CBSE Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay – My Watch

Communication happens due to languages, and languages can be in various forms—every language breeds various forms of literature used to express people’s opinions and ideas. Literature uses various styles, such as short stories, anecdotes, poems, and essays, to impart imaginative or realistic works. The first essay in the Class 11 English Woven Words is titled “My Watch.” The essay is written by one of the most celebrated writers in the history of Literature -Mark Twain. In the essay, the author talks about his unrepairable watch since it ended up in the hands of inept watchmakers. Literature students can find the humour and wit of the author unique. We recommend students use our Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay to learn more about the chapter and writing style of the author.

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Students will find Extramarks solutions to Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay extremely helpful for exam preparation. Extramarks’ literature experts have focused on CBSE guidelines for providing answers and exams. Therefore, all solutions to Chapter 1 Class 11 Essay and other topics are highly reliable for students to study for exams. Students can reach their full potential in preparing for upcoming CBSE English Literature exams by utilising Extramarks’ resources of study materials like important questions and solutions.

Extramarks storage of study materials includes all important CBSE revision notes, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past year’s questions papers and important questions. Complete solutions to Chapter 1 Essay Class 11 English Woven Words Important Questions are available on the Extramarks website after registration.

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay – With Solutions

The English literature expert team at Extramarks has worked day and night to bring forth the best quality study resources for students. Our study materials, such as the NCERT chapter’s revision notes and English Woven Words Class 11 Chapter 1 Essay Important Questions include all necessary topics and themes for exam preparation. Students will become more invested in understating the topics after going through our set of well–written solutions to important questions.

Here are the Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay for students’ exam preparation: –

Question  1. How is humour employed to comment on the pains that the author took to get his watch set right?

Answer      1. The story’s humour stems from the watchmakers’ failure to repair the author’s watch.Throughout the story, all watchmakers try to repair the watch by regulating it, cleaning it, oiling it, assembling it, and disassembling it. It was painful for the author to watch his watch being experimented on by every new watchmaker. Therefore, the pain of watching a watch being destroyed and repaired by watchmakers makes up for the humorous part of the story.

Question 2. What happened when the author reached the chief jeweller’s place?

Answer    2. The author visited the chief jeweller to get his watch checked and asked the chief jeweller to set it  to an exact time. The chief jeweller took the watch to set it up for the author. However, the chief jeweller also noticed that the watch was slow by four minutes and that the regulatorr needed pushing up. The author tried to explain to the chief jeweller that his watch kept perfect time, but everything was in vain, and the chief jeweller ended up pushing the regulator.

Question   3. Explain these lines

  1. ‘I seemed to detect in myself a sort of sneaking fellow-feeling for the mummy in the museum, and a desire to swap news with him.’ 
  2. Within a week, it developed a high fever and its pulse increased to 150 in the shade.
  3. ‘She makes too much steam—you want to hang the monkey wrench on the safety valve!’

Answer    3. 

  1. The author’s watch was cleaned, oiled, and regulated for a second time, after which it slowed down to the extent that the author missed all his important appointments and dinner. The author felt he was slowly going back into the past by gradually drifting back into yesterday, the day before, and last week. The author felt the entire world was out of sight. The author also felt that he missed all the happenings of the world due to the malfunctioning of his watch. Before visiting the next watchmaker, the author felt he could befriend a mummy since he was travelling in the past, just like a mummy in the museum.
  2. The author went to the chief jeweller to get his watch checked. The chief jeweller informed the author that his watch was slow and proposed pushing up the regulator. However, the author resists explaining to the chief jeweller that his watch did not need any extra repair but was only set up at the correct time. Nevertheless, the chief jeweller proceeded and pushed up the regulator. As a result, the watch began to gain, and it continuedto gain faster. The author stated that in just a week, the watch caught a fever with a temperature of one hundred and fifty degrees. By the end of two months, the watch was thirteen days ahead of the almanack when it reached November, but the actual time was still in October.
  3. The author went to the seventh watchmaker, who was a steamboat engineer. He was quite unskilled at his work. The beginner examined all the watch parts like other watchmakers and concluded the watch made too much steam and you would want to hang a monkey wrench on the safety valve. The author recalled his uncle’s belief that all tinkerers were unsuccessful engineers. Like his uncle, the author wondered what became of all unsuccessful tinkerers.

Question 4. What happened after the watchmaker repaired the kingbolt of the watch? 

Answer    4. A watchmaker informed the narrator that the kingbolt of the watch was broken. The author needed to learn about watches’ king- bolts. The watchmaker proceeded with repairing the kingbolt. However, the author’s watch lost what it gained the other day in one day. The watch stopped working smoothly. The author stated that the watch would run for a while, then stop and start running again. The author’s watch would ‘kick back like a musket’ whenever the time went off. Consequently, the author waited a few days and then took the watch to another watchmaker.

Question 5. ‘The author’s treatment of the subject matter makes the readers identify themselves with the experience.’ Comment on this statement.

Answer    5. Mark Twain is a celebrated writer in the literary genres of humour and satire. He has written hundreds of works that are relevant to ordinary people and their lives.In his writings, Mark Twain emphasised the realistic aspects of people’s lives. In his popular essay titled “My Watch”, the author has once again touched the minds of ordinary people. In the essay, the author mentions being caught up in a difficult situation when his watch starts malfunctioning. The author takes it to several watchmakers, each of whom has a unique perspective on the watch.Some watchmakers state that the watch needs complete repairs, while others state that the ‘regulator’ needs pushing up. Yet, none of the watchmakers could repair the author’s dear watch. People can identify with the author’s situation.People often suffer in difficult situations, and instead of escaping such troublesome situations, people get caught, and their struggles continue to increase. The author captured the truth of society and wrote a realistic essay about the never-ending struggles of people in society.

Question   6. What was Uncle Williams’ comment on the ‘tinkerers’ of the world?

Answer      6. In the end, the author remembers his uncle William. The author realised that all the expenses of watch repair were two-three thousand higher than the cost of the actual watch. The author took his watch to about seven watchmakers in hopes of getting it repaired; however, they needed to be more skilled to repair the watch. Ultimately, the final watchmaker gave his verdict on the watch. The author suddenly recalled that his uncle often said that a watch was good unless the repairers got their hands on it. The author realised that his uncle must have experienced the same ordeal. The author mentioned that his uncle often thought about professionals like gunsmiths, shoemakers, engineers and blacksmiths who remain unskilled at work. According to Uncle William, one needs to work hard and specialise in the field, or else one would forever remain a tinker and never be able to become a specialist.

Question 7. Why did the barrel of the watch malfunction?

Answer    7. The author took his watch to the watchmaker, who informed him that the barrel of the watch had swelled up. The watchmaker insisted that he could reduce it to three days. The watch averaged well, but nothing more happened.

Question  8. What was the importance of the watch to the author?

Answer     8. The watch was of great importance to the author as it helped him  complete his day-to-day tasks on time. The watch worked well for eighteen months without malfunctioning. The author had total faith in his prediction and judgment. However, the author eventually gave up and decided to take the watch to a jeweler.

Question 9. What were the attempts made by the author to get his watch repaired?

Answer    9. The author kept the watch after letting it run down. The author took the watch to the chief jeweller, who examined it and stated that it had slowed down. The chief jeweller pushed up the regulator, which caused the watch to speed up. Next, the author took the watch to another watchmaker, who kept it for about a week, and ultimately, his watch slowed down. Then he took the watch to other watchmakers who had different opinions about it. A watchmaker stated that the barrel had swelled up, while another said the kingbolt was broken. The author took the watch to a person who was an unskilled engineer for repair. The engineer delivered his verdict about the watch. The author realised he spent more money on the repair of the watch than the actual cost.

Question 10. What did the narrator recognise in the watchmaker?

  • The watchmaker was unprofessional.
  • The watchmaker was an old acquaintance.
  • The watchmaker needed to be more interested in repairing the watch.
  • None of the above.

Answer   10. Option (2) The watchmaker was an old acquaintance.


  • Option (2) is correct.The author took the watch to a person who happened to be an old acquaintance for repair.. The man, the author, went to get his watch and was an incompetent steamboat engineer.

Question  11. Why did the author finally give up on his watch?

Answer     11. The author went everywhere to get his watch repaired. He went to seven watchmakers. Every time, the watchmaker stated that some parts of the watch required repairing. The last person to whom the author gave his watch also stated that the watch malfunctioned. The author realised that he had spent too much money on repairing the watch and decided to give up on getting it repaired.The author recalled his uncle’s belief that a good horse was good until it ran away, and a good watch was good until the repairers got a chance at it.

Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay

All topics in English Literature require lots of reading and comprehension practice. Essays are complex written works that include multiple themes in a single piece of work.Students often need to catch up on the most suitable way to prepare for exam chapters. We suggest students look into study notes and various sample solutions to overcome the difficulty they face in exam preparation. Students will also find Extramarks’ set of Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay to help them score well in questions related to the first Essay Chapter in NCERT English Woven Words.Here are some benefits of learning with the help of solutions to Extramarks’ important Questions.

  • All answers are brief and answer everything asked in the question.
  • Knowledgeable subject experts have prepared solutions to Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay Important Questions.
  • Students will be able to understand the essential things they need to mention in the answer.
  • Extramarks’ set of Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay includes solutions to essential NCERT textbook questions.
  • Students will overcome their reluctance to attempt questions related to essays in English Literature.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How can students write down appropriate answers for exams?

The examination is when students present everything they have learned about the subject. Therefore, answer writing and presentation should be appropriate and suitable according to the questions asked. The CBSE has certain guidelines for a good answer, such as authenticity and clarity. Besides, CBSE answers should mention all points that have been asked in the question without including any unnecessary elements. Students need to follow the CBSE guidelines to write the best exam answers. Further, students can refer to various sample solutions to Extramarks’ Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay to get an idea of CBSE-based answers.

2. What are the essential essays required for English Literature Woven Words exam preparation?

There are several stories and essays in the English Woven Words syllabus.To make learning easy for students, NCERT has prescribed textbooks consisting of all essays appearing in the CBSE examination. Students need to become thorough with the essays mentioned in the NCERT-prescribed textbook. “My Watch,” “My Three Passions,” “Patterns of Creativity,” “Tribal Verse,” and “What is a Good Book?” “The Story,” and “Bridges” are among the essay titles.. Students can also utilise Extramarks’ study materials to assist their learning of the chapters. Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 1 Essay would greatly help students prepare the first essay for exams.