Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose – Pappachi’s Moth

Stories are a reflection of real-time events happening in society. Literature in various languages is an unbeatable source of incorporating people’s various social issues and livelihood through stories, poems, essays and plays. English literature is one of the  subjects that exposes readers to the daily struggles and lives of people in societies. The fifth chapter of Class 11 English Woven Words is a story by renowned author Arundhati Roy. The story Pappachi’s Moth, which represents patriarchal influence on people’s lives, captures the unfortunate reality of life –  problems women experience  due to oppression in a patriarchal society.

Understanding social issues embodied in various types of literature, such as stories, can become an uphill   task for students. Therefore, we recommend students to experience the joy of learning  using the study resources available at one of the best online learning platforms in India –  Extramarks. The website is a storehouse of the most useful learning resources like CBSE revision notes, CBSE study notes and NCERT textbook questions which students just can’t say no to. It comprises all the key resources students might need during their educational journey for all subjects irrespective of the class.

Many study materials, such as important questions and solutions, could help students quickly revise the topics before exams. Extramarks’ set of Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose meets students’ expectations for exam guidance and preparation. Extramarks’ subject matter experts have meticulously compiled and  collected the important questions from sources such as NCERT textbooks, CBSE past years’ question papers, and CBSE study notes. Moreover, English  subject experts have provided  the best  comprehensive solutions to the important questions that will help students understand the chapters so that they can revise the chapter easily and effortlessly.

Students will be satisfied as the study materials at Extramarks are not just limited to essential questions and solutions. Besides Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose, other learning materials such as NCERT textbook solutions, NCERT revision notes, Mathematics and Science formulae, and CBSE past years’ question papers are available on  Extramarks website. Students must focus on completing the NCERT syllabus first with revision notes followed by important questions and sample question papers to have a foolproof revision before they take the exam.

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose – With Solutions

Students can ace their exams with great comprehension and writing skills. However, students must understand the topic thoroughly to become proficient in essay writing and comprehension.. However, it may appear impossible for some of the students. For this reason, our experts recommend students go through Extramarks’ set of Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose along with the solutions. The solutions are  authentic and understandable from an examination point of view to provide a clear understanding of the concepts to handle any question with ease.

Here  is a set of questionnaires  collected from English Woven Words Class 11 Chapter 5 Prose Important Questions and solutions

Question 1. How does the author succeed in raising crucial social issues not through open criticism but through subtle suggestions?

Answer    1. Literature is a tool for raising  social issues. The author has brilliantly captured the consequences of patriarchal influences in the story “Pappachi’s Moth.” The story represents how pride is essential for a man to control his family and limit his wife’s freedom. For a woman, escaping from a toxic marriage is difficult because society consists mainly of conservative,  orthodox patriarchal set up.. In such a  society, the woman has little  choice but to be with her husband, even if she is qualified enough to live independently. The story also touches upon the fact that for a man, dignity, respect and recognition are more important than his family. Pappachi destroyed all his relationships since he did not get recognition for the   “Moth” he discovered. Suppression of women is deeply rooted in society. Even if the man is a reputed government official, he could end up assaulting his wife. The sad reality is that, in the patriarchal society, women, talented and gifted, are always considered inferior to men. The author has indeed expressed the sad reality  through storytelling.

Question  2. Why was Pappachi not helping his wife?

Answer    2.  Pappachi and Mammachi were  seventeen years apart in age. Mammachi was younger than Pappachi by seventeen years. Pappachi did not consider going for  an admirable job as  a retired government official. Hence he did not help his wife. He was also envious  of the attention his wife received. Instead of helping his wife, Pappachi only watched her supervising purchasing, salting, and using tender mangoes and limes.While she prepared the pickles, he never assisted her because of all the attention she received and often beat her up with a brass vase to put her in place. In a way, he always kept an eye on her and never supported her.

Question  3. Why does John Ipe consider retirement to be a dishonour?

Answer   3. Mammachi’s husband, Benaan John Ipe, was an Entomologist. He was a respected government official. Pappachi felt that he lost all the honour after retirement, and he could not bear the shame of retirement. Pappachi was jealous of his better half who was seventeen years younger to him  and often vented  his frustrations on  her. He did not like all the attention his wife was getting. Retirement reminded him that he was old, and he felt agitated. Pappachi felt neglected and weak when his son stopped him from beating his wife. Retirement hurts his ego in all possible ways, making him believe retirement is dishonour and couldn’t bear the pain of being retired and aging.

Question  4. What did Pappachi notice about the moth? What did he do after discovering the moth?

Answer  4.  In the evening, Pappachi was relaxing after a long day at  work when suddenly a moth fell into his drink. Pappachi  took the moth out from the drink and noticed its peculiar dense dorsal turfs. He was excited and measured it. The following  morning, he kept the moth out in  the sun so that  the alcohol would  completely evaporate. He returned to Delhi the next day to identify the never seen moth species.

Question   5. How does Mammachi stand out as an independent and resilient woman in the text?

Answer      5. Mammachi’s husband was an ego-centric man who was jealous wife’s success. He did not support her entrepreneurial ventures and vented  his anger on her. However, it did not deter  Mammachi from continuing her pickle-making business. Her pickles were popular. Even the Kottayam Bible Society offered her to make some mango pickles and banana jam for an upcoming fair. Mammachi sold all her pickles, and she received many orders after that. Ultimately, she set up her pickle manufacturing factory and lived independently.

Question   6. How did Pappachi’s behaviour change when Chacko stopped him from beating Mammachi?

Answer      6. Pappachi’s behaviour changed when Chacko stopped and told him not to beat Mammachi. After the incident, Pappachi sat on the verandah and stared at the garden. He ignored the food that Kochu Maria brought. At night he went into his study and brought out his favourite mahogany chair. Pappachi used a plumber’s monkey wrench to break it into pieces. He left the broken chair under the moonlight. After that day, Pappachi never spoke to Mammachi again, and he never touched Mammachi either. If he needed anything, Kochu Maria and Baby Kohamma acted as intermediaries.

Question    7. Within a few pages the author has packed the important events in the lives of John Ipe and his wife. Discuss how conciseness and economy of expression can achieve effective portrayal of entire lives.

Answer       7. There are two ways to narrate a story in literature. The first method is to give details about situations along with details of the emotions and feelings of the characters. The other way is to present the story concisely, which, although fast-paced, takes into account the essence of the character’s emotions. The genius of Arundhati Roy lies in the fact that she has written a short story capturing important themes such as the consequences of patriarchy and the suppression of women in society. The author has explained all the themes using the toxic relationship between a husband and a wife. Moreover, the story also illustrates the  ego and jealousy of the husband.. The story also describes how the husband expresses his frustrations and anger toward his wife. The narrative  further demonstrates how  the child’s intervention prevented  his father from abusing his  mother. The story has a stable base that describes a society that is unsafe for women and one in which women are supposed to be quiet regardless of the physical and verbal violence they face in marriage. Pappachi’s moth is one of the most brilliantly written stories touching upon the dark social reality of life – the thirst for recognition and suppression of women in patriarchal society. .

Question 8. What was the underlying reason for John Ipe’s disgust with the world?

Answer  8. John Ipe was disappointed and disgusted with the world and did not get recognition for the month he discovered. Pappachi retired as a  government officer. The fact that his wife was younger than him pricked him daily, and he was jealous of her successful pickle business. As a result, Pappachi took out his anger on his wife by physically assaulting her. John Ipe’s pride and ego as well as his thirst for fame t led him to destroy all his close relationships.

Question   9. What was the greatest setback in Pappachi’s life?

  • Pappachi was unsuccessful in his job.
  • Pappachi was not promoted to higher ranks.
  • The moth was not named after Pappachi.
  • None of the above

Answer   9. Option (3) is correct. The moth was not named after Pappachi.


  • Option 3 is correct. One evening Pappachi discovered an unusual type of moth. When he took the moth to Delhi, it was identified as a rare member of an already existing species known as Lymantriidae. However, after twelve years, lepidopterists discovered that the moth was part of an identified species. Pappachi had retired, and the moth was named after the acting director of the Department of Entomology.

Question  10. Identify instances of ironical comment in the story.

Answer  10. The irony in the story is that Pappachi beat Mammachi every day, yet she cried when he died. She was used to living with her abusive husband. Mammachi was unhappy but became used to his beatings and scolding with time.

Question   11. What was mentioned in the  obituary column of the newspaper?

Answer  11. The obituary column of the newspaper was dedicated to Pappachi. The newspaper mentioned that Sri Benaan John Ipe was a noted Entomologist. He died of a heart attack around 2 a.m. He has had poor health for the last six months.  John Ipe is survived by his wife and two children.

Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose 

The basic requirement to acquire proficiency in English literature is to become thorough with the literature content such as stories, essays, poems etc. One can  become well versed with the concept after  reading literature and referring to extra notes. The great news for students is that they can refer to  English literature study notes to understand the chapters. Extramarks’ revision notes and Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose will help students fully prepare the fifth chapter for their upcoming examination.

Students can check out some benefits of solving Chapter 5 Prose Class 11 English Woven Words Important Questions below: –

  • Students can easily understand the solutions to important questions.
  • Students will learn to comprehend the themes within the chapter after going through the important questions.
  • English Literature experts have collected Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose from authentic CBSE study materials such as NCERT textbooks and CBSE sample papers.
  • Students will learn how to write concise  answers in exams.
  • The Extramarks’ set of Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose Important Questions will expose students to various patterns of the questions according to the CBSE exam criteria.
  • Students will overcome the fear of approaching any complex  questions in exams with ease.

Extramarks is one of the most engaging websites for students to upgrade their knowledge and understanding of  comprehensive English literature answers. Extramarks consist of solutions to Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 5 Prose. Students can access various other study materials like NCERT textbook solutions, CBSE sample question papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, NCERT revision notes, etc., on the Extramarks website. Students need to sign up  on the website to access the various learning resources.  Students can click on the links to check out the study materials according to their preparation and make the most of it.

  • NCERT books
  • CBSE Revision Notes
  • CBSE syllabus
  • CBSE sample papers
  • CBSE previous year question papers
  • Important formulas
  • CBSE extra questions

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