CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus for Term (1 & 2) 2023-24

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Course-B Syllabus

Class 10 is a crucial period in a student’s life. The most crucial year of a student’s secondary education is Class 10. Class 10 board exams are taken by students who attend schools accredited by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Numerous Hindi books are required reading for Class 10 students as part of Literature.

The CBSE mandates that its students read textbooks published by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). Students must read the NCERT Books as part of the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus. To improve their chances for the future, students must perform well on their board exams. Class 10 Board Examinations results are crucial for seeking their ideal career. For students in Class 10, Hindi is one of the elective subjects. Students will find reading it to be quite intriguing. Hindi stories and poems are very engaging for students to read. Hindi stories and poems are very engaging and necessary for students to read. However, there are several preparation-related steps that students must follow to perform well in Hindi. As part of their curriculum, Class 10 students are required to learn several things. That is why, students must be familiar with the syllabus before beginning their studies.

Extramarks offers students the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus, so they will know what to study. Every year, the CBSE updates the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus. Students must therefore be aware of the modifications the board has made to the most recent syllabus. The Hindi B Syllabus For Class 10 CBSE has received several additions from the board. Additionally, it has eliminated some topics. Extramarks has provided the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus as it is important for students to be aware of any new or deleted chapters from the syllabus.

CBSE Class 10 Syllabus

  • CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus

Hindi Course B Class 10 Syllabus 2023-24

Students in Class 10 should study according to the latest syllabus published by the CBSE to score higher marks in the board exams. This makes it necessary for them to have easy access to the syllabus. From the Extramarks’ website, students can download the PDF of the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus and access it both online and offline. The PDF for the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus can be found on both the Extramarks’ website as well as the Extramarks’ mobile app. The CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus is presented here, along with full explanations of each sub-topic. The CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus comprises the marks assigned for each unit and the time allotted for each unit. Students should always prepare according to the syllabus to score better marks. The CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus is crucial for both students and teachers, who can use it as a reference while instructing.

Hindi Course B Class 10 Chapters for CBSE 2023-24

Students should be familiar with the different types of questions that will be asked when they begin their board examination preparation. By referring to the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus, students can obtain a sense of the kinds of questions that will be asked. The CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus will assist students to understand how many marks each sort of question is worth. Numerous chapters from the textbooks are required to be read by students. According to the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus, students should carefully read each chapter. In the exam, there are several questions based on these chapters. The board has removed some prose and poetry sections from the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus. To save time, students should be aware of these chapters. The syllabus can benefit students in a variety of ways. Students who have access to the Hindi B Syllabus Class 10 can find out which topics are worth more marks. They will be able to concentrate more on the topics and questions that will help them get better grades as a result. They can plan their approach to answering the questions in the exams to finish the test quickly and earn better grades. The CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus contains pertinent information regarding the topics to be studied. The assignments and projects that will be part of the internal evaluation for the academic year are also covered in full in the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus. Students can learn about the Hindi topics and subtopics studied during that particular academic year by checking the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus. Additionally, the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus might aid students in understanding how the exam’s marks will be distributed. As a result, they will be able to determine which areas carry the most weightage. Students who adhere to the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus can feel more confident when taking the board exams. It will increase their self-assurance before the exams and enable them to perform at their best. Students can find the syllabus on the Extramarks platform through the given link.

कक्षा 10 वीं हिंदी ‘ब’ परीक्षा हेतु पाठ्यक्रम विनिर्देशन 2023-2024 प्रथम सत्र

On Extramarks, students may get access to the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus. Students should keep the most recent CBSE Syllabus in mind as they study for their board exams. There will be several sections on the exam paper, including portions on Grammar, Writing, Reading, and Literature. Students should practice all these skills before the examinations to perform better.

पाठ्य पुस्तक स्पर्श भाग – 2 सत्र – 1 2023 – 24 में निम्नलिखित पाठ सम्मिलित किए गए हैं-

Before beginning their studies, students should make sure they are familiar with the Course B syllabus. The course syllabus for Hindi Course B is also available on Extramarks’ website. In addition, they can discover a variety of other Course B study tools that will aid them in getting ready for the board exams.

कक्षा 10 वीं हिंदी ‘ब’ परीक्षा हेतु पाठ्यक्रम विनिर्देशन 2023-2024 दूवितीय सत्र

There are 100 total marks on the Class 10 CBSE exam. The paper must be finished by the students in three hours. 20 marks are based on the internal evaluation. There are 80 marks on the theoretical paper. There are 45 questions in Section A, all of which are of the objective variety. Students are only required to respond to 40 of them, though. Subjective-style questions will be included in Section B of the exam. The internal choice will be available to students for these questions.

सत्र-2 2023-24 में निम्नलिखित पाठ सम्मिलित किए गए हैं –

Students need to study the NCERT Books for the board examinations. They need to study two books as part of Course B. These are Sparsh and Sanchayan. The Sparsh book contains 17 chapters while Sanchayan includes 3 chapters. Students should check the syllabus to know the chapters they have to study.

पद्य – खंड

There are various poems in the Hindi books for Class 10 that students could find enjoyable to read. Several well-known poets have written these poems.

गद्य – खंड

Numerous prose can be found in both textbooks. To find questions that are regularly asked in the board exams, students could try the CBSE Extra Questions offered by Extramarks.

अनुपूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक संचयन भाग – 2

As part of Course B, students in Class 10 must also read one supplementary book, which is titled Sanchayan. Only three chapters make up the supplement book than the primary textbook, Sparsh.

निर्धारित पुस्तकें:

There are two books included in the syllabus for Course B in Hindi. For the exams for Course B, students must read the Sparsh and Sanchayan books published by the NCERT. Students should refer to these books for their board examinations. Apart from that, students can refer to a variety of study materials provided by Extramarks to help them in their preparation for the board examinations. These include CBSE Revision Notes, Formulas, CBSE Important Questions, CBSE Sample Papers, CBSE Previous Year Question Papers, and much more.

CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus for Term (1 & 2) 2023-24

हिंदी बी के छात्रों के लिए परीक्षा संरचना नीचे दी गई टेबल में दर्शायी गई है

Part Name Marks
I अपठित गदयांश  10
II व्याकरण के आधार पर बहु विकल्पीय प्रश्न (1 अकं x16) 16
III पाठ्यपुस्तक स्पर्श – 2  14
IV पाठ्यपुस्तक स्पर्श – 2/ संचयन – 2 (वर्णात्मक प्रश्न) 18
V लेखन 22
Total  80 marks

Detailed Syllabus of Hindi – B

  1. अपठित गदयांश व काव्यांश पर शीर्षक का चुनाव, विषय-वस्तु का बोध, अभिव्यक्ति आदि पर अति त्रघ॒ प्रश्न एवं लघ प्रश्न (10 अंक)
    1. अपठित गदयांश (100 से 150 शर्ब्दों के) – 10 अंक
  2. व्याकरण के लिए निर्धारित विषयों पर विषय-वस्तु का बोध, भाषिक बिंदु/संरचना आदि पर प्रश्न (16 अंक)
    1. शब्द और पद – 4 अंक
    2. रचना के आधार पर वाक्य रूपांतर – 4 अंक
    3. समास – 4 अंक
    4. महावरे – 3 अंक
  3. पाठ्यप॒स्तक स्पर्श भाग – 2 व प्रक पाठयपस्तक संचयन भाग 2 (48 अंक)
    1. गदय खंड – 10 अंक
      1. पाठ्यपुस्तक स्पर्श के गदय पारठठों के आधार पर लघु प्रश्न|
      2. पाठ्य पुस्तक स्पर्श के निर्धारित पाठों (गदय) पर एक निबंधात्मक प्रश्न (विकल्प सहित)
    2. काव्य खंड
      1. पाठ्यपुस्तक स्पर्श के काव्य खंड के आधार पर लघु प्रश्न
      2. कविता की समझ पर आधारित एक निबंधात्मक प्रश्न (विकल्प सहित)
    3. पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक संचयन भाग – 2
      1. पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक संचयन के निर्धारित पार्ठों से दो प्रश्न प्रश्न पूछे |
    4. लेखन (22 अंक)
      1. जे संकेत बिंदुओं पर आधारित समसामयिक एवं व्यावहारिक जीवन से जुड़े हुए किनही तीन विषयों में से किसी एक विषय पर 80 से 100 शब्दों में अनुच्छेद
      2. औपचारिक विषय से संबधित पत्र (5×1) (विकल्प सहित)
      3. एक विषय 20-30 शब्दों में सूचना लेखन (विकल्प सहित)
      4. किसी एक स्थिति पर 50 शब्दों के अंतर्गत संवाद लेखन (विकल्प सहित)
      5. विषय से संबंधित 25-50 शब्दों के अंतर्गत विज्ञापन लेखन (विकल्प सहित)

निम्नलिखित पाठ केवल पढ़ने के लिए

स्पर्श (भाग – 1)

  • मधुर मधुर मेरे दीपक जल
  • गिरगिट

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Where to find the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus?

The CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus can be found on the Extramarks’ website and mobile application through the provided link. Students can download it in PDF format from the Extramarks’ website for future reference.

2. Is the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus provided by Extramarks for the latest year?

The syllabus provided by Extramarks is for the latest year. It includes all the changes the board has made for the latest year. Students can find the chapters that are newly added or deducted.

3. Is it beneficial for students to have the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus?

Having the latest syllabus can be very beneficial for students preparing for the board exams. Students who have access to the CBSE Class 10 Hindi B Syllabus can find out which topics are more important. They will be able to concentrate more on the areas and questions that will help them get better grades as a result. They can plan their approach to answering the questions in the exams to finish the test quickly and earn better grades.