CBSE Class 10 English Communicative Syllabus 2023-24
English Communicative Class 10 Syllabus for CBSE 2023 – 2024 Board Exam
Topics of Class 10 CBSE English Communicative Syllabus have been revised for 2023. We have provided the English syllabus, with chapters in detail, as well as FAQs about the Class 10 English communicative. Students are advised to be aware of the latest English communicative syllabus for Class 10.
CBSE Communicative English Class 10 Syllabus 2023-24
We have provided the entire CBSE Class 10 English Communicative Syllabus on our website. You will get the PDF file of the whole detailed CBSE Syllabus from the given link below.
CBSE Class 10 Syllabus |
CBSE Class 10 English Communicative Syllabus 2023-24
Students will be able to score well in their board exams with good English grammatical skills. We have provided the syllabus for CBSE Class 10 English Communicative 2023-24 on our website with the weightage (in marks).
CBSE Class 10 English Communicative Syllabus 2023-24
Section | Topics | Marks |
A | Reading Skills | 20 |
B | Writing Skills with Grammar | 30 |
C | Literature Textbook and Extended Reading Text | 30 |
Total | 80 |
Class 10 English Communicative CBSE Board Syllabus
CBSE Class 10 English Communicative Syllabus is divided into English Communicative and English Literature.
Detailed English Communicative Class 10 Syllabus
If the students are aware of the English communicative latest syllabus for Class 10 CBSE in detail, they can focus on important sections and score more marks in board examinations. Discussing the syllabus will help students understand the course easily. It specifies the grading and time limit for each section as well. It gives the details of how many marks are decided for each unit. So, students can plan accordingly to study the important areas of the concepts.
Interact in English Series
- Main Course Book.
- Health and medicine
- Education
- Science
- Environment
- Travel and tourism
- National integration
- Workbook.
Workbook for English communicative CBSE syllabus 2023 for the students of Class 10-
- Determiners
- Tenses
- Subject-Verb Arrangement
- Relatives
- Connectors
- Relatives
- Comparison
- Conditional
- Avoiding repetition
- Nominalisation
- Modals
- Active Passive Prepositions
- Reported Speech
- Literature – First Flight
- A Letter to God
- Nelson Mandela
- Two Stories About Flying
- From the Diary of Anne Frank
- The Hundred Dresses 1
- The Hundred Dresses 2
- Glimpses of India
- Madam Rides the Bus
- The Sermon at Benares
- The Proposal (Play)
- Dust of snow
- Fire and Ice
- A tiger in the zoo
- The ball poem
- Amanda
- Animals
- The tale of Custard the dragon
Footprints without feet
- A triumph of surgery
- The thief’s story
- Footprints without feet
- The making of a scientist
- The necklace
- The hack driver
- Bholi
Extended Reading Texts
These are the two prescribed texts of communicative English for the students of Class 10. Students have to write one out of two Very Long Answer-type Questions from the section. It is to assess their command in interpretation, inference and character analysis.
- Diary of a Young Girl – 1947 March 16, 1944, to August 01, 1944, By Anne Frank
- The Story of My Life – 1903 Chapters 1-14 By Helen Keller
Exam Structure for English Communicative Class 10
We have provided the exam structure or marks distribution on this website for the students to gain understanding of the exam pattern and hence, perform as per the required standards.
Section A: Reading (20 marks)
A Factual passage of 300-350 words with 8 Very Short Answers (VSA) (8 marks)
A discursive passage of 300-350 words with 4 short answer of eight marks questions, and 4 very short answers type of questions – 2 for vocabulary and 2 for reading comprehension. (12 marks)
Section B: Writing and Grammar (30 Marks)
- Formal letters (complaints/ inquiry/ letter to the editor/ placing any order) within 100-120 words. The topics will be based on the main course books. (8 marks)
- Writing a short story of 200-250 words on the given outline (10 marks)
The grammar syllabus contains the chapters
- Tense
- Modals
- Subject-verb concord
- Use of passive voice
- Reporting
- Commands and requests
- Questions
- Statements
- Clauses
- Noun clause
- Relative clause
- Adverb clause
- Determiners
- Prepositions
The above topics are tested through the following question types-
- Fill in the blanks with prepositions, articles, conjunctions, and tenses (4 marks)
- Editing or omitting (4 marks)
- Sentence reordering or transformation of sentences (4 marks)
Section C: Literature Textbook and Extended Reading Text: (30 Marks)
- II. Four out of six Short Answer Type Questions to be answered in 20-30 words each from FIRST FLIGHT and FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET (two out of three from FIRST FLIGHT and two out of three from FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET). (2*4=8) IV. Four out of six Short Answer Type Questions to be answered in 40-50 words each from FIRST FLIGHT and FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET (two out of three from FIRST FLIGHT and two out of three from FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET.
- V. One out of two Long Answer Type Questions from FIRST FLIGHT to be answered in about 100-120 words each to assess creativity, imagination and extrapolation beyond the text and across the texts. This can be a passage-based question taken from a situation/plot from the texts (5 marks)
- VI. One out of two Long Answer Type Questions from FOOTPRINTS WITHOUT FEET on theme or plot involving interpretation, extrapolation beyond the text and inference or character sketch to be answered in about 100=200 words (5 marks).
COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (Code No. 101) (2023 – 2024)
I. Introduction :
Acquiring a language means, above all, acquiring a means to communicate confidently and naturally. In other words, in order to communicate effectively in real life, students need more than mere knowledge about the language. In addition, they must be able to use the language effectively, with confidence and fluency. Therefore, the course in English Communicative has been designed to develop the practical language communication, skills needed for academic study and subsequent adult life.
The course brings together a number of ideas about the nature of language and language learning.
Knowledge and Skill
One of the tenets of the communicative approach is the idea that Language is a skill to be acquired, not merely a body of knowledge to be learnt. Acquiring a language has been compared to learning to drive. It is not enough to have only theoretical knowledge of how an engine works: you must know how to use the gears and (crucially) how to interact with other road users. Similarly, simply knowing parts of speech or how to convert the active into the passive does not mean you are proficient in a language. You must be able to put knowledge into practice in natural use. Of course, we do not expect a novice driver to move off without preparation: the driver has rules of the highway which he/she must learn by rote. But there is no substitute for learning by doing, albeit in the artificial conditions of a deserted road at slow speeds. Equally in language learning there are some ‘rules to be learnt’ but there is no substitute for learning by doing. In good teaching, this experience is supported by carefully-graded, contextualized exercises.
Structure and Function
Language can be described in different ways. Obviously we can label an utterance according to its grammatical structure. Another approach is to decide what function it performs. Consider the following:
- “Can I open the window?”
- “Can I carry that care?”
we could say that a) and b) have the same grammatical structure: they are both interrogative. We should also recognize that they perform different functions: a) is a ‘request’ b) is an ‘offer’.
The course aims to recognizes the use to which language is put and encourages pupils to be aware of the relationship between structure and function.
The overall aims of the course are to:
- enable the learner to communicate effectively and appropriately in real-lifesituations;
- use English effectively for study purposes across the curriculum;
- develop and integrate the use of the four language skills, e., listening,speaking,
reading and writing;
- develop interest in and appreciation of literature;
- revise and reinforce structures already
To develop creativity, Students should be encouraged to think on their own and express their ideas using their experience, knowledge and imagination, rather than being text or teacher dependent. Students should be encouraged to monitor their progress, space out their learning, so they should be encouraged to see language not just as a functional tool, but as an important part of personal development and inculcation of values.
II. Objectives
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- read silently at varying speeds depending on the purpose of reading;
- adopt different strategies for different types of text, both literary and non-literary;
- recognise the organization of a text;
- identify the main points of a text;
- understand relations between different parts of a text through lexical and grammatical cohesion devices;
- anticipate and predict what will come next in a text;*
- deduce the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items in a given context;
- consult a dictionary to obtain information on the meaning and use of lexicalitems;*
- analyse, interpret, infer (and evaluate) the ideas in the text;
- select and extract, from a text, information required for a specific purpose (and record it in note form);
- transcode information from verbal to diagrammatic form;
- retrieve and synthesise information from a range of reference materials usingstudy skills such as skimming and scanning;
- interpret texts by relating them to other material on the same theme (and totheir own experience and knowledge);
- read extensively on their
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- express ideas in clear and grammatically correct English, using appropriate punctuation and cohesion devices;
- write in a style appropriate for communicative purposes;
- plan, organise and present ideas coherently by introducing, developing and concluding a topic;
- write a clear description (e.g., of a place, a person, an object or a system);
- write a clear account of events (e.g., a process, a narrative, a trend or a cause-effect relationship);
- compare and contrast ideas and arrive at conclusions;
- present an argument, supporting it with appropriate examples;
- use an appropriate style and format to write letters (formal and informal),biographical sketches, dialogues, speeches, reports, articles, e-mails and diary entries;
- monitor, check and revise written work;
- expand notes into a piece of writing;
- summarise or make notes from a given text; and
- decode information from one text type to another (e.g., diary entry to letter, advertisement to report, diagram to verbal form).
(* Objectives which will not be tested in a formal examination)
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- adopt different strategies according to the purpose of listening (e.g., for pleasure, for general interest, for specific information);
- use linguistic and non-linguistic features of the context as clues to understanding and interpreting what is heard (e.g., cohesion devices, key words, intonation, gesture, background noises);
- listen to a talk or conversation and understand the topic and main points;
- listen for information required for a specific purpose, g., in radio broadcast, commentaries, airport and railway station announcements;
- distinguish main points from supporting details, and relevant from irrelevant information;
- understand and interpret messages conveyed in person or by telephone;
- understand and respond appropriately to directive language, g., instruction, advice, requests and warning;
- understand and interpret spontaneous spoken discourse in familiar social
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- speak intelligibly using appropriate word stress, sentence stress and intonationpatterns;
- adopt different strategies to convey ideas effectively according to purpose, topicand audience (including the appropriate use of polite expressions);
- narrate incidents and events, real or imaginary in a logical sequence;
- present oral reports or summaries; make announcements clearly and confidently;
- express and argue a point of view clearly and effectively;
- take active part in group discussions, showing ability to express agreement or disagreement, to summarise ideas, to elicit the views of others, and to present own ideas;
- express and respond to personal feelings, opinions and attitudes;
- convey messages effectively in person or by telephone;
- frame questions so as to elicit the desired response, and respond appropriately to questions;
- participate in spontaneous spoken discourse in familiar social
By the end of the course, students should be able to use the following accurately and appropriately in context:
1. Verbs :-
- present/past forms
- simple/continuous forms
- perfect forms
- future time reference
- modals
- active and passive voice
- subject-verb concord
- non-finite verb forms (infinitives and participles)
2. Sentence Structure :-
- connectors
- types of sentences
- affirmative/interrogative sentences negation
- exclamations
- types of phrases and clauses
- finite and non-finite subordinate clauses
- noun clauses and phrases
- adjective clauses and phrases
- adverb clauses and phrases
- indirect speech
- comparison
- nominalisation
3. Other Areas :-
- determiners
- pronouns
- prepositions
By the end of the course, students should be able to understand, interpret, evaluate and respond to the following features in a literary text:
- Character as revealed through
- appearance and distinguishing features
- socio-economic background
- action/events
- expression of feelings
- speech and dialogues
- Plot/Story/Theme emerging through main events
- progression of events and links between them
- sequence of events denoting theme
- Setting, as seen through time and place, socio-economic and cultural background,people, beliefs and
- Form
- rhyme
- rhythm
- simile
- metaphor
- pun
- repetition
III. Role of the Teacher
Unlike a teacher-centred classroom, where the teacher plays a dominant role, speaks most of the time, and interacts with the class as a whole, for the success of this course teachers will need to adopt a variety of roles.
Littlewood1 sets out these roles as follows:
As a general overseer of his/ her students’ learning, the teacher must aim to coordinate the activities so that they form a coherent progression, leading towards greater communicative ability.
As a classroom manager, he/ she is responsible for grouping activities into ‘lessons’ and for ensuring that these are satisfactorily organized at a practical level.
In many activities, he/ she may perform the familiar role of language instructor: he/ she will present new language, exercise direct control over the learner’s performance, evaluate and correct it, and so on.
1 Littlewood, WT (1981) Communicative Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press.
In others, he/ she will not intervene after initiating the proceedings, but will let learning take place through independent activity or pair and group work.
When such an activity is in progress he may act as a consultant or adviser, helping where necessary. He/ She may also move about the classroom in order to monitor the strengths and weaknesses of the learners, as basis for planning future learning activities.
He/She will sometimes wish to participate in an activity as co-communicator with the learners. In this role, he/ she can simulate and present new language without taking the main initiative for learning away from the learners themselves.
IV. Classroom Procedures
The main type of classroom organization recommended are individual work, pair work, small group work and whole class work. It has been the experience of teachers that students adapt themselves very quickly to the new classroom arrangements, and the interesting nature of the activities themselves produce discipline. The following sections give practical advice on organization of different types of classroom activities.
Individual Work
When an activity is designed for individual work, students will be working mainly on their own. First, ask students to read the instructions (or read them yourself to the students). Make sure that students understand what they are expected to do, if necessary by giving an example or (preferably) asking one of the students to give an example. Then set them to do the activity.
While students do the activity, the teacher can move around the classroom, making sure that everything is going smoothly and giving individual help where it is needed. Do not interfere too much; remember that too much interruption and correction may discourage students.
Students will work at different speeds, so they will not all finish at the same time. The easiest solutions to this is to ask students who have finished to compare their answers with their neighbours. Call the class together again when the majority of them have finished activity, even if some are still working on it. The activity can then be checked by asking students to give their answers. The teacher needn’t act as the ‘judge’, but instead can ask other students whether they agree. This checking procedure keeps all students involved, and gives the slower ones a chance to catch up.
Pair Work
As with individual work, you first need to make sure that students understand the instructions. Once the activity is clear, you will then have to arrange the class in pairs. Usually it is easiest if a student pairs up with the person sitting at the same desk. (You may have to move one or two if they are on their own.)
Sometimes it will be necessary to have three working together, but this should not seriously affect their work.
If your class is very crowded, with most students sitting three to a desk, one row may turn to face those behind to form three pairs.
Once students have settled down to work, circulate round the classroom, observing and listening to them, and giving help to those who need it. As with individual work, resist the temptation to interfere too much!
You many find it useful to set a time limit for fair work activity. This can help to focus the students’ attention and provide a challenge, as well as simplifying management of the class. If you wish to do this, tell them the time limit before they begin, and be prepared to extend or reduce it you find you have misjudged the time required.
In many pair work tasks, checking can be carried out in the same way as for individual work by the teacher eliciting answers from the students. Sometimes, though, it may be better for one or more pairs of students to report back their conclusions to the rest of the class, possibly with class discussion.
Group work
Usually, group work, involves four students but a times it may extend to five or six or even more. Four, however, is a more convenient number or most classroom situations.
The general procedure for group work is the same as for pair work, that is:
- instructions for the whole class
- organization of the groups
- group activity while the teacher circulates
- feedback and checking for the whole class
The major difference is that the organization of the groups needs more care. It is fairly simple to form groups of four by asking students to turn and face those behind.
However, you may feel that some changes are required to achieve a balance in some of the groups. In this case, move only a few students from one group to another. When the groups move over to the feedback and checking stage, you may make it more interesting by asking a student to chair the inter-group discussion.
Whole Class Work
Whole class work, of course, is necessary for maters such as formal instruction (e.g. the format of formal and informal letters), for “warm-up” activities, for class discussion, for “class review” sessions at the close of pair work or group work. During the whole class work, the teacher is in her traditional role.
V. Handling Pair Work and Small Group Work (PW/SGW)
Introducing and Demonstrating
After a brief explanation of what is to be done, always demonstrate the activity. You have these options:
- The teacher takes both (for all)
- The teacher takes one part, while one or more students take the other
- Two or more students take different
In selecting students to help demonstrate an activity, always select those who will demonstrate it well. Also, choose students from different parts of the classroom (particularly from the back), so that they will have to speak loudly in order to be heard. (Don’t choose students sitting side-by-side, or they will speak so softly to each other that nobody else will hear!) Don’t allow this phase to take too much time – two or three minutes is usually enough.
This has largely been covered in the Section B.3. above. A few additional points:
- There is no need to move chairs and desks, and only a very few students will need to move For the most part, students simply face in a different directions in order to form pairs and small groups.
- The teacher is responsible for deciding who is to work with (Don’t leave it to students to decide, or the result will be confusion.)
- You may also prefer to allocate roles yourself, g. “When pairs, the one nearest the window is A, the other is B.”
- If you have not used PW/SGW before, expect a little, noise and excitement at first! But students quickly get used to the new procedures and soon settle down with minimum noise and
While students are actually doing the PW/SGW activity, the teacher has an important role to play. It is vital to move round the class, listening in on PW / SGW and helping / advising where necessary. Be careful, of course, not to “take over” the activity by intervening too strongly. (students need the English practice, not you!) Sometimes it is advisable to just ‘hover’ at a distance while moving round the class, simply checking that students are actually doing the activity. Make sure that you distribute your attention evenly over the course of a term; and give particular help and attention to weaker students.
At the close of a PW/SGW activity, bring the whole class together. You may wish to ask a pair or group to demonstrate at the front of the class. (Ask weaker pairs or groups to demonstrate, too. This can be a powerful confident-builder). Alternatively, you may find a brief class discussion profitable, in which students exchange experiences that have arisen from the activity itself, e.g. a problem they have encountered, a good idea someone came up with, something they did not understand. Be careful not to allow this conclusion phase to take too much time – 5 minute is plenty.
Many teachers view with alarm the prospect of pairwork and small group work with a large number of students. The following are concerns commonly expressed together with the responses of experienced teachers:
VI. Some questions and answers about Pair Work and Small Group Work
For many teachers, the prospect of PW/SGW with large numbers of students in a class is viewed with alarm. To help such teachers, the following are concerns expressed, followed by responses that have been given by other teachers.
Teachers’ concerns about PW/SGW
- It is difficult for the teacher to check whether all students are doing the activity, and (if so) whether they are producing correct and suitable English.
- More proficient pupils are held back by weaker
- Noise levels are
- It is not right for the teacher to withdraw from a position of “central control”
- PW/SGW will be rejected by other teachers, parents and by the students themselves as a waste of time and
Responses to these Concerns
- In traditional teacher-led classes, often individual students are not actively participating, but the teacher remains unaware of this, if a sufficient students seem to be ‘following the lesson’.
- Noise is a necessary element of good language learning – as it is in a Music lesson. It is not so much noise itself that some teachers are concerned about, but the amount of There is no easy answer to this question, since a lot depends on the individual teacher’s relationship with the class. Certainly a clear introduction to and demonstration of the task will ensure that PW/SGW gets off to a good start, with no fuss and confusion. And the challenge of the task itself should ensure that students are busily engaged in English. It is for the teacher to make it quite clear to the class what amount of noise is acceptable, and to make sure that noise is kept to that level. If noise levels do get too high for comfcort, the “noisy approach” (i.e. the teacher shouting to get less noise) is unlikely to work for any more than a short while. Instead, try the “quiet approach”, i.e. train your students to recognize that when your hand is raised, they must raise theirs and be more quiet. On occasions, you may have to speak to particularly noisy and excited groups. Please do not let the prospect of some degree of noise put you off PW/SGW. If students are to learn to use English, then they must communicate with each other, not just you. And if they are to communicate, then there will be a certain amount of positive, beneficial noise. Welcome it as a sign that your students are growing in confidence and fluency in English.
- It is perfectly true that in PW/SGW the teacher cannot judge whether all students are producing correct and suitable English. (Of course, this is equally true of a teacher-led classroom where one student is speaking (to you), and all the others are silent.) But we need to accept that making mistakes in language is not only normal, but is actually necessary if a learner is to make progress. Advice on what to do about students’ mistakes when speaking in PW/SGW is given in Section C.6.
- P/SGW encourages all students, even the shy ones, to participate actively. Because they feel they are not “on show” in front of the whole class, they feel to experiment with the language, trying out newly-acquired
- Much research in psycholinguistics in recent years has indicated that peer interaction of this kind in language classes is frequently highly successful. Not all students, even those in the same class, have precisely the same stock of knowledge and understanding of the Students can pool ideas and often perform a task better together than they can alone. As they become more familiar with PW/SGW, they learn to handle activities in a mature manner, sensitively correcting each other’s work. In fact research shows that appropriate error correction in well graded activities is just as likely to occur between students as by the teacher in a teacher-led mode.
- If a good student is paired with a less able one, the former is likely to assume the role of a ‘teacher’. This experience is often fruitful for both. The less able student has a ‘personal tutor’, and the good student also improves: having to explain something in simple terms is often an excellent learning experience in
- If a task is well-constructed and the students appropriately prepared, the activity is often ‘peer pressure’ to induce reluctant group members to
- PW/SGW is an attempt to encourage students to accept some of the responsibility for learning The only truly successful students are the ones who can do this. If the technique is handled well, it will soon become evident that the teacher is working just as hard as she/he does in a teacher-led mode. PW/SGW is one of a number of different techniques which a teacher can employ to accommodate students with different learning styles and for activities with different goals.
Section | Total Weightage | |
A | Reading Skills | 20 |
B | Writing Skills | 25 |
C | Grammar | 10 |
D | Literature Textbook | 25 |
TOTAL | 80 |
SECTION A: READING 20 Marks 50 Periods
- The section will have two unseen passages with the maximum word limit of 750 words. The passages can be of any two types out of the following: literary / factual / discursive. Please refer to the Main Course
Objective Type Questions (including Multiple Choice Questions), and Very Short Answer type Questions will be asked to test inference, evaluation, analysis and vocabulary in context.
This section will have a variety of short and long writing tasks.
- Notice Writing for school assembly/ Resident Welfare Association/ School Events/ Classroom information in maximum 50 words 3 Marks
- Dialogue Writing in maximum 100 words 5 Marks
- Informal Letter maximum 120 words 7 Marks
- Paragraph on one out of two themes based on verbal or visual cues from Main Course Book in maximum 150 words 10 Marks
Grammar items will be taught and assessed over a period of time. There will be no division of syllabus for Grammar.
- Tenses
- Modals
- Subject – verb concord
- Reporting
- Commands and requests
- Statements
- Questions
- Clauses:
- Noun clauses
- Adverb clauses
- Relative clauses
- Determiners
The above items may be tested through test types as given below:
- Gap filling with one or two words to test Prepositions, Articles, Conjunctions and
3 marks
- Editing or Omission 4 marks
- Sentences Reordering or Sentence Transformation in 3 marks
- Two out of three extracts from prose/poetry for reference to the Very Short Answer Questions will be asked to assess global comprehension and interpretation. 7 marks
(Prose: 4 Marks Poetry: 3 Marks)
- Five Short Answer type Questions out of six from the Literature Reader to test local and global comprehension of theme and ideas (30-40 words each) 5 x2 = 10 Marks
- One out of two Long Answer type Questions to assess how the values inherent in the text have been brought Creativity, imagination and extrapolation beyond the text and across the texts will be assessed. This can also be a passage-based question taken from a situation/plot from the texts. (150 words). 8 marks
Prescribed Books: Interact in English Series by CBSE (Available on
- Main Course Book (Revised Edition)
- Literature Reader (Revised Edition)
- Workbook (Revised Edition)
NOTE: Teachers are advised to:
- encourage classroom interaction among peers, students and teachers through activities such as role play, group work ,
- reduce teacher-talk time and keep it to the minimum,
- take up questions for discussion to encourage pupils to participate and to marshaltheir ideas and express and defend their
Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills: 50 Periods
Guidelines for the Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills are given at Annexure I.
Question Paper Design (2023-24) English Communicative (CODE NO. 101)
CLASS IX TIME: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 |
S.No | Competencies | % Weightage |
1 | Demonstrative Knowledge + Understanding (Knowledge based simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles or theories, identify, define, or recite, information, Comprehension – to be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare,
contrast, explain, paraphrase information) |
Upto 30% |
2 | Conceptual Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example or solve a problem) |
Upto 35% |
3 | Formulation Analysis, Evaluation and Creativity Analysis & Synthesis- classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information; organize and/or integrate unique pieces of information
from a variety of sources. |
Upto 35% |
Total | 100% |
For the details of Internal Assessment of 20 marks, please refer to the circular no.
Acad-11/2019, dated March 06,2019.
Annexure I
Guidelines for Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills (ALS)
ALS is a component of the Subject Enrichment Activity under Internal Assessment. ALS must be seen as an integrated component of all four language skills rather than a compartment of two. Suggested activities, therefore, take into consideration an integration of the four language skills but during assessment, emphasis will be given to speaking and listening, since reading and writing are already being assessed in the written exam.
Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills: (5 Marks)
- Activities:
- Subject teachers must refer to books prescribed in the
- In addition to the above, teachers may plan their own activities and create their own material for assessing the listening and speaking
- Parameters for Assessment: The listening and speaking skills are to be assessed on the following parameters:
- Interactive competence (Initiation & turn taking, relevance to the topic)
- Fluency (cohesion, coherence and speed of delivery)
- Pronunciation
- Language (grammar and vocabulary) A suggestive rubric is given below:
Fluency & Coher ence |
· Noticeably/ long pauses; rate of Speech is slow · Frequent repetition and/or self- correction · Links only basic sentences; breakdown of coherence evident |
· Usually fluent; produces simple speech fluently, but loses coherence in complex communication · Often hesitates and/or resorts to slow speech · Topics partly developed; not always concluded logically |
· Is willing to speak at length, however repetition is noticeable · Hesitates and/or self corrects; occasionally loses coherence · Topics mainly developed, but usually not logically concluded |
· Speaks without noticeable effort, with a little repetition · Demonstrates hesitation to find words or use correct grammatical structures and/or self- correction · Topics not fully developed to merit |
· Speaks fluently almost with no repetition & minimal hesitation · Develops topic fully & coherently |
Vocabulary &
Grammar |
· Demonstrates almost no flexibility, and mostly struggles for appropriate words
· Uses very basic vocabulary to express view- points. |
· Communicates with limited flexibility and appropriacy on some of the topics
· Complex forms and sentence structures are rare; exhibits limited vocabulary to express new ideas |
· Communicate s with limited flexibility
and appropriacy on most of the topics · Sometimes uses complex forms and sentence structures; has limited vocabulary to describe/ express new points |
· Can express with some flexibility and appropriacy on most of the topics
· Demonstrates ability to use complex forms and sentence structures most of the time; expresses with adequate vocabulary |
· Can express with some flexibility and appropriacy on a variety of topics such as family, hobbies, work,
travel and current events · Frequently uses complex forms and sentence structures; has enough vocabulary to express himself/ herself |
- Schedule:
- The practice of listening and speaking skills should be done throughout the academic year.
- The final assessment of the skills is to be done as per the convenience and schedule of the
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. What is English communicative?
Communicative English is an approach to the English language that has many usages in real-life interactions. Writing and speaking are the most prominent skills to enhance communication. CBSE board has kept the subject as an integral part of its course to make the students good at English communication.
2. Is it difficult to study Class 10 English communicative?
Communicative English is not a difficult subject at all. Proper guidance from the teachers is important for any student irrespective of any subject. The students should clarify any doubts and read as many books as possible. Communicative English is more of a practical subject than theoretical. The teachers should help the students in the following ways –
- Encourage classroom interactions among the students and peers through a variety of activities
- Take up questions, and discussions on characters and themes of the textbooks, politics, economy, sports, and other various topics.
- Encourage students to talk in English even if it doesn’t come out right
- Take tests, assessments, and assignments to assess students’ performance.
3. How much preparation is needed for the subject?
The quality of your preparation determines the marks you score in the exam. As the exam is based on your understanding of the subject and topics given in your syllabus, the more you study, the better you score. You must not waste your time and start studying the subject from the beginning of the year.
4. What are the books to be followed for the exam?
NCERT Books are really helpful, as the explanations in the book will help you clear the queries and concepts of each section. It can enhance your capacity for understanding the concepts, interpretation, imagination and creative writing ability. You can also make CBSE Revision Notes from the books for a better understanding of the grammar and vocabulary. For additional support, you can follow the study material provided by Extramarks. To accelerate your exam preparation, you can access the material from the Extramarks website.
5. What are the benefits of studying this subject?
The subject will make you a better English communicator by enhancing your speaking and writing skills. Studying the subject will prepare you with a deep understanding of characters, inference and concepts, and help you to improve your reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary as well.
6. What are the most important chapters of Class 10 CBSE English communicative?
There are some chapters that the students might find difficult. It is advisable for the students to follow the materials attentively, and work on their creative thinking ability to interpret the text better. Moreover, they should take the Grammar class seriously as the section has a weightage of 30 marks.
7. What are the important questions of Class 10 English communicative?
Students can solve the CBSE Past Years’ Question Papers for getting knowledge about the type of questions that usually come in the exam. Moreover, students can also solve the CBSE Sample Papers to strengthen their preparation for the exam.
8. Are there any tips for the students for improvements?
Students, who are preparing for the CBSE Class 10 exams, must study all the subjects attentively. Communicative English is more about understanding the language to communicate with others.
- Practice
It is said that practice is the key to success. It applies to the subject of English communication a little more than others. You must discuss the topics of the subject with your teachers and batchmates to get an advanced level of understanding. If you want to score more, you have to practice the language as much as possible.
- Follow the syllabus
The syllabus for the CBSE Communicative English Class 10 is made strategically which guides you for the board exam. It will help students understand the course easily. It specifies the grading and time limit for each section as well. Furthermore, it gives details of how many marks are decided for each unit. So, this way students can plan accordingly to study the subject areas that are more important.
- Ask your teachers for guidance
Avoid piling up doubts from any chapter or section. Have a good discussion with your teacher so that they can understand your weak areas and further guide you to work upon them. Discussing with your teacher is the best way to get the ultimate solutions for all your queries.
- Understand each concept
Without understanding the basics, you will not be able to perform well in any exam. Take your time to clear the concept of each chapter and keep revising to retain them in mind.
- Follow the CBSE papers
To assess your understanding of the subject, you need to frequently solve as many mock tests as possible. Improve the concepts by solving CBSE Extra Questions as well as the CBSE Important questions. The more dedication and focus that the students will show, the better they will be at grasping all the topics of the CBSE Communicative English Class 10 syllabus.