CBSE Important Questions Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7

Important Questions Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7- The Open Window

The subject of English is imperative for students as it helps them develop their communication skills. Not only does it help in activating the creative side of the brain, but it also helps the students to increase the prospect of achieving their dream jobs. While it is important to learn grammar rules, it is equally important to understand prose and text and comprehend it easily. Chapter 7 of the Class 8 English book It So Happened is a humorous and enjoyable story about Mr Nettle, who has gone on a rural retreat to treat his bad nerves. Bad nerves essentially imply a person who experiences emotional stress, worry and anxiety. Mr Framton Nettle visits a certain Mrs Sappleton to introduce himself, where he is encountered by Mrs Sappleton’s niece, who becomes the reason for Mr Nettle’sNettle’s heightened bad nerves yet again. This story revolves around how the niece is successful and witty and constructs a story on Mrs Sappletons open window that makes the frightened man Mr Nettle, run away in a dash. To fully learn and understand the story, students can refer to the Important Questions Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7 provided by Extramarks.

Extramarks understands the importance of solving questions to retain all information about the concepts and ideas learned in class. The Important Questions Class 8 English It So Happened. Chapter 7 is created by English language experts with years of experience in their respective fields. The solutions are designed in an easy-to-understand language that helps the students understand the themes and ideas presented in the story by the author. These questions and solutions provide the students with a quick overview of the chapter, as the questions are selected from all the key parts of it. Chapter 7 Class 8 English It So Happened Important Questions is created keeping the latest CBSE guidelines and syllabus in consideration so that students get only updated study materials.

Extramarks provides a plethora of resources as study aids for students. Apart from the Important Questions Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7, students can access NCERT books, CBSE sample papers, past years’ question papers, CBSE revision notes, etc., by simply registering on the Extramarks website.

Important Questions Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7- with Solutions

Extramarks has collated a list of questions from various sources to create a comprehensive list of Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7 Important Questions for students’ reference. It covers all essential questions to help the students better comprehend the story’s theme about Mr Framton Nettle. Students learn the importance of the window in the story, understand the genre, and learn about the characters that the story portrays. These solutions will give the students a complete understanding of the chapter so they can earn good marks in their examinations.

Below are some of the Important Questions Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7 with solutions:

Question 1. Who was suffering from a disease in the story? 

Answer 1: Mr Framton Nettle is the story’s protagonist, suffering from a disease. He has a problem with bad nerves, as mentioned in the story. 

Question 2. Why had his sister given him letters of introduction to people living there?

Answer 2: Mr Nettles’s sister had given him letters of introduction as he did not know anyone in the countryside. As a result, his sister gave him letters of introduction to people who lived there so that he would not feel lonely and isolated while visiting the countryside for nerve ailment treatment. She was aware that his nerve problem would worsen due to his moping. Mrs Sappleton’s letter was one such introduction.

Question 3. Why had Nuttel come to the “rural retreat”?

Answer 3: Mr Framton Nuttel was concerned about his health because he had a nerve condition. His physician advised him to take a break from his urban lifestyle. He, therefore, travelled to the “rural retreat” to receive therapy for his nerve condition in the tranquil setting of the countryside.

Question 4. What was the tragedy that happened with Mrs Sappleton? 

Answer 4: According to Vera, Mrs Sappletons’Sappletons’ husband and her two brothers went out to hunt one day, only to return. Vera tells Framton Nettle that during their crossing over the grassland, wet marshes trapped all three of them in a dangerous spongy ground, where they sunk along with their little brown spaniel. None of them returned from that trip, and then for three years, Mrs Sappleton kept her living room window open, awaiting their return one day.

Question 5. How is the window important in the story? 

Answer 5: The story’s window highlighted a girl’s propensity for pulling practical jokes and pranks on others. The aunt’s husband uses the window as he and her two brothers go hunting. According to Vera, the three of them went out the window three years ago, never to return, which was a false story she made on the spot. She also said that her aunt kept the window open, awaiting their return. Mr Framton hurried out of the gate as soon as he saw the men through the window.

Question 6. You are familiar with the ”irony” of the situation in a story. (Remember the cop and the Anthem in Class VII Supplementary Reader!) Which conditions in ”The Open Window” are good examples of the use of irony?

Answer 6: Mr Framton had retired to the country and was visiting various people, trying to calm his nerves. However, his visit to Mrs Sappleton’s home had the exact opposite effect. This visit caused him to lose his nerve utterly. It is the story’s most ironic twist.

Nuttel thought Mrs Sappleton was delusory when she informed him she was waiting for her husband and three brothers, who were due to arrive at any minute.

Ironically, he was the one who was delusional when he believed the three men to be ghosts. Mrs Sappleton remarked that Nuttel’s hasty exit looked as though he had seen a ghost because of the manner he had acted as he fled. He did, ironically, flee because he believed he had seen spirits.

Question 7. What does the niece tell Mrs Sappleton after Framton runs away?

Answer 7: As the niece knew, she had startled her guest, Framton, by playing a trick on him by lying to him about the false tragedy. She had lied to him about the three men and a dog going missing unexpectedly and her aunt waiting for them on their anniversary, the day Framton visited them. Framton bolted as soon as he saw these men return as if he had seen ghosts. Vera attempted to hide her tracks by telling her aunt that Framton must have been terrified by the spaniel. It was because he had discussed his dread of dogs with her.

Question 8. Is this a mystery story? Give a reason for your answer.

Answer 8: The incidents described by Mrs Sappleton’s niece successfully evoke a sense of apprehension while revealing the questions concerning the open French window. Like Framton, the reader can only reasonably assume that the three men were ghosts when they later approached the open window. So, it’s safe to say that this tale has mystery-related themes.

Question 9. Who was Vera? What kind of prank did she pull? What was the outcome?

Answer 9: Vera was Mrs Sappleton’s niece. She was a fifteen-year-old girl. Vera was mischievous and fun-loving. She made Framton leave by pulling a practical joke on him. She told a make-believe story about her aunt’s husband, her two brothers, and the open window. She told him that her aunt’s husband and two brothers had gone shooting three years earlier. They became stuck in a damp swampy area. They never came back. Mrs Sappleton, the aunt, was still hoping they would return home and enter via the open window. Mrs Sappleton verified the narrative of the hunting party when she arrived to greet Framton.

This story had a profound impact on Framton. When he saw them approaching the window, he was terrified. The outcome was that he dashed out of the gate, mistaking them for ghosts.

Question 10. Imagination is a catalyst for doing the common good. Do you agree or disagree?

Answer 10: A person’s creativity is stimulated by dreams and imagination. Successful people have goals and visions. They appear regular people, yet their traits and demeanour set them apart. Vera also had a powerful imagination, but instead of helping, she aggravated Framton’s anxiety with her highly imaginative, haunting narrative. Her ghost and dog narrative was so convincing that both the readers and Mr Framton believed her. Vera’sVera’s use of her imagination only furthers her creativity and mischief; it does her no good.

Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7

The subject of English is quite interesting to study. Once the students get the right idea of the text and stories, they can dive deep into the topic and earn good grades in their examinations. To help students comprehend the ideas and themes that the chapter represents, they can refer to the Important Questions Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7 provided by Extramarks to study, revise and practice for their examinations. Students will benefit greatly by incorporating this resource into their study plans. 

The following are some of the benefits of solving English It So Happened Class 8 Chapter 7 Important Questions:

  • Subject experts make the important questions and solutions list with years of experience in the field of the English language. Students thus get access to a reliable and trustworthy resource to study from
  • The solutions are presented in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand language so that students understand the main themes and ideas behind the chapters.
  • The list of Important Questions Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 7 is created considering the latest CBSE guidelines and syllabus so that students only get the most recent content to study from.
  • These questions and answers enable students to thoroughly revise the chapter. Hence it increases their chances of scoring a good grade in their examination.

Extramarks offers comprehensive learning solutions to kids in grades one through twelve. Other learning resources, in addition to important questions and answers, are available through our website. Students can access some of these resources by clicking on the links provided below:

  • NCERT books
  • CBSE Revision Notes
  • CBSE syllabus
  • CBSE sample papers
  • CBSE previous year’s question papers
  • Important formulas 
  • CBSE extra questions

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Who is Mr Framton Nuttel in The Open Window by Saki?

Mr Framton Nuttel is suffering from an unknown nervous disease and has travelled to the country hoping to find a cure. He sends Mrs Sappleton a letter of introduction to get to know her better during his stay in her village. His niece amuses him as he waits for Mrs Sappleton by telling him a tale about why a window in the space was left open.

2. Does studying from the important questions provided by Extramarks help you score good grades on the examination?

The important questions and solutions provided by Extramarks are excellent study aid for students preparing for their examinations. It can be used along with other study resources such as NCERT books, CBSE sample papers, past years’ question papers, etc., to achieve a better grade in their examinations.