Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay- The Story

The study of English is fascinating. Students gain knowledge of grammar rules, vocabulary development, comprehension skills, and the interpretation of compelling poetry. Because it appears to be a simple subject, students will likely overlook its exam preparation. But that can be damaging to their overall performance.  Thus, learning English and practising difficult problems are crucial to getting good grades and gaining knowledge from the enormous wealth of poems and stories.Students should actively try to comprehend the main ideas discussed in the chapter and retain information about them. The English Woven Words Class 11 Chapter 6 Essay Important Questions is a study resource that helps the students with just that.

Extramarks understand the significance of answering important questions before exams. English is a topic that requires pupils to fully understand concepts and produce logical responses to queries. Keeping this in mind, Extramarks has prepared the Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay to assist students in answering questions in the best way possible. Subject specialists at Extramarks have compiled a list of important questions based on NCERT books, CBSE sample papers, previous years’ question papers, and other sources to give students complete practice of the chapter. It will provide students with the confidence to face any question in their examination.

Aside from the Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay, Extramarks contains many study tools to help students prepare for exams. Students can access a wealth of study materials by enrolling on the website, including NCERT books, NCERT solutions, CBSE revision notes, CBSE sample papers, reference books, prior years’ exam papers, and much more.

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay- With Solutions

Subject experts with years of experience in English have compiled a comprehensive list of Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay from various sources. Students can also review the chapter while practising these questions because they are drawn from all of the principal parts. Students can use the resources efficiently to study, revise, and practise for the exam efficiently and in a fraction of the time.

Given below are the Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay with solutions for students’ practice:

Question 1. According to the author, what would the first type of man answer?

Answer 1: According to the author, the first kind of man would say he has no idea when asked what a novel is, which is a ridiculous response given that a novel is just a novel. This reader of the novel seems to be a very detached and vague one. For him, possibly travelling in a motor bus as well as studying literature are one and the same! He is not giving literature the right consideration that it deserves.

Question 2. What would you say are ‘the finer growths’ that the story supports in a novel? 

Answer 2: In a novel, the finer growths that the story supports are the storytelling techniques, the art of characterisation, and thematic plot structures. The story is a fundamental structure, a foundation upon which the remaining structures and technicalities are built. The story arc is what determines the features of a novel. The DNA of the book is present in the story.

Question 3. “It runs like a backbone or may I say a tapeworm for its beginning and end are arbitrary”. What does the author mean by these lines?

Answer 3: The author is referring to the plot of a novel. It is a necessary part of any narrative. Since they are both ambiguous, the author personifies a story’s beginning and ending as a backbone or a tapeworm. The stories first appeared in the Neolithic or Palaeolithic eras. According to the structure of his head, the Neanderthal man listened to stories.

Question 4. “Our daily lives reflect a dual commitment to “life in time” and “life by values.”

Answer 4: We owe a dual loyalty to the life of time and the life of values. Life in time denotes the exact order of events that occur in our lives. We usually think about our experiences and lives in chronological order. We can think about events in whatever order we like. We may select events, experiences, or impressions from any point in time based on their significance or value. This skill suggests that we can also live our lives based on our values.

Question 5. Who was Scheherazade?

Answer 5: Scheherazade was an author. According to the tale, she escaped her fate because she learned how to employ suspense as a weapon. She saw that suspense was the only literary device capable of influencing both tyrants and barbarians. The great novelist was deft in her descriptions, forgiving in her judgments, inventive in her situations, tough in her morality, and remarkable in her character analyses.

Question 6. How does Forster use the analogy of Scheherazade to establish his point?

Answer 6: Forster uses Scheherazade as an analogy to demonstrate his claim that the most important feature of a novel is storytelling with an element of surprise. He uses the narrative of Scheherazade to emphasise how her survival depended on her ability to tell stories one after the other to her husband, the king. Similarly, a novel’s art depends on the plot line and the surprise and suspense that a story provides. A book cannot exist or survive without this component.

Question 7. Why does the author say that people are like Scheherazade’s husband?

Answer 7: According to the author, people are likeScheherazade’s husband in that they, too, are curious about what will happen next. He says this is a universal fact, and that’s why a story must function as the novel’s backbone. Because humans are just basic interests, our other fictitious judgments are irrational. Scheherazade hides the story’s suspense from her husband so that he does not kill her. Her scheme resulted in a new tradition. The king does not kill Scheherazade but chooses her as a queen.

Question 8. Discuss the importance of time in the narration of a story.

Answer 8: In his story narrative, Forster emphasises the significance of time. According to him, time plays a significant role in a story. Though its appearance is unlovely and uninteresting, the author urges us to consider it first in daily life. According to Forster, daily life is also full of the sensation of time. However, any circumstance can be imagined in everyday life, even if it is outside of the chronological sequence. Any event from the past or the future can be considered without necessarily following a specific order or series. It is done based on the value one assigns to a certain circumstance. 

In other words, Forster contends that daily life is divided into two parts: life in time and life by values.Our actions reflect a dual allegiance. The story, according to the writer, depicts life in time. In our daily lives, we can ignore the existence of time and act accordingly. In the case of a story, however, the author must respect time or the story will lose its meaning.The writer talks about the many attempts made by novelists and storytellers to narrate events without strictly adhering to chronological order. However, these experiments failed to persuade the readers. According to the author, the core of a novel is a story. A story is a chronological account of events.

Question 9. What do you understand of the three voices responding to the question,“What does a novel do?”

Answer 9: The three voices represent three different categories of novel readers. The first voice symbolises a well-tempered individual who is absorbed in another activity but aware of literature’s value. He lacks the time and temperament to analyse the novel. He merely has a hazy understanding that a book is about a story. The second voice conveys the viewpoint of a different type of novel reader. Such readers are aggressive and quick. These readers take novels quite casually. They don’t have time to read books and analyse them. They want to read a story to pass the time. The third voice is that of novelists, including the author, who believe the story is the novel’s heart and soul.

Question 10. Write about the 1001 Arabian Nights.

Answer 10: The 1001 Arabian Nights is a collection of stories recounted by a young girl named Scheherazade. Her father was a preacher who worked for an odd king who executed the bride the morning after the wedding and performed daily weddings. Scheherazade conveys to her father her desire to marry the king, and he agrees. She tells the king a fascinating narrative on their wedding night, and she makes a point of stopping at an interesting spot at dawn. The monarch refuses to execute her because he wants to hear the end of the story. This strategy was highly risky, but Scheherazade succeeded in connecting stories over many nights until the king finally accepted her as his queen and ceased the horrifying habit of murdering his wife.

Question 11. How does Forster trace the human interest in the story to primitive times? 

Answer 11: Forster connects human interest in stories back to prehistoric times, stating that storytelling is extremely old. It dates back to the Neolithic period, possibly even the Palaeolithic period. He refers to the anthropological evidence of the shape of the skull to make the link to the Neanderthal man’s passion for storytelling. To emphasise the point, Forster imagines the primitive audience as a group of stunned heads gazing about the campfire, exhausted from fighting the mammoth or the woolly rhinoceros and only kept awake by anticipation. The novelist drones on, and the audience either falls asleep or kills him as soon as they figure out what happens next.

Forster also relates to the character of Scheherazade, who had to tell stories one after the other to avoid being killed by her husband. Forster highlights Scheherazade’s ability to tell suspenseful stories as the reason she survived. In this way, Forster traces the human interest in the story back to prehistoric times.

Question 12. Write about the author, E.M. Forster.

Answer 12: E.M. Forster was born on January 1, 1879. He was a remarkable English novelist and critic who wrote several short stories, novels, and articles. In 1905, his debut book, Where Angels Fear to Tread, was published. The author spent some time in Italy. Two of his novels, Where Angels Fear to Tread and A Room with a View, are set in Italy. After returning to England, he gave some lectures at Working Men’s College. His most mature work, however, was to appear in 1920 with the Howards End publications. One of his well-known works is ‘A Passage to India.’

The Hill of Devi, a representation of India with remarks, was released in 1953. The essay The Story’ is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Aspects of the Novel.

Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay

English is a fascinating subject to explore. Students can dig deeper into the subject and attain great exam marks once they understand the text and stories. Students can use the Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay provided by Extramarks to study, revise, and practise for their exams to better comprehend the topics and situations depicted in the chapter. It is critical to understand the story’s underlying idea and to retain and learn new words and phrases. It allows kids to build the necessary analytical thinking skills and helps them form their own unique perspectives. Students benefit greatly from incorporating the important questions resource from Extramarks into their study plans.

The following are some of the benefits of solving the Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay provided by Extramarks:

  • The list of Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay was produced using the most recent CBSE syllabus, so students can use it as a resource when preparing for exams.
  • To do well on exams and achieve exceptional scores, students should practise questions comparable to those they will encounter on their exams. The important questions list helps  students practise various queries, the likes of which can appear in their exam papers.Studying the Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay will help students review the entire chapter for the exam because they are drawn from significant chapter parts.
  • Subject experts develop the questions and solutions based on years of experience in the field of the English language; hence, students may trust and rely on the study material. The answers to questions are presented in quite a simple manner; therefore, many students derive benefits from the resource.

Extramarks offers excellent materials such as NCERT textbooks, NCERT revision notes, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, CBSE extra questions, and CBSE mock exams. Students can access these resources, in addition to Important Questions: Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay, by clicking on the links provided below:

  • NCERT books
  • CBSE Revision Notes
  • CBSE syllabus
  • CBSE sample papers
  • CBSE past years’ question papers
  • Important formulas 
  • CBSE extra questions

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How does the Extramarks Chapter 6 Essay Class 11 English Woven Words Important Questions help in exam preparation?

The important questions for Chapter 6 of Class 11, Woven Words, are an excellent resource that can be a worthy addition to exam preparations. Subject experts prepare the Extramarks solutions with years of experience in the area of the English language. The subject experts select questions from a plethora of sources, such as NCERT books, CBSE sample papers, and past years’ question papers, to give students a thorough practice of the chapter they wish to study. The material is updated according to the latest CBSE guidelines to ensure students have access to the latest materials while they learn. In addition, the solutions are given in an easy-to-understand language so that all students, irrespective of their understanding level, can comprehend the chapter and score better marks in their upcoming examinations.

2. How many questions are there in Chapter 6 of Woven Words for Class 11?

There are eight questions for Class 11, Chapter 6 of the Woven Word Textbook. The questions are divided into three sections: section 1 contains four questions, section 2 has three, and section 3 contains one question. The Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 6 Essay: Important Questions will help the students prepare the end-text questions and various other important questions that can likely appear in the examinations. Students can log in to the website and access this resource from Extramarks and various other sources for a fruitful study session.