Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7

Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7- Fair Play

English may be very enjoyable if students understand the central concepts of the chapters. Additionally, to help students comprehend the plot and give them a deeper knowledge of the story of Fair Play, Extramarks has created Important Questions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7. English language professionals compose these solutions in an easy-to-understand format so that students can quickly grasp the essential points of each chapter. Students can also rely on the solutions being routinely updated to reflect the most recent CBSE regulations and syllabus. Students can achieve excellent marks in future exams using reliable and respected study materials.

Fair Play is the story of two friends, Jumman and Algu. Both of them are best friends but face a rift in their relationship when a different situation arises. Jumman’s aunt accuses him of refusing to pay her the monthly allowance he promised. Algu is the Panch during this and rules in favour of Junman’s aunt, not letting his close friendship with Jumman get in the way of delivering justice. Jumman thus gets angry with him and waits for an opportunity to seek revenge. He gets that opportunity when Sahu, a fellow villager, refuses to pay Algu for the bullock that he purchased from him. Jumman is the Panch during this case. Despite the feud between him and Algu, he delivers a fair judgement, supporting what is fair and just. The story is an excellent example of how both Jumman and Algu respected their positions and did what was required to be done. They did not let their personal bias and rivalry stand in the way of delivering justice.

Extramarks is a well-known resource that allows students to prepare, review, and study for exams. It is an online study partner that helps thousands of students across the country. The Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 are compiled from various sources, such as NCERT textbooks, reference books, CBSE sample questions, etc. It gives students a broad sense of the types of questions they can face on the exam. The Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 is an essential study aid for students learning and preparing for exams since subject experts provide step-by-step solutions to the questions for a better understanding.

Aside from the Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 Extramarks, students can learn from various sources. Students who register on the website will have easy access to NCERT books, NCERT solutions, reference books, CBSE essential questions, and other resources that will help them feel prepared to confront the questions in their exams.

Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7- with Solutions

Extramarks compiled the Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 from various sources to provide students with various practice questions. The questions cover the full chapter of Fair Play. Students can review the full chapter while practising the Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 Important Questions. The solutions have been written in simple language to help all students comprehend Chapter 7 and perform well on upcoming exams.

Here is a list of the Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 for students to practise:

Question 1. What relationship do Jumman and Algu share at the beginning of the story?

Answer 1: Jumman Shaikh and Algu Chowdhry were best friends. They were like brothers who looked after each other’s families when they were away.

Question 2. How does the relationship between Jumman and Algu change from time to time?

Answer 2: Algu and Jumman were best friends. They became enemies, however, when Algu decided in favour of the elderly aunt of Jumman. Jumman also had the opportunity to take revenge. But as chief Panch, he also had a soft spot for Algu and behaved righteously. They rekindled their friendship.

Question 3. “Then the situation changed.” What is being referred to?

Answer 3: The situation being highlighted here was Jumman and his wife’s treatment of Jumman’s elderly aunt. Jumman’s aunt agreed to give Jumman her property on the condition that he be responsible for her well-being. This agreement worked well until the property was transferred. Jumman’s wife began mistreating the aunt after inheriting the property. His wife did not properly care for the aunt, such as by providing adequate food and attending to her daily requirements.

Question 4. What was Algu’s role in bestowing justice to the aunt?

Answer 4: The elderly aunt made her case before the village panchayat. She had faith in Algu’s honesty and struck his conscience. As a result, she appointed Algu as the head panch. For the sake of truth and justice, Algu set aside his friendship with Jumman and gave his decision in favour of Jumman’s aunt, thereby holding Jumman guilty.

Question 5. Who says this to whom? Give reasons as to why these were said.

  1. “My wife knows best how to run a house.”
  2. But is it right, my son, to stay quiet and not say what you think is just and fair?
  3. What have you to say in your defence?
  4. I cannot pay you a penny for the wretched beast you sold me.
  5. Victory to the panchayat. This is justice.

Answer 5:

  1. Jumman made the statement to his aunt. He says this because his aunt, who had given him her inheritance,had come to his house and asked for her monthly allowance.
  2. Jumman’s aunt made the statement to Algu. She says this because Algu was unwilling to support her by going against Jumman because of their close friendship. Algu did not want to hurt his friend, but he, too, knew that Jumman was wrong in his conduct.
  3. Algu said this to Jumman. He asked Jumman about this when he became the village Panch and wanted to question him about mistreating his aunt. Algu asked Jumman this, as his position in the Panch required him to be just and unbiased, even if it was his friend, Jumman, who was accused of wrongdoing.
  4. Sahu said this to Algu. It was because of the bullock that Algu had sold to Sahu, who died a month after Sahu purchased it. Hence, Sahu refused to pay Algu for the bullock.
  5. Algu said this to the village again and again. He said this because of the fair judgement passed by Jumman, even though things were not very good between them. He was happy that Jumman chose the path of justice, even though there was enmity between them.

Question 6. What brings the two friends together?

Answer 6: Algu declared his decision in favour of Jumman’s aunt because he heard his conscience and justice speaking to him. As a result, Junam Was angry, but he waited for his chance to strike back. Jumman soon had his chance. Sahu was taking advantage of Algu by not paying for the bullock he had purchased from him because the bull died a month after the purchase. A panchayat was consequently held. As head panch, Sahu nominated Jumman. But as soon as Jumman took over that seat of power. He also decided based on the evidence and the case’s merit. He decided in favour of Algu. Their judgments drew them together because both friends valued justice over the ongoing enmity between them.

Question 7. How are position and responsibility responsible for changing a person’s perspective?

Answer 7: In the story, events caused both friends to be head Panch, or decision-makers, at separate moments. When Algu became Panch’s head, he took up the responsibilities left to him by his aunt. He did, however, lose his companion, Jumman. When the tables were turned, and Jumman became head Panch, regardless of his feelings for Algu, he rendered a fair judgement. The sense of duty is linked to the job and position. One must be trustworthy while remaining objective. Fair judgment leave an indelible imprint on people’s thoughts. If someone violates his position, he may save his relationship but lose his trust for good.

Question 8. Give a character sketch of Algu.

Answer 8: Jumman sheikh’s best friend was Algu Chaudhary. He is a good man. In the story, he is the head Panch in the case of Jumman’s aunt. He supported the truth over his closest friend, displaying his honesty. When Algu ruled favouring his aunt, Jumman began to dislike him. Algu Chaudhary was a nice friend as well as a leader. In the case of the bullock, he requested that Sahu reimburse him even after a month. But Sahu refused, so Algu went to the panchayat. Jumman was the Panch head at the time because he was Algu’s opponent. However, Jumman selected the truth and ruled in favour of Algu. They re-established their friendship.

Question 9. What did you understand from the story “Fair Play”?

Answer 9: Munshi Premchand wrote the short story “Fair Play.” The plot revolves around two closest friends who became foes and then friends again after a few months. The narrative teaches several lessons, the most important of which is that money is not everything. Always prioritise your family. It also teaches us that we should never disrespect our elders. Furthermore, it demonstrates the need to be courteous and friendly to one another. Finally, the story emphasises the importance of truth and justice over friendship and relationships.

Question 10. “God lives in the heart of the Panch.” Jumman’s aunt said. What did she mean by the statement?

Answer 10: “God lives in the heart of the Panch,” which signifies that the Panch is always unbiased and does justice to all innocent people. In Panch’s view, everyone is equal. In the story Fair Play, despite his alliance with Jumman, Algu does not kill his morality to please his friend. According to Jumman’s aunt, justice delivered by Algu as a Panch was the same as justice delivered by God.

Question 11. Why and what did Jumman and his old aunt do before the panchayat?

Answer 11: Initially, Jumman and his elderly aunt enjoyed a loving relationship. However, the plot twists when Jumman’s attitude toward her aunt changes once she has handed over her property. He and his wife began to abuse her, even taunting her for eating. One day, an elderly lady had had enough and asked Jumman for a monthly stipend to live independently, but Jumman refused. As a result, the aunt agreed to go to the panchayat and seek the assistance of the locals. Finally, the panchayat requests that Jumman provide her aunt with a monthly allowance.

Question 12. Which of the following best describes the story?

  1. “I also know that you will not kill your conscience for the sake of friendship.”
  2. “Let no one deviate from the path of justice and truth for friendship or enmity.”
  3. “The voice of the Panch is the voice of God.”

Provide an explanation for your choice.

Answer 12: “Let no one deviate from the path of justice and truth for friendship or enmity” is the quote that best describes the plot. This line adequately summarises the story because Algu and Jumman delivered their verdicts without bias based on friendship or hatred. While serving as the panchayat’s chief, they were committed to truth and justice.

Question 13. Match the sentences given under I) with those given under II)


  1. Jumman and Algu were best friends.
  2. Jumman’s aunt transferred her property to Jumman.
  3. The aunt decided to appeal to the panchayat.
  4. Algu was not willing to support Jumman’s aunt.
  5. Jumman was happy to hear Algu’s name as the head Panch.


  1. He believed that his friend Algu would never go against him.
  2. She demanded justice.
  3. In the absence of one, the other took care of his family.
  4. The condition was that Jumman would be responsible for her welfare.
  5. The bond of friendship between Algu and Jumman was very strong.

Answer 13:

  1. Jumman and Algu were best friends.
3. In the absence of one, the other took care of his family.
  1. Jumman’s aunt transferred her property to Jumman.
4. The condition was that Jumman would be responsible for her welfare.
  1. The aunt decided to appeal to the panchayat.
2. She demanded justice.
  1. Algu was not willing to support Jumman’s aunt.
5. The bond of friendship between Algu and Jumman was very strong.
  1. Jumman was happy to hear Algu’s name as the head Panch.
He believed that his friend Algu would never go against him.

Question 14. Give a character sketch of Jumman.

Answer 14: Jumman Sheikh was originally a bad person because he wanted a property that his aunt owned, so he was kind to her, respected her, and behaved well around her. However, when his aunt bought the property in his name, he mistreated her and did not provide her with food. And when Algu sided with his aunt, Jumman began to despise him. When Jumman had to walk the same path as Algu, he understood that the truth comes before anything else. He is also a just person when he is in the position of a panch and has to decide the fate of Algu’s case; he behaves fairly and does not use his power and position to take revenge on Algu.

Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7

English is a clear and simple subject; students can enhance their scores by studying and reading the texts regularly. Extramarks support the students in achieving this by providing them with a list of important questions.

Understanding the essential question will provide students with various advantages. It is a fantastic resource that helps students analyse, prepare, and practise for upcoming exams. Studying these questions and solutions helps students better understand the material and provide logical answers. These questions covered the whole chapter and were created by subject matter experts to provide high-quality study material.

The following are the benefits of solving the Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7:

  • The Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 collection was built using the most recent CBSE syllabus to help students prepare for exams. It ensures that students have access to the latest materials when they study.
  • Students are exposed to questions that may appear in examinations because the questions are compiled from many sources, such as NCERT texts, CBSE sample papers, past years’ question papers, and so on. Students will benefit from practising exam-style questions in order to perform well and get good marks.
  • Subject professionals generate questions and solutions based on years of industry expertise; consequently, students have access to reliable study materials.
  • The Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7 are selected from the most important sections of the chapter. Thus, when students practise these questions, they simultaneously review the chapter.

Extramarks offers high-quality NCERT textbooks, NCERT revision notes, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, CBSE extra questions, and CBSE mock examinations. The links below will take you to additional resources that students can use in addition to the Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 7:

  • NCERT books
  • CBSE Revision Notes
  • CBSE syllabus
  • CBSE sample papers
  • CBSE past year’s question papers
  • Important formulas
  • CBSE extra questions

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How does the Extramarks English Honeysuckle Class 6 Chapter 7 Important Questions help in exam preparation?

The Important Questions for Class 6 Chapter 7 are an excellent resource that can be useful for exam preparations. Subject specialists with years of experience in the English language prepare Extramarks solutions. To give students full practice of the chapter they wish to study, the subject experts select questions from various sources, such as NCERT books, CBSE sample papers, and past years’ question papers. The material is updated following the most recent CBSE rules to ensure students have access to the most up-to-date materials while learning. Furthermore, the Chapter 7 Class 6 English Honeysuckle Important Questions are written in simple language so that all students, regardless of their level of understanding, may understand the chapter and perform better in their upcoming exams.

2. How many books are assigned for the Class 6 English curriculum?

The Class 6 English curriculum requires students to study the subject with the help of two books, namely, Honeysuckle and Pact with the Sun. Honeysuckle contains ten chapters and eight poems. The book A Pact with the Sun also contains ten chapters.