NCERT Solutions Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics Chapter 6

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I Chapter 6 – Democratic Rights

Social studies educate students about the environment and what has happened in the past. It is also important for the moral advancement of society. A man’s social character is formed with the help of it. Social science research makes us strong citizens of the democracy and also helps people to solve real-life problems in our daily lives. Essential for communities and organizations. It also helps students understand how different societies are governed, structured, and run.

As known, Social Science covers many fields. Each subject gives some different knowledge, just as history gives about knowledge of the past. This topic tells about what happened in the past. Another subject is Geography. From this topic students can learn about natural vegetation, such as natural environment, animals and plants. They will also learn about animals, bodies of water, evolution of flora and fauna, the impact of the environment on present and future life, protection and conservation. Meaning in the lives. Political science is a subject that studies politics, democracy and basic skills, world poverty rates, citizenship, ethics and qualities, rights and responsibilities, etc. Economics is a subject that teaches money management. Coming from social sciences such as effective economic policy, students understand the different cultures and religions of the world and know how to understand and respect them.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I Chapter 6 – Democratic Rights

To make government democratic, elections and institutions must be combined with a third factor: the enjoyment of rights. Through established institutional processes, elected rulers must learn not to violate the democratic rights of their citizens. That’s what students will learn in the final chapter of Class 9 Political Science notebook.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I begins with some real-life cases that imagine what it would mean to live without rights. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I will give students an idea of ​​what rights mean and why people need them. These NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I further discuss the fundamental rights of the Indian Constitution. Students will also learn how ordinary people can use these rights and who protects and enforces them. Finally, NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I  will make students learn how the scope of rights has expanded.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I Chapter 6 – Democratic Rights

The solutions provided by NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I are accurate and cover all the basic knowledge required for understanding the chapter. Students can download NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I from the website of Extramarks.

Right To Freedom

Right to freedom means every citizen has right to act according to his/her will without anyone’s interference as long as other’s personal space is not hindered.

Need For Rights In A Democracy

Citizens are empowered to use it as a tool to maintain the rule of law. They are also positive restrictions on governments and other bodies.

Rights Of The Indian Constitution

All the related study materials are available on  NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I on the website of Extramarks.

Right To Equality

The government should not deny anyone in India equal rights before the law. All Indian citizens – from poor landless workers to the Prime Minister – are equal under the laws of the country. The country’s laws do not distinguish between the two on the basis of socioeconomic status or power.

All citizens have equal access to public places and facilities such as temples, baths, streets, public toilets and public fountains.

Right To Freedom

As discussed in the previous section, materials on Right to freedom and other study material can be accessed from Extramarks website.

Right To Freedom of Religion

The constitution gives its every citizen right to freedom of religion. According to this right, a person is free to follow any religion of choice. The government does not interfere in citizens’ religious affairs. Everyone has the right to profess, practice and propagate their religion. Any religious group or denomination is free to regulate its religious affairs. However, a person cannot be forced to follow a particular religion. However, everyone is free to convert to any religion of their choice. Religious freedom does not mean doing anything in the name of religion. For example, a widow cannot be forced to shave her head in the name of religion. Animal sacrifices cannot be made in the name of religion. Public institutions do not promote religion.

Solved Examples On Democratic Rights Class 9 Solutions

Why political parties are needed ? A political party is a group of people who come together to vote in elections and hold power in government. They agree on a number of policies and programs for society to advance their common good. Political parties reflect fundamental political divisions in society. Thus, parties are aware of what parts they support, what policies they support, and whose interests they represent. Political parties are made up of three components:


Active member


Functions of political parties

Political parties hold public office and exercise political power. The parties do this by performing a number of functions listed below.

Political parties in elections compete with each other. Political parties propose various policies and programs, from which voters choose. Parties play an important role in enacting national legislation. Political parties form and lead governments. The party that loses the election acts as a counterpoint to the party in power, expresses a different opinion, and criticizes the government’s failures and wrong policies. Political parties shape public opinion. Political parties give people access to social systems implemented by government agencies and governments.

Need for Political Parties

Political parties are necessary because they perform all of the above functions. Apart from that, political parties serve to present different views to the government on different issues. They bring together various representatives so that they can form an accountable government. They serve as mechanisms to support or constrain governments, formulate policies, justify them, or oppose them. Political parties fulfil a need that all representative governments have.

NCERT Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I Chapter Wise Solutions

Extramarks’s NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I benefits students taking the CBSE board exam and other competitive exams. A good knowledge of the textbook syllabus is essential and necessary for good grades in this subject. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I plays an important role in building a strong foundation for students on the CBSE Board. For student convenience, Extramarks allows students to download the PDF of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I without any hassle.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I NCERT solution, provided by the Extramarks website, helps students develop their understanding of textbook questions. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I solutions are formatted according to the latest her CBSE guidelines. NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I are also explained step-by-step, so students have a clear idea. Not only can students download the PDF of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I, students can also print out the study material of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I. In this way, the Extramarks NCERT solution of  NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I is available both online and offline, making learning at home convenient.

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science

NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I are most important to students. Because Class 9 is a year when things get really tough academically for students. This is when parents and teachers begin to pressurize students to do well on the next panel next year in order to rigorously prepare them for the academic exams required by the panel exams. It is an introduction to the first successful year of a student’s life and is why the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I is so important to students. Additionally, these NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I provide students with an excellent learning foundation. At Extramarks, each student is provided with a PDF of NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I to ensure all students perform well in their exams.

CBSE Study Materials

Here Extramarks provide Democratic Rights Class 9 Question answer for all subjects including Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, Hindi and English. To do well on exams, students need to study each subject thoroughly. Democratic Rights Class 9  and for each subject in Class 9 will help students do the same.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are Democratic Politics Class 9?

In a democracy, people have the right to vote and to choose their government. People in democracies have the right to participate in public services. These rights ensure the protection of minorities in order to free them from the oppression of the majority. To deepen their knowledge and prepare for the Class 9 Social Science exam, download NCERT Solutions Democratic Rights Class 9 Extra Questions written by Extramarks experts.

2. Where can students download the NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I ?

To download NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science Democratic Politics-I, students can visit the website of Extramarks. Subject matter experts design these solutions according to the CBSE curriculum. NCERT solutions help students clear all their doubts and prepare for their exams. These solutions enable the student to get a perfect score in Class 9 Social Science exam. Students can also refer Chapter 6 Democratic Rights Class 9 Extra Questions to other learning materials such as revision notes and key questions available on the Extramarks app.