Heat Capacity Formula

Heat Capacity Formula

A type of energy called heat travels from objects with higher temperatures to those with lower temperatures. For instance, it will feel hot if one touches a hot mug of coffee because the mug transfers its energy (heat) into the body. The heat energy from our bodies transfers to a glass of cold water when we touch it, making the glass feel cold. A broad property is heat capacity. It is important to use the Heat Capacity Formula to measure it. The specific heat capacity, which can be calculated by dividing an object’s heat capacity by its mass, is the corresponding intensive property. The molar heat capacity is obtained by dividing the heat capacity by the molecular weight of the substance. 

Heat capacity

Even objects with separate parts made of different materials, like an electric motor, a crucible with some metal, or an entire structure, can have well-defined heat capacities. The (isobaric) heat capacity of such objects is frequently calculated by merely adding the (isobaric) heat capacities of the component parts.

This calculation, however, is only accurate if the object’s entire surface is under the same external pressure both before and after the measurement. In some situations, that might not be feasible. For instance, even if the atmospheric pressure outside the container remains constant, heating a quantity of gas in an elastic container will result in an increase in both its volume and pressure.

Understanding Heat

According to thermodynamics, heat is a type of energy that crosses a thermodynamic system’s boundary due to a temperature difference across the boundary. Heat does not exist in a thermodynamic system. But the phrase is also frequently used to refer to the thermal energy that makes up a system’s internal energy and is reflected in the system’s temperature. Heat is a type of energy in both senses of the word. 

Defining Heat Capacity

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that heat will flow from a hotter system to a cooler system when two systems with different temperatures interact through a purely thermal connection. These systems are at thermal equilibrium if their temperatures are equal. However, the systems must have positive heat capacities in order for this equilibrium to be stable. For such systems, when heat moves from a system with a higher temperature to one with a lower temperature, the temperature of the former falls and the latter rises, bringing both systems closer to equilibrium. 

Heat Capacity Formula

Heat is energy that is transferred into or out of a thermodynamic system via a mechanism involving either the corresponding macroscopic properties or microscopic atomic modes of motion. The transfer of energy through thermodynamic work or mass transfer is not included in this descriptive description. The internal energy difference between a system’s final and initial states, less the work that was done during the process, is how heat is quantitatively defined as being involved in a process. The first law of thermodynamics is stated in this manner.

Derivation of the Heat Capacity Formula

Students are advised to learn the derivation of the Heat Capacity Formula. Each step involved in deriving the Heat Capacity Formula is crucial. The derivation of the Heat Capacity Formula is essential for understanding the heat capacity topic. 

Solved Example

Practising questions from time to time is important for students to understand the topics in detail. All the examples based on the Heat Capacity Formula need to be consistently practised. The Heat Capacity Formula is helpful in practising numerical problems. The topics covered in a chapter must be the sole focus of students. The best approaches to problem-solving must be learned. By using the Extramarks website and mobile application, students will learn the best techniques for answering questions based on the Heat Capacity Formula. Students should practice answering all of the crucial Heat Capacity Formula questions. The Heat Capacity Formula should be studied by them. Periodic revision of the Heat Capacity Formula is also essential. The Heat Capacity Formula will be easier for students to remember if they regularly practice the questions. 

Example 1

Example 1 of the chapter needs to be practised by students. If students find it difficult to solve this example, they can take help from the Extramarks learning platform. 

Example 2

Students who are facing challenges in solving example 2 can take help from Extramarks. Each of these examples will assist students to score well in the examination. 

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