Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Class 10 Social Science Syllabus – Latest 2022-2023

Social Science is a theory-based subject that deals with a number of dates, events and a lot of facts. The basic idea of the subject of Social Science is that it teaches students about the significance of society. It is a very vast subject with an interesting syllabus. The presence of multiple interesting facts, dates and historic events make the subject immersive and interesting. Since the subject is so vast, students need to have a hold of the topics that are to be covered in the subjects. For that, Extramarks has provided students with Maharashtra Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus so that students can plan their studies smartly and efficiently.

Maharashtra SSC Board Social Science Syllabus for Class 10

The Maharashtra Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus is categorized into four subjects namely History, Geography, Political Science and Economics. So it is very important that students don’t waste their time getting confused about the syllabus. Extramarks provides students with a properly segmented syllabus so that they don’t get confused and can carry out their studies smoothly. Also, it is very essential for the students to understand the basics of the subjects properly as some students might want to opt for this subject for their further studies. It is a scoring subject because it is mostly based on theory, however, it should not be taken casually as the subject comes with a lot of depth.

The Syllabus for Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Class 10 Social Science is available at Extramarks

The Maharashtra Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus is divided into four parts.

History (Part1) contains four units, which are-

Imperialism, 20th Century Age of conflict, Emancipation of Asia and Africa, World after World War II respectively.

Political Science (Part 2) contains five units, which are-

Democracy, Political Parties, Social Diversity and Democracy, Challenges to Democracy Remedial measures to the challenges and Internal work respectively.

Geography (Part 3) contains nine units, which are-

Physical Division of India, North India Mountains, North Indian Plain Region, Peninsular Plateau Region, Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats, Coastal Region, Indian Islands and Practical.

Economics (Part 4) contains four units, which are- Introduction of an Economy, Basic Problems of an Economy Solution, Inflation and Public Distribution System and Consumer Protection respectively.

Click here to download the Maharashtra Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus.

Advantages of Social Science Syllabus for the Class 10, Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE)

Social Science is a theoretical and conceptual subject. As a theoretical subject, Social Science can be learned easily and with clear concepts by using the Maharashtra Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus. As there are three different subjects in the course of Social Science in Class 10, it becomes essential to know the syllabus for the students as they are required to know the marks distribution and topic weightage of the chapters. The syllabus offers basic topics like Democracy and also other significant topics such as Imperialism.

The syllabus offers a preview of the chapters and the topics of which the students need to have a thorough understanding. It is the beginning of a journey of strategic preparation for the subject. Discussing the syllabus will help students understand the course easily. It specifies the grading and time limit for each section as well. It gives the details of how many marks are decided for each unit. So, students can plan accordingly to study the more important subject areas.

Extramarks offers various study materials along with an updated syllabus to students of K12 Board Exam Preparation so that they can score their best in the Examinations. They are also provided with Reports and Analytics to track their performance, live classes to clear their doubts and much more. Students can get all the updates about the MSBSHSE on the website of Extramarks. Along with providing the syllabus, Extramarks provides you with Maharashtra State Board Sample papers and Maharashtra State Board Question Papers as practising them is very essential for the students who have to appear for Boards, because they give the exact idea about the exam pattern and marks distribution of the question paper of board examinations.





This syllabi includes Ancient, Medieval and Modern history. We tried to draw all the events and movements chronologically, also recognized India’s Political, Social and cultural values in the new education policy. Inclusion of Religious and social Reformation can develop moral attitude among the students. Giving deep knowledge of our country, to the students of secondary as well as higher secondary, is our main motto.

Standard X History begins with Revolutions simultaneously turning into Imperialism. Study of two world wars show how the constructive mind turned as a destructive one by giving the knowledge of two dictators.

After that the students will study about scientific and technological era that the students do need now a days. This kind of vast knowledge really make them think about what the world achieved in past, what it is going to achieve now and what will be the future standing before them.


  1. To safeguard the comprehensive and unbiased perspective in the teaching of
  2. To interpret & analyses past in order to understand the present and to face ably the challenges of the
  3. To develop students’ curiosity and analytical reasoning in the subject of
  4. To develop contemporary, cultural, social & modern point of view and to build a scientific attitude free from narrow mindedness, regressive prejudices and
  5. To create awareness about the protection of
  6. To develop a historical attitude in order to understand universal brotherhood, human rights, international understanding and to understand the challenges of
  7. To create awareness about the important historical events, contemporary important happenings & critical issues.
  8. To inculcate and preserve the values of unbiased nationalism, national integration, secularism & democracy.
  9. To develop humanitarian & community oriented attitude among the students.

Unit 1 : Ancient and Medieval Civilizations

  1. Greek b) Indian c) Arabian

Unit 2 : Renaissance and Feudalism

  1. Feudalism in Medieval Age, Decline, Crusades
  1. Reformation
  2. Renaissance

Unit 3 : Age of Revolutions

  1. Industrial Revolution
  2. American war of Independence
  3. French Revolution

Unit 1 : Imperialism

  1. Geographical discoveries and colonization
  2. Asia: India, China, Japan
  3. Africa

Unit 2 : 20th Century Age of conflict

  1. First world war
  2. Russian Revolution
  3. The League of Nations
  4. Dictatorships in Europe, Second World War and world
  5. United Nations Organization

Unit 3     : Emancipation of Asia and Africa

  1. Asia
  2. Africa

Unit 4    : World after World War II

  1. Cold war
  2. Scientific and  Technological Progress
  3. Globalization



This subject was earlier known as civics. The students were learning basically about rights and duties in this subject. Students are also expected to learn political concepts like democracy, political parties, etc. Therefore, the students will learn Political Science at this stage.

Political Science is a Social Science. We all live in a society. So we must learn

about society as well as activities in the society. Basically all political activities are studied in Political Science.

Political Science is one of the important Social Science. It deals with fundamental rights and duties of citizen, Electrical process, Constitution etc. Political Science basically deals with Democracy, political parties, Social diversity and its relationship with democracy. Through the syllabus of political science an attempt is made to explain the challenges to democracy.

Political Science trains students to study actual day to day problem to identify and analyse them.


  1. To introduce to students importance of Political Science in human life from primitive age to modern
  2. To introduce to students political concepts and political
  3. To introduce India’s political system to
  4. To introduce to students attitudes and values strengthening healthy civic and political
  5. To develop sense of responsibility regarding voting process for developing participatory
  6. To strengthen awareness about Fundamental Rights and Duties listed in
  7. To introduce to the students social diversity in

Std. IX

    1. Introduction to Political Science Meaning, Nature and
    2. Making of the Constitution of India Need of the Constitution, Constituent Assembly Preamble to the constitution of India
    3. Fundamental Rights and Duties, Need of Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Rights mentioned in Indian Constitution What are Duties?
    4. Electoral Process What is election? Voter, Constituency, Candidate, Adult franchise, Direct and Indirect election
    5. Internal Work

Std. X

  1. Democracy Meaning, Types and characteristics
  2. Political Parties and types Meaning, Need, Types of Political Parties – National and Regional
  3. Social Diversity and Democracy. What is social diversity?
      1. Caste/race and Democracy
      2. Language and Democracy
      3. Religion and Democracy
      4. Gender and Democracy
  4. Challenges to Democracy Remedial measures to the challenges
  5. Internal work





Students at early state are very corious, so while observing they learn geography unknowingly. Hence Geography is introduced in their syllabus at early stage. Gradually from their doorstep they are taken to the world through curriculum. At 9th and 10th level students are well equipped with information about natural processes operating in different parts of the world. At this stage they are being exposed to aerial differentiation and problems arising out of them. The regional differentiations are basically because of differences in natural resources as well as the ability and efficiency of the people to utilize them and hence at this level they are introduced to understand the resource base and analyse the reasons of regional imbalance.

Maharashtra being a home state of the students, these concepts are introduced with Maharashtra and then in the next step to India.

The SCF (State Curriculum Frame work) has been introduced in 2010 by Government of Maharashtra is very much in line with NCERT ( National Council for Educational and Research Training ) Which gives emphasis on students participation in creation of knowledge as well as active learning for the syllabus for geography to promote these Objectives outlined in the SCF2010


To enable the students to

  1. Develop an understanding of man and environment, their interrelationship at the global level
  2. Develop awareness to protect the environment
  3. Protect and improve the natural resources including forests, water, soils and wild life
  4. Understand and appreciate the diversity of land and people of the country with its unity underlying
  5. Enhance & deepen the knowledge and understanding of Indian environment in its totality. Their interactive processes and effects on the quality of life in future
  6. Develop an understanding and concern about the growing population and its impact on the environment
  7. Develop an appreciation of the interdependence of nations and regions of the world in general and India in
  8. Develop scientific knowledge by promoting the spirit of enquiry and following a rational and objective approach
  9. Develop skills and abilities to read, understand and analyse geographical data presented in various forms such as photographs, maps, graphs, diagrams and charts



Unit 1: Concept of Region

  • Concept of Region
  • Identification of a region

Unit 2: Natural resources

  • Land
  • Water
  • Soil
  • Forests
  • Minerals

Unit 3: Occupations

3.1    Classification of occupations

Unit 4: Agriculture

  • Types of agriculture
  • Major crops

Unit 5: Industries

  • Agro-based industries
  • Other industries

Unit 6 : Transportation, Communication and Tourism

  • Types of transportation
  • Means of Communication
  • Tourism

Unit 7: Population

  • Growth of population
  • Structure of population

Unit 8: Regional development

  • Human development Index
  • Regional development in Maharashtra

Unit 9: Practical

  • Cartography
  • Isopleths maps
  • Field study

Unit 1: Physical Divisions of India

1.1    Identification of Physical divisions

Unit 2: North Indian Mountains

  • Himalayas
  • Associated mountains

Unit 3: North Indian Plain Region

  • Deserts
  • Western Plains
  • Central Plains
  • Eastern Plains
  • Delta region

Unit 4: Peninsular Plateau Region

  • Malwa Plateau
  • Chhotta Nagpur Plateau
  • Maharashtra Plateau
  • Karnataka Plateau
  • Telangana Plateau

Unit 5: Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats

  • Sahyadries
  • Eastern Ghats

Unit 6: Coastal Region

  • Eastern coastal plain
  • Western coastal plain

Unit 7: Indian Islands

  • Western Islands
  • Eastern Islands

Unit 8: Practical

8.1    Cartography

Unit 9: Practical

  • One dimensional diagrams
  • Two dimensional diagrams



According to the National Educational Policy 1986, Economics has been included in Social Science faculty to be taught at IX and X standard. Keeping in view the Objectives of NCF 2005 to provide information of Economics and Nature of?” Economy through constructivism to the students of Secondary Section, the subject Economics has been included in SCF 2010 for the students of IX & X standard. While preparing the curriculum and the Objectives of Economics, Consideration has been made of Recent Events and Future changes in the economy and also to develop the potentials of the students.

General Objectives

  1. Economics is one of the important subjects in Social Science. The subject should be taught with scientific methods so that it becomes easy and simple for the students to
  2. To provide primary information to the students about Economics & Nature of Economy with changing
  3. To develop skills & abilities of the students to use the scarce resources (Natural and human resources) in efficient and optimum
  4. To develop creativity among the students to solve the economic
  5. To create awareness among the students about local Economic problems and challenges.
  6. To introduce to the students Economic concepts, economic planning and new economic
  7. To develop potential of self study among the
  1. To develop research approach of the students with the help of local level
  2. To develop awareness among the students about the co-relationship between economy and environment.
  3. Creation, construction and application of knowledge among the students through self realization &


The study of Economics as a part of Social Science starts from Std. IX to introduce Economics to these students and make them easy to understand, the following objectives are determined.

  1. To introduce subject of economics to the
  2. To develop Self Study with the help of Basic Economic
  3. With the help of the concept of Family Budget, explain the students concepts of Family Income &
  4. To explain the concept of Want.


  • Introduction
  • Concept of Economics, Meaning & Definition
  • Importance of Economics


  • Human wants & classification of wants
  • Commodity – Economic goods & Free
  • Resources & Scarcity of
  • Utility, value & Price.
  • Demand & Supply.


  • Personal Income – Agriculture, Industry, Trade, Agro allied Industry- Allutedar, Balutedar, Small Scale & Cottage Industry.
  • Modern Sources of Income-

Income from Service Sector- Transport, Communication,

Doctor, Lawyer, Chartered Accountant, Cyber Café.


  • Income & Expenditure, Explanation with the help of
  • Project on Income & Expenditure of family (local level)


  • To give information about Indian Economy to the students.
  • To make the students realize the problems of Indian
  • To inform the students about different sectors of
  • To make the students aware of consumer’s


  • Introduction of an Economy
  • What is an economy?
  • Types of Economy
  • Main features of Economy

2) Basic problems of an economy solution

  • Introduction

2.2) Problems

For whom to produce? How much to produce? By whom to produce?

How best are the resources being used?

2.3) Solutions



Mixed Economy


3.1    Introduction

  • Causes of inflation
  • Effects of inflation
  • Measures

4) Public distribution system & consumer protection

  • Introduction
  • Public Distribution system – meaning & explanation
  • Objectives of D.S.
  • Progress of D.S.
  • Drawbacks of D.S.
  • Remedial Measures
  • Consumer Protection – Rights & duties of cunsumer, food

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Where can students download the Maharashtra Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus?

Students can download the syllabus from the website of Extramarks as it is easily accessible.

2. Is it important to study all the chapters of the Maharashtra Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus?

As Social Science is a completely theoretical and interesting subject, there is a high probability to score the maximum marks. If students have to score their best, they will have to study all the chapters from the prescribed syllabus.

3. What is the importance of the Maharashtra Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus?

As the syllabus of the subject is vast and includes many topics, it will be easier for students to study according to the topic weightage and marks distribution. There has been a change in the syllabus after the pandemic, so it is beneficial for the students to go through the updated syllabus.

4. How can students improve their knowledge of the subject to score better?

The first step that students should take to improve themselves in the subject is going through the Maharashtra Board Class 10 Social Science Syllabus and revising Social Science daily with the help of a routine. The guidance of a professional always makes things better for a student. Hence, students should visit Extramarks’ website as it has always helped students in getting ready for the examinations. You can download the Maharashtra State Board Syllabus from the Extramarks’ website.