Impulse Formula

Impulse Formula

The Impulse Formula is articulated as J=F×t Where, Force applied is given as F, and the Time interval throughout which the force is applied is given as t. It means that both the force and the time change determine the Impulse Formula magnitude.


Students employ impulse unknowingly when they kick a ball, punch a bag, play sports that involve any kind of ball, and perform other daily activities. So, one may wonder what is impulse and what it has to do with these circumstances.

Students must first explain the idea of momentum in order to talk about impulse. Momentum is a way of measuring power. It also serves as a gauge for how challenging it is to stop an object. Additionally, a stable or immobile item has no or zero momentum. Additionally, a little but fast-moving object has considerable momentum, as does a huge but slow-moving thing.

As an illustration, if two balls—one for bowling and the other for ping-pong—had the same velocity, the bowling ball will have more momentum since it is larger.

Momentum Formula

The impulse-momentum formula is derived from the impulse-momentum theorem, which asserts that an object’s change in momentum is equal to the impulse applied to the object. It becomes increasingly difficult to stop as momentum builds. As a result, more power is required as well as a considerable amount of time to completely halt the body. As force is applied to a body for a predetermined amount of time, the body’s velocity changes, and as a result, its momentum does as well.

Derivation of the Formula

Momentum is a vector that equals the sum of mass and velocity (also a vector). However, one may ask how impulse fits into the picture of momentum. The force’s impulse, which measures how much it alters an object’s momentum when it operates on it for a brief period of time, is the answer.

Impulse Formula

A force’s impulse is the change in momentum it causes, and it is equal to the product of the force’s magnitude and the duration of its action. The force operating on the body is known as the impulsive force or force of impulse.  The Impulse Formula, therefore, occurs when a strong force acts for a brief period of time to cause a finite change in the body’s momentum.

Derivation of the Formula

Due to the fact that the impulse is a measurement of how much the momentum alters as a result of a force acting on it over time. Where I = refers to the impulse

, F = refers to the force of the object and Δt = refers to the change in time


Most notably, the formula connects impulse to a change in the object’s momentum. In addition, impulse has two different units: kilogram meter per second (kg m/s) and Newton times seconds.

Solved Example on Impulse Formula

Students can easily get the solved examples on the Impulse Formula on the Extramarks website. They can also start their practice of Impulse Formula for their exams. In case students have any doubts about the Impulse Formula they can ask it in the live doubt-clearing sessions. 

Extramarks website is the best platform for getting the best practice question on the Impulse Formula. When students start learning the  Impulse Formula it is very easy to understand. Even students can download the offline solved example of  Impulse Formula  Impulse Formula from the Extramarks website.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What exactly is linear momentum?

As the sum of an object’s mass and velocity, momentum is a gauge for the amount of mass in motion. Momentum is a vector quantity.

2. What is the distinction between an impulse and an impulsive force?

A force that affects an object for a brief period is called an impulsive force. An impulsive force, for instance, is primarily created in a collision when one or more objects involved in the collision experience a change in momentum or velocity. On the other hand, an impulse is the result of an impulsive force occurring over a brief period of time; it is the change in momentum of a body caused by a sudden force.

3. What exactly are human impulses?

According to Biology, an electrical signal travels down the axon of a neuron. Neuronal activity or activity in bodily tissues, such as muscles, is stimulated or inhibited by nerve impulses. A general or sudden desire to eat chocolate or listen to music is an impulse.

4. What is the impulse unit?

In addition to being measured in newton seconds,  Impulse Formula can also be expressed in kilogram-meters per second.