Heat Load Formula

Heat Load Formula

Heat Load Formula can be defined as the amount of temperature that can be applied to a space to achieve an acceptable energy range. Alternatively, the heating load is also called the heating load. Similarly, the amount of heat that can be extracted from a space to maintain an acceptable energy range is called the cooling load. A heat source for any system can be defined by two systems. A heat source can be defined as any system or object that radiates heat (thermal energy). Alternatively, it can be defined as a source from which thermal energy is conducted to a heat sink. As mentioned earlier, heat sources can be classified as external or internal. Internal sources can be attributed to inter-particle friction and many other formulas. External heat has the important property that heat is added from any heat source and escapes the room. Students can take the help of the Extramarks website for studying and preparing for Heat Load Formula

Heat Load

A heat load is the amount of heat energy that must be injected into a particular space to keep its temperature within an acceptable range. Thermal stress is equal to the product of mass flow rate, specific heat constant, and temperature change. 

Heat Load Calculation

The heat load of the system is denoted by (Q). A unit Heat Load Formula can be defined as a watt denoted by (w). The Heat Load Formula calculation can be expressed as:

Q = m × Cp × ΔT 

heat load = mass flow × specific heat × temperature change. 

The Heat Load Formula equation coefficients are defined as: Q is defined as the heat load. The unit of the heat load is in kilowatts, and the unit of the Heat Load Formula is expressed in (kW). m can be described as the mass flow rate of the liquid. Mass flow rate can be defined as the mass of fluid flowing through a specific space per unit of time. Alternatively, the mass flow rate can be defined as the liquid flow rate per unit area. The factors that affect it are cross-sectional area, fluid viscosity, fluid velocity, and fluid density. The unit of mass flow rate is expressed in (kg/s). The specific heat of any system is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the unit temperature of the system of units. Alternatively, it is defined as the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of matter by 1 degree Celsius. The unit of specific heat can be defined as J/(kg °C) or equivalently J/(kg K). ΔT is defined as the temperature change of the fluid from point A to point B. Temperature change is usually calculated by subtracting T2 from T1. The unit of temperature is Kelvin or Celsius, expressed as  (K or C).

Examples of Heat Load Calculation

  1. Calculate the heater Heat Load Formula for a mass flow rate of 1.56, Cp of 587, and initial and final temperatures of 23.2 and 35.6 respectively.


we have,

m = 1.56


t1 = 23.2

t2 = 35.6

With the resulting formula,

Q = m × Cp × Δt

= 1.56 (587) (35.6 – 23.2)

= 3.67 (950) (25.7 – 15.6)

= 43232.60W

  1. Calculate the mass flow rate of the heater for a head load of 51265.78 W, Cp of 651, and initial and final temperatures of 23.7 and 30.9 respectively.


we have,

Q = 51265.78

CP = 651

t1 = 23.7

t2 = 30.9

With the resulting formula,

Q = m × Cp × Δt

=> 4687.2 m = 51265.78

=> m = 10.93 kg/s

For more examples on Heat Load Formula refer to Extramarks.


Heat Load Formula is represented by the symbol Q. Its standard unit of measurement is the watt (W). Its dimensional expression is given by [M1L2T-3]. There are two categories: internal heat loads and external loads. The former works in the conditional range, while the latter is based on the heat added to the air after leaving the location.

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