CBSE Sample Papers For Class 12 English Core Mock Paper 1

Q1. Read the passage given below. (10 Marks)

1. Ebola viruses cause a severe and often deadly illness known as Ebola virus disease (EVD, also referred to as Ebola haemorrhagic fever). Fatality rates during EVD outbreaks can be as high as 90 percent. Ebola viruses produce haemorrhagic fever, a condition that also can be brought about by other types of viruses but Ebola produces one of the most lethal forms. In addition to the other symptoms of haemorrhagic fever – fever, headache, aches, weakness, vomiting, and diarrhoea – the more severe cases can include damage to blood vessels and extensive internal and external bleeding (haemorrhage). Mortality rates for EVD range from 50 percent to 90 percent, with death usually occurring as a result of shock rather than blood loss. The virus is transmitted through direct contact with blood or other body fluids of infected persons or animals, including close contact with deceased Ebola-infected patients.

2. Ebola viruses belong to a family of viruses termed Filoviridae, which are characterized by a long filamentous structure. There are five subtypes of Ebola viruses: Zaire, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Tai Forest (formerly known as Côte d’Ivoire), and Reston, each named after the location in which it was first identified. The first three subtypes have been associated with large EVD outbreaks in Africa. The Reston subtype is found in the Western Pacific and although it is highly pathogenic in nonhuman primates, it is not known to cause illness in humans.

3. Ebola was first recognized in 1976 as the cause of twin outbreaks of disease near the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then known as Zaire) and in a region of Sudan. Some 300 people in each country became infected. The mortality rate was 88 percent in Zaire and 53 percent in Sudan (the Zaire subtype is the most deadly). Although the circumstances of the original human infections are not known, the disease spread through close direct contact and as a result of unsafe and unsanitary hospital practices, such as the use of contaminated needles and the lack of sufficient containment measures. Sporadic and smaller outbreaks have erupted over the succeeding years in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Uganda, and Sudan.

4. In the spring of 2014, a large and rapidly spreading outbreak of EVD erupted for the first time in West Africa. The initial cases in Guinea were reported to the World Health Organization in mid-March and soon thereafter cases were reported in Liberia and then Sierra Leone. Multiple regions in these countries are affected. The virus that is causing this outbreak is very closely related to the Zaire Ebola virus. As of July 2014, there have been approximately 1000 cases reported in these three countries, and over 600 deaths.

5. Ebola virus is a class A bioterrorism agent, known to cause highly lethal haemorrhagic fever. The mortality rate can be as high as 90 percent. Because the Ebola virus is so hazardous, it is classified as a biosafety level 4 agent – the level assigned to the most dangerous agents known. Research using Ebola viruses requires facilities with the utmost levels of containment, strict controls on access, and highly trained personnel.

6. There is no cure for Ebola virus disease, no established drug therapy to treat Ebola infection, and no vaccine that can protect humans against Ebola. Scientists lack sufficient diagnostic tools to rapidly identify Ebola infections. Scientists also need a more thorough understanding about how the virus is transmitted and how it causes disease.

7. Ebola is a threat not only to humans but also to our closest living relatives – the great apes. The western lowland gorilla populations have been decimated by Ebola to such an extent that they are now considered critically endangered. About a third of the gorillas in protected areas have died from Ebola in the past 15 years. Scientists are concerned that their numbers may not be able to recover and fear that they could become extinct in as soon as a decade.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below. i. Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option.

Ebola viruses are characterized by a long ____________ structure.

a. filamentous

b. empirical

c. ingenious

d. inebriated

ii. Comment on the writer’s reference to the given line.

“Ebola is a threat not only to humans but also to our closest living relatives.”

iii. List the places where the Ebola virus had been first recognised.

iv. Select the option that conveys the opposite of ‘Frequent’.

a. Shun

b. Indispensable

c. Avoid

d. Sporadic

v. The writer would agree with the given statements based on paragraph six, EXCEPT:

a. No cure for Ebola virus disease is available

b. No vaccine for Ebola virus disease is available

c. A good research and information is on Ebola virus disease is available

d. Diagnostic tools to identify Ebola infections is unavailable

vi. Based on your understanding of paragraph five, explain why Ebola virus is a class A bioterrorism agent.

vii. Why do the research using Ebola viruses requires facilities with the utmost levels of containment?

viii. Complete the given sentence with an appropriate inference, with respect to the following:

Ebola has affected the western lowland gorilla populations so much so that they are now considered (Paragraph 7) critically endangered.

ix. Which word or phrase in paragraph seven best describes the phrase ‘killed a large number of people”?

a. Decree

b. Decimated

c. Hazardous

d. Outbreak

x. Select the most suitable title for the above passage.

a. Ebola – A River

b. Ebola – A Fatal Fever

c. Ebola – An Outbreak

d. Ebola – A Deadly Disease


i. a. filamentous

ii. Our closest living relatives are the great apes. Due to Ebola the western lowland gorilla populations have been decreased to such an extent that they are now considered “”critically endangered””.

iii. Ebola was first recognized in 1976 as the cause of twin outbreaks of disease near the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then known as Zaire) and in a region of Sudan.

iv. d. Sporadic

v. c. A good research and information is on Ebola virus disease is available

vi. Ebola virus is a class A bioterrorism agent, known to cause highly lethal haemorrhagic fever. Ebola virus is so deadly that it is classified as a biosafety level 4 agent. This level is assigned to the most dangerous agents known.

vii. Ebola virus is known as a class A bioterrorism agent with mortality rate as high as 90 percent. Therefore, research using Ebola viruses requires facilities with the utmost levels of containment, strict controls on access, and highly trained personnel.

viii. critically endangered

ix. b. Decimated

x. d. Ebola – A Deadly Disease

Q2. Read the following excerpt from a survey on the Impact of Social Media on Young People
(10 Marks)

1 Is the end of the “”like”” button coming? According to TechCrunch, based on the findings of researcher Jane Manchun Wong, Facebook is currently carrying out tests to reveal only a limited number of likes on a post. The social networking giant is currently conducting the same type of experiment in seven countries on its Instagram app.

2 What is the reason for this? To reduce the feeling of permanent competition and social pressure. As recent research has shown, this decision could be particularly beneficial for the mental health of young people. Based on the results of a survey of 1,479 people aged 14 to 24 years by the UK’s Royal Society for Public Health, the top 5 social networks have been ranked according to their impact on mental health.

3 It emerges that Instagram is the social media platform with the most negative effect on the psychological state of young people. On the other side, YouTube is considered to be the most positive network in this area and the only one in the research considered to have a ‘net positive’ influence. To establish this ranking, 14 factors were taken into account such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, self-image, harassment, and the opportunity to express oneself.

Adapted from:

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.

vi. Does the following statement agree with the information given in paragraph 1?

Facebook and Instagram are experimenting on the ‘Like’ feature, that only a limited number of likes on a post will be shown to the user.

Select from the following:

True – if the statement agrees with the information False – if the statement contradicts the information Not Given – if there is no information on this ii. Do you think the researchers of the study aims to reduce the feeling of permanent competition and social pressure? Support your answer with reference to the text. iii. Based on the survey, the top 5 social networks have been ranked according to their impact on mental health. To establish this ranking, some factors were taken into account. Which of the following does not play the factor in ranking?

a. Anxiety and depression

b. Loneliness and self-image

c. Harassment and the opportunity to express oneself

d. Contentment, and self confidence

iv. Complete the sentence based on the following statement.

A certain aspect of social media did the research primarily seek to explore.

It was ………………….v. Select the option that displays how does Snapchat affect the psychological state of young people.

a. It negatively impacts the psychological state of young minds

b. It positively impacts the psychological state of young minds

c. It has no impacts on the psychological state of young minds

d. It has the worst impacts on the psychological state of young minds

vi. Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate option According to the data, YouTube and Twitter play ………………… in impacting the psychological state of young people.

a. negative role

b. positive role

c. no role

d. worst role

vii. Certain factors were considered to carry the research forward Give one reason why there was a need to do so?

viii. Complete the given sentence by selecting the most appropriate option. According to the research, _____________ has the highest negative impact on the psychological state of young people.

a. Instagram

b. Youtube

c. Twitter

d. Facebook

ix. Complete the sentence appropriately with one/ two words In the context of mental health, the decision of revealing only a limited number of likes on a post could be particularly beneficial for __________.

x. Based on the reading of the text, state a point to challenge the given statement. One should refrain using social media as it has adverse impacts on the psychological state of young minds.


i. True

ii. The recent research has shown, this decision could be particularly beneficial for the mental health of young people.

iii. d. Contentment, and self confidence

iv. Mental health and its relationship with social media

v. a. It negatively impacts the psychological state of young minds

vi. b. positive role

vii. To establish the ranking of the social media networks that have the impact on mental health.

viii. a. Instagram

ix. young people

x. Although the reason for the statement is true, it is still not appropriate to refrain people from using something that has good effects as well. It is a matter of using the technology wisely. As the data shows Youtube, helps people gaining confidence. It has a positive effect on its users.

Q3. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5 marks)

A. You are Amber, the cultural secretary of Rye Public School. You have been asked to inform students of class XI and XII about an Inter-School Dramatics Competition. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for the students’ Notice board with all necessary details. Put the notice in a box.


B. You are Asha from class XII. You found a wristwatch in the school auditorium. Write a notice for the school notice board inviting its rightful owner to furnish the necessary details to claim it back from you.


Rye Public School

New Delhi


27 July, 20XX


An Inter School Dramatics Competition will be held on 31st August, 20XX in the school auditorium. An audition will be held to select students for the school team. Interested candidates of classes XI and XII can give their names to the undersigned. The last date for the submission of the names is 4th August, 20XX. For further enquiries please contact the undersigned.



Cultural Secretary


Marymount High School, Nagpur



May 10, 20XX


Found a wristwatch in the school auditorium on May 9, 20XX. The genuine owner can claim it back from the undersigned after giving the necessary particulars about the wristwatch.


Class XII B

Q4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5 marks)

A. You are Ismail and Your neighbour, Munawar’s son has just made it to the national cricket team. He decided to throw a party and invited you. Respond to accept the invitation in about 50 words.


B. You are Kishore, a resident of Bhopal. You have just got a promotion in office. You want to celebrate the occasion by throwing a party at your house. Write an invitation to your best friend.


Dear Munawar

Your son is currently the toast of the town. Everyone is going gaga about him. I was thinking of paying you a visit when I got your letter. My family and I will surely attend your party and

offer our best wishes to your son before he leaves for New Zealand.

Yours sincerely



79, Punjabi Bagh


December 21, 20XX

Dear Sanjay

You will be glad to know that I have been promoted to the position of a bank manager. I am throwing a party at my house on December 29, Sunday to celebrate this occasion. I will be glad if you show up along with your family.

Yours sincerely


Q5. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5 marks)

A.You are Mahima, the tour in charge of JSS Public School, Delhi. Your school is planning to take a group of 40 senior students to Ranthambore National Park on an expedition during the summer vacation. Write a letter to Cosmos Tours and Travels, Rajasthan asking them to organise the tour and giving details of preferences such as dates of journey, transport, accommodation etc.


B. Draft an application for the post of Accountant in Heritage High School, Delhi that was advertised in a local newspaper on 27th July, 20XX. You are Pooja.


JSS Public School


October 6, 20XX

The Manager

Cosmos Tours and Travels


Sub: Organise an expedition to Ranthambore National Park


We are planning to organise an expedition to Ranthambore National Park during the summer vacations. We are a group of forty senior students and four teachers. Our scheduled departure from the school will be on October 30, 20XX at 6 in the morning by bus. We will reach Ranthambore National Park by 8 a.m. Kindly arrange for our accommodation in a good hotel for the night’s stay. We need 10 rooms for students and two separate rooms for teachers. Also arrange for breakfast, lunch and dinner for us.

Yours sincerely



21-23, 353 Ashok Nagar


29th July, 20XX

The Principal

Heritage High School


Subject: Application for the post of an Accountant


This is with reference to your advertisement in ‘The Times’ on 27th July, 20XX for the post of accountant.

I am presently working with a private firm in Mumbai and need to shift to Delhi due to family commitments.

I have an experience of 3 years and can assure you of the best of my services if given a chance.

I am enclosing my biodata for your perusal.

Yours faithfully


Bio data

Name Pooja

Address 21-23, 353 Ashok Nagar, Mumbai

Date of birth 4th April 19XX

Education qualification, from IMS Institute

Job experience Working for the last 3 years in K K chemicals, Mumbai

Expected CTC 70,000 INR

References Gaurav, Head Accountant, K K chemicals, Mumbai

Q6. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. (5 marks)

Gender stereotyping is an evil that still perturbs the whole world. Write an article discussing its effects on individuals and society in general.


You are Rajan / Rajini, a staff reporter with one of the local newspapers in New Delhi. Write a newspaper report on the first cut-off list released by the colleges affiliated with Delhi University in about 125 – 150 words.


Subverting the patriarchal paradigm

By Emily

Breaking down gender stereotypes is extremely important and necessary and for this, the active participation of men is very much needed.

While taking into account the plights of women all over the world, it would be too naive to assume that women alone are the victim of this inequality. “”Gender paradox of suicidal behavior”” indicates that suicide is a gender issue that can no longer be ignored. Statistics show that men are three times more likely to take their lives than women. The need to adhere to the distorted stereotypical images of what constitutes male success also has enfeebled many.

Needless to say, it is not a lost battle. Many steps are being taken by people all over the world to ameliorate the conditions. The US government’s decision to put a woman’s face on the currency is a testimony to the rising awareness about creating an egalitarian society. Such a historically symbolic makeover of their currency suggests an unprecedented drive to mark the presence of women through time and history. Moreover, men too need to shed these artificial images that stop them from expressing their true selves.


DU Colleges Release First Cut-Off List

By Rajini

New Delhi: 12 July 2013. The first cut-off list released by the University of Delhi on Monday did not see a sharp spike in any of the courses. After many students received merit certificates this year, it was being expected that the cut-offs would go up. However, barring science courses, only Humanities and Commerce saw a marginal increase. Many colleges in fact had to go with their last year’s cut-off list. SRCC, Delhi’s most celebrated college for Economics and Commerce, upped the cut-offs for both the courses by 0.5%. The principal of SRCC mentioned that his college had received a large number of applications which prompted the management to slightly increase the cut-offs. Similarly, the principal of Lady Shri Ram College explained why the cut-offs for Arts courses had risen marginally. The colleges did not want a repeat of what happened last year when they had to wait for the second and third lists to fill up their seats after they had released high cut-offs initially.

Q7. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions with reference to context.

1.Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. (6 Marks)


Some shape of beauty moves away from the pall

From our dark spirits. Such the sun, the moon, Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon. For simple sheep; and such are daffodils

With the green world they live in; and clear rills

That for themselves a cooling covert make

‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,

Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms;

(i) What removes the pall from our dark spirits?

(ii) What does the phrase ‘for simple sheep’ symbolise?

a. Divine beauty

b. Serene

c. Innocent

d. Lazy

Choose the most appropriate option.

A. Only (d)

B. (a), (b) and (c)

C. (a), (c) and (d)

D. (b) and (d)

(iii) Identify the word from the extract that means covering.





(iv) Complete the following analogy correctly. Do NOT repeat the used example.

Cooling covert: alliteration:: _________________: imagery

(v) What sprouts a shady boon for sheep and how?

(vi) Fill the blank with an appropriate word, with reference to the extract.

The idea conveyed by the poet is that _____________________.



that she was as old as she

looked but soon

put that thought away, and

looked out at Young

Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling

out of their homes, but after the airport’s

security check, standing a few yards

(i)Which poetic device is used in ‘young trees sprinting’?





(ii) Answer in ONE word.

When the poetess says put that thought away, she means the thought of her__________________.

(iii) Identify the word from the extract that means joyful.





(iv) Complete the following analogy correctly. Do NOT repeat the used example.

Spilling out: Coming out :: Sprinting: __________

(v) What are the emotions of the poetess that can be inferred through the extract?





A. Only (d)

B. (a), (b) and (c)

C. Only (b)

D. (b) and (d)

(vi) Fill the blank with an appropriate phrase, with reference to the extract.

Kamala Das entitled the poem, My Mother at Sixty-Six because of _____________.



(i)A thing of beauty removes the pall from our dark spirits. (ii) B. (a), (b) and (c)

(iii) (b) pall

(iv) shady boon

(v)The old and young trees sprout branches to provide shade and shelter to sheep. It is a blessing for the sheep against the harsh sun. (vi) only the things of beauty make our life possible on this earth.


(i) (d)Personification

(ii) aging mother

(iii) (c)merry

(iv) Running

(v) C. Only (b)

(vi) the fear of losing her aging mother.

Q8. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. (4Marks)

2. A.

For a sun-worshipping South Indian like myself, two weeks in a place where 90 percent of the Earth’s total ice volumes are stored is a chilling prospect (not just for circulatory and metabolic functions, but also for the imagination). It’s like walking into a giant ping-pong ball devoid of any human markers — no trees, billboards, or buildings. You lose all earthly sense of perspective and time here. The visual scale ranges from the microscopic to the mighty: midges and mites to blue whales and icebergs as big as countries. (a) What does the author mean by ‘chilling prospect’?

(b) Select the option that best describes the ‘South Indian’ in the extract.
(i) Geoff Green, a Canadian explorer.

(ii) Tishani Doshi, the author is talking about her visit to Antarctica.

(iii) Tishani Doshi has a love for adventure.

(iv) Geoff Green heads the ‘Students on Ice’ program.

(c) Which of the following gives a clue to identify midges?

(i) two-winged birds that form swarms and breed near water.

(ii) fish that form swarms and breed near water.

(iii) small or tiny two-winged flies that form swarms and breed near water.

(iv) small sea horses that breed in water.

(d) Why does one lose the earthly sense of time at this place?



Louisa was pretty worried when I told her all this, and didn’t want me to look for the third level anymore, and after a while, I stopped; I went back to my stamps. But now we’re both looking, every weekend because now we have proof that the third level is still there. (a) Why was she worried?

(b) What was the relationship between the narrator and Louisa?

(i) Louisa was the narrator’s best friend.

(ii) Louisa was the narrator’s colleague.

(iii) Louisa was the narrator’s wife.

(iv) Louisa was the narrator’s neighbour.

(c) Select the most appropriate proof given by the narrator?

(i) A letter dated July 18, 1874, sent by his friend Sam from Galesburg.

(ii) A letter dated July 18, 1884, sent by his friend Sam from Galesburg.

(iii) A letter dated July 18, 1849, sent by his friend Sam from Galesburg.

(iv) A letter dated July 18, 1894, sent by his friend Sam from Galesburg.

(d) What does the narrator mean when he says, ‘I went back to my stamps’?


(a) As Antarctica is covered with thick layers of ice everywhere, the author’s stay in Antarctica for two weeks is a chilling prospect For Tishani who is more familiar with the hot weather of South India, the weather in Antarctica is freezing cold.

(b) (ii)Tishani Doshi, the author is talking about her visit to Antarctica.

(c) (iii)small or tiny two-winged flies that form swarms and breed near water.

(d) There are no mornings, evenings, or nights. It is a 24-hour daytime in Antarctica. There is silence everywhere. So, you lose all earthly sense of time and space there.


(a) She was worried because the narrator had told her that he bought two hundred dollars’ worth of old currency to buy tickets to Galesburg in 1894.

(b) (iii)Louisa was the narrator’s wife.

(c) (iv)A letter dated July 18, 1894, sent by his friend Sam from Galesburg.

(d) The narrator is referring to his habit of a stamp collection that he had inherited from his grandfather.

Q9. (a) As Antarctica is covered with thick layers of ice everywhere, the author’s stay in Antarctica for two weeks is a chilling prospect For Tishani who is more familiar with the hot weather of South India, the weather in Antarctica is freezing cold.

(b) (ii)Tishani Doshi, the author is talking about her visit to Antarctica.

(c) (iii)small or tiny two-winged flies that form swarms and breed near water.

(d) There are no mornings, evenings, or nights. It is a 24-hour daytime in Antarctica. There is silence everywhere. So, you lose all earthly sense of time and space there.


(a) She was worried because the narrator had told her that he bought two hundred dollars’ worth of old currency to buy tickets to Galesburg in 1894.

(b) (iii)Louisa was the narrator’s wife.

(c) (iv)A letter dated July 18, 1894, sent by his friend Sam from Galesburg.

(d) The narrator is referring to his habit of a stamp collection that he had inherited from his grandfather.



(i) B. this world’s trap

(ii) A. Love: A Reformer

(iii) C. a rattrap

(iv) B. Love and kindness are powerful reformers.

(v) He got the power as he had been raised to captain.

(vi) this identity given by Edla helped him change.



(i) A. they had not gone to school

(ii) B. (a), (b) and (c)

(iii) The villagers had gathered to thank M. Hamel for his forty years of meritorious service.

(iv) C. hesitatingly

(v) A. M. Hamel in his last address talked about the importance of French.

(vi) France was defeated by Prussia

​Q10. Answer ANY FIVE of the following in about 40-50 words each. (5*2=10)

(i)‘Savita is a symbol of innocence and efficiency’. Comment on this statement in light of the story, Lost Spring.

(ii) The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band; Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.

With reference to the poem Aunt Jennifer’s tigers, critically interpret the meaning of these lines. Why do you think Aunt Jennifer felt the massive weight of uncle’s wedding band?

(iii) “The whole world with its lands and seas, its cities and villages — was nothing but a big rattrap.” In light of these lines from the story The Rattrap, explain the meaning being conveyed by the author.

(iv) Do you think that Gandhi was able to influence the lawyers? If yes, how? Provide reasons from the text Indigo to support your answer.

(v)What was the impression of Asokamitran in the Gemini Studios?

(vi) The story ‘Going Places’ draws a beautiful contrast between fact and fiction. Comment.


(i)Savita is a young girl. She is wearing a drab pink dress. She is soldering pieces of glass. Her hands move mechanically like the tongs of a machine. She is innocent and does not understand the sanctity of the bangles that she is making. She is very efficient in her work.

(ii)The poem Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers explores the theme of exploitative marriages and oppression. The poet has used many images and symbols to reflect the unpleasant experiences of Aunt Jennifer’s married life. The massive weight of her husband’s wedding band represents the trauma inflicted upon Aunt Jennifer throughout her marriage. The wedding band symbolizes the unbreakable bond of marriage between the husband and wife. Thus, it shows that Aunt Jennifer is trapped and finds it impossible to walk out.

(iii)The peddler believes that the whole world is a rattrap, and he finds himself trapped in it too. He gets tempted when he gets access to the crofter’s money with ease. He realizes that he has been caught in the trap when he loses his way in the forest, and he further gets trapped when he is mistaken for someone else by the ironmaster. He does not clarify the misunderstanding because the Christmas cheer attracts him. He continues to surrender to worldly temptations and gets caught in the rattrap time and again.

(iv)Yes, Gandhi was able to influence the lawyers greatly. He asked them what they would do if he would be sentenced to prison. They told him that they had come to advise him and that if he went to jail, they would return home. Then, Gandhi brought up the question of the injustice meted upon the sharecroppers. They were moved and concluded that it would be shameful on their part to go back home. They finally declared that they were ready to follow Gandhi into jail.

(v)Asokamitran was given a cubicle that had French windows on two sides as a wall. His job was to collect newspaper cuttings of a variety of subjects. He maintained a file for the paper cuttings. Throughout the day he was seen tearing up newspapers sitting at his desk. When the other staff members noticed this, they thought he did nothing.

(vi)Barton’s story ‘Going Places’ takes us into the fantasy world, which offers an escape from reality. Sophie’s character is a vivid portrayal and beautifully brings out the contrast between fact and fiction. Sophie is basically a dreamer who finds an escape route in her fantasies. She dreams of buying a boutique one day and of becoming a manager or an actress or a fashion designer. In her dreams and fantasy world, Sophie dates Danny Casey, an upcoming Irish football player. She tells her family about her imaginary meeting with Danny, making it seem quite realistic and true. So much so that she even makes them believe that she would be meeting him again. In her dream world, she forgets her humble background, and her small house, and ‘goes places’ only in her dreams that are far removed from reality.

Q11. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. (2*2=4)

(i) Did the plan to kill the American succeed? Why or why not?

(ii) How do you think Derry’s meeting with Mr. Lamb brought a change in his life? Elucidate with examples from On the Face of It.

(iii) ‘The bullet had missed it’. How did the hundredth tiger die? Bring out the irony of the situation.


(i)No, the plan to kill the American did not succeed because for three consecutive nights Sadao kept awake, feeling a little disturbed but all three nights no assassins came, and the young prisoner was still there. Later, the general confessed to Sadao that he had forgotten his promise of having him killed because he was preoccupied with his own sufferings.

(ii)Derry’s meeting with Mr. Lamb brought a considerable change in him. One side of his face had gotten burnt due to acid. People would either look at him in awe or offer him sympathy. He felt that even his mother did not love him truly and avoided kissing him on the burnt side of his face. Lamb listens to him and allows him a space to express his pain. He then offers him solace and inspiration by reminding him that he is not physically challenged like him. He reminds him that at least he has got two legs, two eyes, two ears and two hands. He advises him to be optimistic in life.

(iii) The brave king who killed tigers with his bare hands could not kill a weak tiger. His bullet missed the tiger. The tiger had fainted with the shock of the bullet passing near it. One of the hunters took aim from an arm’s distance and killed it. The whole situation is ironic.

Q12. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. (5 Marks)

1. The significance of training cannot be underestimated. Saint Cyprian said, “The helmsman is recognised in the tempest; the soldier is proven in warfare’. Substantiate the words quoted above in your own words. You may take ideas from the given lines: “I decided to get an instructor and learn to swim… he taught me to put my face under water and exhale, and to raise my nose and inhale… Bit by bit I shed part of the panic that seized me when my head went underwater.”


2. My Last French Lesson! Why I hardly know how to write! Parents are not keen to make their children study. Write an article on the role of society and the government in solving the problem.


Training: A Crucial Ingredient for Success

The skills of trainees are fine-tuned during training. It is crucial to gain in-depth knowledge of the tasks we do. No one can deny the wider relevance of training or refuse to recognise it. The biggest challenges that soldiers can encounter on the battlefield are prepared for in their training. Training is provided to doctors so that they may not result in the death of a patient. In order to relieve the ignorance gloom, teachers acquire training. The training keeps the students up-to-date on the most recent advancements in their specialised professions. The instructors inform them of all the important and vital instructions. Any profession that a novice enters without the necessary expertise could be completely destroyed. Experience is really important. It tells us how things work. It teaches us the proper way to conduct ourselves. The phrase “”the greatest method to really train people is with an experienced mentor… and on the job”” is true. The trainer’s wise counsel enlightens the trainees. They are trained to be extraordinarily adept in the fundamental skills. We run the risk of failing to recognise the training’s fundamental value. They would be dangerously near to tragedy if they believed the things they did.


Role of Society in Educating the Future Generation

India has a poor literacy rate the problems of illiteracy and school dropouts persist. This problem can be solved with the efforts of society and the government. The NGOs and the government can make education need-based and incorporate vocational training into the curriculum. The government can give incentives so that children go to school. Midday meals, free uniforms, and books can be an incentive. Media can create awareness about the importance of education for removing backwardness and illiteracy.

M Hamel blames himself and the parents for the neglect of learning by students. The parents would rather send their children to work on farms and in mills for extra money rather than attend school. M Hamel would give the students a holiday when they wanted to go fishing or wanted them to water the flowers thus neglecting their studies.

Q13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120-150 words. (5 Marks)

1. The two accounts that you read in Memories of Childhood are based on two distant cultures. What is the commonality of the theme found in the accounts of Zitkala-Sa and Bama?


2. Compare and contrast the characters of Mr. Lamb and Derry based on the story On the Face of It.


Gertrude Simmons was an extraordinarily talented Native American who struggled and was successful at a time when severe prejudice prevailed towards the Native Americans. Bama is a Tamil Dalit woman from a Roman Catholic family. She was disgusted as the lower caste people were stripped of all honour, dignity, and respect which she managed to regain through her education. Both these women fought against social and cultural discrimination and their efforts got recognition. Gertrude Simmons wrote under the pen name of Zitkala-Sa and criticized dogma and oppression. Similarly, Bama is a pen name and, in her autobiography, she recreates her childhood and its painful memories. Both these women have used writing as an effective means of battling discrimination and the evils of oppression. Even the usage of pen names is common to both writers.


Both Mr. Lamb and Derry suffer from a physical impairment. Mr. Lamb has an artificial leg made of tin and Derry has a severely burnt face. Both experiences have been terribly painful for the respective sufferers. Mr. Lamb takes things in his stride and accepts his handicap with poise and equanimity. He does not bother when children make fun of him. He takes life as it comes without grumbling. He keeps the gates of his house and windows open. Mr. Lamb loves all the creatures of God and states, ‘There’s nothing God made that doesn’t interest me’. Weeds and flowers demonstrate life and growth. He strongly believes that if he isolates himself, he might suffer like the man in the story who died when a picture fell off the wall and killed him. Derry, on the other hand, is a young boy of fourteen who is conscious of his ugly face and is full of bitterness. Derry is withdrawn and suffers from a deep-seated inferiority complex. He hates meeting people. He suffers on account of the pain caused by his notions of how much people hate him and are repulsed by him. Derry is inspired by Mr. Lamb to see that actions are more important than looks and that even weeds have value. Mr. Lamb’s positive attitude changes Derry and motivates him to face the world.

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