CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1

CBSE Class 6 Science Sample Paper-1 with Solutions (2021-22)

Students studying for their examinations should use the Extramarks’ CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1 as the ideal practice study material. Students can be aware of the format of the exam, the kinds of questions they might anticipate from each chapter, and key concepts. The students can time themselves with the aid of the CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1. The Extramarks’ experts have provided the answer to each question on the CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1, which aids students in comprehending the chapters better. The CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1 have been presented in a clear format and using easy-to-understand language.

Students can use the CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1 provided by the Extramarks’ website to study for their exams. The students can gauge their level of preparation with the aid of a sample paper. They can determine which chapters or subjects need more study and also gain experience in giving a real exam. If the students stick to the time provided in the sample paper, they can increase their time management abilities. Students can overcome their fear of the examination as after completing the sample paper, their confidence levels rise. The CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1 at Extramarks covers the full curriculum and assesses student understanding of the entire curriculum.

CBSE Sample Paper-1 for Class 6 Science with Solutions – Free PDF Download

The CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1 will be of great use to students preparing for their exams. Both expected curriculum-related questions and questions that adhere to the prescribed structure for exams are included in the question bank. The CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1 With Solutions let the students manage their time on their own. Each question on the sample paper has an expert-provided solution, allowing students to learn from their mistakes. The answers have been provided simply to make them easier to read, write, and comprehend. Science is taught to students in Class 6, and to do well on the exams, they must have a solid grasp of both the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject. After reviewing the papers from past years, specialists in this subject created the CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1. All the likely exam questions are included in the sample papers. Students in sixth grade learn the fundamentals of Biology, Physics, and Chemistry through Science.

Sample Paper of Class 6 Subject Science Pattern

Science concepts are presented to students in Class 6, and to do well on exams, they must have a solid grasp of both the concepts and the format of the questions. A useful resource for exam preparation is the CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1. The students can gauge their progress and how much more learning has to be done in particular areas by solving these papers. These papers follow the current exam format and CBSE Syllabus. Students’ confidence will increase as a result of solving the sample paper, which will give them useful practice.

By practising the CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1, students can review the content covered in class. Students can use a timer to enhance their performance and get an advantage during the exam. After completing the sample paper, students will have sufficient practice answering all the exam’s question categories. Also, it will boost their self-esteem, which will improve their exam performance. Students can consult a variety of different study resources on the Extramarks website in addition to the CBSE Important Question. Students have access to resources like NCERT books, CBSE Revision Notes, CBSE Sample Papers, CBSE Previous Year Question Papers, Formulas, CBSE Extra Questions, CBSE Syllabus and many more.


Physics is a branch of natural science that focuses on the study of matter, including its fundamental components, motion, and behaviour in both space and time, as well as the associated concepts of energy and force. Understanding how the cosmos acts is the core objective of one of science’s most fundamental fields, Physics.


Chemistry is the branch of Science that examines the characteristics, and structure of substances (specified as elements and compounds), as well as the changes they go through and the energy released or absorbed.


Biology is a field of study that examines living things and their essential functions. Botany, conservation, ecology, evolution, genetics, marine biology, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, and zoology are just a few of the many disciplines that make up Biology.

Benefits of CBSE Sample Paper Class 6 Science

The CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1 has been developed to cover the whole curriculum.

It lessens the students’ nervousness and aids in their exam preparation.

The sample paper aids the students in determining the importance of each chapter and key concepts.

The solutions to the CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1 have been made available so that the students can double-check their answers and develop the ability to organise.

The CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1 prepare students thoroughly, so they may confidently give the Science examination. 


Students studying for their examinations will benefit greatly from the CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1. In addition to having questions that are anticipated to come from the syllabus, the sample paper follows the required exam format. The sample papers also assist students in time management on their own. The answers have been provided straightforwardly to make them simpler to read, write, and understand. The CBSE Sample Papers For Class 6 Science Mock Paper 1 are provided by the Extramarks’ experts. They have curated in-depth solutions so that students do not have to face any difficulty in answering the questions. The Extramarks website also offers live classes to the students who are registered on its website. Students can thereby clear their doubts and learn some important topics in the live classes offered by the subject-matter experts on the Extramarks website. 

Q1-The process of reproduction is not essential for the survival of an organism then why it is necessary to reproduce?

AnsLiving organisms need to reproduce to ensure the continuity of their species. Reproduction preserves the genetic material of a species.

Q2-Where are poles of a bar magnet located?

AnsThere are two poles of a magnet namely North pole and South pole. They are located at the two ends of the magnet.

Q3-Which substance can be used to locate an iron sewing needle dropped in a room?

AnsA magnet can be used to find a lost sewing needle in the room.

Q4-Select and make a group of those objects from the following that have dull appearance.

steel glass, plastic mug, gold ring, paper boat, rubber tyre, silver coin

 AnsObjects having dull appearance are: plastic mug, paper boat, rubber tyre

Q5-Write four capital English alphabets whose image in a plane is identical to the letter.

AnsThe images of the alphabets T, V, Wand X formed by a plane mirror are identical to the respective letters. 

Q6-Describe the main adaptive features of a lotus plant.

Ans-The adaptive features of a lotus plant are as follows:

  1. 1.Leaves with a waxy coating on them
  2. Long, hollow, and light stems
  3. 3.Short roots

Q7-What are vitamins? State the functions of vitamin A and C in our body.

AnsVitamins are complex organic compounds, which are essential for the growth of our body.

Vitamin A keeps our skin and eyes healthy.Vitamin C helps the body to fight against diseases.

Q8-Give two examples of periodic motion.

Ans-The two examples of a periodic motion are:

  1. Motion of a pendulum
  2. Motion of a child on a swing

Q9-Give two uses of magnets in our daily life.

Ans-The two uses of magnets in our daily life are as follows:

(a) In the doors of the refrigerator.

(b) In the junkyard to segregate iron pieces from other materials.

 Q10How much time does adaptation take to occur?

Ans-Adaptation does not take place in a short time. The abiotic factors of a region change over thousands of years.The animals and plants which cannot change themselves and do not adapt to these changes die out and those who adapt are able to survive.

Q11-What are the differences between an image obtained by a plane mirror and that obtained by a pinhole camera?

AnsThe differences between the image formed by a plane mirror and that by a pinhole camera are given below.


SL. NO Plane mirror Pinhole Camera
i  The size of the image is equal to the size of the object.  The size of the image is generally smaller than that of the object.
ii The image is laterally inverted. The image is upside down.

Q12-In what type of circuits is silver used?  And why is it used there?

 AnsSilver is used in printed circuits present in computers, televisions, etc. In these circuits, the conductivity of the materials used to connect electrical equipment should be high. Silver is used there as a connecting wire due to its high conductivity. Printed circuits used in electronic devices are very sensitive. It should not emit heat during the flow of electric current. A good conductor like silver does not dissipate much heat. So, the high conductivity of silver makes it useful for printed circuits.

Q13-Differentiate between reticulate and parallel venation.

” Ans-“

Parallel Venation Reticulate Venation
A type of venation in which veins are parallel to each other is called parallel venation. A type of venation in which veins form a net-like structure is called reticulate venation.
Veins are parallel to each other from the base to the tip. Small veins emerge from the midrib.
Some common examples of plants showing parallel venation are mango, peepal, etc. Some common examples of plants showing reticulate venation are wheat, grass, etc.

Q14-Name the technique used to separate–

(i) seeds from fruit juice

(ii) salt from sea water

(iii) butter from milk

 Ans-(i) filtration

(ii) evaporation

(iii) churning

” Q15-(i) What is winnowing?

(ii) Name the property of the constituents of a mixture that is used in winnowing?

(iii) Give an example where winnowing is used to separate components of a mixture.

Ans(i) The process of separating the lighter particles from the heavier ones with the help of wind is called winnowing.

(ii) Difference in weights of the constituents lead to their separation by winnowing.

(iii) This method is generally used by farmers to separate husk from grains.

” Q16-(a) What is the significance of water vapour in the atmosphere?

(b) Name one component of air that is NOT the supporter of combustion?

(c) Name two components of air that are formed by the burning of fuels.

” Ans-(a) The presence of water vapour is crucial for the process of water cycle.

(b) Nitrogen is the component of air that does not support combustion.

(c) Smoke and various harmful gases such as carbon monoxide are formed by the burning of fuels.

” Q17-“Complete the given table:


Nutrients Deficiency disorder Symptoms
    Poor vision or loss of vision
Vitamin C    
Vitamin B1    
  Tooth decay  

” Ans-“

Nutrients Deficiency disorder Symptoms
Vitamin A Night blindness Poor vision or loss of vision
Iron Anaemia Weakness
Vitamin C Scurvy Bleeding gums
Vitamin B1 Beriberi Weak muscles
Calcium Tooth decay Weak bones

” Q18-Describe the skeleton system. How many bones make the skeleton of an adult human? Write any two functions of this system.


Draw a well-labelled diagram of a flower showing all its parts.

Ans-The framework of bones and cartilage which supports the body of humans is called the skeleton system. The human skeleton system consists of the skull, backbone, ribs, breastbone, bones in arms and legs, shoulder and hip bones.

The skeleton of an adult human is made up of 206 bones.

The functions of the skeleton system are as follows:

(i) It forms the framework of the body.

(ii) It helps to protect the delicate organs of the body. For example, the brain is protected by the skull.


The diagram of a flower showing all its parts is given below:

Q19-Describe about the three different types of motion. Give examples.

Ans-Following are three different types of motion:

(i) Rectilinear motion: In this type of motion, objects move in a straight path, for example – a freely falling stone.

(ii) Circular motion: When the object moves on a circular path, it is said to execute a circular motion. In circular motion, an object moves in such a way that its distance from a fixed point does not change, for example – motion of the tip of the hand of a clock.

(iii) Periodic motion: A motion that repeats itself at regular intervals of time is called periodic motion, for example – revolution of earth around sun.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Which Science subject in CBSE Class 6 is the most challenging?

Science can be a simple subject if students can understand a variety of concepts. The study of Science can be quite thought-provoking. The most exciting subject is Science since it enables one’s intellect to come up with answers to the questions. Science is the most exciting subject because it encourages students to seek explanations for commonplace occurrences in life. Future systems, technologies, and creativity all depend on Science. The way that processes operate and act is fascinating. Science research is neither simple nor tough. This is the same reason why students could find some topics more engaging than others. Ease of learning is also determined by the perspective of the person and his/her passion for a certain topic. One person might excel in Biology, another in Physics, and yet another in Chemistry.

2. Which Science subject is more important and needs more practice?

All three subjects under Class 6 Science namely Physics, Chemistry and Biology, hold equal importance and require equal attention. Different students may find different subjects difficult but in general, all three subjects need attention.