NCERT Solutions Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 12 Sound in Hindi

The responsibility for creating and disseminating textbooks for all subjects and grades falls on the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and several state boards recognise NCERT textbooks, which are comprehensive and cover all topics. For students in Class 9, Science is a crucial subject. For students to build their knowledge and conceptual understanding skills, they must have a basic understanding of concepts of Science at the school level. By comprehending scientific concepts, students may learn how to solve real-world issues. In almost every discipline and every manner, Science is applied. Knowledge of Science can help pursue careers in a range of industries. Students can pursue professions in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Statistics, Medicine, Weather Forecasting, and other fields by using the principles they learn in this course. Science is a major subject in the academic curriculum and knowledge of Science is deeply ingrained in students’ minds at an early age. Scientific concepts are crucial for a student’s entire development.

The theme of Sound is covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi which focuses on the basics of Sound and its associated features. The chapter covers several significant concepts, including the creation of sound, the long-wavelength transmission of sound, and the speed of sound in diverse mediums. The chapter also discusses the ideas of sound reflection and the properties of a Sound Wave. In the chapter on Sound, terminologies like Echo, Reverberation, Ultrasound, and Sonar are defined. The Anatomy of the Human Ear is presented, coupled with a thorough grasp of the hearing process.

Students who are enrolled in schools that teach in the Hindi language are the ones for whom the NCERT solutions in Hindi medium have been developed. As they are written in a straightforward and simple-to-understand language, the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi contain a plethora of advantages. The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are available on the Extramarks educational website. Students of Class 10 can download the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi whenever it is most convenient for the fulfilment of their individual study needs.

All of the answers to the problems in the textbook exercises are compiled in the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi. Subject matter experts who are highly knowledgeable in Science have engineered these solutions and equipped them with a step-by-step approach. Wherever necessary, the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are supplied together with pertinent diagrams, graphs, and pictures. In summary, the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are very helpful for rapid review before final exams and test preparation.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 12 Sound in Hindi

Students can use the Class 9 Science Chapter 12 Notes In Hindi as a revision tool as well as to boost their self-esteem and morale. The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are available for download on the Extramarks website. The location for all additional NCERT solutions is Extramarks. On the Extramarks mobile application, students can also obtain NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi and other resources.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class-9 Science Chapter 12 – ध्वनि

To aid students in developing a thorough knowledge of the designated chapter, the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are made available on Extramarks. Every conceptual notion has been descriptively explained owing to the design of NCERT textbooks and solutions. These NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi help students comprehend all of the topics, even the more complex ones that are addressed in the textbook.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 12 Sound in Hindi

The purpose of well-written NCERT books is to provide students with the greatest education possible and encourage their capacity for critical and analytical thought. Since the NCERT books are standard-level literature, it is critical to have the proper tools and guidance to complete them. Extramarks’ NCERT Solutions are reliable resources that provide ongoing education and assistance for students who are taking classes in both Hindi and English. There is a wealth of knowledge available on the internet which could cause concerns among students regarding the respective credibility of various resources. Sorting through this data is a further step that takes a lot of work and time. The availability of comprehensive study resources that are easily accessible by students can therefore be of great assistance. The Extramarks learning portal offers a link to the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi with the questions and simple solutions for each chapter.

The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi can be used by students to better understand the concepts and structure of framing proper answers. For students, Class 9 is a very important level as it precedes the crucial Class 10 board examinations. Extramarks’ Class 9 Science Chapter 12 Solutions In Hindi give students the necessary direction for the development of their knowledge of basic concepts. For students in Class 10, the courses they learned in Class 9 serve as a foundation. One should not undervalue the significance of class 9 in a student’s academic career. Therefore, it is essential to understand every topic in Class 9 with the utmost commitment and focus. NCERT textbooks serve as the primary knowledge source for Class 9 annual exams. Each subject covered in the CBSE curriculum is encapsulated in-depth in these books. There are practice problems at the end of each chapter in the NCERT book to allow students to assess their comprehension of the subject. For test preparation, these practice questions are crucial.

For the CBSE, ICSE, and other important boards, Extramarks offers comprehensive K–12 solutions. Owing to the successful blending of pedagogy and technology, Extramarks also meets the demands of candidates for competitive exams like NEET and JEE. Extramarks is an all-around learning destination for all of a student’s needs. It is sure to catch both students’ and teachers’ attention due to its best-in-class experience and user-friendly structure. Through the availability of both live and recorded sessions, Extramarks enables students to choose their preferred learning style. Certain commendable features of the learning platform are as follows-

  • A creative classroom solution for better teaching.
  • Extensive performance reports that let parents follow the growth of their students.
  • Weekly assessments and homework provide students with a chance to evaluate their progress.
  • Owing to a sizable content library, students may access all the information they need at any time.
  • Extramarks provides students in grades K–12 with a wide range of courses, including Hindi, English, Mathematics, Physics, Social Science, and more.

In both Hindi and English, Extramarks offers NCERT solutions for every chapter of Class 9 Science. The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are available on this website. The links to the various chapters of Class 9 Science are also provided here.

Chapters from NCERT Solutions for Science in Class 9

Chapter 1 Matter in Our Surroundings

The first chapter in the Science textbooks for Class 9 is titled “Matter in Our Surrounding.” Everything in the immediate environment is composed of a substance known as matter. These objects have mass and take up space. In the past, Indian philosophers divided things into the Panch Tatva, or five fundamental elements: air, water, earth, sky, and fire. Nowadays, scientists classify things in two different ways, depending on their physical characteristics and their chemical composition. Students will discover more about matter’s physical characteristics in this chapter. For the quick review, students should go through the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi.

Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure

Students studying NCERT Class 9 Science will learn about mixtures, solutions, the characteristics of solutions, the separation of mixtures, and physical and chemical changes in this chapter. They will also study compounds and their characteristics, the distinction between mixes and compounds, and the classification of matter in addition to all of this.

Chapter 3 Atoms and Molecules

Students will study themes such as Rules of Chemical Combination, Atoms, and Molecules in NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 3. They will learn how to create Chemical Formulas, the definitions of Molecular Mass and Mole, as well as some numerical exercises involving these ideas.

Chapter 4 Structure of the Atom

The numerous atomic models of atoms that have been put out by various scientists are covered in this chapter of the NCERT Class 9 Science textbook. In addition to it, this chapter also discusses the distribution of electrons in various orbits, valency calculation, Atomic Number, and Mass Number.

Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life

This chapter is related to the discipline of Biology. In this chapter, students will get to know that the cell is the fundamental unit of life. The whole chapter revolves around the cell and its structural organisation, in which students will learn about the plasma membrane, cell wall, nucleus, cytoplasm and structure of an animal cell.

Chapter 6 Tissues

The basic definition of tissue is covered in this chapter, followed by an in-depth discussion of plant and animal tissues with the appropriate illustrations. The many forms of plant and animal tissues will be explained in detail, allowing students to better understand them.

Chapter 7 Diversity in Living Organisms

Animal and plant categorisation is the topic of this chapter. It is important for students to learn that living things are divided into five kingdoms: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Additionally, the hierarchy of categorisation and its classification and evolution are described.

Chapter 8 Motion

Motion, Speed with Direction, the Rate of Change of Velocity, and Graphical Representations of Motion are all covered in NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 8. Students will also discover the three Equations of Motion as well as the numerical issues associated with them. This chapter will combine elements of theory and computation overall. Students could effectively refer to the NCERT solutions as well as the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi.

Chapter 9 Force and Laws of Motion

As the chapter title implies, Force and Laws of Motion in Science NCERT discusses the Origins of Motion and the characteristics of these origins. The chapter’s first section discusses Balanced and Unbalanced Forces. With the aid of relevant examples and demonstrations, this is explained. These forces’ features and origins are also described. The focus is placed on the first Law of Motion and its different facets in the second portion of the chapter, Force and Laws of Motion. In addition, it includes an explanation of why the First Law is known as the Law of Inertia. In this lesson, the students learn about the well-known scientist Galileo Galilei and his contributions to the discipline of Physics. This section also touches on the First Law of Motion’s applicability. The themes of Inertia and Mass are then thoroughly discussed along with pertinent justifications and illustrations. The Second Law of Motion is then covered in the chapter Force and Laws of Motion, along with a statement of its mathematical formulation. The section covers the concept of Momentum, as well as its SI unit and examples. A lot of numerical provisions follow these notions. Additionally, the Third Law of Motion and examples from everyday life are used to describe it in depth. The conservation of momentum is discussed in more detail in the chapter’s last section, Force and Laws of Motion. The notion is illustrated through examples and numbers. The chapter also contains more details on Law of Energy Conservation. To download the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi, it is recommended that students visit the Extramarks website.

Chapter 10 Gravitation

Students will study the Universal Law of Gravity and its significance, notions of Free Fall, Mass, Weight, Thrust, and Pressure, as well as Archimedes’ Principle and Relative Density, in chapter 10 of the NCERT Science textbook for Class 9. These topics also have numerical problems that students will encounter.

Chapter 11 Work, Power And Energy

The definition of Work is provided in this chapter along with several instances, numbers, and activities. The chapter also discusses Energy and its various manifestations. All forms of energy are explained through examples. The last topic of the chapter is the Rate Of Completing The Task.

Chapter 12 Sound

The principles of Sound Creation, Sound Propagation, Sound Reflection, Hearing Range, Ultrasonic Applications, and Anatomy of the Human Ear are covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi. The chapter also contains a few numerical problems that can only be resolved if the associated conceptual principles have been grasped. Students must thus comprehend and thoroughly study the chapter with the aid and assistance of indispensable learning assets such as NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi. These solutions will aid theoretical comprehension and strengthen their academic fundamentals. Students can get a greater knowledge of the content provided in the chapter by completing the three exercises and additional activities enclosed in it. The Extramarks website and mobile application have the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi for download. The advanced scientific ideas covered in the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi would also be helpful.

Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill

Chapter 13 of the NCERT textbook for Class 9 Science discusses health concerns and various illnesses. It addresses themes such as Infectious Illnesses, Sickness and its Causes, and Poor Health. The purpose of adding this chapter is to educate students about various ailments so they may take care of their health and stay fit and healthy. To understand the complex theoretical components of Chapter 12, one must peruse the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi.

Chapter 14 Natural Resources

Natural resources are abundant in the country. These are necessary to fulfil the fundamental needs of all types of life forms on Earth. To inform readers about the many sorts of resources on Earth, NCERT has included this chapter. This chapter discusses the Relevance of the Ozone Layer, the Biogeochemical Cycle, and Soil and Air Pollution caused by people.

Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources

The final chapter of the NCERT textbook covers themes such as Fertiliser, Grain Storage, Animal Husbandry, Manure, and Increased Agricultural Yields. This chapter offers information about Agriculture, Dairy Farming etc. Students in Class 9 should thoroughly read Class 9 Science Chapter 12 Notes In Hindi to ensure they are appropriately prepared for their examinations. Completing the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi is one of the most crucial tasks in getting prepared for the Class 9 test. By completing the exercises, students may assess their abilities and become aware of their limitations. By practising with the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi, students are placed in the proper mindset for examinations.

Students could download the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi from Extramarks. The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi of Extramarks are written in a clear, uncomplicated style that is simple to retain. Additionally, students can download the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi PDF versions from the Extramarks website.

Chapter 9 of Class 9 is a simple chapter that might assist students to achieve higher grades in their examinations. The following are some of the advantages of using the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi:

  • The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are curated by teachers who are subject matter experts with years of expertise. They give correct solutions that can assist students in achieving high examination results.
  • The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are simple to understand because of the examples provided along with them.
  • The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are created with the express purpose of assisting students in achieving excellent grades in their exams.
  • The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are not overly difficult, and they could help in comprehending many topics more simply.
  • All themes related to Sound and included in the curriculum are covered in the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi.
  • The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are credible and trustworthy.
  • The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are presented in a clear, concise, and understandable manner.
  • A set of key diagrams that will aid in grasping the concepts embedded in the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi.

For preparation, it is mandatory to practice Class 9 Science Chapter 12 Question Answer In Hindi. By doing so, the concepts are solidified.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How many topics are covered in the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi?

Everything about Sound, including its features, scientific terminologies connected to Sound, and more, are efficaciously explained. The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi include the following topics:

  • Production and Propagation of sound.
  • Medium of Sound
  • Wave and its types
  • Characteristics of Sound
  • Audible Frequency
  • Reflection of Sound and its Laws
  • Applications of Reflection of Sound

2. How many chapters are there in the NCERT textbook apart from Chapter 12 which is encompassed in the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi?

There are 15 chapters in the NCERT textbook along with Chapter 12 which is the focus of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi. Solutions of all the chapters are in a summarised form that will help students to learn quickly

The chapters in the NCERT textbook of Science for Class 9 are as follows:

Chapter 1 – Matter in Our Surroundings

Chapter 2 – Is Matter Around Us Pure?

Chapter 3 – Atoms and Molecules

Chapter 4 – Structure of Atom

Chapter 5 – The Fundamental Unit of Life

Chapter 6 – Tissues

Chapter 7 – Diversity in Living Organisms

Chapter 8 – Motion

Chapter 9 – Force & Laws of Motion

Chapter 10 – Gravitation

Chapter 11 – Work and Energy

Chapter 12 – Sound

Chapter 13 – Why Do We Fall Ill?

Chapter 14 – Natural Resources

Chapter 15 – Improvement in Food Resources

3. Is it necessary to read all of the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi?

The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi thoroughly outline the qualities of Sound and their properties. Students can comprehend this topic better by working through all the straightforward problems in these solutions. The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi will also help students learn with greater enthusiasm and aptitude.


4. What is the significance of the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi?

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has a long history of delivering high-quality educational content. The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are produced in compliance with the guidelines of the NCERT textbooks to offer the best results. The NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are well-organised and follow a consistent structure to deliver accurate information on each topic. For test preparation, the Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi must be read cautiously.


5. How many exercises are there in the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi?

The exercises presented in the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi are –

  • Total number of solutions – 22 Questions
  • Production of Sound – 2 Questions
  • Propagation of Sound – 3 Questions
  • Reflection of Sound – 4 Questions
  • Range of Hearing – 1 Question
  • Applications of ultrasound – 4 Questions
  • Structure of Human Ear – 1 Question

6. How may one study for the test using the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi?

The exercises in Class 9 Science Chapter 12 in Hindi on Sound have been responded to by the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi. Additionally, the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi will help them comprehend the chapter. To review the themes of Sound, students ought to read the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi. With the help of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Science Chapter 12 In Hindi, students may comprehensively study the designated chapter.