CBSE Class 10 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes Chapter 2
BSE Class 10 Political Science (Civics) Chapter 2 Notes – Federalism
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CBSE Class 10 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes | |
Sr No. | Chapters |
1 | Chapter 1 – Power Sharing |
2 | Chapter 2 – Federalism |
3 | Chapter 3 – Democracy and Diversity |
4 | Chapter 4 – Gender, Religion and Caste |
5 | Chapter 5 – Popular Struggles and Movements |
6 | Chapter 6 – Political Parties |
7 | Chapter 7 – Outcomes of Democracy |
8 | Chapter 8 – Challenges to Democracy |
Federalism Class 10 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 2
Power-sharing in a democracy determines Federalism.
What is Federalism?
Belgium’s government was unitary. Regional governments had power, but it could be revoked at any time by the Central government. It was amended in 1993 when they were granted constitutional powers, transforming it into a federal government. Federalism is a form of governance in which power is divided between the central authority and numerous different component divisions of the country.
Two Levels of Government Exist:
- One exists at the national or central level that is generally in charge of the entire country. They handle a few national-interest issues.
- Others operate at the state or divisional provincial levels and are in charge of administration daily.
Key Features of Federalism Are:
- It is important to remember that there are multiple levels of governance.
- In terms of legislation, taxes and administration, each level has distinct specified laws and jurisdictions.
- The jurisdiction is defined by the Constitution.
- Courts have the authority to intervene and interpret the powers of government at any level.
- The sources of income at each level of government are carefully outlined for financial autonomy.
- This type of governance has two goals: it promotes national unity while also accommodating regional diversity.
What Makes India a Federal Country?
The Union Governance or Central Government and the State governments were established by the Constitution as a two-tiered structure of government. Panchayats and municipalities were introduced later.
Because there are three levels of governance, the Constitution includes three lists:
- The Union List includes topics like military, foreign affairs, money and so on.
- These are matters of national importance.
- The Union List creates laws for this list.
- This list includes topics such as law enforcement, business and irrigation.
- These are matters of state and local concern.
- The state government creates laws on this issue.
- Education, forests, trade unions, marriage, adoption and succession are among the topics of shared concern to both the Union and the States.
- In the Concurrent List, both the federal and state governments can pass legislation.
- Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, and Mizoram have special status under Article 371 due to their unique socioeconomic and historical conditions.
- The Union Territories include Chandigarh, Lakshadweep and Delhi, and the Central Government has specific jurisdiction over these places.
How is Federalism practised?
Here is how Federalism is practised:
Linguistic States
- The establishment of linguistic states was a big step forward in our country’s democratic politics.
- The boundaries of numerous historic Indian states were modified in 1947 to guarantee that individuals who spoke the same language lived in the same state. Some states, such as Nagaland, Uttarakhand and Jharkhand were formed to respect cultural, ethnic or geographical diversity.
- It aided in uniting the country and making governance easier.
Language Policy
Although Hindi was designated as the official language, no language was designated as the national language. Aside from Hindi, the Constitution recognises 21 additional languages as Scheduled Languages.
Decentralisation in India
- Decentralisation refers to the process by which power is transferred from the federal and state governments and distributed to local governments.
- This proposal was considered since many problems and concerns are better resolved and addressed at the local level than at the state or federal level. As a result, various local institutes were established to care for them.
- The Indian government took this move in 1992, and the Constitution was changed to create a third level of government. This strengthened and consolidated Indian democracy.
- The following actions were done to bring this to power efficiently:
- Regular elections for these local bodies are now required.
- To ensure their representation, seats were allocated for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes.
- One-third of the seats were allotted to women.
- A State Election Commission was also formed to oversee these elections.
- These municipal governments were allocated a portion of the state government’s power and money.
- Each village has its own local government, known as Panchayati raj. In several states, gram panchayats also exist in clusters of villages.
- Municipalities are in charge of large cities and urban regions.
Did You Know?
- More than 1,300 unique languages were identified as mother tongues in the 2011 census.
- Just about 44 per cent of Indians speak Hindi as their mother tongue.
- Although the term “federation” was not included in the constitution, the Indian Union was based on federalist ideals.
Discuss various routes of federalism
The formation of federation can take two routes. They are:
(1) Coming together federation:- Under this, various independent states agree to come together & form a single big unit. In this, all the states have equal powers among themselves & are strong in relation to central govt. e.g.: U.S.A & Australia.
(2) Holding together federation: Under this a large unit decides to share its powers between one central unit & several small units. In this, states do not have equal power. Among themselves & the centre is relatively stronger in comparison to the states. For eg; India & Belgium.
What are the functions of Gram Sabha?
The Gram Sabha has a key role for effective functioning of the Panachayats. Following are the functions of the gram Sabha.
a. Gram Sabha should meet at least in each quarter preferably on Republic Day. Labour Day, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti.
b. It should decide the development work which is to be carried out by Panchayats.
c. It should suggest remedial measures for economy and efficiency in the functioning of Panchayats.
d. It should Question and examine the decisions of Panchayats in the meeting of gram Sabha.
e. It should discuss the Annual Financial Statement of Gram Panchayats and examine the revenues and examine the revenues and expenditures incurred.
State two difference between status of local self governments before & after the constitutional amendments in 1992.
The 73rd Amendment Act gave constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj institution.
1. Before the amendment, the elections were not held regularly to the local governments. After the amendment it was constitutionally mandatory to hold regular elections to the local government bodies.
2. Local governments did not have powers or resources of their own to carry out the development activities. After the amendment, State governments are required to share some sources of revenue with the local governments to enable them to carry out the developmental activities.
Mention the defects of the local self government.
Local self government in India plays a key role in democratic politics because of the vest size of the country. However, it suffers from few defects:-
(i) Irregular: – In most place elections of elections Panchayat are irregular & uncertain leading to the monopoly of the previously elected powers.
(ii) Domination of upper class: – The Panchayat Raj system is mostly dominated by rich farmers, money lenders & other upper class people.
(iii) Ignorance, illiteracy and poverty of villages: – In India illiteracy & poverty of villagers are quite widespread in rural areas which cause a hindrance in working of the local self government.
(iv) Excessive official interference: – Usually the district officials unnecessarily interfere it the working of Panchayats.
(v) Lack of funds: – A lot of money is required adequate funds for all the developments activities but sources of income are limited.
Point out one feature in the practice of federalism in India that is similar to and one feature that is different from that of Belgium?
One similarity in the model of federalism followed in India and Belgium is that in both the countries the power of the government is divided between the central and the state governments.
While in India the state governments comply with the laws of central government, in Belgium state governments are not subordinate to the Central government.
One difference in the model of federalism followed in the two countries is that in Belgium there is ‘community government’ which is elected by the people belonging to one language community (Dutch, French and German speaking), no matter where they live. This government has the power regarding cultural, educational and language-related issues. In India, there is no such community government but there is Panchayati Raj System responsible for governance below the state level i.e., in villages, but these panchayats are not based on cultural or linguistic identity.
Mention the powers and responsibilities of Panchayats.
According to the Indian Constitution, Panchayats shall be given power and authority in relation to the following matters:
(i) Preparation of plan for economic development and social justice of the village
(ii) Implementation of schemes for the economic development of the villages
(iii) Collection of all the taxes duties and fees
Explain the system of local government at rural level in India.
The rural local government follows a 3 tier system of decentralization:-
(i) Zila Parishad( Zila Panchayat) is the apex body at district level (the status is according to population), which is followed by Panchayat samitis at block – level as the 2nd tier & is further followed by Gram Panchayats at the village level as the 3rd tier. Each village has a Gram Panchayat whose members are elected by the entire adult population of the village.
(ii) A few Gram Panchayats join together to form a block or Panchayat Samiti which collectively makes Zila Parishad.
Discuss the judicial hierarchy in India.
The judiciary in India is a independent body which plays an important role in ensuring implementation of various laws & procedures;
(i) The Supreme Court of India has the exclusive authority of settling disputes between two states. It is on the apex of Indian Judicial system.
(ii) The High Court stands at the apex of state judicial administration. Even the union territories come under the jurisdiction of state High courts.
(iii) The High court are above all the subordinate courts, i.e. district or session court. Thus, judiciary in India follow a & tier system or hierarchy.
Discuss special status given to a state by the constitution of India with special reference to Jammu and Kashmir.
A few states in India have been given special status in the constitution due to diverse population & regions within the state itself. Special status of J & K is due to history of conflict over the state with Pakistan. Also to preserve the culture of a particular state this status is given as in case of J & K.
(i) The state was given to the Indian union under very special terms, which provided the state with a unique position in the Indian Union having its own constitution.
(ii) Due to special status to J & K various provisions of the constitution are not applicable to the state, without prior permission & knowledge to state assembly.
(iii) The non permanent citizen of state cannot buy all sell land in state.
(iv) The central jurisdiction is restricted to foreign affairs, defence & communication & state has all residuary powers. And his situation is in contrast to other states where centre is more powerful than state.
Federalism works only in big countries. Discuss the statement.
Federalism means sharing power among central & non-central authorities. It works well in big countries where the area of country is large & population is also huge. It makes difficult to be efficiently managed through only one level of government and in such situation different levels are needed.
However, it is wrong to say that federalism works only in big countries as even in the smaller countries which have complex diversity in respect to racial, religious and all language differences, federalism is practiced. The main objective of federalism is to give equal representation to all social groups, thus, for efficient administration it is practiced in both big & small countries.
Federalism leads to equal society by distibution of power & reservation of seats for different caste groups. Discuss.
. Federalism means sharing power on any central & non-central authorities.
. It seeks to give equal representation to all the units.
. The constituent units are diverse in the population with respect to language, religion & culture has given weightage according to population.
. It gives equal opportunities & voice to various social groups. There is reservation for some categories like SC & ST’s.
. Federalism aims to give power to the socially weaker section of the society by giving them equal chance in political system.
Name four countries that have federal systems.
Four countries that have federal systems are:- Belgium, Germany, United States and Canada.
Define union territory & why are they different from states?
Some units of Indian union are smaller in size in comparison to other state & at the same time have a different identity so they cannot be merged with other states. Basically for preserving the culture and identity of a particular region which is not given the status of state since it is too small in size to be considered as separate state. Such units are called union territories.
There administration has been run by union government and they collect all taxes like other states but don’t get share in them. Most of union territories High court is allocated with High court of neighboring state except Delhi.
Which institution conducts the panchayats and municipal elections in the states?
An independent institution, called the State Election Commission, has been created in each State to conduct panchayat and municipal elections.
Explain in detail about division of powers between central & state government of India.
There is a clear cut division of power between the central & state as stated under three lists:-
(i) Union list (ii) State list (iii) Concurrent list
I)Union List (97 subjects)
It includes matters of national importance upon which the central govt. would task the divisions. It includes subjects like defence of country, foreign affairs, banking & currency etc.
II)State List ( 66 subjects)
It includes matters of state level & local level importance on which the decisions are taken by the state govt. It includes subjects like state policies, trade, commerce, agriculture & irrigation etc.
III)Concurrent List (47 subjects)
It includes those subjects which are of common interests to lead the central & state govt. It includes matters such as education, forest, marriage & trade union etc.
Differentiate between a federal form of government and a unitary one?
Federal Govt. |
Unitary Govt. |
1. In federal government power is allocated to the state and local level government. | 1. In Unitary government, power is centered with the central authority |
2. In this system power is allocated separately to the central & non-central level govt. & is codified in the constitutions. | 2. In this system, there non codification of the power. |
3. In this, the focus is national & state issues. | 3. In this focus is on gaining power. |
4. India, Germany etc. have federal system of government. | 4. U.K. & France etc. have unitary government. |
Who rules Union territories?
The central government has special powers in running the Union Territories. They do not have the powers of the state.
Define Constitution.
Constitution: means a set of written or unwritten rules which determine the form of government, the powers of the government, the rights of the citizens & the relation between the government & its citizens.
Name a few countries that have unitary type of government.
Countries such as Sri Lanka, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom have unitary type of governments.
Do any states have special status in India?
Yes, Jammu and Kashmir, Assam and the hilly states of north east India have special status.
Which countries follow “coming together” federations?
The U.S.A., Switzerland and Australia follow “coming together” federation.
“Federalism leads to reservation of seats for different caste groups.” Discuss
Federalism means sharing power among the central and non-central authorities. It seeks to give equal representation to all the constituent units. Even in the constituent units or in states, there is diversity in the population with respect to language, religion and culture. To give equal opportunity and voice to various social groups, there is reservation for some categories like SCs, STs other Backward Classes and women in some cases. This reservation aims to give power to the socially weaker sections of the society to give them an equal chance and representation in the political system.
Which Union Territory was bifurcated in order to create a state in 1987?
Goa and Daman Diu is the only Union Territory that was bifurcated in 1987 to create a separate state – Goa and a Union Territory – Daman Diu.
Who appointed the States Reorganisation Commission?
In December 1953, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru appointed the States Reorganisation Commission. It was constituted by the Central Government of India, under the States Reorganisation Act.
Name the 3 new states formed recently in India?
The 3 states that are formed recently in India – Uttarakhand, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand
What is a Union List? Name any one subject included in this list.
The Union List includes matters of national importance on which the central government could take decisions. It includes subjects like Defence of the country, etc.
What is a State List? Name any one subject included in the list.
The State List includes matters of state-level and local level importance on which the state governments would be taking decisions. It include subject like agriculture and irrigation.
What is a Concurrent List? Name any one subject included in the list.
The Concurrent List includes those subjects which are of common interests to both the central as well as state governments. It includes matters such as education.
Which authority decides that the subjects on which the laws are formulated do not fall in any of the lists?
The subjects that do not fall in any of the union, state or concurrent lists are decided by the union.
Which extraordinary experiment was carried out by Brazil?
A city called Porto Alegre, in Brazil, has carried out an extraordinary experiment in combining decentralisation with participative democracy.
How many languages are there in the Eighth Schedule?
Around 22 languages are there in the Eighth Schedule.
Which two languages were added in 2004?
The two languages that were added in 2004 were: Dogri and Maithili.
Who is a mayor?
The mayor is an elected chairperson of the municipal corporation. Municipality is a form of local government set up in towns.
Define coalition government.
A government formed by the coming together of at least two political parties. Usually partners in a coalition form a political alliance and adopt a common programme.
What are the dual objectives of Federalism?
Dual objectives of Federalism are:
a. To safeguard and promote unity of the country.
b. Accommodate regional diversity.
What are the prerequisites of ideal federalism?
An ideal federal system should have both the aspects: mutual trust and agreement to live together.
Name the states that were created on the basis of culture, ethnicity or geography.
Nagaland, Uttarakhand and Jharkhand were created on the basis of culture, ethnicity or geography.
Define Jurisdiction.
The area over which someone has legal authority. The area may be defined in terms of geographical boundaries or in terms of certain kinds of subjects.
When and what was the major step taken towards decentralisation?
A major step towards decentralisation was taken in 1992 with the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992. On April 24, 1993, constitutional status was given to Panchyati Raj institutions.
Under which article of the Indian constitution it states “India as a union of states”?
Article 1 of the Constitution of India states “India as a Union of States”.
Which countries follow “holding together” federations?
India, Spain and Belgium follow the “holding together” federation.
Which authority settles the disputes between different tiers of governments in India?
The highest court acts as an umpire if disputes arise between different tiers of government in the exercise of their respective powers.
What are residuary subjects?
Residuary subjects are the leftover subjects that do not fall in any one of the three lists (Union, State and Concurrent List). Only the union government can make laws, e.g., computer software.
Who headed the State Reorganisation Commission?
The commission was headed by Justice Fazal Ali and its two members were K.M. Panikkar and H.N.Kunzuru.
What is the difference between the term “Union of India” and “Territory of India”?
The term “Union of India” includes only the union of states which are members of federal system and share distribution of power with the union under the 7th schedule of the Indian constitution. The term “Territory of India” refers to the entire territory over which the sovereign rights of India extended. The constitutional provisions regarding the territories of India and their alteration are mentioned under Article 1 to 4 of the Indian constitution.
The Constitutional Amendment Act (1992), marks a water-shed in the history of local self-government. Why?
The Constitutional Amendment Act (1992) marks a water-shed in the history of local self-government in the country, since it gives a constitutional mandate to the State governments to restructure and restore rural local bodies in accordance with constitutional requirements. The Act provides for:
(i) The creation of three tier system of PRIs – Gram Panchayat at the Village Level, Janapad Panchayat at the Block Level and Zila Panchayat at the District Level
(ii) The creation of State Election Commission to ensure free, fair and timely elections after the expiry of every 5 years.
What is a Municipal Corporation? State its obligatory functions.
Municipal corporations are created for the administration of big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, etc. They are established in a State by the Acts of the concerned State Legislature, and in the Union Territories by the Acts of the Parliament of India.
Its obligatory functions include water supply, construction and maintenance of roads, streets, bridges; public vaccination and inoculation, etc.
What is the difference between Panchayati Raj and Urban Local bodies?
A significant difference between Panchayati Raj and Urban Local Bodies is – while the Panchayati Raj body has a linkage of organisations with a three tier system, the urban local bodies are independent and have no linkage either with the higher bodies or with the administrative machinery at the District level. They were mostly controlled directly by state government and all aids have been rendered direct from the state.
What are union territories? Why union territories are not states?
Some units of the Indian union are smaller in size in comparison to other states and cannot be merged with other states. Such units are called union territories, for example, Chandigarh or Lakshadweep or the capital city of Delhi. They are not given the status since they are too small in size to be considered as independent units. Central government has special powers in running these areas.
Why do we decentralise power?
Decentralisation means taking power from the central authority and giving it to lower level authorities. Some states in India are very big in terms of population such as Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. They are also very diverse in respect of religion, culture and language. It becomes very difficult for state government to take care of various social interests. To run such diverse states in a better way, power is given to various local level governments to take decisions related to their definite areas. Thus, decentralisation ensures smooth and successful functioning of the political system in such diverse states.
What are the various problems faced by a federation?
The major problems which usually characterise a federation can be identified as follows:
a. Problem of settling Centre-State disputes
b. Problem of ensuring a clear-cut and settled division of power between the Center and federal States
c. Problem of overcoming regional imbalances and regionalism
State any three features of federalism.
The key features of Federalism are:
(a) There are two or more levels (or tiers) of government.
(b) Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration.
(c) The jurisdictions of the respective levels or tiers of government are specified in the constitution. So the existence and authority of each tier of government is constitutionally guaranteed.
What is a linguistic state? What is the language policy of India?
A linguistic state means that people who speak the same language live in the same state. Indian Constitution did not give the status of national language to any one language. Though Hindi was identified as the official language, it is the mother tongue of only about 40 per cent of Indians. Besides Hindi, there are 22 other languages recognised as Scheduled Languages by the Constitution. English is used as the medium of language in non-Hindi speaking states.
In what ways are the federal and unitary forms of government different from each other?
Federalism is a system of government in which the power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units of the country. Usually, a federation has two levels of government: One is the government for the entire country that is usually responsible for a few subjects of common national interest. The other is the government at the level of province or state that looks after much of the day-to-day administration of the respective province or state. Both these levels of governments enjoy their powers independent of the other. India, Germany, etc. have federal systems of government.
Under the unitary system, either there is only one level of government or the sub-units are subordinate to the central government. The central government can pass on orders to the provincial or the local government.
But in a federal system, the central government cannot order the state government to do something. State government has powers of its own for which it is not answerable to the central government. Both these governments are separately answerable to the people. U.K., France, etc. have unitary governments.
India is a federal country. Explain in detail the division of powers between Central & State governments in India.
Our Constitution provides for a clear cut division of powers between the Centre & States, as stated under three lists:-
i) Union List (97 subjects) – Includes subjects of national importance, such as defence of the country, foreign affairs, banking, communications and currency. They are included in this list because we need a uniform policy on these matters throughout the country. The Union Government alone can make laws relating to the subjects mentioned in the Union List.
ii) State List (66 subjects) – Contains subjects of State and local importance, such as police, trade, commerce, agriculture and irrigation. The State Governments alone can make laws relating to the subjects mentioned in the State List.
iii) Concurrent List (47 subjects) – Includes subjects of common interest to both the Union Government as well as the State Governments, such as education, forest, trade unions, marriage, adoption and succession. Both the Union as well as the State Governments can make laws on the subjects mentioned in this list. If their laws conflict with each other, the law made by the Union Government will prevail.
In India, earlier, elections to the local governments were not held regularly. Local governments did not have any powers or resources of their own. Thus, there was very little decentralization in effective terms. What were the steps taken to make decentralization more effective?
A major step towards decentralization was taken in 1992. The Constitution was amended to make the third-tier of democracy more powerful and effective:
i. Now it is constitutionally mandatory to hold regular elections to local government bodies.
ii. Seats are reserved in the elected bodies and the executive heads of these institutions for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.
iii. At least one-third of all positions are reserved for women.
iv. An independent institution, called the State Election Commission, has been created in each State to conduct Panchayat and municipal elections.
v. The State governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies. The nature of sharing varies from State to State.
Write a note on the Rural local government.
i) Rural local government is popularly known by the name ‘Panchayati Raj’.
ii) Each village, or a group of villages in some States, has a Gram Panchayat.
iii) This is a council consisting of several ward members, often called Panch, and a President or Sarpanch.
iv) They are directly elected by all the adult population living in that ward or village.
v) It is the decision-making body for the entire village.
vi) The Panchayat works under the overall supervision of the Gram Sabha.
vii) All the voters in the village are its members. It has to meet at least twice or thrice in a year to approve the annual budget of the Gram Panchayat and to review the performance of the Gram Panchayat.
A vast country like India cannot be run only through two tiers of the government. States in India are as large as independent countries of Europe. In terms of population, UP is bigger than Russia; Maharashtra is about as big as Germany. Many states are internally very diverse. There are three levels of Panchayats. The Gram Panchayats works at the lower level. Above the Gram Panchayat are Panchayat Samiti at the middle level and Zilla Parishad at the higher level.
1. Which of the following options correctly define the term ‘decentralization’?
a. Power distribution among the different organs of the government
b. Government officials exercising supreme power in the government
c. Central government giving power to the state governments
d. Taking powers from the central and state government and giving them to local governments
2. Identify the purpose for decentralizing power from the following options.
a. To appoint State Finance Commission to make recommendations as regards to financial powers of the panchayats
b. To hold Panchayat Elections regularly every five years
c. To constitute District Planning Committees to prepare a draft development plan for the district as a whole
d. To increase people’s participation in the democratic process.
3. Name the representative body formed by a few Gram Panchayats.
a. Panchayat Samiti
b. Zilla Parishad
c. Gram Sabha
d. Municipalities.
4. Which local government works at district level?
a. Panchayat Samiti
b. Zilla Parishad
c. Village Panchayat
d. Both a and b.
5. ……………………… proportion of the seats in local government is reserved for women.
a. One third
b. Three fourth
c. One tenth
d. One fifth
d. When power is taken away from central and state government and given to local governments, it is known as decentralization.
d. People’s participation in the system increases with the strengthening of local governments.
a. The representative body formed by few gram panchayats is Panchayat Samiti, at the block level.
b. Zilla Parishad works at district level of local government system in India.
a. One third proportion of the seats in the local government is reserved for women.
The Constitution originally provided for a two-tier system of government. Later, a third tier of federalism was added. There exists a constitutional legislative division of power between the central and state government. The Constitution clearly provided a three-fold division of power between Union and State government. The list system consists of Union, State, and Concurrent list.
1. Which of the following is an example of a Residuary Subject?
a. Computer software
b. Foreign affairs
c. Education
d. Currency
2. Who can legislate on residuary subjects in India?
a. Union Government
b. State Government
c. Local Government
d. Both a and b
3. Education falls under which list of the Indian Constitution?
a. Union list
b. State list
c. Concurrent list
d. Residuary subjects
4. Choose the correctly matched pair about the legislative division of power in the Indian Constitution:
a. Education-State list
b. National highways- Concurrent list
c. Police-State list
d. Forest- Union list
5. Subjects like defence, foreign affairs and banking fall under which list of the Indian Constitution?
a. Union List
b. State List
c. Concurrent List
d. Residuary Subjects
a. Computer software is an example of Residuary Subjects which do not fall under any of the three lists mentioned in the Indian Constitution.
a. Union Government can make laws on residuary subjects.
c. Education falls under the Concurrent List, where both the Centre and State governments can make laws.
c. Police subject falls under the state list, due to which the state government can make laws.
a. The central government can make laws for subjects falling under the category of the union list.
As per the language policy of the Indian government, what is the status of Hindi under the Constitution of India?
As per the language policy of the Indian government, Hindi is one of the official languages listed under the Indian Constitution.
Define decentralization. Briefly explain the steps taken to make decentralization more powerful in India.
Decentralization means transferring or delegating power from the central and state governments and giving them to the local governments. Following steps were taken, while the Indian Constitution was amended, in 1992, to make decentralization more powerful and effective and powerful:
(i) Now it is constitutionally mandated to hold regular elections to local government bodies.
(ii) Seats are reserved in the elected bodies and the executive heads of these institutions for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.
(iii) At least one-third of all positions in local government bodies are reserved for women.
(iv) An independent institution, called the State Election Commission, has been created in each State to conduct Panchayat and municipal elections.
(v) The State governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies. The nature of sharing varies from State to State.
Why is the government not compelling states to adopt Hindi as the official language?
Imposing the will of the central government to adopt Hindi as the sole national official language, in the long run, may threaten the federal structure of the constitution of our country.
Why was the third-tier of the government created?
A vast country like India cannot be governed properly by two tiers only. Some states in India are as large as independent countries of Europe. In terms of population, Uttar Pradesh is bigger than Russia, and Maharashtra is about as big as Germany. There is a lot of internal diversity in these states. Thus, there is a need for power-sharing within these states, for which third-tier of government was created – local governments.
“The creation of linguistic states was the first and major test for democratic politics in our country.” Justify this statement.
- In 1947, the boundaries of several old states of India were changed to create new states. This was done to ensure that people who spoke the same language lived in the same state.
- Some states were created to recognize differences based on culture, ethnicity, or geography. These include states. like Nagaland, Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand.
- Some national leaders feared that the formation of states based on language would lead to the disintegration of the country.
- So, the Central Government resisted linguistic states for some time. But the experiences have shown that the formation of linguistic states has made the country more united.
Subjects like Education, Forest, Adoption, and Marriage fall into ………………… list of the Indian Constitution.
Subjects like Education, Forest, Adoption, and Marriage fall under the concurrent list of the Indian Constitution.
………………. Government can legislate on residuary subjects in India.
Central Government can legislate on residuary subjects in India.
____________languages are declared as scheduled languages in the Indian constitution, which is in the …………… schedule of the Constitution.
22 languages are declared as scheduled languages in the Indian constitution which is in the 8th schedule of the constitution.
An independent institution, called the …………….., has been created in each state to conduct panchayat and municipal election.
An independent institution, called the State Election Commission, has been created in each state to conduct the local government elections.
Gram Sabha elects a body called …………
Gram Sabha elects a body called Gram Panchayat .
In ‘holding together type of federalism’, __________ government is more powerful.
In holding together type of federalism, central government is more powerful.
Decentralization has been strengthened with the ……… and ………. amendments to the Indian Constitution.
Decentralization has been strengthened with the 73rd and 74th amendments to the Indian Constitution.
The area over which someone has legal authority is known as ……………..
The area over which someone has legal authority is known as Jurisdiction.
Those areas which are too small to become independent states are known as ………… and they enjoy ……………. power.
Those areas which are too small to become independent states are known as Union Territories and they enjoy very little. power.
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Political Science Revision Notes
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. What exactly is a Union List?
The list includes topics like defence, international affairs, money, etc. These are matters of national importance. The Union List creates laws about this list.
2. At what level of government may legislation on residuary issues be enacted?
Because India has a federal government, authority is distributed among the state, national and municipal administrations. The Union government has the authority to legislate on residuary issues.