Karnataka Board Previous Year Question Paper Class 12 Physics 2019

Karnataka PUC Board (KSEEB) Physics Class 12 Question Paper 2019 

The state’s annual exams for students in classes 10 and 12 have been held by the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) for several years. Both regular candidates and private/local candidates can take the exams. Our team of subject matter experts provides the answer key to these test questions so that students can review their errors and grow from them. To further aid students in their exam preparation, we have included questions from prior years. 

The paper pattern is largely unchanged from trends from the prior year. Four parts—A, B, C and D—make up the whole KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Physics 2019. Students will encounter two questions in section A, each worth ten marks. These are some short response questions and one-word questions. Students must respond to five of the eight questions in section B, and each response is worth two marks. 

Additionally, only the top five of the seven questions in section C, worth three points each, must be attempted by students. Five marks are allotted for the long answer question in Part D, which students must complete in 200 to 250 words answers. Additionally, students will encounter long-answer questions in section D that call for a brief explanation. On our Extramarks website, you may find the KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Physics 2019 with the solutions. 

Karnataka Board Physics Class 12 Question Paper 2019 with Solutions 

The Karnataka Board exam is difficult since it measures students’ capacity for critical thinking, studying and writing about relevant and key subjects. The committee itself decided on the difficulty level of the exam. Students must appropriately construct their responses and include definitions in their writing. The question paper is challenging to understand because of this.  

The board provides the students with the following class 12 Physics question papers from the Karnataka PUC board (Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board). This page contains the Physics question paper created by the board’s expert panel. The students now have access to the question papers from past years, complete with solutions. Students will benefit from having a thorough understanding of the paper format and grade distribution. You may find the KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Physics 2019 and solutions on this website. 

Student’s ability to write answers quickly can be improved. It is usually preferable to answer the question using an answer sheet. After answering the last question, students can read several additional questions. In addition, students can also monitor their achievement before the class twelve exam by graphically displaying their execution scores. Further, students can refer to the latest solutions for the KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Physics 2019 by clicking on the URL below: 


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Where can I get the last five years' question paper for Class 12 Physics?

Students can get the last five years question papers for Class 12 Physics on our Extramarks website. We have also compiled questions from last year’s question paper and curated the KSEEB sample question paper. Students can start practising sample question papers, providing them with real exam experience. 

2. What are the advantages of solving the previous year's question paper?

Solving KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Physics 2019 will help students in the following ways: 

  • To get real exam experience and help them analyse their preparation level.  
  • They can take the chance to understand the paper pattern and marking scheme.  
  • Practising the previous year question paper will help students improve their performance and analyse their shortcomings.  

3. How can the latest solutions for KSEEB previous year question paper Class 12 Physics 2019?

Students can use the latest solutions for the previous year question paper for Class 12 Physics on our Extramarks website. The subject matter experts curate the solutions and analyse their answers by comparing them to ours. Further, they can also learn the formulas and tips and tricks for the numerical questions. The solutions are updated with the latest KSEEB syllabus and students can solve KSEEB sample question paper.