NCERT Solutions Class 11 Economics Indian Economic Development Chapter 8

Class 11 is a crucial academic year for students. They select their desired subject stream that they want to study. Commerce is a popular choice among many students. Economics is one of the main subjects in the Commerce stream. Selecting the classes students want to take might be difficult for them. The topic stream they select will likely influence their future career, thus it is an extremely crucial decision. During this crucial time, parents should support and encourage their children. With their parents’ assistance, students may make informed decisions about their futures. Students should take several aspects into account while selecting their subject stream, including their interest in the topics, their career ambitions, etc.

Approach to Study Economics: By studying Economics in Class 11, students can gauge their aptitude and interest in the subject and decide whether to pursue it further in their career. Upon studying a subject like Economics, students gain knowledge and abilities in this area that are extremely valuable and significant in daily life. The primary goal of the curriculum is to teach students about the creation and use of goods and services. It also discusses their demand, supply, and distribution throughout the markets.

The production, allocation, and consumption of goods and services are all topics covered by Economics. It is the study of how people, businesses, governments, and nations decide how to allocate resources to satisfy their wants and aims to establish how various groups should come together and coordinate efforts to achieve maximum output. In general, Economic analysis develops through analytical methods that are more similar to mathematical reasoning, in which the conclusions of many human endeavours are considered in a “means-ends” framework.

Understanding and analysing business decisions made by organisations is made easier with the help of economics. Both private and public initiatives fall into this category. Learning about this topic can assist students personally in making financial plans for their careers, daily needs, entertainment, and leisure activities while also maximising their savings. They will also be able to analyse Macroeconomics  throughout the country and apply concepts such as inflation and interest rates in their daily lives.

Simply put, Class 11 Economics is an important subject that teaches students various key principles that are applicable in real-life circumstances. Demand, supply, inflation, banking systems, and other ideas that control the mechanisms of both microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects are a few examples. Microeconomics is the study of how resources are allocated and how people make decisions that affect prices for goods and services. Macroeconomics, on the other hand, examines the economy as a whole and as a sizable unit.

Classification of Economy: The distribution of scarce resources within an economy determines the type and classification of the economic system. Economics is divided into four categories. Every economy has its strengths and weaknesses, as well as sub-economies and tendencies, that is,

Traditional Economy

Market Economy

Command Economy

Mixed Economy

Economics is the study of the optimal distribution of resources in a community. In addition to providing an understanding of the markets and macroeconomic trends, the course covers many topics.

Analysing economic statistics, explaining their significance, analysing various policy options, and estimating the likely outcomes of each.

NCERT Economics Textbook: The main objective of the  NCERT book of Class 11 Economics is to introduce to students some of the key issues that the Indian economy is facing. The book provides students with an opportunity to know what economic resources are and how these resources are being applied every day in different sectors of India’s economy. Further, students are also provided with facts and figures that represent the various aspects of the Indian economy. Students are expected to analyse the data presented to them and develop critical thinking skills. Numerous practical activities are suggested in the book for students to do. The activities include classroom discussions, reading documents such as the Economic Survey, etc. Learners are also encouraged to read the works of economic experts regularly to acquire in-depth information on some topics. With the help of the foundations set by this book on the various concepts of Macroeconomics and Microeconomics, students will be able to understand current affairs better. Students must inculcate the habit of reading the newspaper every day and relate the day-to-day happenings mentioned in the newspaper to what is being discussed in class.

To understand India’s economic situation better, students are encouraged to read the Economic Survey with guidance from their teachers. The economic survey contains various reports and summaries on different sectors of the Indian economy. Students are particularly recommended to read the statistical tables available in the Appendix of the Economic Survey. The textbook on Economics has detailed informationabout Poverty, Health Infrastructure, Employment etc. To understand these topics better and to gather more information on them, students are advised to go through the various reports published by Government ministries and think tanks.

Tips for students on exam day:

  1. Students should check to make sure they have everything they need for the exam. They should double-check to see if they brought their admit card, pen, pencils, and other stationery.
  2. They should take careful note of the location’s address and be sure to arrive on time. It is advisable to arrive at the centre early so that students have time to settle in and feel comfortable.
  3. A week or two before the test, students should not begin studying new material. They should simply revisit the information they have already studied.
  4. Finally, students should believe in themselves and approach their exams with composure and a positive mindset.

Few tips for students to prepare for Economics: The tips mentioned below will help students strategise their exam preparation:

  1. Consolidation of Study Material: There is a ton of study material available for Class 11 Economics for students to use. However, for their preparation, students should only select the best study materials. They should choose study materials that offer the most simple and understandable solutions. They should consider whether the study guide they are choosing covers the entire syllabus. Since the CBSE publishes new recommendations every year, students should always have access to the most recent versions of their study materials. Therefore, they should use the Class 11 NCERT book as their foundational text for Class 11 Economics. For all CBSE subjects, NCERT books are advised. The NCERT books thoroughly cover the entire curriculum and offer plenty of practise questions for students to answer.  Students can use the Extramarks study materials in addition to the NCERT texts to prepare for Class 11 Economics. Solutions provided by Extramarks are written in a step-by-step manner for the benefit of students. NCERT solutions by Extramarks follow the guidelines provided by CBSE strictly and are updated accordingly. For Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 students can refer to the NCERT solutions offered by Extramarks.  The NCERT solutions will help students solve all the exercise questions of the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11. The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 will help students thoroughly understand the chapter based on Infrastructure.
  • Making a Timetable: When there is a schedule and deadlines for topics, students are more likely to complete them on time. There may be a need for more study time for subjects with a higher weightage and difficulty. Students must therefore set aside time for various studies and chapters. Economics is a subject that many students find challenging, so, they should spend more time practising it. Students should set aside time to work on various chapters of Economics for Class 11 and make weekly and monthly objectives for themselves. This will enable them to monitor their level of preparation and make sure they are covering the entire syllabus. The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 on Infrastructure is a very important chapter from an exam point of view. Students should dedicate enough time to the  Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 and practise all questions from the NCERT exercises.
  • Practising NCERT Questions: The most crucial tool for preparing for the Class 11  exams is the NCERT questions. Students can get a better idea of the types of questions that will appear in the exam by looking at NCERT questions. Questions in the NCERT exercises range in difficulty. Students must practise the NCERT questions because many of the questions in the school exams are taken directly from the NCERT exercises. Students can use the resources offered by Extramarks for assistance if they face any challenges. The information that Extramarks provides is accurate and genuine. Additionally, NCERT practise questions aid students in getting ready for competitive exams.
  1. CBSE Sample Papers and Past Years’ Papers: CBSE sample papers are very beneficial for students. Every year, CBSE provides sample papers before the board examinations. The sample papers hold a lot of importance because they are updated according to the current CBSE guidelines. CBSE sample papers must be solved by students. If students find difficulty  answering any questions from the CBSE sample paper, then they can look for similar questions and their solutions in the NCERT Solutions offered by Extramarks for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11. This will help students  effectively study for  Economics Chapter 8 Class 11.
  • Revision: The most crucial aspect of exam preparation is revision. Students who revise tend to retain knowledge for longer periods. Students will be able to recall the majority of the concepts from Class 11 Economics chapters with enough practice. Regular intervals must be set  for revision. Students should go over their quick notes again, as well as any unit examinations and mock exams they took. Students will develop confidence after several readings. Practising questions regularly is the best technique to review Economics concepts. Regular practise of questions will help students finish their papers on time by reducing the time it takes them to answer each question.

Class 11 NCERT Solutions Indian Economic Development – Chapter 8 – Free PDF Download

Students can download the NCERT Solutions for Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 with the help of the link provided below. The NCERT solutions for Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 are available on the Extramarks website and mobile application. The solutions for Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 can be downloaded in PDF format for easy access by students.

Extramarks also provides students with study materials like revision notes, past years’ papers, and NCERT Solutions. From the Extramarks platform, students can download the NCERT Solutions Class 1, NCERT Solutions Class 2, NCERT Solutions Class 3, NCERT Solutions Class 4, NCERT Solutions Class 5, NCERT Solutions Class 6, NCERT Solutions Class 7, NCERT Solutions Class 8, NCERT Solutions Class 9, NCERT Solutions Class 10, NCERT Solutions Class 11 and NCERT Solutions Class 12. The NCERT solutions are available for all subjects. Extramarks further provides all the study material in Hindi medium and English medium to help all students get good marks in their exams. Extramarks also offers ICSE curriculum solutions and revision notes.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Economics Chapter 8 Infrastructure 

The Class 11 Economics Chapter 8 is based on the topic – Infrastructure. Largely, the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 will help students  grasp the main challenges that India faces in the development of social-economic infrastructure. The chapter discusses in length the social and economic infrastructure of India. The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 on Infrastructure, further focuses on the role of Infrastructure in India’s economic development. A key topic of Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 is the role of Energy as a critical component of the infrastructure. This chapter further talks in detail about the Energy and Health sectors. Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 attempts to make students understand the health infrastructure of India.

Students are recommended to read the NCERT book on Economics for Class 11 to understand Economics Chapter 8 Class 11.  The NCERT books are written in a manner to discourage rote learning and encourage and implement practical understanding of the subject among students. NCERT books encourage students to generate new ideas by engaging with knowledge passed on to them through the books. Therefore, often NCERT books contain small activities to be done in Class for both individuals and groups. These activities provide students with hands-on experience of the theoretical part of the chapters. Students can get access to solutions to NCERT Class 11 Economics Chapter 8 from the Extramarks website and mobile application.

To test students’ knowledge, NCERT books also contain exercises at the end of each chapter. These exercises contain questions of all varieties. These questions test students’ practical and theoretical understanding. For the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  on Infrastructure, students must solve the NCERT exercises. All the questions from the chapter are important. To write the best solutions for these chapters, students can refer to the NCERT Solutions provided by Extramarks on the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11. With the help of the solutions provided by Extramarks students will be able to write clear and to-the-point answers for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11. The NCERT book on the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 also has some suggested additional activities for students to do. These activities must be done by students either individually or in groups for a practical understanding of Economics Chapter 8 Class 11.

The NCERT Solutions for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  can be downloaded from the Extramarks website and mobile application. The solutions for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  are written by expert subject teachers for the benefit of students. With the help of these solutions, students will be able to fully prepare for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 on Infrastructure. Moreover, solutions for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  can be downloaded in PDF format by students. Below are some benefits of solving the NCERT questions of the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11:

  1. NCERT exercise questions cover the entire chapter holistically. Students will be able to test their knowledge of the entire chapter.
  2. These exercise questions test students’ practical understanding of the chapters. They will be able to apply the concepts studied in real life.
  3. Solving the NCERT exercises gives students an idea of what kind of questions are going to come in the exam.  By solving the NCERT exercise they will also gain confidence in their abilities to answer questions.
  4. Students can identify and revise the important details of the chapter. Important subtopics must be revised before the exam regularly.
  5. Often questions in the exam are directly asked from the NCERT exercises. Therefore, they are very important and must be solved by students.

To find the most easy-to-understand yet precise answers for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 on Infrastructure, students should visit the Extramarks website and mobile application. Extramarks updates the study resources every year according to the CBSE curriculum, so students can rest assured that they are not missing any important guidelines. These resources will help students prepare for Economics Chapter 8 Class 11. The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 can be prepared fully with the help of Extramarks’ learning resources.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Economics Chapter 8 Infrastructure

The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 on Infrastructure is very important for Class 11 examinations. The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 is also an important chapter for the higher academic studies of students. The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 explains to students how some states of India perform better than other states of India due to  better infrastructure facilities. The infrastructure of a state comprises facilities such as irrigation facilities, transportation facilities, ports, railways, and industries. All these infrastructure facilities support the development of the state and the country at large.

Infrastructure and its Significance

The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 explains how the infrastructure of a country supports the economic development of a country. It provides support services in crucial areas of industries. The services provided are in the form of roads, railway infrastructure, ports for trading purposes, oil and gas pipelines, and educational infrastructure like schools for producing human resources. Infrastructure facilities therefore not only help in developing the economic sector of the country but also help in building the social sector of the economy. Therefore, some scholars divide infrastructure into two categories- Economic and Social infrastructure. Students must refer to the NCERT Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  to better understand these concepts. The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 NCERT solutions will benefit students a lot in framing answers to the questions.

The development of Infrastructure is very essential for a country. It is the foundation of modern economies. The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  explains to students how industries ranging from small-scale to multinational depend on effective infrastructure. It further explains how in recent times, even agriculture depends on infrastructure facilities like banking and insurance. Students must study Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 thoroughly to learn more about the relevance of Infrastructure in various industries.

Infrastructure Condition in the Rural Side of India

In India, traditionally, it has been the government that has played a major role in the development and maintenance of infrastructure. The government mostly does this through its public-sector enterprises. In the current scenario, the government, together with the private sector, plays a major role in the development of infrastructure.

Infrastructure in India can be classified into urban infrastructure and rural infrastructure. This is because of the stark differences between the states of infrastructure in urban and rural areas. The majority of Indians live in rural areas and are still not equipped with the latest infrastructure and technology. For instance, the use of biofuels for cooking is still prevalent in certain rural areas. Even today, people from rural areas have to walk long distances to fetch water. Some hinterland areas do not have a continuous electricity supply.

To understand more about the state of Infrastructure in rural areas, students must read Economics Chapter 8 Class 11. The NCERT Solutions for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 are available on the website and mobile application of Extramarks. Students must refer to the NCERT solutions for effective preparation. The NCERT solutions provided by Extramarks contain the relevant facts and figures according to the demand of the questions. Mentioning facts and figures reflects that students are updated with the latest happenings in the Indian economy. Answers written in this manner will result in higher marks for students.

Importance of Infrastructure:

  1. Affects Productivity: With better roads, warehouses, and other infrastructure, farmers can readily sell their goods in many marketplaces, which helps productivity rise. Additionally, irrigation infrastructure has decreased reliance on the monsoon for water needs, which boosts both productivity and output.
  2. Investment Induced Infrastructure encourages investment: Low investment is a sign of low production and an undeveloped economy. Foreign investors are drawn to countries with excellent infrastructure. This provides investment opportunities and lucrative businesses.
  3. Creates production-related connections: Better communication and transportation infrastructure, as well as a stable banking and financial system, lead to stronger links across industries. The expansion of one industry often makes room for the growth of another.
  4. Increases capacity for work: Social infrastructure improves workers’ quality of life, which in turn boosts productivity. Facilities like hospitals, schools, and other such establishments acquire skills that improve their capacity and productivity.
  5. Facilities Outsourcing: India is quickly becoming a popular outsourcing location on a worldwide scale. For instance, call centres, study centres, medical transcription, and other services are made possible in great part by their reliable economic and social infrastructure.

Energy Infrastructure: Energy is a crucial component of a country’s growth process. It is crucial for businesses, agriculture, and allied fields like the manufacture and delivery of farm machinery, herbicides, and fertilisers. Additionally, it is necessary for heating, lighting, and other home functions like cooking.

  1. Conventional Energy Sources

There are two categories of conventional energy sources.

Commercial Sources: Commercial sources of energy include coal, oil, and electricity because they are traded on the open market. Over 40% of India’s total energy consumption comes from them. In nature, commercial energy sources are typically exhaustible.

Non-Commercial Sources: Non-commercial sources of energy include firewood, agricultural waste, and dried dung. They can be obtained for free. The Non-Commercial sources of Energy are renewable.

  1. Non-Conventional Energy Sources

Non-conventional sources include tidal power, wind power, and solar electricity.

The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 contains more information on the Energy Infrastructure in India. It further discusses the challenges faced by the power sector in India. To find the solutions to the NCERT exercise questions of the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11, students can visit the website and mobile application of Extramarks.

Health Infrastructure

A person’s health has a significant impact on his or her capacity to work. The quality of life is improved by good health. Health includes both the ability to realise one’s potential and the absence of disease. It serves as a gauge of one’s well-being.

Health care is an essential component of social infrastructure. It is a comprehensive process concerned with the nation’s entire growth and development. Researchers evaluate a population’s health by considering factors including the infant and maternal mortality rates, life expectancy, nutrition status, and prevalence of infectious and non-communicable diseases.

A country’s ability to produce goods and services with a healthy labour force depends on the development of its health infrastructure. Hospitals, physicians, nurses, and other support staff, beds, hospital-specific equipment, and a thriving pharmaceutical sector all make up the health infrastructure. Only having infrastructure is insufficient to have healthy people; it must also be widely accessible to everyone.

State of Health Infrastructure in India: All health-related issues, including medical education, food adulteration, drug and poison use, the medical profession, vital statistics, mental deficiency, and madness, must be guided and regulated by the government following the constitution. The Central Council of Health and Family Welfare gathers data and provides state governments, union territories, and other organisations with financial and technical support for the execution of significant health programmes across the nation.

To read more about the Health Infrastructure in India, students should refer to the NCERT chapter of Economics Chapter 8 Class 11. To answer the questions related to Health Infrastructure, students should refer to the NCERT Solutions provided by Extramarks for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11.

How can Extramarks Guide you with the NCERT Solutions?

On the Extramarks website and mobile application, students can find all the study materials. Some advantages and features of the materials offered by Extramarks that students can use to boost their exam preparation include:

  1. Extramarks’ resources are created by subject-matter experts who are deeply knowledgeable in their fields and regularly adhere to ICSE and CBSE standards.
  2. The learning resources are ideal for revising before exams.
  3. Extramarks’ study materials comprehensively cover the complete subject. As a result, students do not have to worry about skipping over any crucial information when using these materials.
  4. Extramarks’ NCERT solutions prepare students to write the most precise answers in a certain period. These materials also assist students in preparing for the Class 12 board exams.
  5. The materials are simple to access and can be downloaded in PDF form for reading offline.

What are the Benefits of the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Economics Ch-8 Infrastructure?

Extramarks aims to provide students with a fulfilling learning experience. There are various benefits of the NCERT Solutions for  Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 which are provided by Extramarks. The solutions that are offered by Extramarks will make it easier for students to study Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 on Infrastructure.

To score well in the exam, students must write good answers. The answer sheet is the way in which the examiner tests the knowledge of students. Therefore, students must present their answers well. To learn how to write the most precise answers for Economics Chapter 8 Class 11, students must refer to the NCERT solutions provided by Extramarks. The NCERT solutions offered by Extramarks teach students how to write the best answers. The answers are presented well in the NCERT solutions.

By referring to the NCERT solutions offered by Extramarks for the  Economics Chapter 8 Class 11, students will learn to identify the demand of the question and write their answers accordingly. Every answer in the NCERT Solutions is written keeping in mind the key demand of the question. To-the-point answers are often scored better. It reflects a deep understanding of the subject by the student. Further, the NCERT solutions for Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 are written in a simple language, which makes them easy to understand and remember.  Further, the NCERT solutions for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 are written in a simple language which makes it easy to understand and remember. Students in the exam should avoid unnecessary difficult words and write simple answers with the necessary keywords mentioned in the chapter. The solutions offered by Extramarks guide students to do the same. By writing precise answers, students also save time and have more time at the end of the exam to double-check what they have written.

With the help of the NCERT solutions offered by Extramarks for   Economics Chapter 8 Class 11, students can also practise similar questions from the mock papers and sample papers. They can also use the NCERT solutions to solve past years’ papers.

The NCERT solutions can also be used to make short notes. Since the NCERT exercise questions cover the entire chapter, by making short notes of the solutions, students will be able to revise the  Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 easily. Students can download the NCERT solutions for the  Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 from the website and mobile application of Extramarks. The resources provided by Extramarks will help students fetch good marks in their exams.

Solved Examples:  

The solved examples for the  Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 on Infrastructure are mentioned on the website of NCERT. Students can refer to the solved examples for the preparation of the  Economics Chapter 8 Class 11. The NCERT solutions of the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 are available on the website and mobile application of Extramarks. These solutions of the  Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 can be downloaded in PDF format. A regular revision of the NCERT solutions for Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 is necessary.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Is the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 on Infrastructure tough?

The Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  is written in an easy-to-understand language for the benefit of students. In case students find this chapter difficult, they must read the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  on Infrastructure again and again. Students can take advantage of the resources provided by Extramarks to better understand the chapter. All the resources are available on the website and mobile application of Extramarks.

2. Are the NCERT exercise questions of Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 difficult to answer?

The NCERT exercise questions of Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  are given to students to practise the chapter thoroughly and to test their practical and theoretical understanding of the chapter. If students face any challenges in solving the NCERT exercise questions of the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11, they can refer to the NCERT Solutions provided by Extramarks. The NCERT solutions are written by expert subject teachers from Extramarks for easy understanding by students. The NCERT Solutions to the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  can be downloaded in PDF format by students.

3. From where can students download the NCERT Solutions to Economics Chapter 8 Class 11?

Students can download the NCERT Solutions of the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  from the website and mobile application of Extramarks. The NCERT Solutions to the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 on Infrastructure can be downloaded in PDF format by students.

4. Can the NCERT Solutions of the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 be downloaded in PDF format?

Yes, students can download the NCERT Solutions of the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  in PDF format. Moreover, students are recommended to do so because, in PDF format, they will be able to read offline too.

5. Are the NCERT Solutions provided by Extramarks for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 reliable?

Yes, the NCERT solutions provided by Extramarks for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11 are reliable and authentic. Students can trust the resources provided by Extramarks and use them for their exam preparation without any worry. These resources are curated by expert subject teachers and are revised regularly according to the latest CBSE guidelines.

6. Can the NCERT Solutions provided by Extramarks for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11, be used to solve CBSE sample papers and past years’ papers?

Yes, students can use the NCERT Solutions Provided by Extramarks for the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11  to solve questions on Infrastructure given in CBSE sample papers and past years’ papers. The NCERT solutions will guide students on how to answer the questions in a precise manner. The NCERT solutions provided by Extramarks mention the appropriate keywords from the Economics Chapter 8 Class 11.

7. Where can students find other resources for NCERT Class 11 Economics?

Extramarks provides study materials such as revision notes, NCERT solutions, etc. All the resources can be found on the website and mobile application of Extramarks. The resources provided can be downloaded in PDF format. All the study materials provided by Extramarks are written by experts and proofread regularly.

8. Does Extramarks provide solutions in the Hindi medium too?

Yes, Extramarks provides study resources for Hindi medium students too. All the resources are available on the website and mobile application of Extramarks. Hindi medium students can also benefit from the resources and fetch good results in their exams.

9. Is Economics a difficult subject?

While it is true that Class 11 Economics introduces various new concepts and has a vast syllabus, with multiple revisions, students will be able to understand the subject better. To make it easier to study, students must practise all the NCERT questions.