Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 – The Address

Important Questions Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 – The Address

English is the most common linguistic subject that students study in school in India. Snapshots, a textbook of English for CBSE Class 11 students, presents several English literature samples by International and Indian writers.

Chapter 2 of Snapshots revolves around a girl who lost her family and house in a war like a million others. After the end of the war, she visited a woman who kept her mother’s things when they had left the country. It describes what she felt seeing her mother’s stuff and how she convinced herself to move on from her past. Though the story is very heart-touching, students need to practise questions from this chapter because they can expect explanatory questions from this story.

Extramarks is a leading education company in India, helping lakhs of students and teachers daily. Our experts understand the need to practise questions daily. They have made Important Questions Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 for this purpose. They have collected the questions from several sources like textbooks, CBSE sample papers and significant reference books.

One can register on the official website of Extramarks and download many study materials. Register yourself to avail of NCERT textbooks, CBSE syllabus, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers, NCERT solutions, chapter-wise important questions, CBSE revision notes, vital formulas and many more.

Get Access to CBSE Class 11 English Snapshots Important Questions 2022-23 with Chapter-Wise Solutions

You can also find CBSE Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter-by-Chapter Important Questions here:

CBSE Class 11 English Important Questions
Sr No. Chapters Chapters Name
1 Chapter 1 The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse
2 Chapter 2 The Address
3 Chapter 3 Ranga’s Marriage
4 Chapter 4 Albert Einstein at School
5 Chapter 5 Mother’s Day
6 Chapter 6 The Ghat of the Only World
7 Chapter 7 Birth
8 Chapter 8 The Tale of Melon City

The Address Class 11 Questions and Answers for Class 11 English Snapshots

Students must practise as many questions as possible to improve answer writing skills. For this purpose, our experts have made this question series. They also have written answers to the questions following CBSE guidelines. If students follow the answers, they can surely score better. The important questions are given below-

Question 1. What was the address of the woman?

Answer 1: The address of the woman was Marconi Street, Number 45.

Question 2. What was the woman’s name?

Answer 2: The woman’s name was Mrs Dorling.

Question 3. How did the narrator introduce herself to the woman?

Answer 3: The narrator introduced herself as Mrs S’s daughter.

Question 4. In which country does the incident take place?

Answer 4: The incident takes place in Holland.

Question 5. Why did the narrator think she was at the wrong address? How were her thoughts proved to be wrong?

Answer 5: The narrator thought she was at the wrong address because the woman who opened the door showed no trace of recognising her. The narrator thought she had become confused and rang the wrong doorbell. However, she saw the woman wearing a cardigan made by her mother. Her staring made the woman uncomfortable. Then, she understood that she was at the right address and the woman recognised her too.

Question 6. What was the narrator’s experience when she entered the house?

Answer 6: After entering the house, the narrator started noticing the stuff that had belonged to her mother. First, she saw the candle holder, then at the dining table, she saw the woollen table cover made by her mother. She observed that the present owner was using their crockeries. She spotted the cup, dishes and plates and even understood that the cutlery set in the drawer belonged to her mother.

Question 7. How did the girl enter Mrs Dorling’s house?

Answer 7: When the girl met Mrs Dorling after a long time, she said she could not do anything for her and closed the door. When she was in the train station, determined to leave the place, saw Mrs Dorling. She understood Mrs D was out of home and again visited her house. That time, Mrs D’s daughter opened the door. The narrator said that she came to meet the owner. The teenager opened the door for her, and she could finally enter the house.

Question 8. Why did she leave the house without taking her things?

Answer 8: The narrator found everything that belonged to her family in Mrs Dorling’s house. She returned to her hometown only to search for and take back those things. But, as soon as she entered the house, their presence made her nostalgic. The things even seemed unfamiliar to her in a different person’s home. Finally, she was convinced that the link between the staff and her didn’t exist anymore. The rented room she lived in was too small for these. She left them with the new owner to move on from her past life.

Question 9. Describe the narrator’s post-war situation.

Answer 9: During the war, the narrator and her mother had to leave her homeland. She lost her mother in war. After the end of the war and liberalisation, she got food security. She started to live in a small rented room where black paper sheets hung from the window. At the same time, she began to live alone in a faraway place. Her return after a long time to her hometown evoked the memories of her past life, making it painful to her at one point.

Question 10. Describe the cutlery owned by the narrator’s family.

Answer 10: While at Mrs Dorling’s house, the narrator shares a memory with the teenage girl. She remembers that one day her mother asked her to clean the silver. She didn’t know which silver her mother was talking about. So, she asked about the silver. Her mother replied with surprise that she was talking about the cutlery. Then, the narrator understood the cutlery they used daily was made of silver.

Question 11. Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?

Answer 11: The story, ‘The Address’, revolves around a girl who, after the war, goes to her hometown to find her family’s belongings. The story describes how her mother’s friend took all their antique staff while they were preparing to leave the country. After the war, the girl, the only survivor, came to that woman’s house to recover those things. Though the woman, Mrs Dorling, refused to acknowledge her, the narrator entered the house when she was out of the home. After entering the house, her thoughts changed quickly. She noticed their things, and those evoked her memories, especially of her mother. She realised that the actual owner of those things had passed away. Her rented room was too small to accommodate those things. She convinced herself that moving on from her past was the easiest and best thing she could do. So, she left the house and wanted to forget the address so that she could never return to the house which had her mother’s belongings.

Question 12. ‘The Address’ is a story of the human predicament that follows war. Comment.

Answer 12: War is only destructive. It takes innocent lives, breaks down civilisation and halts normal human life. The second world war was one of the most dangerous wars in human history. Like numerous writings, this story also captures the pain caused to human life by war. The main character of the story is a girl who is presumably Jewish. During the second world war, millions of Jews were tortured and killed. So, when the war was approaching her country, Holland, she fled from the country along with her mother. Before leaving, her mother’s friend, Mrs Dorling, took all their things. She lost her mother and moved from place to place during the war. Finally, after the liberalisation, she found a small rented room to live in and food security. Thus, the story portrays the pain of a girl who lost everything due to war.

Question 13. The story is divided into pre-War and post-War times. What hardships do you think the girl underwent during these times?

Answer 13: ‘The Address’ by Marga Minco is a story about a girl who was deeply affected by the war. The story takes place in the post-war period. Whereas, from the girl’s remembrance, we can know about the pre-war period. The girl and her mother had been living a peaceful life. But with the start of the war, the girl’s life changed forever. She fled her country with her mother to save their lives. Still, she lost her mother in the war. After liberalisation, she finally got regular food and a small rented room to live in. Though the war was over, she lived in a distant place from her hometown. She wanted to collect her mother’s belongings which had been kept by her friend, Mrs Dorling. But, after entering Dorling’s house, those staff strongly brought memories of her past life. The girl felt that the link between the things and her had passed away. Amid this painful experience, she left the staff beyond to forget her past life. Thus, in the post war period, her struggle continued, and her memories brought much pain to her.

Question 14. ‘Have you come back?’ said the woman. ‘I thought that no one had come back.’ Does this statement give some clue about the story? If yes, what is it?

Answer 14: The line has been taken from Margo Minco’s story ‘The Address’. The coldness of the line hits the reader. It hints at a dangerous phenomenon that killed lots of people. In the story, the narrator came to meet an older woman in her hometown after a long time. The woman refused to recognise her, though the green cardigan she was wearing belonged to her mother. So, the narrator understood that she was at the right address. Then, the aged woman said the mentioned line. It hints that the woman had other belongings of the narrator’s family, and she refused to acknowledge that. It was because the girl and her mother had to leave the place at war, and the woman thought they could never return back. Hence, she felt she could use those things for the rest of her life and became a little started seeing the girl standing before her door.

Benefits of Solving The Address Class 11 Extra Questions and Answers

Class 11 is one of the senior-most classes in school. The students need to prepare themselves very well for higher studies. They must practise writing answers to literature subjects because it is important to increase overall marks. For this purpose, the exercises are given in the textbooks. But it may not be enough. So, students must take help from other references. They can follow the Important Questions Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 for better preparation. There will be multiple benefits of solving these questions. Some of these are as follows-

  • Our experts have collected these questions from sources like the textbook, CBSE sample papers, CBSE past years’ question papers and important reference books. So, students don’t have to search for questions from different sources but get it in a single article. The Chapter 2 Class 11 English Snapshots Important Questions also contain the answers. Thus, the question series will help to increase their marks in exams.
  • The subject matter experts of Extramarks have written the answers. Experienced professionals have further checked the answers. Thus, Extramarks ensures that you get the best quality content. It will not only guide them to write quality answers but also boost their confidence for exams. Students may not have the experience of writing long answers before. In this case, they can follow the English Snapshots Class 11 Chapter 2 Important Questions too. The answers are written in easy words following CBSE guidelines.
  • Students must practice writing descriptive and explanatory answers. They will have long answer-type questions in exams. So, they have to prepare well beforehand. The Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 Important Questions will give them a thorough idea about writing long answer questions. They will also find several other questions besides textbook exercise questions. These answers are written by subject matter experts and checked by experienced professionals. Thus, students can trust this question-answer series to boost their preparation.

Extramarks helps students by providing a wide range of study materials related to CBSE and NCERT. You can register on our official website and get access to these materials. You will find NCERT textbooks, CBSE syllabus, CBSE sample papers, CBSE books, CBSE past years’ question papers, NCERT solutions, chapter-wise important questions, CBSE revision notes, vital formulas and many more after registering on our website.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is Chapter 2 of English Snapshots about?

Chapter 2 of English Snapshots is a story named ‘The Address’ by Marga Minco. The narrator, a girl, left the country and lost her mother in war. After it ended, she returned to her hometown to search for her mother’s belongings. She knew a friend of her mother, Mrs Dorling, kept all those things. She met Mrs Dorling, but the woman didn’t show any sign of recognition. The narrator again visited Dorling’s house when she was not there. She noticed all the things that belonged to her family. The staff deeply reminded her of her past life and her mother. Finally, she decided to move on from her past, leaving the house. You can read our Important Questions Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 for more such questions.

2. How can one write good answers to questions from 'The Address'?

The Address by Marga Minco is a story about the suffering of general people due to war. The story’s direction is linear, and the plot is not complicated. Students can easily understand the story. For writing answers, they must practise questions. First of all, they should follow the textbook exercise. If they feel it is insufficient, they can follow the Important Questions Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 prepared by our experts. They will find a wide range of questions with suitable answers. The question-answer series will help them improve their answer-writing skills and preparation for exams.

3. How can the Important Questions Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 help students?

Students must practise questions to score better in exams. The textbook exercise has limited questions which is not enough for students. Hence, they can take help from the Important Questions Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter 2 prepared by the experts of Extramarks. The experts have taken help from the NCERT textbook, CBSE sample questions, CBSE past years’ question papers and important reference books. They have provided the answers too. Thus, the students not only know about possible questions from the chapter but also the answers. Thus, the question series will help to improve their preparation.