The sale of these goods and services to society generates profits. As a result, businesses must take societal interests into account and provide goods and services that are compatible with societal interests and well-being.

iii. Moral and Ethical Reasoning: Every business must follow basic moral and ethical principles. It must not engage in any business practises that result in consumer exploitation.

  1. Social Responsibility: Every business strives to be socially responsible. It makes money by selling various goods and services to members of society. As a result, it is the business’s responsibility to consider this and work toward satisfying consumer interests.

Q3. Explain the following rights of consumers: 

(i) Right to be Informed

Ans: Every consumer has the right to access complete and accurate information about the goods and services they buy. This includes information on the quality, quantity, price, ingredients, and weight of goods and services. In India, manufacturers are required by  law to include product information on the package and label. As a result, the consumer can make an informed and wise decision.

(ii) Right to Safety

Ans: Consumers have the right to be protected from goods and services that endanger their lives, health, or property. Consumers, for example, can be harmed if faulty electrical appliances are used. Every consumer has the right to be protected from such goods under the Act.

Q4. Mr. Verma, who was a vegetarian, went to a snack bar for French fries and later found out that they had non-vegetarian content. Neither the advertisement nor the product packaging indicated that it contained non-vegetarian ingredients. Will Mr. Verma be able to claim compensation for the right of the consumer that is violated here?

Ans: There is a violation of the consumer’s right to be informed in this case. According to the amendment to the regulations in the Weight and Measurement Act, (2000), every product should explicitly bear a green dot for vegetarian ingredients, while a brown dot indicates the use of non-vegetarian ingredients. It is also required to display the dot on all advertisements, whether electronic or print, as well as on all posters, banners, stunts and so on. Therefore, Mr Verma would be able to claim compensation.

Q5. Who can file a complaint in a consumer court?

Ans: Consumer courts as well as consumer forums have been established under the Consumer Protection Act to address consumer complaints. 

The following people have the right to file a complaint in a consumer court.

(I) Any consumer;

(ii) Any registered consumer association or organisation;

(iii) The Central and State Governments; and

(iv) A consumer or a group of consumers acting on behalf of several consumers who share a common interest.

(v) The deceased consumer’s legal heir or representative.

Long Answer Type Questions 

5 or 6 Marks

Q1. As a well-informed consumer. What kind of quality certification marks will you look for before buying ‘products? Specify any 6 points.

Ans: The following are some examples of quality certification marks:

(1) FPO (Fruit Products Order 1955) – It specifies as well as regulates the production & marketing of processed fruits & vegetables, sweetened aerated water, vinegar, and synthetic syrups.

(2) ISI (Indian Standards Institute): Now known as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), it is essential for the sale of consumer durable goods.

(3) Hallmark: BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) gold jewellery certification scheme.

(4) Earthen Pitcher: For labelling eco-friendly products.

(5) AGMARK: This is a quality standard for agricultural commodities and similar stock products.

(6) Wool mark: This symbol denotes 100 percent pure wool.

Q2. Pooja purchased a packet of juice from the local grocery shop. The information provided in the packet was not clear. She fell sick after consuming it. She filed a case in the District Forum under the Consumer Protection Act and got relief.

(a) Identify the important aspect that has been neglected by the marketer in the above case.

(b) Explain briefly the functions of the aspect identified in (a) above.


(a) The marketer overlooked the aspect of labelling.

(b) The points below highlight the functions of labelling.  

  • Use and Content Description: The primary function of labelling is to describe the product’s use, application, precautions, content, and so on. The contents of a shampoo bottle, for example, are written on the bottle, along with warnings such as “keep away from children under the age of ten.” Similarly, a picture of noodles with a description of their appearance can be found on food products like Maggie Cuppa Mania. The ingredients and method of preparation are also specified.
  • Product Identification and Differentiation: A label aids in the identification of a product. It helps consumers distinguish their preferred products from others. A picture of a man eating potato chips, for example, is imprinted on the packet for identification.A label also includes useful information such as the name or address of the manufacturer, the net weight, the maximum retail price, the batch number, and so on.

 Standardising and Grading: A label can also help with product grading. This enables marketers to divide the product into different categories based on specific characteristics or qualities. For example, a face-cream brand could be divided into three categories: oily skin, dry skin, and normal skin.

  • Promotes Production: An appealing label aids marketers in promoting the product. It helps  attract new customers for the product. For example, Maggie Noodles’ label reads, “Taste bhi, Health bhi.” In this case, the label is critical for drawing attention to the product and promoting its sale.
  • Information Required by Law: The label also provides and mentions legal information. On a packet of tobacco, for example, it says, ‘Chewing tobacco is harmful to your health.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Explain the Rights and Responsibilities of a Consumer.

The following are the rights and responsibilities of a consumer:

Consumer Rights: 

  • Right to Safety – A consumer has the right to insist on the items’ quality and guarantee before making a purchase. They should ideally choose an ISI or AGMARK-approved product.
  • Right to Choose – Consumers should be able to select from a wide range of items at a reasonable price.
  • Right to be Informed – Buyers should have access to complete information about the product to make informed choices and purchase decisions.
  • Consumer Education – Consumers should be aware of their rights to avoid being exploited. Ignorance may end up costing them even more.


Consumer Responsibilities:

  • Consumers should be concerned about what they want and need, and as a result, they should be able to make independent decisions.
  • Buyers should not be afraid to express their concerns or tell sellers exactly what they want.

2. How is the term “Consumer” defined in the Consumer Protection Act of 1986?

The Consumer Protection Act of 1986 defines a consumer as follows:


  • A consumer is someone who spends money to buy a product produced by a seller. Anyone who purchases goods for resale or commercial use, on the other hand, is not considered a consumer.


  • A consumer is someone who exchanges goods or services for a fee or money. It includes everyone who has used and paid for services.