Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5

Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5– The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role

English is an important subject that students study in school. Hornbill is a textbook of English for Class 11 CBSE students published by NCERT. This book contains several stories, poems, and articles by Indian and international writers.

Chapter 5 contains an informative article about the green movement. It is a diverse movement aiming to solve the earth’s environmental problems. Students will learn the importance of the green movement and different ideas related to it. Students will also study how human activities and increasing populations affect natural resources such as forests. Thus, the chapter tries to warn students about the present environment of our world so that they can be informed citizens in the future.. Students must practise questions to score better in exams.

Extramarks is a leading educational company that provides all the important study materials related to CBSE and NCERT. Our experts have made the Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5 by collecting the questions from several sources, such as the CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, important reference books, and the textbook exercise. They wrote the answers so that students could write complete answers in exams.Experienced professionals have further checked the answers to ensure the best quality of the content. Thus, the Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5 will help students improve their writing skills.

Students must register themselves to avail themselves of the study materials provided by Extramarks. We provide CBSE syllabus, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, CBSE revision notes, CBSE extra questions, NCERT books, NCERT solutions, NCERT important questions, vital formulas, and many more.

Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5 – With Solutions

The experts at Extramarks have made this question series by collecting questions from different sources. They have taken help from the textbook exercises, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, and important reference books. They have also provided the answers, and experienced professionals have further checked the answers to ensure the best quality of the content. The Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5 will help students score better in exams. The important questions are-

Question 1. Write the word’s meaning.


Answer 1: Disastrous

Question 2. Write the word’s meaning.


Answer 2: Shameful

Question 3. Who from India was a member of the Brandt Commission?

Answer 3: Mr. M.K. Jha from India was a member of the Brandt Commission.

Question 4. Who said tropical forests are “the powerhouse of evolution”?

Answer 4: Dr. Myers said tropical forests are “the powerhouse of evolution”.

Question 5. What is the name of the book by Mr. Lester R Brown?

Answer 5: The book by Mr. Lester R. Brown is “The Global Economic Prospect”.

Question 6. What is the ‘Era of Responsibility?

Answer 6: It is a holistic approach that considers the earth as a single system rather than a collection of different parts.

Question 7. What is the green movement? Where did it start first?

Answer 7: The “Green movement”, is a diverse movement  addressing environmental problems. It includes different philosophical, political, and environmental ideas to improve environmental issues. The movement had its origins in New Zealand in 1972. Soon it spread to the whole world, and it is one of the most important movements in the present world.

Question 8. What do you know about sustainable development?

Answer 8: Sustainable development is a significant concept taken seriously throughout the world. The central concept of sustainable development is to meet the needs of the current generation without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their own.The concept of sustainable development was popularised in the late 1980s by the World Commission on Environment and Development.

Question 9. How did human beings realise the earth is also a living body?

Answer 9: Human beings first realised the earth is also a living body in the sixteenth century. Copernicus stated that the world and other planets revolve around the sun. Soon, scholars realised that the planet has many biogeochemical processes which are important for nature. They realised that any harm to these processes would disrupt the environment.

Question 10. How many species have the scientists catalogued? How many have remained untraced?

Answer 10: Earth is the home of millions of species. Scientists have been trying to recognise and name these species for a long time. But we could have named only a small portion of the existing species. Scientists have successfully catalogued nearly 14 lakh species.However, it is estimated that between three and hundreds of species have yet to be identified.

Question 11. What are the principal biological systems, according to Lester R Brown?

Answer 11: Lester R .Brown, a pioneer environmentalist, has described the principal biological systems in his insightful book “The Global Economic Prospect”. According to him, there are four principal biological systems in our world: fisheries, forests, grasslands, and croplands. These systems provide all the resources needed for human survival.

Question 12. How are tropical forests being affected?

Answer 12: Tropical forests are major shelters of the earth’s biodiversity. But these forests are also affected due to the expansion of human civilization in tropical areas. The trees are cut down for the supply of fuel, different resources, and human habitation. So, tropical forests are losing many species and their vegetation cover.

Question 13. Why is it said that deserts follow mankind?

Answer 13: Answer: Human beings are destructive when spreading civilization. With the increase in population, humankind needs larger areas for farming, settlements, industries, etc. It results in the cutting of trees. We clear forests but never plant trees. So, deforestation happens, which in turn helps in the spread of deserts.

Question 14. What results did the United Nations point out by their three-year study? 

Answer 14: Answer: United Nations conducted a three-year study with the help of satellite images and aerial photographs. The study was conducted in 88 countries and revealed some startling findings.It stated that the environment in the countries had deteriorated and had even become “critical” in several states.Question 15. How did the Brandt Commission play an important role in the green movement?

Answer 15: Brandt Commission was one of the early international commissions that dealt with the environmental problem. There were many activists, including the well-known Indian scholar Mr. L.K. Jha.The commission tried to spread ecological awareness, raising a major question for the world. They questioned if humanity could give a healthy planet to future generations.  

Question 16. What does the inscription “The world’s most dangerous animal” on a cage in the Lusaka Zoo, Zambia, mean?

Answer 16: The zoo in Lusaka, Zambia, has done an interesting thing. The zoo has a cage with a notice ‘The world’s most dangerous animal’ and keeps a mirror in the cell. As a result, it expresses that only humans are the most dangerous animals on the planet.It is because humans are causing the most harm to Mother Earth. Different anthropogenic activities result in environmental degradation. Environmental pollution, deforestation, and change in the earth’s landscape are a few. This leads to the loss of different natural species that have the same right to inhabit our planet. Environmental pollution and the loss of vegetation cover disrupt important cycles and processes in the world. The disruptions can be seen in the form of global warming, climate change, more droughts, etc. The earth is also a living body that is disrupted by its natural processes, and environmental degradation is causing diseases on the earth. Thus, human beings are contributing directly to the deterioration of the earth’s health. 

Question 17. How are the earth’s principal biological systems being depleted?

Answer 17:  According to famous environmentalist Mr. Lester R. Brown, the earth has four major biological systems.These are fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. These systems provide important resources for the survival of the human race. With the increase in population, the demand for resources is also increasing. This is causing more exploitation of these natural systems. For example, in a densely populated area, fisheries supply most of the protein, and the overexploitation of fisheries is very common there. Thus, it leads to the depletion of a major natural resource – fish.

In the same way, forest covers are being cleared for human habitation, cultivation, industries, and increased demand for fuel and forest resources. Forests are being lost due to rapid deforestation and a lack of tree planting.In some developing areas, the need for wood has increased so much that the fuel price is higher than food. Thus, different human activities are causing overpressure on the supply of biological systems, causing depletion.

Question 18. Describe how India has failed to protect the environment.

Answer 18: Environmental problems are a major issue in India. It is because there needs to be an effective law preventing pollution and the spreading of awareness. The government has taken several initiatives to combat environmental problems by making laws. For example, 48A of the Indian Constitution states that the state must safeguard India’s forests and wildlife. But the reality is different because these laws are never respected or used seriously. Another factor is the ineffective role of the government. A report by the Parliament estimate committee has shown that forest cover is abruptly vanishing in India.Every year, almost four million acres become treeless. But the government still needs to take effective steps to prevent this situation.

On the other hand, many areas that are treeless are still officially designated as forest areas. Hence, it becomes more difficult to trace the actual loss of vegetation. Due to the people’s and government’s neutral roles, India has failed to stop environmental degradation. 

Question 19. Why does the author aver that the growth of the world population is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society?

Answer 19: Population is a big factor determining the demand for natural resources. An increase in population leads to an increase in demand for food, shelter, fuel, etc. So, it puts pressure on the principal biological systems, i.e., fisheries, forests, croplands, and grasslands. The human population has been increasing at an unprecedented rate since the last century. Every four days, the earth’s human population increases by one million. Most of the earth’s resources are limited or take a long time to replenish—for example, forests. Tropical forests are largely affected due to the increased population in tropical areas, while afforestation is not taking place.

On the other hand, due to overpopulation, low-income families remain poor because more humans mean more demand for resources. Lack of education or knowledge of family planning is prevalent among them, and it causes stable growth in the population graph. It is putting the future of human society in serious question. If the population increase remains uncontrolled, we cannot provide the basic amenities to each person. At the same time, it is an obstacle to sustainable development.

Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5

Practice is very important for students because it helps them in several ways. The textbook has limited questions, and students must seek help from other sources. The more they practise, the better they become at English. Keeping this fact in mind, the experts have made the Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5 to help students practise. There will be multiple benefits to solving the questions. These are-

  • More than the textbook is needed for students because it has limited questions. So, students must take help from other books to practise more questions, but it can be challenging to search for questions from different sources. Our experts have collected the questions from various sources. They have taken the help of the textbook exercises, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, and important reference books. So, students can search for questions in different books, but they will find them in a single pdf. Thus, the Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5 Important Questions will help them practise more and thus score better in exams.
  • The experts have not only collected the questions, but they have also written the answers. They have followed the CBSE guidelines to prepare complete answers that are easy to understand. The students may follow these answers to improve their vocabulary and grammar. They will also learn how to write answers suitable for the best marks, and it will develop their creative writing skills. Experienced professionals have further checked the answers to ensure the best quality of the content. Thus, the English Hornbill Class 11 Chapter 5 Important Questions will help students better prepare and answer writing techniques.
  • English is a very important language because we need it for our higher studies, jobs, and communications. So, students must learn English, and practice will help them do so. The habit of writing will develop their writing skills. It will also boost their confidence and creative writing skills. Our experts have tried to help them in practice by providing a wide range of questions to solve. They have also written the answers so that students can follow them to build their writing skills. Thus, the Chapter 5 Class 11 English Hornbill Important Questions will help students boost their confidence and generate interest in the subject matter.

Extramarks is a well-known educational company in India that provides all the important study materials related to CBSE and NCERT. You can download these study materials after registering on the official website of Extramarks. We provide CBSE syllabus, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, CBSE extra questions, CBSE revision notes, NCERT books, NCERT important questions, NCERT solutions, NCERT Exemplars, vital formulas and many more. Like the Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5, you will find important questions for another chapter of Hornbill. The links to the study materials are given below-

  • NCERT books
  • Important questions
  • CBSE Revision Notes
  • CBSE syllabus
  • CBSE sample papers
  • CBSE past years’ question papers
  • Important formulas 
  • CBSE extra questions

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5 about?

Students will study an informative article in Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5. This article discusses the green movement and its importance. Human activities have threatened our environment, becoming a major challenge for us.Not only is environmental degradation a major issue today, but so is resource depletion.A rapid increase in population is a major factor facilitating these issues. More humans mean more demand for food, shelter, and natural resources. So, it is causing rapid deforestation and environmental pollution. The author has pointed out that controlling the population, mass awareness, and proper laws can effectively combat the challenges.

2. How can the Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5 help students?

The textbook exercises have limited questions, and more are needed for students to score better in exams. They must get help from other sources to be better prepared for exams. Our experts have made the task easier for the students because they collected important questions from different sources. They have taken help from the textbook exercises, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, and important reference books. They have also written the answers, and experienced professionals have further checked the solutions to ensure the best quality of the content. Thus, the Important Questions Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 5 will help students score better in exams.