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Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7: Our Country – India
Geography is an interesting subject. It involves the study of different landforms, their origin and features, countries and capitals, and other physical and cultural phenomena occurring on the earth’s surface.
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ToggleChapter 7 of CBSE Class 6 Geography is about our country – India. It gives a brief political and physical description of the country. We all are familiar with the oceans and the Himalayas surrounding India. The chapter describes the physical diversity of the Indian peninsula. The chapter is exciting and informative. Students must practice questions thoroughly from this chapter to score better in exams.
Extramarks is a leading educational company in India that provides numerous study materials related to the CBSE curriculum and NCERT books. Our experts have made chapter-wise important questions to help students in their preparations. The Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 contains all the vital questions from this chapter. Students must follow these questions and answers to improve their knowledge.
Students can register on the official website of Extramarks and download several study materials. You’ll find the CBSE syllabus, CBSE past years’ question papers, NCERT textbooks, NCERT solutions, vital formulas, CBSE sample papers, chapter-wise important questions and many more after registering on our website.
Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 – with Solutions
Our subject matter experts believe that students should practice questions to write better answers. For this purpose, they have prepared chapter-wise important questions. They have collated these questions from NCERT textbooks, CBSE sample papers and reference books. Apart from it, they have also written the answers following the CBSE guidelines. The Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 include all the possible questions from this chapter.
Below are a few questions and their answers from our question bank. Students can register on the Extramarks website to get full access to our Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7.
Question 1. The oldest mountain range in India is the
(a) Aravali hills
(b) Western ghats
(c) Himalayas
Answer 1: (a) Aravali hills
Explanation: Aravali hills are the oldest mountains of India. It was a fold mountain, but it has become a hill due to continuous erosion. So, the correct answer is option (a).
Question 2. The Palk Strait lies between the countries
(a) Sri Lanka and Maldives
(b) India and Sri Lanka
(c) India and Maldives
Answer 2: (b) India and Sri Lanka
Explanation: Palk strait is located between India and its neighbouring country, Sri Lanka. The strait separates the land of India from the island country of Sri Lanka. So, the correct answer is option (b).
Question 3. Sahyadri is also known as
(a) Aravali
(b) Western Ghats
(c) Himadri
Answer 3: (b) Western Ghats
Explanation: The Western Ghats are the significant mountains on the western coast of Southern India. It also has great diversity in vegetation and wildlife. The Western Ghats are also known as Sahyadri. So, the correct answer is (b).
Question 4. The southernmost Himalayas are known as
(a) Shiwaliks
(b) Himadri
(b) Himachal
Answer 4: (a) Shiwaliks
Explanation: The Himalayan mountains are divided into three ranges. The northernmost range is called Himadri, which is followed by Himachal. The third and southernmost range is Shiwaliks. So, the correct option is (a).
Question 5. The latitude that runs almost halfway through India is ___________.
Answer 5: The latitude that runs almost halfway through India is 82 ½ ° E.
Question 6. India has an area of about ________________.
Answer 6: India has an area of about 3.28 million sq. km.
Question 7. The Greater Himalayas are also known as_________________.
Answer 7: The Greater Himalayas are also known as Himadri.
Question 8. Name the delta formed by the Ganga and the Brahmaputra.
Answer 8: The delta formed by the Ganga and the Brahmaputra is the Sundarbans delta.
Question 9. Which two major rivers fall into the Arabian Sea?
Answer 9: Narmada and Tapi are two major rivers that fall into the Arabian Sea.
Question 10. Name a few major rivers of India.
Answer 10: India is a country of many rivers. Some of the major rivers are Ganges, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Tapi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri.
Question 11. India shares its land boundaries with seven countries. Name them.
Answer 11: India shares its land boundaries with seven countries. These are Pakistan and Afghanistan at the west; China, Nepal and Bhutan at the north; Bangladesh and Myanmar at the east.
Question 12. How many States and Union Territories are there in India? Which states have a common capital?
Answer 12: At present, there are 28 states and 8 Union Territories in India. Two states of India, i.e., the states of Punjab and Haryana have a common capital. Their common capital is Chandigarh.
Question 13. What are alluvial deposits?
Answer 13: Alluvial deposits are materials eroded by rivers. After erosion, the rivers deposit the materials on both sides of the river valley. It contains clay, silts, fine sands, etc. Alluvial deposits are very fertile in nature.
Question 14. What is the Great Indian Desert?
Answer 14: The Great Indian Desert is located in the western part of India. It is also known as Thar Desert. Here, the climate is dry with high temperatures. Due to very little rainfall, the desert area has very little vegetation, mainly cacti and a small number of wild animals. Camels are the main animals living here.
Question 15. What are the main ranges of the Himalayas?
Answer 15: The Himalayas are divided into three ranges. The northernmost range is Himadri or Great Himalayas, followed by Himachal or Middle Himalayas. The third range is the Siwaliks which is the southernmost part of the Himalayas.
Question 16. How were the Northern plains formed?
Answer 16: The Northern plains were formed by large rivers like Ganga, Brahmaputra, Yamuna and their tributaries originating in the Himalayan region. They deposited the eroded materials at the foot of the Himalayas, and the resultant river plains led to the formation of the Northern plains.
Question 17. What are the latitudinal and longitudinal extents of India?
Answer 17: The latitudinal extent of India is from 8°4’N to 37°6’N latitudes. On the other hand, the longitudinal extent of the country is from 68°7’E to 97°25’E longitudes.
Question 18. What is a peninsula?
Answer 18: Peninsula is a land mass surrounded by water bodies, i.e., seas and oceans, from three sides. For example, the Indian subcontinent is a peninsula surrounded by the Arabian Sea at the west, the Bay of Bengal at the east and the Indian Ocean at the south.
Question 19. Describe the physical extent of India.
Answer 19: India is the seventh-largest country of the world. The area of the country is almost 3.28 million sq. km. The east-west extent of the country is 2900 km from Arunachal Pradesh to Kuchchh, and the north-south extent is 3200km from Ladakh to Kanyakumari.
Question 20. Name the major physical divisions of India.
Answer 20: India is a country of physical and cultural diversities. The country is divided into several physical divisions. The Himalayas are located in the north of the country. Beneath the Himalayas lies the North Indian Plains, created by deposition processes of major rivers, such as Ganga, Brahmaputra, etc. The Thar desert, to the west of the Great Plains, is characterised by a dry and warm climate. The Deccan Plateau is located in Central and Southern India. Many mountain ridges and rivers are present in this area. On both sides of the Deccan plateau lie the narrow coastal plains. These plains are characterised by delta islands formed at the mouth of big rivers. For example, the Sundarbans on the east coast of India is the biggest delta island in the world.
Question 21. Why do a large number of people live in the Northern plains?
Answer 21: The Northern Plains are very fertile because it is made of eroded materials like silt, fine sand and clay. So, it is perfect for agricultural activities. The river water also helps in irrigation. Large-scale production of paddy, wheat and other crops is done here. Constructing large buildings, roads and factories on plain lands is easier. So, dense settlements, major highways and rail lines and factories are built in the Northern plain. Rivers like Ganga and Yamuna and their tributaries also play a significant role in water transportation. As a result, many densely populated cities like Delhi, Allahabad, Lucknow, Bhagalpur and Kolkata developed in the Northern Plains. So, this area has become one of the most densely populated areas of the world.
Question 22. Briefly describe the Peninsular Plateau of India.
Answer 22: The Peninsular Plateau lies beneath the Northern plains. It is also known as the Deccan Plateau, encompassing the country’s central and southern parts. Volcanic activities formed the plateau, and the elevation of the land varies from several hundred to several thousand meters. The area is characterised by relatively less rainfall than the Coastal plains. Several mountains are located here, such as Vindhyas and Satpura ranges on the north and two mountain ranges bordering the plateau from the western and eastern sides. On the west, the mountains are known as Western Ghats, and the mountain range at the east is called Eastern Ghats. Many big rivers originated in this area, such as Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Narmada, and Tapi. The Deccan plateau is rich in important minerals, such as iron ore and coal.
Question 23. Describe the mountain ranges of India.
Answer 23: India is characterised by many mountain ranges and hills. India is guarded by the Himalayas, a young fold mountain in the north. The world’s highest peak, i.e., Mt. Everest, is in the Himalayas. This range is divided into three zones: Himadri, Himachal and Shiwalik. Apart from the Himalayas, the Karakoram mountains are an important range in Northern India. Aravali ridges are located to the west of the Great plains. It is a very old fold mountain. The Vindhyas and Satpura ranges are located in Central India. South India is characterised by two mountain ranges parallel to India’s coast lines. The Western Ghats are situated along the west coast of India, while the Eastern ghats are located along the east coast. Annamalai is another significant mountain in southern India. Mountains are also present in North-Eastern India. Garo and Khasi are some notable names in this area.
Question 24. Why is Lakshadweep known as a coral island?
Answer 24: Coral is the skeleton of tiny animals known as the polyps. The polyps can’t move. So, when they die, new polyps grow on the skeleton of old polyps. The accumulation of skeletons leads to different colourful structures called coral reefs. If the reefs continue to grow, they rise above the mean sea level and emerge as islands. Such islands are called coral islands. It takes several thousand years to rise as an island. Lakshadweep of India was formed in the same way. It contains many small islands which developed from the skeletons of polyps. That’s why Lakshadweep is known as a coral island.
Benefits of Solving Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7
Practice is a key factor in increasing marks in exams. Geography is a subject of Social Science. Students have to explain various concepts in exams. So, they need to practice questions as much as possible. Sometimes, the exercises in the textbook are not enough for practice. That’s why our experts have formed the Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 for the benefit of students. They will have multiple benefits from solving the questions. These are-
- The experts of Extramarks have collated these questions from NCERT textbooks, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years question papers and essential reference books. Therefore, students don’t have to search for questions from different sources. The experts have written the answers following the CBSE guidelines too. The Chapter 7 Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Important Questions will help students to boost their confidence. Students should follow the answers to understand the CBSE question patterns and quality answers.
- The experts have written the answers in easy words and to the point. Students can understand how to write suitable answers for exams. Apart from this, experts have also included several descriptive questions and answers. As students have to write long answer-type questions in higher classes, it would be better for them to practice such questions from class 6. They should follow Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Class 6 Chapter 7 Important Questions to read the questions and answers.
- The subject matter experts have included questions from every portion of the chapter. No significant concept is left behind. Thus, they have accumulated all the possible questions in this single PDF. Students may study the Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 Important Questions to build an idea regarding question types in exams. Furthermore, if they want to increase their knowledge, they must study these questions and answers.
Extramarks provide a large number of study materials related to CBSE and NCERT. You can easily download these materials after registering on our official website. You can avail of NCERT textbooks, CBSE syllabus, CBSE past years question papers, CBSE sample papers, CBSE revision notes, NCERT solutions, NCERT important questions, vital formulas and many more.
Click the links below to avail of these materials.
Q.1 India is the second-most populous country after China. Name the most populous region within India and explain why.
The Northern Indian Plains located in the south of the Himalayas are the most populous region within India.
The plains are level and uniform, which makes it easy to industrialise, urbanise, and build infrastructure like communication and transport lines.
They are formed by the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra rivers, making them rich in alluvial soil and fertile for cultivation.
Q.2 To the south of the northern plains lies the Peninsular plateau. It is triangular. The relief is highly uneven. This is a region with numerous hill ranges and valleys.
I. Which ranges border it on the northwest side? (1)
II. Name two rivers that flow through the Vindhyan and Satpura ranges. (2)
1. The Aravalli ranges border it on the northwest side.
2. The Narmada and Tapi rivers flow through the Vindhyan and Satpura ranges.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Is Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 hard?
Chapter 7 of Class 6 Geography is about our country India. It briefly studies the political and physical divisions of the country. The chapter is not hard at all. Instead, it is exciting and easy to understand. Students should follow the textbook first. The chapter matter has been illustrated interestingly, and students won’t have any problem understanding it. If they want to take their preparation to the next level, they can study our Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 for solving questions. The chapter is relatively more scoring if students memorise the chapter thoroughly.
2. How can Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 help students?
Our experts believe that practising questions is crucial to scoring well in exams. Sometimes, the textbook exercise is not enough. Then, students must take help from other reference books to gather questions. The experts of EXtramarks have made this task easier. They have accumulated all the essential questions from this chapter in a single PDF. Thus, the Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 cover all the possible questions from this chapter.
Furthermore, our experts have written suitable answers. Students may follow the answer patterns to generate better scores. As this chapter is very informative, students must solve many questions to memorise the content completely. Our Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 will surely help students for this purpose.
3. What is the content of Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7?
Chapter 7 of Class 6 Geography is about India and its physical and political divisions. Our country, India, has diversity in physical features. It has the Himalayas standing as a guard at the north. On the other hand, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal cover India from three sides. India has vast plains, a desert and plateau regions too. Apart from physical diversity, cultural diversity is also prominent. Almost every state has a different language. Thus, our country has unity amidst great diversities. If you want to know further about Chapter 7, Class 6 Geography, you may go through our Important Questions Class 6 Social Science the Earth Our Habitat Chapter 7 prepared by our experts.