CBSE Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Essay

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Essay – Patterns of Creativity

Essays are one of the most important ways to represent a wide range of subjects other than literature.When an author wishes to talk about subjects other than English literature, they usually use essays and anecdotes to describe their opinions. Therefore, essays are necessary because English Literature would be incomplete in its accomplishments of academic development had it not been for essays and various fictional works. English Literature is necessary for all students to learn about the world through literary works like essays. Chapter 3 of Class 11 English Woven Words is an essay titled “Patterns of Creativity” by Nobel Laureate S. Chandrashekhar. The author discusses the significance of scientific creativity and poetic imagination. The author also contemplates differences between artistic expressions in poetry and the sciences. The essay is a brilliantly worded composition that introduces readers to the relationship between science and art and the essential presence of both subjects in one’s life.

Students will be overwhelmed by the new concept of a combination of science and art composed as a literary essay. But students need not become nervous as the study notes for the essay are available on the most efficient study website – Extramarks. Our website contains various learning materials, such as revision notes and important questions, to provide students with a complete learning experience. Students will find our set of Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Essay extremely useful for preparing the third essay in their syllabus.

Extramarks’ team consists of brilliant and experienced educators of English Literature. With their years of observation and knowledge, the experts have prepared the best sets of important questions and solutions that students can use for learning purposes during exams. Experts have provided clear solutions to all questions, and students will understand the answers without confusion. The solutions to Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Essay are authentic and follow CBSE guidelines for correct answers. Therefore, students can use the important questions to prepare for their upcoming exams.

Extramarks’ study materials include NCERT textbook solutions, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past year’s question papers, and NCERT revision notes. Extramarks provide learners with complete solutions to important questions. Students can unlock solutions to Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Essay Important Questions after registration on the website.

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Essay – With Solutions

English Literature demands great sentence composition. Therefore, students must practise writing answers for the chapters they are learning. Regular practise of writing answers will help students  manage their time and speed while answering questions. However, students must clearly understand the patterns of answers required in the CBSE examination. For this purpose, students can utilise Extramarks set of study notes that include Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Essay solutions. We recommend students refer to all solutions to important questions to complete their exam preparation.

Students will find Extramarks solutions to Chapter 3 Essay Class 11 English Woven Words Important Questions below: –

Question  1. How do the patterns of creativity displayed by scientists differ from those displayed by poets?

Answer     1. Poets embrace nature, and scientists utilize nature’s resources. Poets like Wordsworth and Keats celebrated nature and disregarded scientists’ exploitation of it. However, scientists view the elements of nature as sources of study that would revolutionize humankind completely. Dickinson stated that the arrival of science expelled literature. However, the differences in creativity between poets and scientists do not give rise to ignorance between both groups. Charles Darwin, one of the most celebrated evolutionary scientists in history, mentioned the significance of art, music, and literature in his life until the age of thirty. The author’s central idea is based on the poet’s attachment to their current surroundings and a scientist’s desire to invent a positive future by using all the present resources of nature.

Question   2. What was Maxwell’s perspective towards Faraday’s ideas of physics?

Answer      2. Faraday discovered and studied the concepts of electromagnetic induction necessary for developing concepts such as ‘lines of force’  in physics. Maxwell appreciated Faraday’s discovery and wrote that Faraday was indeed a brilliant mathematician. The discovery of electromagnetic induction is a scientific revolution and would make studies of various scientific concepts easier. The future scientists and mathematicians were inspired by Faraday’s discovery, which created new methods to study concepts in physics and mathematics. Maxwell goes on to discuss society’s ignorance of scientific material, which people are still collecting even before the arrival of the next great philosopher and scientist like Faraday.

Question    3. How does Shelley’s attitude to science differ from that of Wordsworth and Keats?

Answer       3. The author stated that Shelly’s and Wordsworth’s attitudes are atypical. William Wordsworth was a romantic poet who embraced the elements of nature. His works of poetry appreciate nature, and his approach towards science was rather critical. However, Shelley was interested in science and expressed his opinions on scientific subjects in his poetry. According to scientist Desmond King–Hele, Shelley’s involvement in science reflected his modern train of thought. Shelley’s poetic details were unparalleled in English poetry, possibly because he felt the need for a scientific revolution to facilitate a peaceful and innovative human society.

Question     4. What are W.B. Yeats’s thoughts on “Defence of Poetry?”

Answer        4. “Defence of Poetry ” by Shelley is the most outstanding English literature work. W.B. Yeats described it as one of the most intellectual and intense works of English poetry that should be read in its entirety.The essay’s author has included a part of Shelley’s “Defence of Poetry ” that describes poetry as records of the most joyful and beautiful moments of people’s lives. Poetry brings immortality to beautiful things and is a religious centre of knowledge. Poetry gives birth to a philosopher’s most significant train of thought.

Question      5. How does the ‘assortment of remarks’ compiled by the author give us an understanding of the ways of science and poetry?

Answer         5. The author’s mixed remarks help the reader understand the differences in creativity between poets and scientists. Throughout the essay, the author has compiled the views of distinguished poets and scientists towards nature and creativity. Through this essay, the readers conclude that poets like Keats and William Wordsworth were critical towards nature’s exploitation by scientific modernisation; however, the renowned poet Shelley appreciated the importance of science and inventions in human life. The scientific revolution is necessary in human life, and nature conservation is vital for the world’s future. Therefore, the essay presents to its readers the various perspectives of scientists and poets, where scientists prefer scientific revolutions and poets derive peace and joy from present moments of nature and life. In conclusion, the collection of remarks by distinguished literature legends and scientists helps the author understand the difference between a poet’s and a scientist’s approach to creativity.

Question      6. ‘It is not an accident that the most discriminating literary criticism of Shelley’s thought and work is by a distinguished scientist, Desmond King-Hele.’ How does this statement bring out the meeting point of poetry and science?

Answer         6. The author has mentioned that Shelley’s thoughts and work have been studied by a distinguished British scientist named Desmond King-Hele. In the essay, the author gives a glimpse of Desmond’s thoughts on Shelley as a poet. According to Desmond, Shelley’s poetry captures the details of nature that no poet has ever been able to capture in their work. Desmond also said, “Shelley’s attitude towards science represented his modern thinking”. Shelley was interested in science and always expressed his appreciation for scientific ventures. It was unlike William Wordsworth. The author cites two of Shelley’s works that bridge the gap between science and poetry. The first one is “Cloud”, which presents the reader with a science monograph and a picturisation of a story about a cloud adventure. The second work is “Prometheus Unbound” which, to Herbert Read, is the best representation of the human wish for intellectual and spiritual liberty.

Shelley’s works are thus the meeting point of science and literature because they transcend the differences in poetic and scientific perspectives. Instead, his literary works combine poetic imagination and scientific reasoning to produce outstanding works of literature.

 Question      7. What does Shelley say about poets?

Answer         7. Shelley’s most distinguished work is his “Defence of Poetry,”  which discusses the importance of poets and poetry. It has been described as the most significant work of literature in English poetry by Yeats.In “Defence of Poetry,” Shelley mentions that poetry can record the most joyful moments of human life. It is strong enough to immortalise the brilliant and beautiful things in nature using the power of words and images. Poetry, according to Shelley, is divine and a source of knowledge.According to Shelley, poetry transcends science and is the root of most thought systems. Shelley goes on to describe poets as messengers of inspiration and reflections of gigantic shadows.Poets’ words are difficult to decipher because trumpets sing those words through the battle. Shelley calls poets the legal protectors of the world, whose influence over society and people makes critics uneasy about acknowledging the works of poets.

Question        8. What do you infer from Darwin’s comment on his indifference to Literature as he advanced in years?

Answer           8. A great evolutionary scientist, Charles Darwin, confessed that he enjoyed works of literature by authors such as Milton, Byron, and Wordsworth until he turned thirty. As a schoolboy, he enjoyed music, art, and Shakespeare’s plays. However, he got away with reading literature and couldn’t even read lines of poetry for many years. Darwin lost interest in Shakespeare’s works, music and pictures and found Shakespeare’s works dull. Darwin was still determining the exact reason for his loss of interest in literature. However, he felt that his mind became a machine that only processed the collection of facts from the environment. Darwin felt his brain had lost the part that focused on literary taste and, hence, couldn’t comprehend his loss of love for literature.

Question       9. What is the author’s question?

Answer          9. At the beginning of the essay, the author, S. Chandrashekhar, asked about the differences in creativity between artists and scientists. The author suggests that he won’t answer the questions directly. However, he would use a collection of mixed remarks by poets and scientists to search for an answer to the question.

Question       10. What is the central argument of the speaker?

Answer          10. The author creates an assortment of remarks to describe the differences between works of poetry and scientists. Throughout the essay, he tries to find the exact answer as to why the expression of imagination and innovation differs among artists and scientists. He mentions the perspectives of poets such as Keats, Wordsworth and Shelley. He also adds accounts of distinguished scientists such as Faraday and Charles Darwin. The gap between science and poetry is filled through Shelley’s works, which combine poetical and scientific elements. The author would like to study all variations between the poet’s and scientist’s differences in perceiving nature and the current environment.

Question      11. How did Medawar respond to Dickinson’s statement?

  1. Medawar agreed with Dickinson’s statement.
  2. Medawar was interested in finding evidence of how literature contradicts science.
  3. Medawar claimed that science and Literature could never combine.
  4. None of the above

Answer        11. Option (3) Medawar was interested in finding evidence of how literature contradicts science.

Explanation: –

  • Option (3) is correct. Peter Medawar responded to Dickinson’s statement about how the arrival of science contradicts  Literature. According to Medawar, science and Literature work together to achieve the same goal. Science and Literature become complete because of their cooperation.

Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Essay

CBSE prioritises students learning as much as possible while studying the topics on the syllabus.

All chapters are essential for exams and future competitive exams as well. Regular learning will improve students’ language skills and vocabulary. Literature can be tough, and students need help understanding the central idea of the chapters. However, with an Extramarks set of important questions, students can have great solutions for reference. Students can check out sample solutions to the Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Essay and start practising studying answers for the CBSE examination.

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  • Students will understand different ways of writing answers.
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