CBSE Important Questions Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 3

Important Questions Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 3 -The Shepherd’s Treasure

Chapter 3 of Class 6 English, A Pact With The Sun, is about The Shepherd’s Treasure. The chapter  tells us that wisdom, humility and sincerity are qualities of having significant ethical conduct. All the more, it tells us how anyone who owns these traits will be rewarded sooner or later.

In this  chapter students  will learn the story of a poor shepherd who lives in a village. He is uneducated but a very intelligent and helpful man. His helping nature and wisdom make him quite famous in his village. He evolves to become so popular that the king comes to know about him. Hence, the king meets him in disguise. When the king meets him, he learns that the man is quite wise, caring and thoughtful. This impresses the king so much that he selects him as the Governor of a tiny district. Eventually, he also wins the hearts of people. This makes the other governors envious, and they spread rumours that he accumulates a part of the tax in his iron chest. However, when the king opens the chest, they find just an old blanket. Therefore, the king makes him the Governor of an even larger district.

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Important Questions Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 3 – With Solution

Our English teachers have compiled an entire list of Important Questions Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 3 by referring to numerous reliable sources like the NCERT textbook, other English language reference books, and past year exam papers. For each question, our team has prepared a step-by-step explanation that will enable students to apprehend the concepts used in each question. Similarly, the questions specified would cover entire chapter topics. So by practising from our question bank, students will be able to go through the chapter comprehensively and improve their understanding of the chapter.

Below are a few of the questions and answers from our question bank of Important Questions Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 3:

Question 1: How was the shepherd?

Answer 1: The shepherd was indigent and uneducated. But he was ingenious and friendly. He resided in a cave.

Question 2: Why did the king head to the cave?

Answer 2: The tales of wisdom, as well as the friendly nature of the shepherd guided the king of Iron to see his cave.

Question 3: What was the quality of the shepherd that impressed the king?

Answer 3: The king was greatly impressed by the shepherd’s generosity and hospitality.

 Question 4: What was the shepherd rewarded for his qualities?

Answer 4: The king was greatly pleased with the shepherd’s gentleness and intellect. Hence, he appointed him as the Governor of a little district. Subsequently, the king rewarded the shepherd for his honesty, wisdom and humility. He appointed the shepherd as a governor of a much larger district.

Question 5: What was carried by the shepherd in the iron chest?

Answer 5:The old blanket was carried by the shepherd in the iron chest. The old blanket was the shepherd’s oldest and best friend. It could protect him when the king desired to take away his position, cloaks and power.

Question 6: What is the moral of the given story?

Answer 6: The moral of the given story is that honesty, wisdom and humility are great virtues.

Question 7: How did the other governor attempt to shame the Shepherd?

Answer 7: The king was pleased with the wisdom of the Shepherd and appointed him as a governor. The jealous governors poisoned the king’s ear against him. The king decided to discover for himself the jewels in the Iron- box. But he discovered just an old and ordinary blanket. That was his only treasure. This incident improved the shepherd’s dignity. The other governors were utterly embarrassed.

 Question 8: The story of the shepherd teaches humanitarian values. Do you agree?

Answer 8: The shepherd was the epitome of wisdom and kindness. He earned the glory bestowed upon him by the king. The king was determined to meet him when he heard about his courage and common sense. The king went in disguise to greet him. The shepherd bid him farewell by calling him ‘Your Majesty. This astonished the king. He made him the Governor of a tiny state. When a false accusation was spread about him, he gave his reply with utmost poise and dignity. The values that we can learn from him are honesty, compassion and wisdom.

Question 9: If you were a shepherd, should you be discouraged from having negative individuals or give a befitting reply? Give your Statement.

Answer 9: The popularity of the new Governor created a feeling of jealousy and insecurity among the other governors. They attempted to defame him, but his honesty and humility protected him from their evil plans

If I was the shepherd, I would have led an outstanding life like him. I will never give up if I am faced with such challenges.

Question 10: The shepherd hadn’t been to school because

(a) he was very poor.

(b) there were exceptionally few schools in those days.

(c) he wasn’t interested in studies.

Choose the right answer.

Answer 10: (b) there were exceptionally few schools in those days.

Question 11:Who visited the shepherd one day, and why?

Answer 11: The king of Iran went to visit the shepherd one day since he was renowned for his wisdom and friendly nature. The king listened to him and felt like meeting him to know the truth.

Question 12: Why did the other governors grow envious of the Shepherd?

Answer 12: The common shepherd was selected as the Governor of a tiny district. He was loved and praised by the people. His fame spread far and wide. Hence, the governors of other provinces grew envious of him.

Question 13: Why was the new Governor called to the palace?

Answer 13: The envious governors conveyed that the new Governor was dishonest and that he consistently carried his treasure in an iron chest. So the new Governor was summoned to the palace since the king wanted to learn the secret of the iron chest.

Question 14: Why was everybody delighted to see the iron chest on the camel’s back?

Answer 14: Everybody was happy to see the iron chest fastened securely behind him on the camel’s back. The councillors had cautioned the king that he was deceitful and stored all the treasures that he had gathered in the iron chest. They were convinced that he had brought the iron chest everywhere with him, it would be opened, and his deceit would be revealed to the king.

 Question 15: (i) What did the iron chest include?

(ii) Why did the shepherd consistently carry it?

(iii) Is it an instance of the shepherd’s humility or wisdom, or both?

Answer 15:

(i) The iron chest included an old blanket.

(ii) The shepherd always carried it since it was his oldest friend, and it would always protect him even when the king took away his new cloaks.

(iii) It is an instance of both, the shepherd’s humility and wisdom.

Question 16: How did the king reward the new Governor?

Answer 16:The king was greatly pleased with the new Governor’s humility and honesty. He awarded him with a promotion. He positioned him as the Governor of a much bigger province the same day.

 Question 17: Word – Meaning from the given chapter.

  1. Humble 
  2. Shepherd 

iii. Mule 

  1. Hospitality

Answer 17:(i) Not overly proud of oneself and their achievements

                    (ii) A person who tends and rears sheep 

                    (iii) An offspring of a male donkey and a female horse                                 

                    (iv) Cordiality

 Question 18: Fill in the blanks:

  1. He became famous for his _____ and _____ nature.
  2. In a village in Iran, there once lived a _____ 

iii. Though poor and _____, this Shepherd was very _____. 

 Answer 18: (i) wisdom, friendly


                          (iii)uneducated, wise

 Question 19: State whether the following is True – False.

  1. The King made the Shepherd the Governor of a much bigger district.
  2. The Shepherd was an unkind and unhelpful person. 

iii. The traveller looked tired, so the shepherd offered him water to drink and shared a meal. 

  1. The king wanted to punish him, so he went to meet him as king only. 

Answer 19: (i)True



                    (iv) False

Question 20: Match the following.

Column I Column II
i) Platypus  a) Kit
ii) Kangaroo b) Filly
iii) Horse c) Joey
iv) Raccoon d) Puggle

Answer 20:

Column I Column II
i) Platypus  d) Puggle
ii) Kangaroo  c) Joey
iii) Horse b) Filly
iv) Raccoon a) Kit

 Question 21: In which country is the story pictured?

Answer 21: The story is set in Iran.

 Question 22:What was the shepherd’s financial situation?

Answer 22: The financial condition of the shepherd was not very sound. He didn’t even have his own modest cottage. He had never attended school and had never learned to read or write.

 Question 23: Was the shepherd educated and dumb?

Answer 23: No, the shepherd was not educated and did not go to school since there were extremely few schools at that time. Although he was not educated, he was very intelligent.

 Question 24: Did the shepherd help everyone?  Why?

Answer 24: The shepherd helped everyone because he could understand people’s sorrows and troubles. He helped them to face their problems with courage as well as common sense.

 Question 25: Why did people come to the shepherd for advice?

Answer 25: The people came to the shepherd for advice because he was wise and could understand their problems. He was known for his wit and friendliness. 

Question 26: Who wanted to meet the shepherd and how?

Answer 26: The king of Iran, when he heard about the Shepherd, wanted to meet him. The king disguised himself as a shepherd and went to him. He also spent the night with the shepherd and was thoroughly impressed by his nature.

 Question 27: What did the shepherd do on seeing a traveller?

Answer 27: The shepherd saw the traveller arriving towards the cave. Hence, he got up to welcome him. He then took the exhausted traveller inside the cave and gave him water and food to eat from his own meal. The traveller stayed in the cave for one night.

 Question 28: What was the king’s response to this gesture of the shepherd?

Answer 28: The king was extremely impressed by the shepherd’s hospitality and wise conversation. He awoke the next morning and thanked him for his compassion towards the traveller. The king was both surprised and content. While returning, the king thought to himself that the Shepherd was indeed intelligent.

 Question 29: What happened after the king left?

Answer 29: The king believed that he needed people like him to work for him. The shepherd was then selected as the Governor of a tiny district.

Question 30: Did becoming the Governor change the shepherd’s attitude?

Answer 30: No, even though the shepherd rose to might and dignity, he stayed as humble as ever. People respected and adored him because of his intellect, decency and compassion. He was thoughtful and just to one and all. His reputation as a fair and scholarly governor spread fast across the country.

 Question 31: What occurred when the governors of other provinces came to know about the Shepherd?

Answer 31:  When the governors of the other provinces understood about the Shepherd, they became furious and began lobbying the king against him. Some blamed him for being a dishonest person, while others indicated that he kept all the money accumulated from taxes. Few also questioned the iron chest that he held onto with him. 

 Question 32: What were rumours circulated by other governors about the Shepherd? What was the king’s first reaction?

Answer 32: The other governors circulated rumours about Shepherd that he was dishonest. Some reasoned that he was holding onto some money from the tax paid by the individuals. Some asked him why he always carried an iron chest. Some reasoned that he probably had a treasure which he was concealing under the chest. At first, the king didn’t give any attention, but then it didn’t last long. Angrily he summoned the Governor and questioned him about the reason for wearing an iron chest.

 Question 33: Could the king ignore each time people came to him whining about the new Governor? What did he do later?

Answer 33: No, the king could not ignore people who visited him to whine about the new Governor. One fine day, the king summoned the shepherd to the palace. The shepherd whom the king had appointed as the Governor had come riding on his camel. To everybody’s delight, the iron chest was on the camelback. The king, with rage, questioned the Governor why he constantly had an iron chest. To this, the Governor ordered his servant to bring the iron chest to him. Everyone was keen to see, what the chest contained. Upon opening the chest, they found out that there was merely an old blanket which was his oldest friend.

 Question 34: When the king found out that the shepherd was a righteous man after being the Governor, how did he award him?

Answer 34:  When the king questioned the reason behind consistently carrying this old blanket, the Governor responded that the blanket was of his oldest friend. If the king took away from him his new cloaks, the blanket would save him. The king, after listening to the reply, was pleased. He knew the shepherd was the most modest and the most intelligent man in all the land. Hence, the king made him the Governor of a much larger district that very day. 

 Question 35: Describe the character of the shepherd.

Answer 35: The shepherd was extremely poor and did not even have a cottage to call home. Although he wasn’t educated, he was intelligent and humble. He comprehended people’s sorrows and troubles. He enabled others to face their problems and solve them with courage and common sense. When the king visited him, in spite of his poverty, he warmly attended to the king and gave him water and food from his own meal. When the king selected him as a governor, he didn’t lose his modest nature and honesty. 

 Question 36: What is the moral of the story “The Shepherd’s Treasure”?

Answer 36:  The given story “The Shepherd’s Treasure” briefs us all about a poor Shepherd who lives in a village in Iran. He was uneducated, but he was intelligent and humble towards everyone. Shortly the story of his humility reached the king and impressed him. Therefore the king selected him as a governor of a little district. The required moral of the story is as follows: “As you sow, so shall you reap”, which signifies one’s behaviour reflects upon his life. Due to his humility, helping nature as well as honesty, the shepherd was elected as Governor by the king himself.

Benefits Of Solving Important Questions Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 3.

By solving English A Pact With The Sun Class 6 Chapter 3 important questions, students can acquire more understanding of the chapter The Shepherd’s Treasure. Students can easily get access to the Important Questions Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 3 by registering on the Extramarks website.

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  • Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 3 important questions provide knowledge about the various sorts of questions that might as well be asked in exams. This relieves stress for students and their exam pressure. 
  • Learning something just once may assist you in grasping it, but going through it entirely will allow you to remember it. Your chances of scoring good grades in exams rise as you solve more questions from our question bank of Important Questions Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun Chapter 3.
  • The questions and explanations provided are based on the latest CBSE syllabus and as per NCERT exam guidelines. Apart from that, each answer is created by our professional English teachers, so students can fully depend on the authenticity and quality of our solutions.
  • By solving our Chapter 3 Class 6 English A Pact With The Sun important questions, students will get an essence of how the paper will be designed. Practising questions similar to the exam questions would help the students achieve confidence, function better in their exams, and finally ace their exams.

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2. How can I study for the Class 6 exam?

Few of the details of advice to study for the CBSE Class 6 exam are given below:

  1. Form notes in points which makes it more effortless to comprehend and go through the topics.
  2. Develop an individual list of essential formulae and laws.
  3. Draw flow charts at the end of each and every topic and practise them.
  4. Just overviewing the issue will not help. The students must understand the topics in depth.

3. How many chapters are there in the prose section of A Pact With The Sun?

The CBSE Class 6 English Prose section of the A Pact With The Sun syllabus has ten chapters. These are given below:


  • Chapter 1: A Tale Of Two Birds
  • Chapter 2: The Friendly Mongoose
  • Chapter 3:The Shepherd’s Treasure
  • Chapter 4: The Old-Clock Shop
  • Chapter 5: Tansen
  •  Chapter 6: The Monkey and The Crocodile
  • Chapter 7:The Wonder Called Sleep
  • Chapter 8: A Pact With The Sun
  • Chapter 9: What Happened With The Reptiles
  • Chapter 10: A Strange Wrestling Match