CBSE Class 8 Social Science History Revision Notes Chapter 10

Class 8 History Chapter 10 Notes

CBSE Class 8 History Chapter 10 Notes – India After Independence

Chapter 10 of Class 8 History covers the evolution of India after it gained independence from British rule. India gained independence in 1947, but there were enormous difficulties faced by Indians to attain complete freedom. For example, one of the major struggles India faced was the country’s partition into two. A new nation called Pakistan was formed. The new country was made up of various eastern and western regions of India. Following India’s declaration of independence, a constitution was drafted. Additionally, new states were created, highlighting and organising plans for India’s development.

Through this chapter, students will be informed about the evolution of India as a country post its independence. The Class 8 History Chapter 9 Notes are a must for students to know more about India after independence.

India After Independence Class 8 Notes History Chapter 10 Notes

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Class 8 Social Science – History Chapter 10 India After Independence Notes

India looked back to a time of intense socio-political unrest after gaining independence. It cost thousands of lives and many a sacrifice to ensure freedom from around 200 years of colonial slavery. This chapter covers the events that occurred after the long-awaited independence.

A New and Divided Nation

The separation and establishment of Pakistan had resulted in the migration of about 8 million refugees who lacked food, a place to live, or even a means of support.

About 500 princes, led by the Nawab or the Maharaja, needed to be won over.

To meet the needs of the populace, the development of a new political system was necessary.

Discrimination between the upper and lower castes was widespread among the 345 million residents.

Religious, linguistic, dietary, and other forms of discrimination were still very common around India.

It was challenging to bring people of different religions, castes, cultures, and regions under the control of one nation.

Another problem was the development of rural areas and the introduction of an economy based on agriculture. In addition to cities, villages also experienced poverty. Many workers resided in slums where they lacked access to education, healthcare, and other necessities of life.

The answer was to boost agricultural productivity, and foster and support employment so that the unit and development placed equal value on each.

To achieve equitable population and distribution, economic development was necessary, or else, there was the risk of an increase in discrimination.

To sum up, In August 1947, India declared its independence. Over 8 million refugees from Pakistan came to India as a result of the regrettable country’s partition. Each princely state was ruled by a Nawab or Maharaja. Each of these nawabs also needed to be persuaded to move to a different country. India had an excessively high population in 1946. In addition, the nation was divided into high and low castes, the majority of whom were Hindus, and others who followed different religions.

The Indian population was a vast amalgamation of different cultures. They had distinctive speech and practices and were even varied in their clothing with respect to their culture.

Students will learn more about Indian cultures, food, professions, and other topics in this section of the Class 8 Chapter 10 History Notes.

A Constitution is Written

Between December and November 1949, more than 300 Indians met multiple times to discuss the country’s political climate. The Constituent Assembly held meetings in New Delhi. The decisions made on India’s political destiny were influenced by all of these discussions.

Adopting the universal adult franchise is one of the constitution’s main features. Everything that went into creating the constitution is covered by this chapter’s subtopic. It states the age ranges that were eligible to cast ballots in local, state, and federal elections. Additionally, it refers to various constitutional provisions and how they influenced the development of the nation in the future.

How were states to be formed?

Indian National Congress took an oath from the Indians in the early 1920s promising that every significant linguistic group would form its province after independence. India was divided based solely on its religious beliefs. However, the establishment of these linguistic states was opposed by both India’s Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Deputy Prime Minister Vallabhbhai Patel.

People speaking different languages demanded nations of their own. Telugu-speaking districts’ most effective protests gained attention and took place on several occasions. Students can learn about how various Indian states were created and what challenges they faced in this section of the chapter.

Planning for Development

According to the topic header, this section of the chapter on “India after Independence” deals with the structure and strategy planning for the development of the country. To create and implement essential policies for the development of the country’s economy, the government established a planning commission in 1950.

It was decided to implement a mixed economy model where the public and private sectors would be in charge of increasing production and also providing jobs. The planning commission also worked to organise, categorise, and establish various industries. Highlights of the second five-year plan, which was introduced in 1956, are provided to students in this chapter’s topic. It also explains how the main goals of this plan were to promote and advance various industries, including the steel industry and the building of enormous dams.

The Nation, Sixty Years On

The conclusion of this chapter discusses the significance of August 15, 1947. India continues to be a democratic nation. Many foreign observers thought that India would not endure as a nation. They believed that the nation would fragment into numerous regions, each of which would establish its own independent nation.

India takes pride in remaining a democratic, secular country. However, despite numerous constitutional safeguards, the Dalits face violence and prejudice throughout India. The country has also had a wide range of confrontations between diverse religious communities despite upholding secular values. During these years of independence, the gap between the rich and the poor has only worsened. In India, some regions have seen economic growth while others have not. The chapter’s concluding section finishes up the repercussions of India’s freedom. It discusses the constitution and how India has developed substantially despite persistent and significant problems.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why was the English language continued even after India attained its independence from Britain?

After the British colonial rulers left India, some Congress members suggested that the Indian languages shouldn’t be used and in fact, suggested using Hindi as a replacement for several other Indian languages. People who didn’t speak Hindi, however, had a different perspective. Some people were then compelled to speak Hindi. As a result, the members of Congress ultimately decided that English would remain India’s official language.

2. "We have equality in politics, and we will have inequality in social and economic life." What did Dr. BR Ambedkar mean by this?

A political democracy, according to B.R. Ambedkar ought to be governed by social and economic democracy. By these words, he meant that he wished to end the type of disparity that exists between the social and economic domains of life. He aimed to eliminate all forms of prejudice that the people of lower classes and the poor endured. According to him, India would not be a true democracy until democracy is practised in every aspect of Indians’ lives.