CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus 2023-24

Hindi Elective Syllabus Class 12 for Term 1 & 2 (2023-24)

Class 12 plays an important role in the lives of students since it is the final year board exam and their grades are going to make a significant impact in their career choices. The CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus is provided on the Extramarks website, along with detailed explanations of each topic and sub-topic. According to the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus, the curriculum for Class 12 includes the topic-wise weightage as well as the duration of time required for each unit. The CBSE Syllabus is prepared by the subject experts, and it allows students to prepare themselves for their current academic year and competitive exams as well. When preparing for CBSE Class 12 Board Examinations, students are advised to focus on topics that carry a high weight first followed by other topics. The board question paper of Class 12 is also prepared on the basis of the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus.

Informally known as NCERT, the National Council for Educational Research and Training is a government organization. This organization was established as a result of an initiative taken by the Indian government in 1961. In order to improve the quality of school education, the primary objective of this organization is to provide educational advice to the Central and State governments. Furthermore, NCERT released a wide variety of educational materials, including school textbooks, journals, and supplements. NCERT Books are recommended by the Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE, which are now adopted by numerous state boards. The CBSE is responsible for the regulation of secondary education in India. The organization was founded in 1952 and is one of the oldest in the country.

Students can find the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus for their academic year on the Extramarks website. The CBSE has revised its Class 12 CBSE Hindi Elective Syllabus following a systematic approach and implemented end-of-year examinations in place of term-wise tests for the current academic year. For the purpose of preparing for the end-of-year examinations, this syllabus has been provided.

Based on certain guidelines, CBSE develops and prescribes the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus to the students. The CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus is also useful for students who are planning to take competitive exams or entrance examinations. If students are familiar with the CBSE Class 12 curriculum, they are able to prepare better for the academic year. Reviewing the PDF of the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus is imperative for students in order to begin their studies with the right preparation strategy.

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus for Other Subjects:

The CBSE Class 12 curriculum covers a broad range of topics, including maths, physics, chemistry, biology, English, Hindi, political science, and more. There is a distinct syllabus for each course that outlines the themes, ideas, and theories that students must study and comprehend. In order to give students a thorough and well-rounded education that would equip them for further study and future employment, the curriculum was created.

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus

  • CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus 2023-24

There are two options available for CBSE Board Class 12 students namely Hindi Elective and  Hindi Core. Extramarks’ website provides the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus. This syllabus provides a comprehensive overview of all the topics that students are going to study during the course of the academic year. The CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus should be studied by students in order to achieve good grades in the Hindi Core or  Elective examinations. By subscribing to Extramarks, students can access additional study materials, including CBSE Revision Notes, past years’ papers, assignments, CBSE Sample Papers, doubt-solving sessions, and so on. On the Extramarks website, students can download the PDF of the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus for offline and online access.

Hindi Elective Class 12 Syllabus – Term Wise 2023-24

The CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus specifies the marking scheme and time duration for each unit. In addition, teachers refer to the prescribed board syllabus and examination pattern when preparing the question paper for the final examination.

Subscribing to the Extramarks website and mobile application allows the students to access and download the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus. In order to prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus, students should refer to the prescribed NCERT textbooks. Upon completion of the syllabus, students should practice the CBSE Extra Questions in order to assess their knowledge and understanding of the subject.

हिंदी (ऐच्छिक) कक्षा – 12 वीं (2023-24) परीक्षा सत्र 1

The question paper is divided into two parts – part A and part B. The first part A of the test consists of 40 questions and carries 45 marks. There are a number of objective questions that are based on the unseen passage as well as the textbooks. In the second part B of the test, descriptive questions are going to be asked. In the questions, there are a number of reasonable internal choices available.

सत्र – 1 2023-24 में निम्नलिखित पाठ सम्मिलित किए गए हैं

There are two books in the curriculum for Hindi students in Class 12. A poetry section and a prose section are included in the Aroh book. In the revised syllabus, there are a few chapters that have been omitted from the previous syllabus. One of the poems written by famous poets such as Hirak Goripur is omitted from the poetry section. There are several chapters in the prose section, one of which is Namak, which has been dropped. A chapter written by Annie Frank has also been omitted from the Vitan book.

पाठ्यपुस्तक – अंतरा भाग -2

In order to prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus, students must prepare by reading the chapters thoroughly. It is important that students clarify their concepts and build a foundation for their knowledge with the help of books during the academic year. It is recommended that the students of Class 12 divide their time so that they are able to cover the entire syllabus before their final examination begins.

हिंदी (ऐच्छिक) कक्षा -12 वीं (2023-24) परीक्षा भार विभाजन वस्तुपूरक परीक्षा सत्र 2

It is important that students devote sufficient time to their preparation for the Hindi examination in Class 12. Each student is required to go through all 21 chapters of the book, which includes both poems and prose. The Vitan books contain a total of four chapters. To achieve the desired grades, it is essential that the students have a clear understanding of all of these chapters.

सत्र-2 2023-24 में निम्नलिखित पाठ सम्मिलित किए गए हैं –

The Antra book of Class 12 comprises many prose and poems. The CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus consists of Antra, Vitan, and other writing sections. The students must have a thorough knowledge of each of the chapters to score well.

पाठ्यपुस्तक – अंतरा भाग – 2

The examination paper is divided into multiple sections, including Grammar, Writing, Reading and Literature. Students should follow the main textbook for Class 12 to find prose and poems from which the questions are going to be based during  Class 12 board examination.

प्रस्तावित पुस्तकें:

NCERT has recommended three books for the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus. The books are listed below:

  1. Aroh
  2. Vitan
  3. Antra
  4. Antral Bhag 2

Syllabus of Class 12 CBSE Hindi Elective

The students should read the textbooks carefully so that they can answer any question easily. . Students are going to find an unseen passage in the question paper. To master the skill of answering questions about unseen passages, it is always beneficial to practice several unseen passages prior to the examination.

Hindi Elective Syllabus Class 12 – Unseen Passages or Apathit Gadyansh

The questions in this section of the syllabus of the CBSE Hindi elective for Class 12 that are based on an unseen passage and are intended to test the student’s ability to read and reason. As the students read through the passages, they are required to answer questions based on the reading section.

In this exam, there are a series of short questions based on unseen passages such as a summary, an explanation of the theme, and so on.

Syllabus of Hindi Elective Class 12 CBSE-Office Purpose and Creative Writing

Students are required to write essays on various topics as part of this section of the CBSE Hindi elective syllabus for Class 12.  Students are required to use their imaginations and creative skills along with examples, syntax, and sentence structure to show their command over the language while expressing their thoughts, experiences etc. In addition to essays, students are required to write official letters, poems, prose, plays, and reports. There is an option for them to select the question they would like to attempt.

Additionally, students are able to write feature articles and essays. In addition to this writing, multiple-choice questions are also included.

Class 12th Hindi Elective Syllabus – Pathyapustak

In addition to becoming familiar with the Hindi syllabus, CBSE Class 12 students should also get acquainted with the mark distribution. In the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus, there are two subcategories: Elective and Core. There are a number of important topics included in this syllabus for the academic year. It is possible for students to achieve good grades by following the Class 12 Hindi Core Syllabus.

Moreover, Extramarks offers students a variety of study materials that can assist them in achieving better results in their examinations. Additionally, a wide range of study materials is available for the students, such as CBSE Previous Year’s Question Papers, revision notes, CBSE Important Questions based on the Class 12 CBSE examination pattern, and the prescribed CBSE Syllabus.

CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Term Wise Syllabus 2023-24

हिंदी (ऐच्छिक) कक्षा – 12 वीं (2023-24) परीक्षा भार विभाजन वस्तुपरक परीक्षा सत्र 1



कुल अंक


अपठित गद्यांश (चिंतन क्षमता एवं अभिव्यक्ति कौशल पर बहुविकल्पात्मक प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे)



दो अपठित गदयानशों में से कोई एक गदयांश करना होगा (450-500 शब्दों के) (1 अंक x 10 प्रश्न)



दो अपठित पदयांशों में से कोई एक (250-250 शब्दों के) (1 अंक x 8 प्रश्न)



कार्यालयी हिंदी और रचनात्मक लेखन (अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम पुस्तक के आधार पर)




अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम पुस्तक से पठित पाठों पर बहुविकल्पात्मक प्रश्न (1 अंक x 5 प्रश्न)



पाठ्यपुस्तक अंतरा भाग – 2 से बहुविकल्पात्मक प्रश्न



पठित काव्यांश पर पाँच बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न (1 अंक x 05 प्रश्न)


पठित गदयांश पर पाँच बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न (1 अंक x 05 प्रश्न)


पठित पाठों पर छह में से कोई चार बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न (1 अंक x 05 प्रश्न)



अनुपूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक अंतराल भाग – 2 से बहुविकल्पात्मक प्रश्न




पठित पाठों पर पांच में से कोई तीन बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न (1 अंक x 3 प्रश्न)



आंतरिक मूल्यांकन 




श्रवण तथा वाचन


कुल अंक


सत्र – 1 2023-24 में निम्नलिखित पाठ सम्मिलित किए गए हैं –

पाठ्यपुस्तक – अंतरा भाग -2

काव्य खंड


जयशंकर प्रसाद – (क) देवसेना का गीत (ख) कार्नेलिया का गीत

रामचंद्र शुक्ल – प्रेमघन की छायास्मृति

विष्णु खरे – (क) एक कम (ख) सत्य

पंडित चंद्रधर शर्मा गुलेरी -सुमिरिनी के मनके

रघुवीर सहाय – (क) वसंत आया (ख) तोड़ो

फणीश्वर नाथ ‘रेणु’ – संवदिया

अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम

अनुपूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक – अंतराल भाग – 2

विभिन्न माध्यमों के लिए लेखन

प्रेमचंद – सूरदास की झांपड़ी

कैसे बनती है कविता

संजीव – आरोहण 

हिंदी (ऐच्छिक) कक्षा -12 वीं (2023-24) परीक्षा भार विभाजन वस्तुपूरक परीक्षा सत्र 2





कार्यालयी हिंदी और रचनात्मक लेखन




दिए गए तीन नए और अप्रत्याशित विषयों में से किसी एक विषय पर लगभग 50 शब्दों में रचनात्मक लेखन (5 अंक x 1 प्रश्न)



औपचारिक विषय से संबंधित लगभग 20 शब्दों में पत्र लेखन। (5 अंक x 1 प्रश्न) (विकल्प सहित)



कहानी/नाटक की रचना प्रक्रिया पर आधारित दो (लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न) (3 अंक x 1 प्रश्न) + (2 अंक x 1 प्रश्न) (विकल्प सहित)



समाचार लेखन /फीचर लेखन/आलेख लेखन पर आधारित दो आधारित लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न (3 अंक x 1 प्रश्न) + (2 अंक x 1 प्रश्न) (विकल्प सहित)



पाठ्यपुस्तक अंतरा भाग – 2




काव्य खंड पर आधारित तीन प्रश्नों में से किन्हीं दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर (लगभग 50-60 शब्दों में) (3×2)



काव्य खंड पर आधारित दो प्रश्नों में से किसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर (लगअग 30-40 शब्दों में) (2×1)



गद्य खंड पर आधारित तीन प्रश्नों में से किन्हीं दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर (लगभग 50-60 शब्दों में) (3×2)



गद्य खंड पर आधारित दो प्रश्नों में से किसी एक प्रश्न का उत्तर (लगअग 30-40 शब्दों में) (2×1)



अनुपूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक अंतराल भाग -2 से बहुविकल्पात्मक प्रश्न




पठित पाठों पर आधारित तीन में से किसी दो प्रश्नों का उत्तर (लगअग 30-40 शब्दों में) (2×2)



आंतरिक मूल्यांकन 




परियोजना कार्य


कुल अंक


सत्र-2 2023-24 में निम्नलिखित पाठ सम्मिलित किए गए हैं –

पाठ्यपुस्तक – अंतरा भाग – 2

काव्य खंड

गदय खंड

तुलसीदास – (क) भारत -राम का प्रेम (ख) पद

असगर वजाहत – शेर, पहचान, चार हाथ, साझा

मलिक मुहम्मद जायसी – बारहमासा

निर्मल वर्मा – जहाँ कोई वापसी नहीं

विद्यापति – पद

ममता कालिया – दूसरा देवदास

अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम

अनुपूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक – अंतराल भाग – 2

कैसे लिखें कहानी

विश्वनाथ त्रिपाठी – बिस्कोहर की माटी

पत्रकारीय लेखन के विभिन्‍न रूप और लेखन प्रक्रिया

प्रभाष जोशी – अपना मालवा – खाऊ – उजाड़्‌ सभ्यता में

विशेष लेखन – स्वरुप और प्रकार

नए और अप्रत्याशित विषयों पर लेखन

नाटक लिखने का व्याकरण

प्रस्तावित पुस्तकें:

1. अंतरा, भाग-2, एन.सी.ई.आर.टी., नई दिल्ली दवारा प्रकाशित नवीनतम संस्करण

2. अंतराल, भाग-2, (विविध विधाओं का संकलन), एन.सी.ई.आर.टी., नई दिल्ली दवारा प्रकाशित नवीनतम संस्करण

3. ‘अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम’, एन.सी.ई.आर.टी., नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित नवीनतम संस्करण

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Are there any benefits associated with referring to the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus?

It is quite important for students to have an overview of the Class 12 Hindi subject. The students must note that the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus contains all the necessary information regarding this subject. The syllabus provides an overview of the course structure. The CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus serves as a guide for both students and teachers. The CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus also contains information on the assignments and projects that are going to be required during the academic year. According to the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus, students are provided with information regarding the topics and subtopics covered in Hindi for that particular academic year. As a result of studying the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus, students feel more confident when preparing for the final examination.

2. How can a student obtain the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus for the upcoming academic year?

Students may also access the Extramarks website in order to see in-depth analyses of each unit in PDF format, as well as guidelines regarding marks distribution and time duration for the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus for the academic year (2023-24). Furthermore, students may also take advantage of Extramarks’ special features, which include studying through animated videos, live sessions, worksheets, homework, tests, and curriculum-mapped learning journeys. In addition, the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus is available for download so that students can access it both online and offline. If students wish to succeed in the Class 12 Hindi examination, they should refer to the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus and plan their timetable accordingly in order to cover all the important concepts in a timely manner.

3. How should one prepare for the Hindi Core Examination for Class 12?

A proper study schedule should be adhered to by the students in order to ensure that all chapters receive equal attention. It is recommended that students prepare according to the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus in order to feel confident when writing the exam. It is recommended that students become familiar with the final exam paper pattern, marking scheme, important questions, and so on. Furthermore, it is essential for students to practice past years’ papers and sample papers regularly. Candidates should review all the important terms, concepts, and questions prior to the final examination.

4. What type of questions are asked in the Hindi Elective paper of Class 12 CBSE?

The CBSE Hindi Elective papers for Class 12 contain multiple choice questions (MCQs), short answer type questions, and long answer type questions. A detailed overview of the questions has been provided in the syllabus, as well as information regarding the paper pattern. For access to the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus, the students can download the syllabus available on the Extramarks’ website and mobile application. By practicing extra questions, the students are able to improve their writing speed and accuracy in answering the questions of the Hindi exam.

5. Can NCERT Hindi elective textbooks be used for the CBSE Class 12 board exams?

Yes, NCERT textbooks are sufficient for the Class 12 board examinations. Since CBSE follows NCERT as a reference and does not ask questions outside the CBSE Class 12 Hindi Elective Syllabus. The National Council for Educational Research and Training provides two textbooks for the Hindi elective class in Class 12, Vitan and Antra and many more.