Karnataka Board Previous Year Question Paper Class 12 Maths 2018

Karnataka PUC Board (KSEEB) Mathematics Class 12 Question Paper 2018

The Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) administers the state-level exam in Karnataka. The board has held scientific exams for classes 11 and 12. Each year, a sizable number of students take this science exam. Students who want to ace the board exams with high marks should regularly practise the KSEEB model and previous years’ question papers which is available on our website.

Students should practise the KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Mathematics 2018 and evaluate their preparation. They can gain a thorough understanding of the test format, the scoring system, and the organisation of the various sections. Students can plan their exam approach and perform better if they know the paper pattern. The KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Mathematics 2018 is a helpful and practical tool for students who want to do well on their board exams.

Our knowledgeable teachers created the answers for the previous years’ question papers by the KSEEB syllabus. Students gain valuable experience with the previous years’ question papers before the exam, which helps them achieve excellent results. By completing the KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Mathematics 2018, students can gauge their level of preparation. They can do better and are motivated to work harder to achieve well in the yearly exam. By clicking on the URL below, students can get the KSEEB Class 12 previous year question paper and practise the KSEEB sample question paper. 

Karnataka Board Mathematics Class 12 Question Paper 2018 with Solutions

The question paper from the previous year has been compiled and made available to students on our website. Students will understand the question paper format, the types of questions that will be asked in the test, and the degree of difficulty of the paper by working through the KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Mathematics 2018. They will be able to assess how well they are currently preparing for the exam.

They can thoroughly understand the paper’s format using the previous years’ question papers. It enables students to comprehend the technique and strategy they should adopt while tackling the assignment. Students’ exam performance improves as they practise more. Students can overcome their fear of responding to questions by completing the KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Mathematics 2018. Students can refer to the solution provided on the back of the question paper, particularly when unsure how to answer the problems. They can use it to their advantage when they return to address that question.

Students who want to perform better should begin answering questions from past exams. Students can finish the process in one sitting by solving the KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Mathematics 2018. They can complete the process without leaving their house, and they can practise all the necessary skills. For each subject, each student should complete a distinct set of papers. It’s crucial to avoid wasting your time on difficult questions and focus on the easiest ones. Further, students can refer to the solutions for KSEEB previous year question paper 2018 by clicking on the URL below:

[KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Mathematics 2018]

Benefits of solving KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Mathematics 2018

It is a fact that some topics are difficult for students to comprehend. It occurs because no teacher is perfect enough to lead every student. So, for their reference, here is the question paper on which they might base their answers. However, this should not be used as a revision guide; rather, it should be utilised to clear up any confusion students may have about challenging concepts for them to understand. Therefore, students can solve previous years’ question papers and improve their performance. Besides, there are numerous benefits to solving the previous year’s questions. Some of them are listed here: 

  • It helps students to get an overview of the paper pattern and marking scheme. 
  • It helps students to handle a particular subject/topic logically. 
  • It helps students identify their weak areas and strengthen them accordingly. 
  • It improves the students’ memory by solving previous year question paper questions or model question papers to grasp a hold of a subject so far away from their memory.
  • It also improves their time management by giving the time duration for each topic in the question paper and identifying which topics to concentrate more on during individual examination attempts.
  • Students are advised to solve our previous years’ question paper given below. At the same time, students should also go through our model questions in each chapter.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What types of questions are seen in the Class 12 Mathematics exam?

While solving the KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Mathematics 2018, students will witness different types of questions, such as objective and non-objective. In objective-type questions, students will get to solve the one-word type of questions. Further, in non-objective questions, mostly long and short answer types are asked.

2. Where can I access the latest solutions for the KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Mathematics 2018?

Students can access the latest solutions for the previous year question paper on our Extramarks website. Subject matter experts curate the solutions in easy-to-understand language. Comparing written answers to the solutions is essential, as it gives them a clear idea of the important formulas and steps.

3. How to solve previous years’ question papers?

Initially, students can start solving one-word questions such as fill in the blanks, match the pair and multiple choice questions. Further, students can move on to solve the long and short types of questions. While solving the questions, it is important to focus on the easiest questions and not waste time on difficult ones.