Important Questions Class 6 Social Science Our Pasts

Important Questions Class 6 Social Science Our Pasts

History’s scope is subject to ongoing change. Various groups made up the world according to their historical, social, political, and cultural standing. Countries did not have a good understanding of one another. The industrial revolution, improved communication, and improved transportation have reduced the distance between nations today and brought people closer together. 

History takes its learners on a journey across time and space, taking them to a new time and place where people live in a different way. But history is not only related to the past. It also has so much to do with the present. The history taught in CBSE Class 6 examines the ancient civilisation that stretched from Harappa to  King Ashoka’s reign over  almost the whole Indian subcontinent except present- Kerala and Tamil Nadu, and modern-day Sri Lanka. Class 6 Social Science Our Pasts Important Questions include the key ideas from every Chapter of the syllabus. Social science experts with years of experience have prepared these important questions.

 Extramarks believes in incorporating joyful learning experiences through its own repository of resources. In addition to Social Science Our Pasts Class 6 Important Questions, students can easily access materials like NCERT Solutions, CBSE revision notes, past years’ question papers, NCERT books, and more on the Extramarks website.

Important Questions Class 6 Social Science Our Pasts- chapter-wise Solutions

Students generally don’t find history an interesting or exciting subject. When students simply learn a subject in haste without clarifying their questions or understanding the principles, it will often be labelled as uninteresting. The good news is that History needs patience and a thorough understanding of the concepts. Introduction to History NCERT Class 6 is among the most significant ways to comprehend the subject. The ancient civilisation spanned from Harappa to  King Ashoka’s reign over almost the whole Indian subcontinent except present Kerala and Tamil Nadu, and modern-day Sri Lanka. is included in the syllabus.

All the chapters in the Important Questions Class 6 Social Science Our Pasts are:

Chapter 1: What, Where, How and When?

This chapter explains everything about our pasts and what needs to be learned about them. We can find a variety of information about people and old history. It discusses how we can find out about our past. This chapter highlights the historical significance of specific locations, books, and dates. This tells us about a variety of facets of those people’s lifestyles. These are important for our ongoing progress as well. Our past has a lot to teach us.

Chapter 2: From Hunting-Gathering To Growing Food

 The life of the earliest people is among the topics covered in Chapter 2 of the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History book. This chapter goes into considerable length about the discovery of fire, names and dates, changing way of life and from farming and herding towards a more settled life. Furthermore, it illustrates the new tools also known as Neolithic and about living in Mehrgarh. 

Chapter 3: In The Earliest Cities

The entire plot of this chapter centres on the history of Harappa. Later on, it details Harappa’s homes, drains, and streets. What kind of life they lived in the cities, the new crafts included tools made of copper and bronze, apart from objects made of stones, shells and metal. The many arts, crafts, foods, raw materials etc., are covered in this chapter. Fortunately, we have such archaic data to examine the earliest  ways of life. People’s lives were generally excellent, and different aspects including city planning, holy rituals, the great bath, trade, etc., were explored. We can learn a lot about human evolution from this. The small inventions made at that time are important because they reveal the people’s requirements and way of life. We learn about their agriculture, food, irrigation, and other practices. The chapter also discusses the  Harappan settlements in Gujarat and how the Harappan civilisation suddenly disappeared is a  mystery.

Chapter 4: What Books and Burials Tell Us

The description of the Vedas is the main topic of this chapter. It clarifies how historians examine the Rigveda. The chapter also includes information about megaliths and Inamgaon. This chapter describes the Rigveda with stories involving chariots, horses, livestock, and various social classes. It also throws light on Sanskrit and other languages, burials and occupations at Inamgaon. This is important to know to comprehend the time’s sentiments, what they embraced as daily routines, what they believed was right and wrong, and what rituals they performed. The Rigveda has historical value, and historians and other experts continue to study it to get more insight into life in those prehistoric periods.

Chapter 5: Kingdoms, Kings and the Early Republic

It describes how some men rose to power and became rulers. The Janapadas, Mahajanapadas, taxation, and changes in agriculture are all described. This chapter recounts how Magadha became one of those era’s most significant Mahajanapadas. The traditions and practices – such as Vedas composed by priests  contained rules about society and how people were divided into four groups called varnas, observed during that period are also explained in this chapter. This chapter covers wars, politics, how kingdoms were transferred from one king or queen to another, and other topics. This once more provides us with information about people’s lifestyles in those eras, including changes in agriculture, taxes, etc.

Chapter 6: New Questions and Ideas

Students in Class 6 History Chapter 7 – New Questions and Ideas learn about the journey of India’s exploration of truth, the rise of great thinkers and philosophers like Shankaracharya, Panini, and the story of Buddha. They will also know how Mahavira and Buddha acquired enlightenment and spread their wisdom during this time, which led to the rise of sanha, monasteries, and ashramas. Village life was evolving as new cities were being built.

Chapter 7: Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War

The extent of the Ashoka empire, his administration and his messages to his subjects will be covered in this lesson for students. The chapter outlines the distinction between empires and kingdoms. One of the greatest emperors of India, Ashoka, ordered the engraving of inscriptions on both pillars and rock surfaces, the importance of the Kalinga war, Ashoka’s dhamma and what makes him a unique ruler. Students learn more about Ashoka, the Emperor Who Gave Up War, in this chapter.

Chapter 8: Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

You can learn more about how cities changed during this time period by reading Class 6 History Chapter 9 – Vital Villages, Thriving Towns. The chapter discusses how the villages evolved into cities, significant towns, such as Mathura, the kind of life people lived in the early cities, the use of punch mark coins, craftspersons which included fine pottery (NBPW), and ends with a case study on Arikamedu -a popular coastal settlement during those days. Students get the opportunity to learn about objects including iron tools, agriculture, irrigation, sculpture, archaeology, and more.

Chapter 9: Traders, Kings and Pilgrims

This helps in understanding trade and traders,  new kingdoms, the history of the silk route, expansion of Buddhism, the rise of Bhakti, Nalanda as a centre of Buddhist learning, an account of Chinese Buddhist  pilgrims -Fa Xian, Xuan Zang and I-Qing. .

The administration of the Kingdoms in the past under various kings is discussed in this chapter. The village continued to serve as the primary administrative unit, and land revenue constituted a significant portion of the taxes collected.  Important men influenced or made decisions regarding local government. Kings made an effort to appease and encourage powerful men who were socially, economically, or militarily powerful. A few of the rulers kept a well-managed, formidable army with elephants, chariots, troops, and cavalry.

Chapter 10: New Empires and Kingdoms

In this chapter, we learn about Samudragupta’s prashasti, Harshavardhana, and Harshacharita. The way these kingdoms were administered, assemblies in the southern kingdoms and the life of ordinary people. You can learn more about the ancient  Gupta Dynasty genealogies through prashastis, coins and inscriptions. in Class 6 History Chapter 11: New Empires and Kingdoms. The Gupta Dynasty first appeared in the third century AD.

Chapter 11: Buildings, Paintings and Books

The author discusses the construction of temples, stupas, buildings in brick and stone and iron pillars built in ancient India in Chapter 11, History Class 6. This chapter also discusses the art that is displayed on the walls of caves like in Ajanta. At that time, highlights literature, and numerous novels were written, including the famous epic, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, Panchatantra, and Jataka. The author also provides captivating narratives that spark a student’s interest, especially about the  Indian mathematicians who invented zero and the famous Ayurveda(health science)-Charaka Samhita (medicine) and Sushruta Samhita (surgical procedure).

The above section displays the summary of each chapter covered in Important Questions Class 6 Social Science Our Pasts.

Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 6 Social Science Our Pasts 

Extramarks’ recent concept of Important Questions is significant for students’ exam preparation. These important questions have been prepared by experts having years of experience from different sources. By answering important questions and studying their solutions, students gain confidence in achieving higher grades.

Mentioning below are some benefits of solving Important Questions Class 6 Social Science Our Pasts:

  • All the chapters are covered in these solutions. Students can now easily retain each and every topic chapter-wise and can answer any question easily.
  • Students can entirely rely upon these important questions as these are made following the NCERT books and all the guidelines laid by CBSE.Students can study it independently without any further assistance from teachers or parents.
  • Important Questions Class 6 Social Science Our Pasts help students save time while preparing for their examinations.So that they have enough time for other subjects as well. 

Extramarks provides comprehensive learning solutions for students from Class 1 to Class 12. Our website has abundant resources, along with important questions and answers. Students can easily click on the links given below to access some of these resources:

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Which online resource offers the finest NCERT solutions and important questions for Class 6 History?

The most effective platform for educating students about a subject’s concept is Extramarks which sincerely believes in providing a joyful learning experience to both teachers and students. However, as it does not concentrate on clarifying concepts, simply reading through the NCERT solutions for Class 6 History and memorising the answers is not appreciated. Extramarks credibility lies in delivering the best when clearing doubts and clarifying concepts through live online sessions and offline so that your learning continues without any glitches and you are motivated to perform better.  To ensure that students get enough practice questions that are frequently picked in exams by CBSE, we recommend students to sign up at  Extramarks to maximise their potential by using study materials, question papers, and sample papers. . 

2. Why is historically significant for students in Class 6?

 The study of history is important for students of Class 6. Students can benefit a lot from learning about the past. Students gain from learning about our nation’s rich history and culture in ancient India. They may also benefit from using Important Questions by Extramarks to help them comprehend the subject. These solutions are created by subject experts and are accurate and created several pointwise notes that help students conveniently recall the crucial points in the exam.