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Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 – Who Am I?
Class 6, Chapter 6 tells us how everyone has something special in them. Similarly, it discusses the uniqueness and importance of people. To enable us to understand these unique traits and diversity better, it takes us through the lives of six different people. The chapter shows its uniqueness in its own way. The first person is Radha, who really enjoys climbing trees and how it gives her the feeling of achieving anything. Next, Nasir owns cotton fields in the village and hopes to learn to preserve seeds. Rohit is a travel enthusiast who desires to go on a world tour. Further, Serbjit is attempting to control his anger as no one believes him. Dolma is hoped to become a Prime Minister. Finally, Peter appreciates spending time with his family.
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ToggleFor English, students are urged to go through the maximum number of questions to obtain good scores in the examinations. At Extramarks, we comprehend the importance of solving and collating questions from various sources, including the NCERT Textbook, other reference books, past years’ exam papers, etc. Step-by-step explanations are prepared by our English subject teachers to make it much easier for students to understand every part of the chapter and write it down during exams. Students can register anytime on the Extramarks website and get access to our full set of solutions for Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6.
Apart from the solutions to Chapter 6 Class 6 English Honeysuckle Important questions, the Extramarks website has an abundance of study materials like NCERT chapter-wise solutions, CBSE revision notes, past year question papers, CBSE sample papers, and much more.
Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 – With Solutions
From various sources, the Extramarks team has compiled a comprehensive list of Important Questions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6.. These questions and their solutions help students get a better understanding of the diversity and uniqueness of people. It takes us through the experiences of different people and their unique personality traits.
Below are questions and their answers to Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6.
Question 1:Who could be a successful designer or engineer?
Answer 1:A child interested in maps, sketching, and understanding pictures could be a successful designer or engineer.
Question 2: What could be if they were good at solving puzzles and doing mathematical calculations?
Answer 2: One can become a scientist or accountant.
Question 3: What does bodily intelligence reflect?
Answer 3: Bodily intelligence reflects becoming a dancer, actor, or craftsperson.
Question 4: ‘One should respect Individuality’. Do you agree or not? Give reasons to support your answer.
Answer 4: Everyone is born with innate qualities that ought to be respected. The individual difference, if identified in time, can make a difference in each and every sphere of his life. A girl could be passionate about climbing or becoming a politician. A boy can desire to be a farmer by choice. He could bring dynamism to his field of agriculture. A child could be a social reformer or psychologist to help others overcome their drawbacks. Therefore, genius brings excellence and dynamism to each and every activity.
Question 5: Our present education system ‘suppress talent rather than blooming its comment.
Answer 5: The education system evaluates learning capacity rather than Calibre. Every child is tested on the subjects he is taught. One has to pass each and every subject instead of working to his liking. If a choice is given to a student, he or she explores or invents new things. Assessment should be based on the interest and Calibre of a student.
Question 6: How behaviour study helps to understand the inclination and understanding of a child?
Answer 6:If behavioural analysis is done properly for a child, his talent, as well as his potential can be groomed. Visual, mathematical, and interpersonal intelligence should be given due consideration in developing the correct personality. If we recognise a child’s true potential, he will behave with a sense of responsibility. “One can reap what one sows,” rather than moulding all individuals into “all alike,” should be the motto of society.
Question 7: My favourite activity is climbing trees. There is a mango tree outside our house that I love to go up. Its branches are spread out, so it is easy to climb up the tree, and I can sit at ease on the fork of two branches. My mother advised me it is not appropriate for girls to climb trees, but one particular afternoon she climbed up too, and we both sat there talking and relishing raw mangoes. When I am high in the tree, I suppose I can rule the entire world.
(i) Who is I in the above lines?
(ii) Where was the mango tree?
(iii) How was climbing the tree easy for her?
(iv) What was her mother’s view about climbing the trees?
(v) Find the word that represents the same as ‘extend’.
Answer 7:
(i) I in the above-mentioned lines is Radha.
(ii) The mango tree was outside Radha’s house.
(iii) Climbing on the tree was easy for her because its branches were spread out.
(iv) In her view, it is not appropriate for a girl to climb trees.
(v) Spread out.
Question 8: I want to become a seed collector when I grow up. We maintain cotton fields in our village, and each year, my father spends a ton of money buying new seeds to grow our cotton plants. My grandfather told me that numerous years ago, he could gather the seeds from his plants, which could also be sown to cultivate new plants during the following year.
(i) Who is I in the above-mentioned paragraph?
(ii) What is Nasir’s dream to become?
(iii) Where does Nasir’s father spend money?
(iv) What did Nasir’s grandfather tell him about seeds?
(v) Select the past participle of ‘sow’ from the above passage.
Answer 8:
(i) T is Nasir in the above passage.
(ii) Nasir’s dream is to become a seed collector.
(iii) Nasir’s father spends money on buying new seeds every year.
(iv) Nasir’s grandfather told him that they used to preserve seeds from his cotton yields.(v) ‘sown’.
Question 9:I would like to live on the Lakshadweep beaches and dive down to witness coral. I feel I must go to the Konark temple, which is in Orissa or the ancient city of Beijing in China, as well as the Pyramids in Egypt too, but I appreciate seeing nature more than old buildings.
(i) Why does Rohit want to live on Lakshadweep beaches?
(ii) Where does Rohit want to go in China?
(iii) Where is Konark temple located?
(iv) What does Rohit enjoy the most?
(v) Select the adverb from the passage which means ‘truly’.
Answer 9:
(i) Rohit would like to appreciate the beaches of Lakshadweep and dive to witness the coral.
(ii) He wants to go to the old city of Beijing in China.
(iii) Konark temple is situated in Odisha now.
(iv) He enjoys seeing nature more than the old building.
(v) Actually.
Question 10: When I grow up, I will be the Prime Minister of India. People consistently laugh when I say that, but I am sure I will do it. Everyone in my class questions me about what to do when they have a problem, and my teacher trusts me always when something ought to be done in school. I desire to make things better for everyone. I want us to have fine hospitals and roads and schools. I want to ensure that many good scientists in India will invent ways to cure diseases and send a spaceship to Mars.
(i) What is a dream of Dolma?
(ii) When do Dolma’s teachers trust her?
(iii) What is Dolma’s ambition?
(iv) Where does Dolma want to send the spaceship?
(v) What is the noun form of “inventing”?
Answer 10:
(i) Dolma dreams of being the Prime Minister of India.
(ii) The teachers trust Dolma when something ought to be done in school.
(iii) Dolma’s ambition is to make things better for everyone.
(iv) Dolma wants to send her spaceship to Mars.
(v) ‘Invention’.
Question 11:
The second Sunday of each and every month is my favourite day. On this particular day, our entire family always goes to the cinema hall to watch an entire film. My father brings the tickets in advance, and all of us, my grandmother, parents, my two brothers, and myself, take the bus there. In the interval, my father gets us peanuts, and I adore to sit in the hall’s darkness, devouring and watching the film. Thereafter, we always halt eating ice cream. Everyone is in an amazing mood, and we all feel very lucky that we are such a cheerful family.
(i) Which day is Peter’s favourite?
(ii) Where do Peter and his family go on that day?
(iii) What does Peter’s father buy in the interval?
(iv) Why does Peter feel blessed?
(v) Select the noun form of ‘dark’ from the passage.
Answer 11:
(i) The second Sunday of every month is Peter’s favourite day.
(ii) Peter and his family go to a cinema hall to watch a film.
(iii) Peter’s father gets them some peanuts in the interval.
(iv) Peter feels blessed that he has a happy family.
(v) Darkness.
Question 12: Answer the subsequent questions.
- Peter’s favourite day of the entire week is Sunday.Since —————–—————————————————————————————————————————–—
- Nasir desires to learn —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————––––––––
- Dolma thinks that she can make a suitable Prime Minister because ———————————
Answer 12:
- The entire family goes to the cinema hall to see an entire film.
- The experts at Extramarks have made the Important Questions Class 10 Science Chapter 10 to help students solve a wide range of questions. They have collected the questions from different sources, such as the textbook exercise, CBSE sample papers, NCERT exemplar, CBSE past years’ question papers and important reference books. Apart from this, they have also solved the questions. They have explained each question so that students can easily understand the questions. Experienced professionals have further checked the answers to ensure the best quality of the content. Thus, students can follow the answers if they cannot solve the questions. Thus, the Important Questions Class 10 Science Chapter 10 will help students generate interest in the subject matter and boost confidence. So, it will help students score better in exams.
- Everyone in her class questions her about what to do if there is an issue, and her teacher also trusts her when something ought to be done in the school.
Question 13: Note down whether the following given statements are True or False.
- Nasir lives in the city. ——————————
- Radha’s mother enjoys doing things with her. ——————————
- Peter is an only child. ——————————
- When Serbjit gets angry, he shouts at people. ——————————
Answer 13:
- False
- False
- False
- True
Question 14: Fill in the required blanks to name the additional kinds of intelligence.
(i) When I appreciate working with numbers as well as solving math problems, I utilise my ————————————— intelligence.
(ii) When I appreciate telling a story or arguing, I utilise my ————————————— intelligence.
(iii) When I appreciate dancing or physical activity, I utilise my ————————————— intelligence.
(iv) When I appreciate looking at maps and examining pictures, I utilise my ————————————— intelligence.
Answer 14:
(i) mathematical
(ii) verbal
(iii) bodily
(iv) visual
Question 15:Write a paragraph describing yourself so that people who read it will get to understand you better. You could write about yourself from any point of opinion or select one of the following topics.
- What I enjoy doing most
- What makes me angry
- What I hate to do
- What I want to become
Answer 15:
I enjoy peace. Every day, I set aside some time for myself.I do this on the balcony in the evening or at the nearby park during the day. accomplishing this, I do not use my earphones, mobile, or anything else.
In the morning, I just observe nature around me—the birds flying around and the sun in the sky. I enjoy the birds’ twittering and the leaves’ rustling against each other because of the gentle breeze.
In the evening, I look at the stars and endeavour to find out the shapes they make.
Question 17: Why does Radha’s mom tell her that it is not appropriate for girls to climb trees? Uncover points to agree with Radha or her mother.
Prepare what you will say by making notes like this:
Girls must be able to climb trees if they wish
- ———————————————————————————————————
- ———————————————————————————————————
- ———————————————————————————————————
Girls must not be allowed to climb trees
- ———————————————————————————————————
- ———————————————————————————————————
- ———————————————————————————————————
Answer 17: In my opinion,
Girls must be able to climb trees if they wish to do so
- Girls should be permitted to do whatever they wish.
- Preventing girls from climbing a tree is an example of a patriarchal society where girls are thought to be inferior to boys.
- Evolution comes in small steps. Avoiding discriminating between boys and girls at small stages is the best way to make enormous societal changes.
Question 18: Match the following:
(1)Navigator | (a) Recommends people what to do about jobs, private problems, etc. |
(2)Architect | (b) Functions in politics, usually by standing for election. |
(3) Politician | (c) Discovers and monitors the path to get to a place either the direction of travel. |
(4) Engineer | (d) Briefs on recent news for newspapers, radio, or TV. |
(5) Computer Programmer | (e) Prepares the design of a building, town or city. |
(6) Athlete | (f) Manages and puts together a programme of music. |
(7) Disk Jockey | (g) Functions in sports or activities such as running, jumping, etc. |
(8) Composer | (h) Designing and constructing things like roads, bridges, or engines. |
(9) Counsellor | (i) Produces notes to create music. |
(10) Journalist | (j) Develops the system by which a computer runs or provides information. |
Answer 18:
(1)Navigator | (c) Discovers and monitors the path to get to a place either the direction of travel. |
(2)Architect | (e) Prepare the design of a building, town ,or city. |
(3)Politician | (b) Functions in politics, usually by standing for election. |
(4)Engineer | (h) Designing and constructing things like roads, bridges, or engines. |
(5)Computer Programmer | (j) Develops the system by
which a computer runs or provides information. |
(6)Athlete | (g) Functions in sports or activities such as running, jumping, etc. |
(7)Disk Jockey | (f) Manages and puts together a programme of music. |
(8)Composer | (i) Produces notes to create music. |
(9)Counsellor | (a) Recommends people what to do about jobs, private problems, etc. |
(10)Journalist | (d) Briefs on recent news for newspapers, radio, or TV. |
Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6
By practising a lot. Every aspect of English, whether reading, writing, grammar, or literature, can be mastered with perseverance and practise. We suggest students get access to Extramarks, a comprehensive platform where one can obtain a set of English Honeysuckle Class 6 Chapter 6 Important Questions. By solving questions daily and going through our step-by-step solutions, students will gain the utmost confidence to solve even the most complex questions that can be asked from the entire chapter Who Am I?
Below are a few advantages of quite often solving NCERT textbook and Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 Important questions:
- Our team of English and literature experts has carefully jotted down the most Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 by analysing several past exam questions. They have also chosen a few questions from the NCERT books to make it a comprehensive set of questions.
- The Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 and answers are based on the recent CBSE syllabus and totally as per CBSE guidelines. And the step-by-step solutions are written by experienced English professors with decades of teaching experience. So students can thoroughly rely on our solutions.
- The required questions covered in our set of Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 are based on Who am I, which tells us that people are different from each other. The differences must be celebrated and accepted by society. We cannot expect everyone to be similar to us. Each one’s dreams, aspirations, likes, and dislikes are different. So while solving these questions, learners can gain deep knowledge based on the chapter and also clear any queries they have.
- Practising different questions similar to those asked in exams would help students perform much better in their exams and score excellent marks. Students will be less strained during the exams and will be able to attempt their papers with a fully relaxed mind.
Extramarks provides comprehensive learning solutions for students from Classes 1 to 12. Along with Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 and solutions, we have other study resources available on our website. Students can click on the links given below to access some of these aids:
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. How are Important Questions class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 6 helping in exam preparation?
The questions provided in NCERT English textbooks can offer an excellent boost to studying thoroughly and scoring well during examinations and tests. Students can begin practising NCERT solutions English for Class 6 immediately, which will aid in immeasurable performance in subsequent studies. This, in turn, would help build a good grasp of English.
2. How many chapters are there in the prose section of Honeysuckle?
Chapter 1: Who did Patrick’s homework
Chapter 2: How the dog found himself a new master
Chapter 3:Taros reward
Chapter 4: An Indian American woman in space
Chapter 5: A different kind of school
Chapter 6: Who I am
Chapter 7: Fair play
Chapter 8: A game of chance
Chapter 9: Desert animals
Chapter 10: The banyan tree