Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem

Important Questions: English Woven Words Class 11 Chapter 3: Poem – Coming

English literature is a gateway to imagination and creativity. The vivid originality is expressed as an organisation of words into stories and poetry. Class 11 English Woven Words is a sentimental poem by the British poet Philip Larkin in which he expresses his blissful emotions for the coming season of spring. Even though the tone of the poem is cynical, it still describes emotions of joy at the coming spring.

To understand the complex ideas of the poem, we advise students to consistently solve important questions and learn by studying the solutions to important questions. Extramarks is one of the best online sites, having a wide range of study notes to assist students in studying for their English literature examination.

Registered students can find all kinds of study material at Extramarks, such as Important Questions for Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem, NCERT notes and solutions, and CBSE test papers. Students will find the study materials adequate and familiar based on the topics within the CBSE curriculum. Extramarks’ Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem important questions are authentic. Adept English literature teachers and poetry experts have collected and provided solutions for Extramarks Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem.

Students can also derive maximum benefit from other study materials available at Extramarks that will maximise their efforts in preparing for the exams. Besides English Woven Words Class 11 Chapter 3 Poem important questions, students can access other NCERT textbook solutions, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, and revision notes on the Extramarks website after registration.

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem-With Solutions

Regularly reading and writing solutions to important questions makes it easier for students to understand the themes and concepts of the poem. After going through Important Questions in Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem on Extramarks, students can prepare for the academic tests to their highest capability.

Here are some important Chapter 3 Poem Class 11 English Woven Words questions:

Question 1. What does the bird in the poem announce? How is this related to the title, “Coming”?

Answer 1. The poem “Coming” expresses the poet’s joy and sadness as spring is set to arrive soon. The evenings are yellow and chill, and the poet is engulfed in the serenity of his surroundings, ready to welcome spring. One such warm welcome is given by a small bird called “thrush” that sings inside the bush, but its melody reaches outside the garden. The beautiful song of the bird is an indication that spring is here.

The bird’s song acts as an announcement of the spring season. Therefore, it is related to the title. The bird carols melodiously about the coming of spring through its song.

Question 2. What message does the poet convey through his poem “Coming?”

Answer 2. The poet has passionately described the warmth of the arriving spring season in the poem “Coming.” Although the poem’s tone is melancholic, it is a beautiful description of the poet’s emotions at the farewell of winter and the coming of spring. According to the poet, certain evenings are special as they are yellow, light and chilly. The serene evenings with the birds’ sound manifest the coming of spring

The poet then goes on to inform the readers about the boredom of his childhood. However, the season of spring makes him return to his childhood. The feelings of childhood flourish again during the moment of the arrival of spring, and the poet admits he won’t understand what makes spring so delightful, similar to the incomprehensible perception of the complex nature of life during childhood, yet he laughed and sang.

Question 3. Why is the speaker’s childhood described as “forgotten boredom”?

Answer 3. The poet mentions his childhood in the poem. It is forgotten and he does not have very fond memories of the past. The poet indicates that his childhood lacked humdrum and was rather prosaic. He conveys through his poem that his childhood is a forgotten memory of the past.

Question 4. How does the poem celebrate and welcome the spring season?

Answer 4. The poem bids farewell to the winter season and welcomes the spring season with beautiful and serene evenings that are yellow and chill. The arrival of spring is declared by the thrush song that echoes beyond the bushes. The moment of spring takes the poet back to his humble childhood. Consequently, the unexplainable laughter adds the elements of joy, laughter, and innocence to the arrival of spring.

Question 5. What causes the element of surprise when the child comes on the scene of “adult reconciling”?

Answer 5. The spring moment transforms the poet into an innocent child who understands nothing but becomes happy at little things. For a child, happiness and joy happen without meaning. The child will be pleased when he looks at adults reconciling or being happy in their worlds. The child might not understand the complexities of adult life or if the adults are genuinely happy. This nave nature of the child indicates that he gets encompassed by euphoric feelings by looking at others, smiling, and laughing.

Question 6. What two things are compared in the poem?

Answer    6. The arrival of spring is given a warm welcome by every living and non-living element in nature, like birds and houses. The coldness of winter has ended, and spring’s warmth will soon take over the natural habitat. However, the poet has already become fond of spring and feels grateful that the spring season has taken him back to his childhood, which was filled with innocence and boredom.

The poet compares experience and innocence. He talks about a child who looks at grown-ups as being happy, which makes him happy. He does not understand how the adult reconciliation happened and doesn’t care about it either. A child is so nave that he does not think about the difficulties and reasons to be happy. On the other hand, adults go through many trivial experiences that prevent them from seeking joy in life. A child is unaware of the trivialities of life and becomes delighted at the slightest stimulation of happiness he witnesses, free from any reason.

Question 7. What does the term “adult reconciling” mean?

  • Childhood memories of boredom
  • The experiences of adulthood have
  • Relationships between childhood and adulthood
  • The complex nature of childhood

Option number two: adulthood’s experiences


  • Option (2) is correct, as adult reconciling is used to describe the complexities and experiences of adulthood. Adults have difficult relationships, and they often move apart from each other. After overcoming the problems, they end up reconciling. Therefore, this reconciliation is a significant feature of adult life and relationships.
  • Option (1) is incorrect as childhood memories of boredom describe the past when the poet was a child instead of talking about an adult’s hectic and exciting life.
  • Option (3) is incorrect. The relationship between childhood and adulthood means that a child is unaware of the experiences of adults. He does not think as adults do. The only relationship between childhood and adulthood is that the child becomes happy when he sees the adults around him happy.
  • Option 4 is incorrect as childhood is not complicated. However, adulthood has its complexities. A child is nave and unaware of the problems and perplexing experiences of adulthood.

Question 8. How do you respond to these lines?

Light, chill, and yellow

The serene foreheads of houses

Answer 8: The poet has put together beautiful imagery of the coming of the spring season. The birds and houses extend their warm greetings to the tranquil season of spring. The days are long, and the sunlight illuminates the rooftops of houses. The evenings are serene, cool and yellow, and birds can be heard carolling in the gardens to welcome the season of spring.

Question 9. What does the poet say about his childhood?

Answer 9: The days when the poet was a child have long since passed, and the memories are now stagnant. The only thing the poet could recall about his childhood is that he was unengaged in any exciting activity. His childhood was probably simple, humble, and filled with moments of boredom.

Question 10. Comment on the use of the phrase “fresh-peeled voice”.

Answer 10. The poem, Coming, is an appealing piece of literature that appreciates the spring season. The cold and dark skies of winter will soon be replaced by yellow and chill skies with long, bright, and warm evenings.The thrush is humming the tune of the welcome song of spring in its fresh peeled voice. The voice of the thrush affects the brickwork of the houses. It takes the poet back to his childhood days that are long forgotten. The poet observes that the freshness of the thrush sound is similar to a child’s innocence. The words “fresh peeled” gracefully describe the freshness of spring coming out of the coldness of winter. When spring arrives, the universe dances with joy. The song of the thrush is music to which the elements of nature whirl around in exuberance at the arrival of spring’s peaceful and bright season.

Question 11. The poem “Coming” is included in which of Philip Larkin’s poetic works?

  • The less duped
  • The Whitsun Wedding
  • High Windows
  • None of the above

Answer 11: Option (1) The less duped


Option (1) is correct as the poem “coming” is a part of the compilation of poems “the less deceived” by Philip Larkin. The collection includes poems that establish a relationship between people and the environment.

Question 12. What are haikus?

Answer 12. Haikus are three-line poems in Japanese expressing a single thought.

Question 13. How are evenings described in the poem “Coming?”

Answer 13. Evenings have been described as serene and beautiful in the poem “Coming” by Philip Larkin. The evenings are long and peaceful. Sunset beautifies nature during spring. The thrush starts singing in the evening to welcome the season of spring.

English Woven Words Class 11 Chapter 3: Poem

Poems consist of a central theme: the pivot around which metaphors and symbolism are used to construct meaningful phrases that form the verses. Therefore, it becomes a perplexing experience for students to comprehend the poem’s central idea. Students find it difficult to understand the format in which they should answer the poetry questions in the examination. Solving important questions does not facilitate the comprehension of poetic ideas and themes of the poem.

Students can find the advantages of solving Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem below: –

  • The important questions are beneficial for writing brilliant and presentable answers in exams.
  • The solutions to Extramarks’ Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem are highly graspable. They are worth students’ time and effort.
  • All the solutions line up accurately with the CBSE guidelines for writing answers in the exam. The solutions are based on the lessons and text provided in the NCERT textbook.
  • Students will become self-assured in their ability to prepare for the current session examinations and future CBSE examinations.

Students registered on the Extramarks website can view total solutions to the Important Questions for Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem. Along with this, registered students can also check out complete NCERT solutions, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, revision notes, etc. on the Extramarks website from the links given below:-

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why are students required to read poetry in English Literature?

English literature is a subject solely based on the expression of opinions and vivid imaginative ideas of the author. Poetry is one of the best forms of representing the ideas of English literature in an interesting play of words that compels the reader to dive deep into the meaning of each line mentioned in the poem. Reading poetry develops the ability to think about experiences that belong to someone else, notably the poet. Another significant benefit of reading poetry is the inspiration of creativity in the minds of the readers. This is done by the poet’s creativity.

2. How can Extramarks' set of Important Questions for Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem make understanding the poem easier?

Extramarks is one of the leading learning websites with a wide range of English literature study materials to help students make notes for their exams. The solutions provided by Extramarks are plagiarism-free, precise, and to the point. The answers are strictly constructed based on the prescribed syllabus by the Central Board of Secondary Education. All these qualities make the solutions of Extramarks’ Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 3 Poem conductive enough for exam preparation. After registering, students may access all the website solutions to Extramarks’ important questions.