Andhra Pradesh SSC Board (BSEAP) Class 10 Social Science Syllabus – Latest 2022-2023

The Andhra Pradesh SSC Board usually releases the Andhra Pradesh Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus at the beginning of the academic year. It is extremely important for students to know the topics of each chapter that they need to study in the current academic session.  According to the Andhra Pradesh Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus,   it comprises History, Geography, Civics, and Economics. Therefore, the Class 10 curriculum of Social Science includes four books comprising a sizable portion of the syllabus. Students need to go through the Andhra Pradesh Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus mindfully to be able to have a deep understanding of the topics. Students can have a comprehensive, easy-to-read syllabus and it can actually speed up their learning, stay motivated and get the best academic results. Above all, students need not unnecessarily rack their brains looking for the authentic website for both the syllabus and the foolproof study materials from Extramarks.

The Andhra Pradesh State Board Syllabus for Class 10 Social Science is given below-

Geography and Economics:

  1. India: Relief Features
  2. Ideas on Development
  3. Production and Employment
  4. Climate in Indian Context
  5. Indian Rivers and Water Resources
  6. The People
  7. People and Settlement
  8. People and Migration
  9. Rampur: Village Economy
  10. Globalisation
  11. Food Security
  12. Sustainable Development with Equity

History and Political Science:

  1. The World between wars 1900-1950 Part – I
  2. The World between wars 1900-1950 Part – II
  3. National Liberation Movements in the Colonies
  4. National Movement in India – Partition & Independence
  5. Making of Independent India’s Constitution
  6. Independent India (The first 30 years, 1947-1977)
  7. Emerging Political Trends (1977-2007)
  8. Post-War World and India
  9. Social Movements in our times
  10. Citizen and the Government

Andhra Pradesh Board (BSEAP) Social Science Syllabus for Class 10 – Free PDF Download

Students can download the Andhra Pradesh Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus, available on the Extramarks’ website. They can easily download and access the syllabus in PDF format.

 Andhra Pradesh SSC Board (BSEAP) Social Science Syllabus for Class 10

Social Science is a subject that makes students aware of their environment, the surroundings and the society they create, social relationships and much more. To further enhance their knowledge and learn more about subjects like History, Geography, Civics, and Economics they must have a foolproof syllabus. . The Andhra Pradesh Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus provides students with knowledge about the history of India’s struggle for Independence, various Geographical phenomenons, Economic Development and Political Affairs.  Besides the Andhra Pradesh Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus, Extramarks also provides students with Andhra Pradesh Board Previous Year Question Papers and Andhra Pradesh Board Sample Question Papers. The website provides students with all the means to plan and prepare for their studies in a dedicated manner. These learning modules help them to prepare better without having to search for study material elsewhere. There are a plethora of resource materials available on websites which may or may not be authentic and they might lose a lot of their valuable time in the process. Extramarks provides students with reliable NCERT textbook answers, solved sample papers and past years’ question papers to make their learning process better and more enjoyable. This encourages the students to master the topic and increases their confidence in achieving high grades in the board exams.

Click on the given link to download the Andhra Pradesh Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus.


Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

20. Democ- racy evolving Idea Ø Democracy – Responsible Governments

Ø Democracy       – Equality and Inclusiveness

Ø Democracy          – Active Participation        of Citizens

Ø Democracy – Civil Liberties, Equality

Ø Democracy – Free and Fair Elections

Ø Democracy – Law and Minority Opinion

Ø Democracy –

Majoritarian Vs Inclusive

Ø Democracy – Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka

Ø Democracy – Accommodation in Belgium

Ø Dignity and Freedom of the Citizens

Ø Explains about the effect of democracy on responsible governments.

Ø Explains about active participation on citizens in democracy.

Ø Comments on dignity of individual and freedom.

Ø Comments on the need of civil liberties fora democracy.

Ø Collects and analyses the information on national income, inequalities of different countries of the world. Ø Reflects on ‘Army should rule the country’. Ø Locates the different countries in the world map. Ø Prepares a poster on the implement ation of democrac y in the school premises by giving examples.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

21. Human Rights and fundame ntal rights. Ø What are the Rights?

Ø Fundamental Rights – Indian Constitution

Ø Right to Equality

Ø Right to Freedom

Ø Right Against Exploitation

Ø Right to Freedom of Religion

Ø Right to Education and Culture

Ø Right to Constitutional Remedies

Ø Human Rights Commission

Ø Human Rights – Violation

Ø Explains about fundamental rights, need of rights, violation of human rights. Ø Comments on the abolition of titles.

Ø Comments on the limitations of fundamental rights.

Ø Collects and analyses uses of rights. Ø Reflects on violation of rights.

Ø Reflects on engaging child labours in the factories.

Ø Locates the place of supreme court in the map of India.

Ø Locates the place of UNO in world map.

Ø Prepares a poster on rights.

Ø Writes a few slogans on the implement ation of rights.

Ø Appreciat es the right against exploita- tion.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

22. Women protect- tion acts. Ø Women Protection Acts

Ø Children Rights

Ø Prohibition of Child Marriage Act – 2006

Ø The Immoral Trafficking (prevention) Act

– 1956

Ø The Dowry Prohibition Act – 1961

Ø The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence

Ø Lok Adalat

Ø Gives examples for child rights.

Ø Explains the ill effects of child marriages.

Ø Explains the forms of the immoral trafficking.

Ø Gives examples for domestic violence on women.

Ø Explains the services extended by Lok Adalat to the people.

Ø Comments on prohibitions of child marriage act, 2006.

Ø Comments on bonded labour.

Ø Collects and prepares a report on domestic violence from news papers. Ø Reflects on the problems faced by women.

Ø Suggests measures to prevent child marriages.

Ø Locates different places in the map of India. Ø Appreciat es the acts protecting women.

Ø Prepares a poster on the problems of women.

23. Disaster manage ment. Ø Human Induced Disaster (Man Made Disasters)

Ø Accident Related Disasters

Ø Rail Accidents

Ø Air Accidents

Ø Fire Accidents

Ø Terrorism

Ø Explains how natural hazards become disasters.

Ø Explains what preventive measures should be taken for fife accidents.

Ø Explains the reasons of road accidents and preventive measures to be taken for.

Ø Explains the reasons of Rail Accidents.

Ø Expresses in own words what are the dos and donts during accidents.

Ø Comments on road accidents, fife accidents.

Ø Collects and analyses the particulars about accidents from the news paper. Ø Reflects on the recent terrorist activities. Ø Locates the places of terrorist activities in the map of India. Ø Prepares a poster on reasons and prevention of disasters.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

24. Traffic Educa- tion Ø Traffic Education

Ø Need and Significance of Traffic Education

Ø Traffic Chaos

Ø Driving Licence

Ø Drunken Drive – Breath Analyser

Ø Cancellation of Driving Licence

Ø Traffic Signs

Ø Advices to Drivers

Ø Necessity for Registration

Ø Road Marking Signs

Ø Road Safety

Ø Rules for Pedestrians

Ø Rules for Motor Cycles

Ø Explains about the documents required for driving license.

Ø Explains, what happens if the traffic rules are not followed.

Ø Mentions the documents required for the vehicle’s registration.

Ø Gives reasons for road accidents.

Ø Explains about the reasons of traffic disturbance.

Ø Explains the reasons of cancellation of licence.

Ø Comments on drunken drive.

Ø Comments on the importance of traffic signs..

Ø Prepares a chart on traffic signs and their explanation.

Ø Collects and analyses the information on traffic accidents from the news papers.

Ø Reflects on road safety and suggests measures to be taken.

Ø Reflects on license to drive.

Ø Reflects on road safety rules.

Ø Locates the cities where more accidents occur in the map of India. Ø Appreciat es the road safety rules.

Ø Prepares a poster writing a few slogans on road safety.

Ø Helps

police in mainta- ining road safety.

Ø Helps old age people, children, handicaps

in road safety.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

1 India : Relief features Ø Location

Ø Geological background

Ø Major relief divisions, – The Himalayas, The Indo-Gangetic plain, The Peninsular Plateau, The Thar Desert, The Coastal plains, and the Islands.

Ø Explains – the location and geological background of India.

Ø Classifies the major relief divisions of India.

Ø Reads the text and interprets how the Himalayas are formed. Ø Collects and analyses the information regarding the rivers flowing in Indo- Gangetic plain. Ø Finds out the reasons for the availability of rich minerals in the central high lands. Ø Draws India map and locate Alahabad.

Ø Draws 82

½0 eastern longitude on the outline map of India.

Ø Draws the map of India and locates the hills of Nilgiri Ananmali and


Ø Appreciat es the importa- nce of Himalayas in control- ing the climate of India.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

2. Ideas on develop- ment. Ø What

development Promises – Different people, Different Goals

Ø Income and other Goals

Ø How to compare Different Countries or States

Ø Income and other Criteria

Ø Public Facilities

Ø Human Development Report – India and its neighbours for 2013 data.

Ø Development as progress over time

Ø Explains the public facilities provided by the government.

Ø Analyses the human development report – 2013 of India and its neighbouring states.

Ø Compares and contrasts the developmental goals of different countries and states.

Ø Reads the text and interprets the percapita income of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. Ø Collects and analyses the latest data of HDI (Human development Index) of India. Ø Expresses opinion on the proper utilization of public facilities in our state. Ø Draws and locates Punjab,

H.P. and Bihar on India map.

Ø Appreciat es the human develop- ment activities taken up by Himachal Pradesh.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

3. Produ- ction and Employ- ment Ø  Sectors of Economy

Ø  Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Ø  How to we estimate GDP?

Ø  Changes in the importance of sectors : value of goods and services produced and employment of people.

Ø  Employment – the working life in India

Ø  Organised and unorganised sector employment in India

Ø  How to create more and better conditions of employment

Ø Explains ‘GDP’.

Ø Explains the similarities and differences between organized and unorganized sector.

Ø Interprets the value of goods and services produced and the employment of the people. Ø Collects the current data regarding the GDP of India and our state. Ø Tells about the reasons for increasing employment opportunities in the service sector. Ø Draws the map of India showing, the GDP of different states. Ø Shows respect towards the workers of unorga- nized sector.

Ø Appreciat es the role and import- ance of service of service sector in GDP.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

4. Climate in Indian context Ø Climate and Weather

Ø Climografs – India

Ø Factors influencing climate and weather : Latitude on distance from the equator, Land water relationship, Relief, Upper atmosphere circulation

Ø Winter

Ø Summer

Ø Advancing monsoon,

Ø Retreating monsoon

Ø Global warming and Climate Change

Ø AGW and climate change

Ø Impact of change on India

Ø Explains the similarities and differences between climate and weather.

Ø Explains the influencing factors of climate and weather.

Ø Compares and contrasts the temperature of winter and summer.

Ø Inerprets the Monsoon system in India. Ø Collects the recent data of weather reports and prepares a table. Ø Tells about the reasons for Global warming and climate change. Ø Draws the climo- graphs.

Ø Draws the India map showing, temperatu res of winter and summer.

Ø Appreciat es the role and

impor- tance of monsoons in Indian agriculture



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

5. Indian rivers and water resources Ø The Himalayan Rivers : The Indus system, The Brahmaputra system

Ø The Peninsular Rivers

Ø Water use

Ø Inflows and Out flows

Ø Water use in Tungabhadra river basin

Ø Rational and equitable Use of water – a case study or Hivre Bazar of Maharastra

Ø Water as common pool resource

Ø Explains the differences between Himalayan rivers and the peninsular rivers. Ø Interprets the water consumption in Tunga bhadra river Basin. Ø Collects and analyses the data regarding the major water projects in A.P. Ø Tells about the reasons for the eastward flowing, of Brahmaputra rivers. Ø Draws the physical map and river system of India. Ø Gets

sensitized towards the conflicts between

A.P. and Karnataka regarding water.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

6. The People Ø A survey our own area (population)

Ø What does the census show?

Ø Age structure

Ø Sex Ratio

Ø Literacy Rates

Ø Life Expectancy

Ø Population Growth and Processes of Population Change

Ø Change in population size

Ø Population density

Ø Explains the terms sex ratio, literacy rate, life expectancy, density of population.

Ø Explains why the education and the health is regarded as the source of human capital.

Ø Reads the text and interprets the density of population in various states.

Ø Interprets that proper utilization of human resources leads to the enhancement of human capability.

Ø Prepares a table that shows the age structure in India and A.P.

Ø Converts bar graphs into pie-graphs relating to sex ratio.

Ø Collects he information regarding the density of population in various states.

Ø Tells about the reasons for the population growth in India. Ø Points out the density of population of different districts in

A.P. on the graph paper.

Ø Appreciat es the govt. Role in controllin g the population growth in our country.

Ø Appreciat es the govt. Policies in enhancing the human capabi- lities.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

7. People and settle- ment. Ø What       is a settlement?

Ø How did settlements begin?

Ø Expansion        of

agriculture     and

emergence                       of towns

Ø How                do

settlements change?

Ø What kinds of places attracted settlements?

Ø How are settlements organised?

Ø Urbanisation in India

Ø Indian

settlements in hierarchy

Ø Aerotropolis – jet

– age city

Ø Urbanisation problems

Ø Explains the terms settlement, urbanization etc.,

Ø Classifies the Indian settlements in hierarchy.

Ø Reads the text and interprets the attracted settlements. Ø Collects information and discusses urbanization in India. Ø Explains the reasons for the expansion of agriculture and the emergence of towns. Ø Draws out the India map and locates Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderaba d, and Vishakapa


Ø Makes posters on the solutions of urbani- zation problems.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

8. People and migratio n Ø Migration – a case study

Ø Measure and classify migration patterns

Ø Migration in India (census 2001, 2011)

Ø Rural – Urban migration

Ø Seasonal and temporary Migration

Ø The sugarcane cutters of Maharashtra

Ø What happens when people migrate?

Ø International migration

Ø Describes the terms migration and international migration.

Ø Makes out the similarities differences between seasonal and temporary migration.

Ø Differenciates migration and international migration.

Ø Talks about the sugarcane cutters of Maharashtra. Ø Collects information regarding migration in the recent year and prepares ‘pie’ diagram based on that information. Ø Responds to the reasons for peoples migration. Ø Draws India map and locates Mahara- shtra, West Bengal, Odisha and Gujarat. Ø Gets

sensitized to the consequen ces of migration.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

9. Rampur : A village economy Ø The story of Rampur village

Ø Farming in Rampur

Ø Land and other natural resources

Ø Land distribution in Rampur

Ø Organisation of Production : a) Land, b) Tools Machines, buildings, c) Raw material and money, d) Knowledge and enterprise

Ø Labour : for a farm and wages?

Ø Capital : arranging physical and working capital

Ø Surplus or Loss for farmer

Ø Non – Farm activities in Rampur

Ø Small scale manufacturing in Rampur

Ø The shopkeepers of Rampur

Ø Transport

Ø Explains the intensive use of land and other natural resources in Rampur village.

Ø Analyses the distribution of farmers in Rampur village.

Ø Explains the factors of production in Rampur.

Ø Interprets the non- farm activities of Rampur. Ø Collects and tabulates the data regarding the factors of production.

Ø Conducts a survey on the occupational structure and displays the data collected in Bar and Pie-graphs.

Ø Explains the reasons for the rapid development of transport system in Rampur. Ø Draws India map and shades

U.P with colours.

Ø Appreci- ates the role of factors of production in the develop- ment of Rampur village.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

10. Globaliz ation Ø  Production across Countries

Ø  Interlinking Production Across Countries

Ø  Foreign trade and Integration of market

Ø  What is


Ø  Factors that have enabled Globalisation

Ø  Technology

Ø  Liberalisation of foreign and foreign investment policy

Ø  Institutions of Global Governance

Ø  World Trade Organisation (WTO)

Ø  Impact of

Globalisation in India

Ø  Small Producers?

Ø  The struggle for a fair Globalisation

Ø Explains the key concepts of globalization.

Ø Distinguishes the similarities and differences between foreign trade and integration of market.

Ø Interprets the interlinking production across the countries. Ø Collects the information about WTO meetings and discusses. Ø Explains the present day need of globalization.

Ø Realizes the importance of inter- relationships between and country and another in the process of globalization.

Ø Explains the effects of globalization on social issues.

Ø Locates the head quarters of IMF, World Bank and WTO in the map. Ø Appreciat es the contrib.- ution of science and technolo- gical dev- lopment in globaliza- tion.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

11. Food Security Ø Food security for the country

Ø Increasing food grain production

Ø Availability of Food grains

Ø Other food items

Ø Access to food

Ø Public

Distribution System (PDS)

Ø Nutrition status

Ø Explains the meaning and importance of food security.

Ø Distinguishes the difference between food security and safety food.

Ø Explains the reasons for regional imbalances due to insufficient food grains.

Ø Interprets the history of food security by reading the given document.

Ø Interprets the relation between agriculture and food security.

Ø Collects the data regarding food security acts and prepares a table showing the conditions under which those acts were enacted. Ø Responds to the below given reasons for food insecurity.

Ø A) neglecting agriculture

Ø B) Rules and regulation of world trade.

Ø C) Insufficient ware house facilities.

Ø Draws a map of India and locates Hyd.

Ø Draws India map and shades ‘Odisha’ (with colours)

Ø Appreciat es the implement

-tation of food security acts, support take price system and price controllin g steps.

12. Sustaina ble develop ment with equity. Ø Development again…

Ø Environment and development

Ø People’s Rights over the Environment

Ø Towards sustainable Development with Equity

Ø At Alternative Public Distribution system

Ø Compares and contrasts the differences between environmental and development.

Ø Explains the rights of people over, environment.

Ø Interprets the sustainable development. Ø Collects the data regarding peoples rights over environment and discusses. Ø Describes the reasons for sustainable development with equity. Ø Locates river Narmada on India map Ø Realizes the role and import- ance of sustain- able develop- ment in the present situation.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

13. The world between wars 1900-


part -I

Ø World Wars: Ominous Facts

Ø Causes of the two world wars compared

Ø Aggressive nationalism, Imperialism, Secret Alliances, The Armaments Race, Militarism.

Ø The special contest of the Second World War

Ø The    treaty of Versailles

Ø The   League of nations

Ø German Challenge to vengeful domination

Ø The fear or Socialism and the USSR

Ø Consequences of the World Wars

o Enormous human cost Democratic Principles


Ø Explains the key concepts of world war, Nazism, Versailles and the principles of U.N.O.

Ø Distinguishes the differences between world war I & II.

Ø Classifies the nations who participated in world wars I & II.

Ø Explains the similarities and differences between the league of nations and the U.N.O.

Ø Describes the socialism of soviet Russia.

Ø Interprets the merits and demerits of Nazism.

Ø Interprets the role of U.N.O. with specific examples.

Ø Interprets the activities of U.N.O.

Ø Collects and analyses the prevailing conditions before great economic depression.

Ø Collects and analyses the information regarding world wars I & II and comes to a conclusion that there is no place for the dictators.

Ø Prepares a table showing the nations those participated in World war I & II and utilizes that information in the discussions.

Ø Interprets the causes for World War I & II.

Ø Responds on the ‘Soviet Socialism’.

Ø Locates Paris, New York etc. On the world map.

Ø Locates the partici- pated nations in the world

war I & II on the world map.

Ø Expresses sympathy towards the life style of people during the economic depression

Ø Appreciat es the role of U.N.O. in establish- hing peace.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

o  New balance of power

o  New International Organisations

Ø – Enfranchisement of women

14. The world between wars 1900-


part – II

Ø Russian Socialist Revolution

Ø The Great Depression

Ø Rise of

Nazism in Germany

Ø The defeat and end

Ø Discusses the key concepts of soviet socialism, great economic depression, Nazism etc.,

Ø Explains the reasons for the emergence of soviet socialism and causes of economic depression.

Ø Describes the role of women in ‘february revolution’.

Ø Interprets the circumstances which led to the Russian revolution.

Ø Interprets the social and economic conditions of Russia at the time of revolution.

Ø Collects the data regarding Russian revolution. Ø Responds on the reasons that led to the Russian revolutions.

Ø Mentions the causes for Nazism in Germany.

Ø Locates Russia and Germany on the world map. Ø Appreciat es the participati on of leaders in the Russian Revolu- tion.

Ø Regards the principles of socialism.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

15. National liberation moveme nts in the colonies. Ø China : two different phases.

Ø Establishing the Republic

Ø The Rise of the Communist Party of China

Ø Establishing the New Democracy : 1949-1954

Ø Land Reforms

Ø Vietnam : Against two colonizers

Ø The colonial experience

Ø Emergence of Vietnamese Nationalism

Ø The New Republic of Vietnam

Ø The entry of the US into the War

Ø Nigeria: forming unity against the colonizers

Ø British colonialism and the making of a Nation

Ø Independent and week Democracy Oil, enviro-nment and politics

Ø Describes the liberation movements of Africa and America.

Ø Explains the key concepts of liberation movements of China, Vietnam and Nigeria.

Ø Distinguishes the similarities and differences between China, Vietnam and Nigerian Liberation Movements.

Ø Reads about Nigeria and interprets how the Nigerians formed unity against colonizers. Ø Collects the data of liberation, movements in Chaina, Vietnam and Nigeria and discuses.

Ø Collects the names of the liberation movement leaders and listsout continent and country wise and makers analysis.

Ø Collects more information about Sunyetsen, Mao Tse Tung and Ho Chi Minh.

Ø Responds on the liberation movements of China, Vietnam, Nigeria, those took place after World War –II. Ø Locates and colours China, Vietnam and Nigeria on the map. Ø Respects and regards the leaders and their thoughts of liberation move- ments.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

16. National move- ment in India – partition & Independ ence 1939-


Ø Should the war supported by Indians? 1939-42

Ø The Muslim League

Ø The Hindu Mahasabha and the RSS

Ø The Pakistan Resolution

Ø Who will make the British Quit India?

Ø The popular upsurge 1946-48

Ø Muslim League and Congress – negotiation for transfer of power

Ø A possible alternative to partition.

Ø Partition and migration

Ø Integration        of states

Ø Explains

Ø The key concepts like congress Hindu Mahasabha, RSS, Muslim League.

Ø Explains the relation between partition and communalism.

Ø Distinguishes the differences between extremists and liberalists.

Ø Mentions the causes for the partition of British India.

Ø Interprets the policys of ‘devide and rule’ interprets the communal riots and peace.

Ø Interprets the role of Gandhiji in the national movement.

Ø Collects the exhibits the information related to the communal division during the British period.

Ø Collects the information regarding communal right from school library and discusses the impact of commercial riots.

Ø Collects more information regarding national movement and discusses the topic.

Ø Responds to the reasons for communal riots.

Ø Discusses how national integration strengthens the nation.

Ø Recognizes the importance of Quit India movement.

Ø Realizes the importance of Gandhian values in day- to-day life and in present day situation.

Ø Locates the historical places of national movement on the map of India.

Ø Draws India map and locates the places where Quit India movement took place.

Ø Draws a map of India, before and after partition.

Ø Criticises the policy of divide and rule of Britishers.

Ø Appreciat es the communal harmony and different cultures of India.

Ø Regards the Gandhian principles and values.

Ø Respects the ideas and activities of our national leaders.



Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

17. The making of indepen- dent India’s constitu- tion Ø Why do we need a Constitution?

Ø Revisiting the Indian Constitution

Ø Nepal

Constitution preamble 2007

Ø Japan Constitution preamble 1946

Ø Constituent Assembly Debates

Ø Draft constitution

Ø The vision of the constitution

Ø Debate on Fundamental Rights

Ø The Constitution Today

Ø Understands and explains the key concepts given below.

Ø Constitution preamble constitutional assembly, aims and objectives, philosophy, amendment, features of constitution.

Ø Explains the need of the constitution in safe-guarding the rights of citizens.

Ø Makes out the similarities and differences of the constitutions of Nepal, Japan and India.

Ø Understands the key concepts and makes a note on the guiding principles of the constitution.

Ø Understands the need of the constitution in fulfilling the promises given during national movement.

Ø Collects the information regarding the constitutional featured of Nepal, UK, USA & Australia.

Ø Analyses the information collected and classifies as rigid, flexible, unitary, federal written and unwritten.

Ø Realizes that every Institu- tion should have governing rules to achieve its aims & objectives.

Ø Imagines how India would be without an entrenched constitution.

Ø Explains the interdepen- dence of executive, legislative and judiciary.

Ø Appraises the significance of fundamental rights guaranteed in our constitution.

Ø Locates any four countries having written constitutio n on the map.

Ø Identifies & locates two countries with no constitutio n on the map.

Ø Draws the world map and locates India, Nepal, Japan, England, Australia and USA.

Ø Respects and regards the efforts made by the const- itutional makes farmers.

Ø Respects and appreciate the constit- utional values of India.

Ø Appreciate s the distinctive amending process of Indian constitu- tion.

Ø Appreciate s the role of our const- itution in safe guar- ding the culture, the tradition and the heritage of




Unit No.


Theme/ Lesson


Key concepts


Conceptual Understanding

Reading the given text, Understanding and



Information Skills

Reflection on Contemporary issues and questioning  

Mapping Skills


Appreciatio n and Sensitivity

18. Independ ent India (the first 30 years



Ø First General Elections

Ø Election procedure

Ø One party domination in political system

Ø Demand for State Reorganization

Ø State Re organization Act, 1956

Ø SRC – State are organization commission

Ø Social and Economic change

Ø Foreign policy and Wars

Ø Anti-Hindi agitation

Ø Green Revolution

Ø Regional Parties and Regional Movements

Ø Bangladesh war

Ø Emergency

Ø Explains the following key words.

a)      General Elections

b)     Political party

c)      State Re-organiz- ation committee (SRC)

d)     Green revolution

e)      Emergency

Ø Mentions the causes for state re- organization.

Ø Compares and contrasts the role played by the national and regional parties from 1947 to 1977.

Ø Explains the single party dominance in Indian politics.

Ø Interprets that ours is a federal state and decentralized some of its powers to the states.

Ø Interprets the demand for states re-organization in India.

Ø Reads about the Bangladesh war and interprets how it is separated from Pakistan.

Ø Analysis the causes for disputes in sharing the power and proposes solutions to reduce them.

Ø Collects information regarding the regional parties and regional movements.

Ø Reasons out why India has uniform language policy.

Ø Critically examines the reasons why the ‘emergency’ was declared in 1977 in India.

Ø Mentions the reasons why the 42nd constitutional amendment was made.

Ø Locates the states where the regional parties where strong from 1947 to 1977.

Ø Draws the map of Bangla- desh and locates its capital.

Ø Appreciat es the role of political parties in Indian demo- cracy.

Ø Respects the views and opinions of other people.


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