CBSE Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Essay

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Essay – Tribal Verse

Heritage and culture are integral parts of society. People’s lives revolve around their ancient cultures and traditions. Many old songs and stories are kept alive through the literature of various communities. English literature is a subject that people use to preserve their literary stories. It is a universal medium that people use to share their local tales and ancient folklore on a global platform. English literature makes it possible for everyone, including school students, to become aware of their ancestral literary works.  There are numerous translated works of folklore available in English literature.In the fourth essay on English woven words, students will learn about various tribes’ folklore.Extramarks set of Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Essay will help students understand the significance of conserving traditional Literature. Students will also learn about various tribes and their cultures in this essay.

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Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Essay – With Solutions

Writing detailed and relevant answers is key to scoring well in English literature exams. Students must comprehend the meaning of the questions and provide appropriate responses.However, students often need to be more focused on the exact meaning of questions and need help to provide suitable answers, which causes them to lose marks in exams. We recommend students check out Extramarks’ various essential questions to understand the exact way of writing answers.Our team has prepared a variety of Important Questions for Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Essay, including MCQs, short answer questions, and long answer questions.We guarantee that students will complete exams after using our learning materials.

Students can have a look at all the Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Essay Important Questions below: –

Question   1. Identify the common characteristics shared by tribal communities all over the world.

Answer      1. The essay’s author has identified some common features shared by tribal societies worldwide, such as collaboration and a dislike for materialism. The essayist informs us that all tribal communities prefer united and cohesive groups. There is no preference for a competitive society, and they have no interest in owning wealth or following the rules of capitalism. Spiritualism is integral to tribal societies as they believe that divine spirits, nature, and human beings are intimately connected. The significant feature of the tribal way of life is their intuitive spirit, which, according to them, is more powerful than reason. Their surroundings are more sacred than secular, and they consider their sense of time personal. The tribal society is rich in imagination and art, unlike all radically active modern societies.

Question   2. What has made tribal societies important subjects?

Answer      2. Tribal societies have always been active in all kinds of social and political affairs.For instance, the Santhals have contributed to Bengali Literature. Their contribution to Literature is also due to the presence of well-established Santhali Literature. People’s histories are rooted in their participation in major historical events, and the Santhals and Munda tribes have left a significant mark in this regard. Both tribes participated in the Indian revolutionary struggle against the British Empire. People today recall and remember the efforts of tribal leader Birsa Munda (1874-1901), who fought for the rights of labourers. Santhal tribes also participated in the Jharkhand Movement. Therefore, tribal societies have always had a significant presence in all major historical events, making them important subjects and members of any society.

Question   3. List the distinctive features of the tribal arts.

Answer      3. The tribal societies have distinct art styles based on the construction of space and imagery. The form of art can be labelled “hallucinatory.”Tribal artists use invisible boundaries between art and non-art. Oral and visual representation of tribal art is based on the interpretation of verbal and pictorial frames.

Tribal epics can  start with any remarkable event, and no particular sequence is present within narratives and painted imagery. There is no visible difference between tribal paintings and living spaces. Any episodes or images in tribal art can surprise viewers with a chaotic or surprising presence. For instance, in the tribal imagery and narration of the Ramayana, an incident from the Mahabharat makes a surprising appearance.

All tribal paintings are mixtures of traditional and modern images. The paintings adhere to a distinct literary syntax as if literature were artistically painted words and paintings were various types of songs.

Every form of tribal art adheres to certain rules and conventions.

All tribal performances are followed by performances representing previous occasions. The significance of the performance is accepting good things of the past and, simultaneously, showing playful rebellion against the painful and troublesome past rituals.

Most importantly, tribal arts are playful and relaxed and follow the concept of bilingual representation.

Question     4. What is the significance of tribal songs? What is the difficulty in introducing the songs to students of English literature?

Answer        4. Folk songs are a representation of tribal life. All tribal songs are composed and sung in native languages. There have been efforts to introduce the songs to scholars of English Literature. However, the major difficulty faced during the translation process is the loss of authenticity of tribal songs. Translation causes the loss of original tribal flavour and spirit; however, there have been sincere attempts to overcome this problem. The essayist defends translation efforts by claiming that without translation, all significant works of tribal literature would have been lost.The author adds that all literary works would have become inaccessible if the immediate translation couldn’t be done.

 Question    5. ‘New literature’ is a misnomer for the wealth of the Indian literary tradition. How does G.N. Devy explain this?

Answer       5. The essayist emphasises that Adivasi Literature has existed for many years and should not be described through the term “New Literature.” The author continues to mention that people’s ignorance towards Adivasi Literature is one of the main reasons society doesn’t know much about tribal arts, poetry and songs. The author sincerely suggests that tribal folklore should be perceived as their Literature, and their tribal speech should be seen as a language, not a dialect. Therefore, western critics’ ignorance is the only reason tribal Literature was termed “new”. The author mentions that Literature is not new but has existed for centuries. Attention to and preservation of tribal  literature would be something new that has never been done before.

Question    6. How does ‘A Munda Song’ show that the perspective of the tribal mind towards the girl child is different from that of (other) mainstream communities?

Answer       6. Many ceremonies of the Munda tribes celebrate birth, death, and marriage. The Munda perspective on the birth of a girl child differs from various communities all over India. In the Munda tribe, the birth of a girl is a moment of glee when people rejoice and thank the heavens for the girl child. The Munda tribe associates the birth of a daughter with a cowshed full of cows, whereas the birth of a son is a symbol of depletion. The Munda community welcomes girl children; daughters are considered more precious than sons. In Munda society, women play a dominant role in economic, social, and political activities.

Question     7. What are the roots of Indian traditions?

Answer        7. The roots of Indian literature and literary traditions are based on the diverse and rich oral traditions of tribal societies. All tribal songs, poetry, and paintings symbolise the connection between the world, tribal society, and nature. All songs have survived all these years due to their oral transmission from one generation to the next.

Question      8. How does G.N. Devy bring out the importance of the oral literary tradition?

Answer         8. The author, Devy, mentions that tribal literature has survived time through the oral transmission of their songs and Literature from generation to generation. Tribal stories and songs are outstanding works of Literature. Many tribal societies utilise their performing arts to represent their way of life, their culture, and their traditions. . The author discusses the importance of tribal arts and their preservation by tribal societies. Oral transmission of Literature is the strongest way through which tribal societies have been successful in their attempts to conserve their culture and stories. The author describes the oral tradition of tribal arts as playful, hallucinatory, and spiritually deep. The arts follow various conventions, and the particular order of tribal performances has been possible due to the oral transmission of information regarding the arts and performances. Hence, the oral traditions of tribal societies have been the driving force in helping them pass on their culture to future generations.

Question      9. ‘Adi Song for the Recovery of Lost Health’ is in Miri Agom, while Adi Agom is the Adi community’s language for a routine conversation. How does this reflect upon the high level of language sensitivity of the Adi? Can you think of other parallels in modern languages between the literary variety and the colloquial variety?

Answer         9. The Adi song is a mantra in Miri Agom. The song is chanted with the belief that it will lure the spirit of good health into a sick person’s body. The Adi Tribal community has two main languages – Miri Agom and Adi Agom.

Adi Agom is used for daily conversation, and Miri Agom is a rhythmic language used for chanting during rituals. The distinct role of languages in Adi Tribal tradition signifies the care and consideration of languages among the people of the tribe. Various modern languages, such as Bangla, Hindi, and English, have both colloquial and literary elements.

Question     10. Why are we losing the important elements of Indian traditions?

  • Modern Literature does not appreciate Indian traditions.
  • The forces of urbanisation have marginalised tribal communities.
  • Indian traditions are part of “new literature and traditions”.
  • None of the above

Answer       10. Option (2) The forces of urbanisation have marginalised tribal communities.


  • Option (2) is correct. Indian literary traditions are rooted in Adivasi Literature and culture. However, modernisation and the influences of media and print have forced Adivasi Literature and culture to the brink of disappearance. Attempts have been made for the conservation of tribal languages. Still, if the preservation process speeds up, we can retain important literary works prepared and preserved by the Adivasi community.

Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Essay

All essays consist of complex central ideas and concepts. Students must have a good grasp of the meaning of essays to crack their exams. The most challenging aspect of English Literature exams is writing essay-type answers. Students miss out on necessary details for answers to long questions because they need to explain vast topics in a limited amount of time. Our team has noted this situation and prepared many important questions to facilitate students’ exam preparation. Extramarks’ Important Solutions to Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 The fourth essay in English Woven Words will help students achieve the highest possible grades on all essay-related questions.

Students can go through the benefits of English Woven Words Class 11 Chapter 4 Essay Important Questions below: –

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How can students strengthen the concepts of essays in English Literature?

Regular practice in writing answers is necessary for scoring well in exams. As a result, Extramarks has a library of exam revision learning materials.Students can use various learning resources, such as important questions and solutions, on a daily basis to improve their exam writing skills.Besides, the important questions and revision notes would help students nourish their understanding of the core themes of each chapter and essay. Students will improve their knowledge of folklore and literature by answering Important Questions.Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Essay.

2. What is the most crucial study resource for exam preparation?

Many learning resources are available for students, which can make them overwhelmed and confused. Therefore, we recommend students start learning using NCERT books prescribed by CBSE. Students need to become thorough with the chapters mentioned in NCERT textbooks. All NCERT chapters contain end-text questions to test students’ language skills and understanding of the chapter. Besides, students can also refer to various CBSE sample papers and solutions to Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 4 Essay for good revision during exams.