Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem – Hawk Roosting

Poetry is a powerful tool for creative and imaginative representation of one’s desires and inner insights. Through the creative gateway of poetry, a layman gets a grasp of the abstractness of thoughts and feelings of various elements in the universe. Chapter 7 of Class 11 English Woven Words is an interesting take on the personification of a hawk. The poem is entirely based on the perception of the world in the eyes of the hawk and what could be the hawk’s thoughts if it could ever speak.

Poetry in English literature is filled with complicated and ingenious themes. Students cannot analyse such themes in poetry, which prevents them from writing well-defined answers in exams. Extramarks is a commendable online learning platform having hundreds and hundreds of resources for assisting students in studying the difficult themes in poetry works prescribed in the CBSE syllabus.

At Extramarks, students can find a lot of practice questions and important questions with solutions. The Extramarks’ important questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem will help students prepare for the poem Hawk Roosting before appearing in exams. Proficient teachers and educators of the subject have compiled the finest and most important questions from the prescribed resources for study for students, such as NCERT textbooks, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, etc.

Extramarks is an educational platform with the sole ambition of providing students with the best academic resources for study. Students will find study materials such as complete solutions to important questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem, CBSE key revision notes, CBSE sample papers and solutions to other NCERT chapters’ important questions.

Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem – With Solutions

Education is best shared when it is easily available to students in every way possible. Extramarks has proved to be beneficial to students because of its earnest team of subject matter experts who have tirelessly worked to provide students with the best quality study material. Students can learn the deep meanings of the poem from Extramarks’ set of important questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem.

Here are the Chapter 7 poem Class 11 English Woven Words important questions and solutions:-

Question 1. Comment on the physical features of the hawk highlighted in the poem and their significance.

Answer  1. The poem “Hawk Roosting” is a hawk’s monologue about its feelings towards the world and its dominion over the creatures in the surrounding environment. The hawk takes pride because its physical features are superior to other birds and animals. The hawk has hooked feet and a hooked beak which means it certainly has sharp claws and a pointed beak that makes it easier to catch the prey. The hawk is confident that its sharp claws are enough to hold the entire world within its fold.

The third stanza is where the hawk reveals the perfection of its existence. It boasts god created each of its feathers and foot care, and now it reigns over the world with more power than any being has ever possessed. Not even god can overtake its strength.

Question 2. Why does the hawk describe itself as potent enough to live freely?

Answer    2. The hawk is free and formidable to live fearlessly. The hawk can do whatever it wants to do in the world. It can kill according to its will because the world is solely its possession. It can fly, absorbing the sight of the world beneath. There is no false information about its strength because it can easily remove its prey’s head.

Question 3. How does the poem emphasise the physical prowess of the hawk?

Answer    3. The poem describes the dominant nature of the hawk, that takes pride in the ferocious superiority of its physical features. The sharp claw and beak of the hawk strengthen its hold over the world. The hawk is so superior in its existence that it is always skilful in catching its prey even when it is asleep. The hawk is free to fly, ruling the skies and having the ability to look beneath its wide wings. The egoistic hawk can kill as it pleases and even dominates the god who made it. The sun cannot catch up to the prowess of the hawk. A change couldn’t occur without its permission, and things would remain the same whenever the hawk wants them to be static.

Question 4. What does the hawk state about its manners?

Answer    4. The hawk boasts of capturing and killing prey. The hawk’s shows destructive behaviour towards the prey.

Question 5. ‘There is no sophistry in my body’—its statement expresses the brutal frankness of the hawk. Does the poet suggest something through its statement?

Answer    5. The hawk considers itself a dreadful being that is proud of its savagery. The hawk is a terrifying creature that can kill even when asleep. No one escapes from the grip of its sharp claws and its ferocious hunting skills. It rules the world, and no one can stop it, not even god,Its etiquette is killing its victims mercilessly. The hawk is a proud being that has surpassed the sun. The hawk does not lie about its physiology and is brutally frank about its mannerisms and bold nature. No creature in the world can end its superiority and legacy. The hawk’s prestige has always been in the world, and the situation will never change with its permission.

Question 6. What is the central theme of the poem “Hawk Roosting”?

Answer    6. The poem is a hawk’s monologue that  considers itself the most superior of all beings on this earth. No one has ever surpassed the ravening strength of the hawk that holds the world in its claws and kills as it pleases with no regrets. God has made every feather of the hawk, but now the hawk has more power than God itself. No one in the world can question the hawk’s way of killing because it is the highest being of all.

The subtle central idea of the poem is that nature has the greatest power in the world, and even the most rapacious creatures like the hawk can never surpass the wrath and strength of nature.

Question 7. ‘Now I hold Creation in my foot—explain the centrality of this assertion in the poem. What makes the hawk’s assertion of its invincibility so categorical?

Answer    7. The poem depicts the hawk as the one with unlimited power. The hawk sits on the high branches of trees and looks down on the other creatures of the world. The hawk does not hesitate to capture its prey brutally. It has free will to live according to its will. The haws rule a limited part of the entire jungle. However, he perceives the restricted part of the forest as its possession and considers itself the god ruling the forest. The highest creation made every feather on its body, god, whereas a reversal has happened. The hawk is above every life form, every beast in the world. The hawk is also superior to God and vaunts about having god’s creation beneath its foot.

Question 8. What does the hawk mean when it says nothing has changed and permitted no change?

  • The hawk rules the world beneath from the skies above
  • The hawk is above God
  • The hawk’s way of living is correct and requires no change without its permission.
  • The hawk is above life, nurturing the sun.

Answer   8. Option (3) The hawk’s way of living is correct and requires no change without its permission


  • Option (3) is correct. Throughout the poem, the hawk brags about its power and habit of mercilessly catching prey. The hawk lives the way it likes best and does not care about the rules and regulations of the forest. The hawk confidently asserts its way of life is flawless, and it has been this way since the past, continues to be like this in the present and will never alter in the future unless it desires so.
  • Option (1) is incorrect—the hawk rules from above. However, the line does not describe the decisive influence the hawk has over the world.
  • Option (2) is incorrect. The line describes the hawk’s dominance over the world’s creator.
  • Option (4) is incorrect. It describes the hawk’s power as so powerful that the strongest life-fostering element of the universe, the sun, is nothing before the supreme being, the hawk.

Question 9. Why is the poem entitled ‘Hawk Roosting’?

Answer    9. The roosting place of the hawk is above everything else on the earth. It is the branch of a long tree, and the hawk reaches the top of the trees because he has wide and strong wings. The hawk rules the skies and the world beneath. The haws are sure that its ruthless mannerisms are the only acceptable way of surviving in the world, and nothing else can surpass it, not even the creator of the universe and the prodigious sun.

The symbolism of hawk roosting is found in the characteristics of human beings. Like hawks, humans consider themselves the most powerful creatures on this earth. Humans are ruthless in controlling nature and technology. Humans have become self-centred and want to dominate others. Traits of sharing and brotherhood have been replaced by egoistic beliefs to rule the world according to their desires. However, the hawk and humans have forgotten that nature is the most powerful force in the universe, and nobody can surpass its enormous power to give and take life.

Question 10. Ted Hughes has written “Hawk Roosting” in the form of a:-

  • Satire
  • Monologue
  • Ode
  • None of the above

Answer   10. Option (2) Monologue


  • Option (2) is correct. The poem hawk roosting is in the form of a speech by the hawk about itself. It is called a monologue. The entire monologue throughout the poem is a boastful speech of the hawk about its commanding strength in this world.
  • Option (1) is incorrect. Satire uses humour to criticise the vile acts of people. The poem hawk roosting is not a satire.
  • Option (3) is incorrect. An ode is a form of classic poetry dedicated to a particular subject. The poem hawk roosting is not an ode either.

Question 11. Bring out the parallel suggested between the predatory instincts of the bird and human behaviour.

Answer    11. Ted Hughes has often used poetry to express human life by using the elements of nature. In “hawk roosting”, Hughes presents parallelism between the hawk and the humans. The hawk is ferocious and wild and wants to dominate the world anyhow. The hawk is indifferent to the plight of others. There is no remorse for the brutal deaths of its victims, and it is fearless because it perceives itself as stronger than god and the sun.

The qualities of a hawk reflect the self-centred human nature. Humans have given up their generosity to take over the world and control other people’s lives. Humans do not have an ounce of regret for the damage they cause to nature, and the livelihood of their fellow beings satiates their greed. However, humans and the hawk must remember that the world is dominated by only one power: nature.

Question 12. Notice the use of the following phrases in the poem and guess what they mean in the context.

  • air’s buoyancy 
  • sophistry in my body

Answer   12.

  1. air’s buoyancy -The hawk has been blessed with every element of nature that makes it comfortable such as the high trees and the buoyant air that facilitates its easy flight in the sky.
  2. Sophistry in my body – The hawk is telling the truth when it talks about the strength of its body. The hawk is powerful enough to kill its prey and live as it wants because of the power of its body.

Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem

The subject matter in English literature requires high-order thinking skills. Once students can think about the idea on which the author has based its entire work of poetry, it becomes simpler to comprehend the difficult meanings of chapters in the English curriculum, including poetry. Therefore, we advise students to use the English Woven Words Class 11 Chapter 7 poem important questions to determine the poem’s central idea.

Mentioned below is a list of a few benefits of solving Extramarks important questions English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem

  • Solving important questions will help students to learn about the various ways questions related to poetry can be answered.
  • The Extramarks set of important questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem is a combination of different ways questions can appear in exams such as long answers, multiple choice questions and short answers.
  • The Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem important questions are structured according to the English literature exam paper pattern.
  • Students learn to elaborate their thoughts about the theme of any topic by continuously practising writing answers to important questions.

The Extramarks website provides important questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem along with complete solutions of various chapters in NCERT textbooks, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ questions papers, etc. Students need to register on the Extramarks website to browse the resources from the links mentioned below:-

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are the best online learning materials for effective exam preparation of chapter 7 Woven Words?

Exam preparation for English literature, especially the poetry section, can be a hectic task. To meet this challenge, students should  thoroughly read the poems in their NCERT textbook. Besides, students can use online learning platforms like Extramarks for smart learning for their exams. The Extramarks website has a variety of study materials such as CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ questions papers and NCERT important questions and solutions. Students can refer to Important questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem to understand the poem’s message and write compelling exam answers. The online learning material becomes accessible to students after registration.

2. What themes are covered in the important questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem?

Study resources such as sample papers and important questions make it easier for students to practice writing enough answers to attain great scores in exams. The solutions to all the important questions agree with the CBSE answering guidelines. Therefore, the solutions for Extramarks’ set of important questions Class 11 English Woven Words Chapter 7 Poem are prepared according to the themes and ideas discussed in the CBSE syllabus key points for understanding the poem. The solutions comprise themes such as the hawk’s boastful monologue and the parallelism of the hawk and the human.