NCERT Solutions Class 8 English It So Happened

English is an important subject in Class 8. Understanding of the subject is being emphasised for the development of linguistic skills in students in Class 8. Good knowledge of the English language is one of the most important aspects, as it is a prevalent language of communication in many countries across the world and is used prominently in all areas of work. Class 8 is the stage when students should prioritise studying the nuances of this subject  in order to hone their communication skills and gain a basic understanding of English Literature. Fundamental knowledge of English is also useful, as most of the other academic disciplines of Class 8 are taught in the English linguistic medium. Not only is English important for communication around the world, but there are many unique and fascinating literary works which exist as a part of the treasure trove of this language. There are many great writers and poets who have written beautiful works of literature that convey the depth and meaning of an expression. Understanding these literary works requires slowly building knowledge of vocabulary and language over time, starting with each chapter.

CBSE has made English a compulsory subject from the beginning. Students’ interest in the subject is bound to increase when they can express their thoughts clearly in this language. More words will be added to their vocabulary, and their communication skills will improve. This will ultimately make a better impression on their writing prowess and enhance the quality of their conversations with others. The NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened are specifically curated by experienced teachers of English to help Class 8 students by simplifying the prose and poetry learning process. Essentially, the NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened are divided into two parts that deal specifically with prose and poetry. The NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened also provide valuable insight into key issues through in-depth text analysis. Subjects such as Science, Mathematics, and English are easier to learn when students have access to NCERT solutions, and for English, they can refer to NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened. Students can also download NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened to revise their entire syllabus and score well in their exams.

Class 8 English NCERT Textbook Solutions – Free PDF download

The NCERT Class 8 English syllabus consists of two books. The first book is Honeydew and the second is It So Happened, towhich the NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened pertain. Both books are well put together to enhance the student’s learning process. NCERT English Honeydew consists of 10 prose chapters and 8 poetry chapters. All of these chapters are equally important for the exam, and students should be careful not to overlook any of them.

Class 8 NCERT English Honey Dew English solutions are available in PDF versions for easy download. Students can access these PDFs from the Extramarks educational website. The PDF version works like a manual and is useful for students who want a quick review of important topics.

The NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened consist of 10 chapters, all of which are prose. These chapters in NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened have been meticulously selected and contain a great deal of interesting and important literature. Students should concentrate on all literary references in these chapters with the aid of NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened.

List of the chapters in English textbook It So Happened:

1 – How The Camel Got His Hump

2 – Children at Work

3 – The Selfish Giant

4 – The Treasure Within

5 – Princess September

6 – The Fight

7 – The Open Window

8 – Jalebis

9 – The Comet – I

10 – The Comet – II

NCERT Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter wise Solutions (include Chapter wise Solutions)

Below is an overview of each chapter covered in NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened.

Chapter 1: How the camel got its hump 

This chapter describes a very lazy camel who does not want to work. When a dog, cow, and horse went to the camel and asked him to work, he refused to work. He always said, “huh!” to people who asked him to work. Dogs, cows, and horses had to do twice as much work. When the camel did not listen to the desert jinn, he was punished with a hump. So he stored water and food in his hump and was able to work for three days without drinking or eating. For more detailed information, students can peruse NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened

Chapter 2: Children at Work

The story “Children at Work” is a chapter with a very sensitive subject. It shows how adversity can force children to take drastic measures. In this story, a little boy named Velu runs away from home because he is beaten daily by his drunken father. He arrived in Chennai after running away from home. There, he meets a girl named Jaya. She was a ragpicker, and she gave him food and shelter. Velu also becomes a ragpicker. However, he decided to find a better job and quit rag-picking. The detailed summary and solutions to  this chapter are available in NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened

Chapter 3: Selfish Giant

This is a famous story by the celebrated author Oscar Wilde. He conveys a message of love and togetherness. In this story, a wayward giant never allowed little children to enter his garden to play. So his garden was always shrouded in winter. One day, when he saw a little boy who was a messenger of God, his outlook changed. The wayward giant took the children into the garden and played with them. Selflessness is depicted in this story. Students can download all the solutions to the chapter in the form of NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened.

Chapter 4: The Treasure Within 

The story recounts Mr. Hafeez’s journey from a failing student to a famous architect. At first, his interest in studies did not exist. One day he started studying on the rector’s advice and secured 50% in SSC. The final part of the story tells us how he became a successful architect.

The NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened will be helpful in understanding the chapter easily.

Chapter 5: Princess September

Written by William Somerset Maugham, this story is about a princess and her favourite bird. It describes how the king of Siam named his nine daughters after calendar months. His youngest daughter was therefore named September. On their birthdays, the king gave each of his daughters a green parrot sitting in a golden cage. The princesses loved spending time with parrots. But one day, Princess September found the parrot dead in the cage. She cried in her room. A little bird flew into her window and sang to her about goldfish, gardens, and the king’s willow tree. The overjoyed princess put the bird in a cage so that it would not fly away. But she found out that keeping a bird in a cage would prevent it from singing or eating. So she released it, promising to return to her every day and sing to her sweetly It flew. The princess later got married and lived happily ever after. For a better understanding of the chapter, students should obtain the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English: It So Happened.Chapter 6: The Fight

This chapter is about his two boys, Ranji and Suraj, who are from two different states of India. When they met, they quarrelled violently, but as the story unfolds, they become friends. Students can download the detailed answers to this chapter in the form of NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened.

Chapter 7: The Open Window

Written by Saki, The Open Window unfolds an interesting story centred around a character named Frampton Nuttel. He went to the city where his sister lived for treatment. There, Frampton meets his niece and tells her about the window being open and how his aunt’s husband died in a hunting accident along with her brother. When Frampton saw three men dressed in hunting gear approaching the house, he began fleeing.The NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened can answer all the questions related to this chapter.

Chapter 8: Jalebis

The Jalebis chapter conveys an important message through the story of the boy Munna. He spent his school fees on the purchase of sweets “Jalebis”. He later learned the lesson that he should not spend tuition fees on candy. Students must secure access to NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened that these solutions provide a detailed analysis of the chapter.

Chapter 9: The Comet I

This chapter unfolds the story of the comet’s discovery by amateur astronomer Manoj Dutta. The comet was named Divya Chukshu. The story continues when Duttada’s wife, Indrani Debi, appears. The NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened must be read in order to comprehend the chapter easily.

Chapter 10: The Comet II

This part of the textbook shows how an international conference was organised to prevent a natural disaster in the form of a comet from colliding with Earth. A comet-Earth collision is estimated to occur within 10 months of the comet’s discovery, so an international expert meeting is expected within a week of its discovery. The NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened analyse this chapter in detail. These solutions could help students learn and understand this poem fully through comprehensive solutions to multiple short and long answer questions.

NCERT Solution of Class 8 English Supplementary Reader It So Happened

As the number of topics grows, it is not always easy to write and prepare answers in advance. It can also be confusing when some aspects are not so clear. Students have to spend extra time searching for these answers, which can take very important time away. With the NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened, students can very easily go through various chapters. The NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened consist of comprehensive solutions, and students can write suitable answers in their own words without encountering difficulties. For this reason, Extramarks provides students with NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened. With the help of  NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened, students can learn answers to questions that may be difficult for them.

One of the biggest advantages of Extramarks NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened solutions is that they are created by proficient mentors of English. All answers in NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened are very systematic and well thought out, so students do not have to worry about the reliability of these. T The mentors who have compiled NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened have expertise in the subject which establishes the credibility of these solutions. They also adhere to the CBSE syllabus and follow the prescribed text very well. Additionally, all NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened are completely accurate and reliable.

NCERT Solution For Class 8 English It So Happened – Free PDF Download

Learning English requires a lot of effort. Students must try to solve questions, practise their writing skills, and read their textbooks in-depth. Students should solve as many questions provided in Class 8 English It So Happened as possible. This helps them improve their knowledge of English. However, students cannot do many tasks at the same time. For this reason, students need special assistance. On Extramarks, teachers are able to provide the students with the most suitable assistance. Students can install the Extramarks Learning App to download questions and answers within the NCERT Solution Of Class 8 English It So Happened  in PDF format. Extramarks also offer online classes for students. Students can enrol in these courses to learn about new topics, chapters, and themes. If in doubt, students can post questions on the Extramarks platform.

NCERT Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter wise Solutions

Extramarks provides solutions to problemsin  NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened for students. Students can use PDFs of  NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened that they found answers to questions they found difficult. PDFs of NCERT Class 8 English It So Happened can also help students learn the correct format to answer final exam questions.

The solutions to English Class 8 It So Happened on Extramarks also provide students with access to live online courses. All live online  courses are taught by subject matter experts who share their knowledge and vast experience with students. If students have a question, they can post it on the Extramarks platform.

Marks Weightage of NCERT Class 8 English Supplementary

Question Type Marks Total No. of Question Total Marks
Short answer 2 4 8
Long answer type 1 3 2 6
Long answer type 2 4 1 4
Meanings 2 4 8

NCERT Class 8 English Supplementary Weightage:

The It So Happened of Class 8 English is a very interesting book. This fact is especially true for the English. One book in Class 8 is called It So Happened. This book has many interesting chapters. Each chapter teaches students the importance of different virtues and moral habits. As mentioned earlier, NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened have solutions to all lessons that can be applied both in real life and in the world of education. Students can take any number of questions from all chapters. The questions range from questions allotted with 1-point, 2-points, 3-points, 4-points, 4-points, 5-points and even there are 6-point questions. Questions range from short answer to long answer types.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened

NCERT Class 8 English solutions have proven beneficial to students in several ways.

  • Well-researched answers are provided..
  • Good coverage of both multiple-choice and descriptive questions is provided.
  • These solutions provide an understanding of literary devices.
  • These solutions help students learn meanings and synonyms for all Class 8 English lessons.
  • Easy-to-understand answers for a smooth student learning process are provided.
  • These solutions would help students in getting the best scores.
  • All answers are written by instructors of English with extensive experience.
  • Answers strictly follow NCERT guidelines.
  • All solutions are available for download from the Extramarks website and mobile application.

Extramarks NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened can be downloaded and saved as a PDF. These solutions can later be accessed offline from any device. The NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened are therefore a must-read reference material to help students properly understand the basics of this chapter.


Solutions of Class 8 are very essential for the quick revision of the chapters and can be used just before the examinations. All the solutions for Class 8 such as NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened are available on the website of Extramarks.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is the topic weightage for NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened?

The NCERT Solutions For Class 8 English It So Happened have been organised in synchronisation with the topic weightage and pattern of question paper prevalent to the examination. The English question paper is divided into his two sections, Language and Literature. The language unit consists of a total of 20 comprehension questions and consists of 3 reading passages. The next writing section is divided into Write a Notice/Article, Write a Short Story, and Write a Letter/Diary, marked 5 points, 8 points, and 7 points respectively. This is followed by the unit of Grammar, which consists of a total of 20 points. Similarly, the literary section is divided into short sections, long sections, very long sections, and “finding meaning” sections.